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NB-370, National Board Synopsis

NB-370, National Board Synopsis of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws, Rules and Regulations is a compilation of jurisdiction laws, rules, and regulations as reported to the National Board by jurisdictional authorities. It features the requirements, contact information, and regulatory history for each jurisdiction.

Synopsis data is subject to change. Users are advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspection officer to avoid misinterpretation and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. The National Board, its members, and employees assume no liability for the use or misuse of the information herein.

Questions and comments regarding the Synopsis should be referred to:

National Board Communications Department
1055 Crupper Avenue, Columbus, OH 43229
Telephone: 614.888.8320

To view and/or print all the jurisdictions from a single page, click HERE.

Click on the drop down menu below to view a specific jurisdiction.



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Alabama Department of Labor
Fitzgerald Washington, Secretary
Edward F. Wiggins, Jr., Chief Elevator/Boiler Inspector
Alabama Department of Labor
649 Monroe Street
Montgomery, AL 36131
Telephone — 334.956.7412
Email —
Fax ­— 334.956.7405
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date rules and regulations implemented: February 2004.
State statute: Alabama State Statutes, Title 25. Labor, Chapter 12. The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act, Sections 25.12.1 through 25.12.22.
  1.  ASME Code (2017 Edition)
  2.  National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition).
  3.  API-510 (2015 Edition).
  4.  ASME Code B31.1, boiler pressure piping and piping systems.
  5.  ANSI/ASME CSD-1 (2015 Edition).
  6.  NFPA-85.
  7.  ASME PVHO-1 (2007 Edition).
All boilers and pressure vessels except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal control or under regulations of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 192 and 193.
  2. Pressure vessels used for transportation and storage of compressed liquefied gases when constructed in compliance with specifications of the US Department of Transportation, and when charged with gas or liquid, marked, maintained, and periodically requalified for use, as required by regulations of the US Department of Transportation.
  3. Pressure vessels located on vehicles operating under the rules of other state or federal authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight.
  4. Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  5. Pressure vessels that do not exceed any of the following weights and measures:
    1. 5 cubic feet in volume and 250 psig pressure;
    2. 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume and 600 psig pressure;
    3. An inside diameter of 6 inches with no limitation on pressure.
  6. Pressure vessels having an internal or external working pressure not exceeding 15 psig, with no limit on size.
  7. Pressure vessels with a nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons or less containing water under pressure, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion.
  8. Pressure vessels containing water heated by steam or any other indirect means or hot-water supply boilers, equipped with ASME- or National Board-approved safety relief valves which are directly fired with oil, gas, or electricity when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. A water temperature of 210°F;
    3. A nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
    4. A nominal water containing capacity of 5 gallons if located in buildings owned by or under the control of the state, county, municipality, separate school district or other public entity.
  9. Pressure vessels or other structures or components not considered to be within scope of ASME Code, Section VIII.
  10. Pressure vessels in the care, custody, and control of research facilities used solely for research purposes which require one or more details of noncode construction or which involve destruction or reduced life expectancy of those vessels.
  11. Boilers and pressure vessels operated and maintained for the production and generation of electricity, provided they are insured and regularly inspected by an inspector who has been issued a Certificate of Competency by the Secretary of Labor.
  12. Boilers and pressure vessels operated and maintained as part of a manufacturing process, provided the vessels are insured.
  13. Boilers or pressure vessels subject to OSHA standards of compliance.
  14. Boilers and pressure vessels operated and maintained by a public utility, including but not limited to boilers and pressure vessels operated and maintained for the production of electricity.
  15. Autoclaves used only for the sterilization of reusable medical or dental implements in the place of business of any professional licensed by the laws of this state.
  16. Boilers and pressure vessels located on farms and used solely for agricultural or horticultural purposes.
