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2015 First Quarter Violation Report

Print Date: 7/27/2024 7:13:59 AM

Report of Violation Findings for First Quarter 2015
The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors has released its First Quarter Report of Violation Findings for 2015.
The data captures problem areas and trends related to boiler and pressure vessel operation, installation, maintenance, and repair; and also identifies problems before unsafe conditions occur.
This report serves as an important source of documentation for jurisdictional officials, providing statistical data to support the continued funding of inspection programs.

Overall Totals for Each Type of Pressure Equipment 
Type of Pressure Equipment Total Number of Inspections Total Number of Violations Percent of Violations
High Pressure/High Temperature Boilers (S)(M)(E) 16,019 1,263 8%
Low Pressure Steam Boilers (H)  9,827 2,072 21%
Hot Water Heating/Supply Boilers (H)  65,977  9,244 14%
Pressure Vessels (U)(UM)  48,764 1,723 4%
Potable Water Heaters (HLW)  13,751  1,715 12%
Totals  154,338 16,017 10%

Statistics were derived from the fourth quarter tracking period 01/01/2015 – 3/31/2015.
Number of total jurisdictional reports: 29