Online Training Courses Now Updated to 2017 Codes
The online training catalog on the National Board’s Education Center was recently updated with the release of courses written to the 2017 ASME and NBIC Code Editions. All courses students have previously taken will now be available for re-enrollment by individuals wishing to take an updated version of the course.
It is important to remember courses taken in 2017 to meet the continuing education requirements for renewing a commission and/or endorsement, may not be taken for continuing education credit in 2018. In other words, even though a 2017 Code Edition version of a course is now available and is a different version of a course, if you completed the 2015 Code Edition version of that course in the calendar year 2017, you will not receive continuing education credit for completing that course again in calendar year 2018. At least one year needs to separate the completion of the course versions; therefore, individuals must select a different course from the credential category to meet the requirement to renew for 2019.
Students can find the list of all their completed online courses under the Education Center menu’s MY TRAINING link, as well as under the REPORTS link. The most recent completions appear at the top of the list to easily reference what was completed in 2017. Remember, only one course per credential category needs to be completed by December 31 to renew!