  17. Heating boilers or pressure vessels located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six family units.
  18. Any pressure vessel used as an external part of an electrical circuit breaker or transformer.
  19. Pressure vessels on remote oil- or gas-producing lease locations that have fewer than ten buildings intended for human occupancy per 0.25 square mile, and where the closest building is at least 220 yards from any vessel.
  20. Pressure vessels used for storage of liquid propane gas under the jurisdiction of the state fire marshal, except for pressure vessels used for storage of liquefied petroleum gas, 2,000 gallons or above, which have been modified or altered.
  21. Air storage tanks not exceeding 16 cubic feet, 120 gallons in size, and under 250 psig pressure.
  22. Any and all pressure vessels associated with oil, natural gas, related by-products, feedstock, and product manufacturing operations.
  1.  Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers: one annual internal and external inspection.
  2.  Low-pressure steam or vapor-heating boilers: one biennial inspection with an internal inspection every four years.
  3.  Hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers: one biennial inspection with an internal inspection at the discretion of the inspector. 
  4. Potable Water Heaters with a nominal water containing capacity of 5 gallons if located in buildings owned by or under the control of the state, county, municipality, separate school district or other public entity.
  5.  Pressure vessels: one biennial inspection with an internal inspection at the discretion of the inspector. 
Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months for power boilers, 24 months for low-pressure steam heating, hot-water heating, and hot-water supply boilers, and 24 months for pressure vessels, is issued by the  Secretary of Labor upon payment of a fee as listed below:
  1. Power boilers and high-temperature water boilers:
    1. 50 square feet or less heating surface - $60.00
    2. Over 50 square feet but less than 2,000 square feet heating surface - $90.00
    3. 2,000 square feet or more - $120.00
  2. Heating boilers:
    1. With manhole - $90.00
    2. Without manhole - $60.00
  3. Pressure Vessels (Fees are based on the maximum length of the vessel times the maximum width or diameter thereof in feet.)
    1. Each pressure vessel subject to inspection having a product, as determined above, of 50 square feet or less - $60.00
    2. For each additional 100 square feet, or portions thereof, of area in excess of 50 square feet - $10.00
  4. Inspection fees will be charged for any trip made by the inspector for the purpose of a certificate inspection, permit inspection, follow-up inspection, insurance cancellation inspection, internal, and/or external inspection.
  5. Installation permit fee:
    1. All pressure vessels - $50.00
    2. All boilers - $50.00
    3. All Alabama State Specials - $75.00
  6. Certificate of Inspection fees:
    1. Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature boilers - $50.00 annually
    2. Low-pressure steam or vapor-heating boilers - $50.00 biennially
    3. Hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers - $50.00 biennially
    4. Potable Water Heaters located in in buildings owned by or under the control of the state, county, municipality, separate school district or other public entity - $20.00 biennually
    5. Pressure vessels - $20.00 biennually
  7. The owner, user, agent, or installer is responsible for ensuring equipment is accessible and prepared for inspection and necessary personnel are available as required. Failure to meet any of the above requirements will result in cancellation of the inspection and a fee of $100.
  8. Inspection fees or operating certificate fees must be paid in order to validate operating certificates. Fees not paid within sixty (60) calendar days of completion of inspection shall cause the suspension of the operating certificate until such time as all outstanding fees are paid. When an operating certificate is suspended for lack of payment, the deputy inspector shall re-inspect the boilers, hot-water heaters, or pressure vessels suspended from operation, and the inspection fee will be charged and collected prior to reinstating the operating certificate.
  9. Special inspection fee, for the purposes of any inspection performed by the State other than a regularly scheduled inspection, excluding inspections encompassed under the provisions of paragraph (4) above - $100.00
  10. If the Boiler or Pressure Vessel is locked out for any reason then, a fee of $100.00 will be assessed to remove the lock from the Boiler or Pressure Vessel once the violation has been corrected and verified by a Deputy Inspector. If the lock is cut by unauthorized personnel for any reason, a fee of $500.00 will be assessed to re-lock the Boiler or Pressure Vessel. (Only a Deputy Inspector employed by the State of Alabama may lock or unlock a Boiler or Pressure Vessel under the direction of the Chief Inspector.)




