Examination Information
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The Inservice Certification training and examination reflects inspection situations related to installation, operation, and maintenance of boilers, pressure vessels, or piping. A candidate for National Board PEI Inservice Certification must attend the National Board Inservice Inspector Commission (IC) Course and receive a passing grade on the examination. The examination consists of 85 questions and is administered on the last day of the class. The schedule for National Board Inservice Inspector (IC) classes is found under
Training/Classroom Training Courses.
NB-331-I, Body of Knowledge for Inservice Inspectors, may serve as a study guide, and provides the inspector candidate with specific areas of knowledge that will be included on the Inservice Certification Examination. See also
NB-461, Candidate Handbook for the Inservice Commission Examination.
The ASME Construction Certification examination reflects inspection situations related to the construction of new boilers, pressure vessels and other pressure equipment. A candidate for National Board PEI ASME Construction Certification must attend the National Board Authorized Inspector Commission (AI) Course and receive a passing grade on the examination. The examination consists of 85 questions and is administered on the last day of the class. The schedule for National Board AI classes is found under
Training/Classroom Training Courses.
NB-331-NC, Body of Knowledge for Authorized Inspectors, may serve as a study guide, and provides the inspector candidate with specific areas of knowledge that will be included on the Authorized Inspector Commission Examination. See also
NB-424, Candidate Handbook for the Authorized Inspector Examination.
The Repair Inspector Certification training and examination reflects inspection situations related to repair and alterations of boilers, pressure vessels, or piping. A candidate for National Board PEI Repair Certification must attend the National Board Repair Inspector (R) Course and receive a passing grade on the examination. The examination consists of 50 questions and is administered on the last day of the class. The schedule for the National Board Repair Inspector (R) classes is found under the
Training/Classroom Training Courses.
NB-464, Body of Knowledge for Repair Inspectors, may serve as a study guide, and provides the inspector candidate with specific areas of knowledge that will be included on the Repair Inspector Certification Examination. See also
NB-465, Candidate Handbook for the Repair Inspector.