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Dr. Tamika Ledbetter, Commissioner
Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Mechanical Inspection Section
1251 Muldoon Road, Suite 113
Anchorage, AK 99504
Telephone —907.269.4925
Fax — 907.269.4932
Department of Labor and Workforce Development empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: December 1999.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1955.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: August 2018.
State statute: Alaska Statutes Title 18, Chapter 60 Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels 18.60.180
  1.  ASME Code (2013 Edition), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, and X; code cases and case interpretations on a case-by-case basis
  2. Canadian registration-numbered vessels designed and constructed in conformance with ASME Code, but not bearing the ASME symbol, will be approved for use upon receipt of the Manufacturer’s Data Report. Manufacturers must file a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report with the department on ASME forms before installation.
  3. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition).
  4. National Board registration is required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  5. National Board VR Certificate is required for valve repair and resealing.
  6. Special design or construction requires application in writing for approval of the chief boiler and pressure vessel inspector.
  7. A tracer number is required whenever a boiler or pressure vessel requiring state certification is altered or welding is performed, in addition to the required National Board certification. The Department charges a $100 tracer tracking fee.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1.  National Board: R, VR.
  2.  ASME Code: All.
All boilers and unfired pressure vessels, except the following:
  1.  Boilers and unfired pressure vessels under federal regulation.
  2.  Unfired pressure vessels meeting the requirements of the US Department of Transportation for shipment of liquids and gases under pressure.
  3. Air tanks located on vehicles operating under the regulations of other state authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight.
  4. Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels having a volume of 5 cubic feet or less, or having an inside diameter not exceeding 6 inches.
  6. Unfired pressure vessels designed for a pressure not exceeding 15 psi when not located in places of public assembly.
  7. Manually-fired miniature boilers for locomotive, boat, tractor, or stationary engines constructed or maintained as a hobby for exhibition use, having a volume less than 5 cubic feet and grate area less than 2 square feet, and equipped with an ASME Code-stamped safety valve of adequate capacity and size, a water level indicator, and pressure gage.
  8. Antique manually-fired boilers of locomotive, boat, tractor, or stationary engines constructed and maintained as a hobby and equipped with an ASME Code-stamped safety valve of adequate capacity and size, provided such boilers may not be used for exhibition purposes without a special operating permit issued by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
  9. Automatic utility hot-water heaters that are used for space heating using the potable system, if the hot-water heater:
    1. Is equipped with a safety relief valve and operational controls required by the latest boiler construction code published by ASME;
    2. Contains only water;
    3. Does not exceed 120 gallons in capacity, a water temperature of 210°F, a pressure of 150 psig, or heat input of 200,000 BTU an hour;
    4. Contains a tempering valve that will regulate the outlet domestic water temperature at not more than 140°F.
  1. Boilers and unfired pressure vessels located on farms and used solely for agricultural purposes.
  2. Steam and hot-water heating boilers, used exclusively for heating purposes, which are located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six families.
  3. Unfired pressure vessels containing only cold water under pressure for domestic supply purposes, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion, or airlift pumping system.
  4. Unfired pressure vessels containing liquefied petroleum gas.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels operating entirely full of water, and hot-water supply boilers or domestic water heaters, if none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. Heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. Water temperature of 210°F;
    3. Maximum water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
  6. Coil-type boilers, unless the water-containing capacity is 6 gallons or greater, the water temperature exceeds 350°F, steam is generated in the coil, or the diameter of the tubing is greater than 3/4 inch.
Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
  1.  Power boilers and high-pressure or high-temperature water boilers shall be given a certificate inspection annually. The inspector may conduct an external inspection while the boiler is under pressure or an internal inspection is warranted.
  2. Low-pressure steam or vapor heating boilers must be given a certificate inspection every two years with an internal inspection every four years if construction permits such an inspection.
  3. Hot-water heating, hot-water supply, and coil-heating boilers must be given a Certificate of Inspection every two years with an internal inspection at the discretion of the inspector.
  4. Each unfired pressure vessel shall be inspected internally and externally at intervals set by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Reports of inspections must be filed with the department on department forms within 15 days after inspection.
  3. The department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  4. The department must be notified of new business (within 30 days) and discontinuance of insurance (within 20 days).
  5. The department shall charge a company or special inspector a fee of $10 for filing a report if the company or special inspector does not file the report by entering the report directly into the department's electronic inspection report system.
A Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months for power boilers, 24 months for low-pressure heating boilers, and one to five years for unfired pressure vessels, is issued by the department upon payment of a fee as listed below.
  1. The owner/user of a boiler or pressure vessel which is inspected by a special inspector, chief inspector, or deputy inspector shall pay the department the following fees:
    1. Internal high-pressure boilers:
      1. Up to 250 square feet heating surface - $90.00
      2. Over 250 square feet heating surface - $100.00
      3. 750 square feet or more heating surface - $130.00
    2. External high-pressure boilers:
      1. Up to 250 square feet heating surface - $85.00
      2. Over 250 square feet heating surface - $85.00
      3. 750 square feet or more heating surface - $100.00
    3. Internal low-pressure boilers:
      1. Up to 500 square feet heating surface - $80.00
      2. Over 500 square feet heating surface - $105.00
    4. External low-pressure boilers:
      1. Up to 500 square feet heating surface - $65.00
      2. Over 500 square feet heating surface - $75.00
    5. Cast-iron and miniature boilers - $65.00
    6. Hot-water supply boilers - $55.00
    7. Unfired pressure vessels - $65.00
  2. Shop or special inspections, per hour - $150.00
  3. Certificate fees for all boilers and pressure vessels - $60.00
  1. A Special Inspector Commission may be issued to insurance inspectors or owner/user inspectors holding a Certificate of Competency or a commission issued by a state that has adopted the ASME Code, upon application to the department together with a photostatic copy of said Certificate of Competency and commission.
  2. An individual commissioned as a special inspector shall pay a fee of $50 and obtain an identification card issued by the department. The identification card, issued for a one-year period, must be carried at all times when performing inspections within the state.
  3. All boilers and pressure vessels shall be stamped with (or have applied with permanent paint marker) an Alaska registration number.
  4. State law does not require operators to be licensed.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Djordje Srnic, Administrator and Chief Inspector
Alberta Boilers Safety Association (ABSA)
with Authority for Administration Designated by the Province of Alberta
9410 20th Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6N 0A4
Telephone — 780.437.9100
Email —
Fax — 780.437.7787
The Government of the Province of Alberta is empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law:  2021.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1898.
Date of latest rules and regulations: 2020.
Provincial statute: Safety Codes Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta—2000, Chapter S-1.
Construction (Codes and standards are adopted under the Pressure Equipment Safety Regulation which provides for automatic adoption of amended or replaced codes and standards.  Users are advised to contact ABSA for the latest changes):
  1. CSA B51 Boiler, pressure vessel and pressure piping code, CSA B52 Mechanical refrigeration code, CSA Z662 Oil adn Gas Pipeline Systems.
  2. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, including special conditions for the use of Section VIII, Division 2. (The Administrator has issued clarification for the use of Section VIII, Division 2.
  3. Code cases and interpretations are not automatically accepted. Code rule changes adopted upon publication.
  4. ASME CSD-1 — Part CW only (through reference in CSA B51).
  5. ASME piping codes:  B31.1 Power Piping, B31.3, Process Piping, B31.5 Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components, B31.9 Building Services Piping. 
  6. Manufacturers must submit a copy of the ASME Data Report form, or a data report in a form acceptable to the Chief Inspector and Administrator for each boiler or vessel. Boilers and pressure vessels manufactured outside Canada also must be registered with the National Board.
  7. Manufacturers must submit (in duplicate) designs of boilers, pressure vessels, pressure piping, and fittings for survey and registration before fabrication.
  8. Shop inspections outside Canada must be carried out by the holder of a National Board Commission. In Canada, an inspector must be approved by the chief inspector of the province where he/she is employed.
  9. Special design or construction requires approval by the Chief Inspector and Administrator.
  10. Liquefied petroleum gas containers must comply with ASME Code and National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA 58.
  11. Anhydrous ammonia vessels must comply with ASME Code and ANSI/CGA G-2.1-2014, Safety Requirements for the Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia and CSA B51.
  12. ISO-16528, Part 1, 1st Edition 2007 for construction not addressed in the other adopted codes and standards provided the same engineering philosophy, safety margins and administrative requirements in CSA B51 are followed.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R (accepted).
  2. ASME Code: for all boilers and pressure vessels manufactured outside Canada, and for all Section VIII Divisions 2 and 3 pressure vessels.
Boilers and pressure vessels must be stamped with the Canadian Registration Number (CRN) in accordance with CSA B51 Boiler, pressure vessel and pressure piping code.
All boilers, boiler external piping, pressure vessels, and fittings.
Exemptions for lower-hazard equipment are listed in the Pressure Equipment Exemption Order and Pressure Equipment Safety Regulation.
Inspection intervals shall be established in accordance with ABSA document AB-506, Inspection & Servicing Requirements for In-Service Pressure Equipment.  Inspection intervals for equipment in public occupancy facilitiesl:
  1. Power boilers: Annual inspection.
  2. Heating boiler Biennial Inspection.
  3. Pressure vessels over 15 psi: Every two to five years, depending on service.
Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies are not accepted in lieu of inspections made by ABSA inspectors.
Certificate of Inspection Permits are issued by safety codes officers employed by ABSA.
  1. Annual registration fees for power boilers, depending upon heating surface, vary from $200.00 CAD to $276.00 CAD.
  2. Annual registration fees for heating boilers, depending upon heating surface, vary from $70.00 CAD to $139.50 CAD.
  3. Annual registration fees for pressure vessels other than shell-and-tube heat exchangers, depending on volume, vary from $46.50 CAD to $61.00 CAD.
  4. Annual registration fees for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, depending on heating surface, vary from $46.50 CAD to $61.00 CAD.
  5. For fees covering design registration, shop inspections and special inspections and the annual registration fees, refer to the Fee Schedule for Delegated Functions on the ABSA Web site.
  1. The Chief Inspector and Administrator will issue a Certificate of Competency (Grade B, Grade C, Machine Welding Operator or Tack Welder) to qualified welders who successfully meet the requirements and pass a satisfactory examination.
  2. Notification in conformance with regulations is required when selling, installing, or performing repairs to boilers and pressure vessels.
  3. Operators of boilers over 20 kW are required to be certified.
  4. All elliptical manway openings must be at least 12 inches by 16 inches and circular manways must be at least 16 inches in diameter (inside dimensions).




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

City of Albuquerque Planning Department
Building and Safety Division
600 Second Street, N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Telephone — 505.924.3320
Email —
City of Albuquerque Code Review Committee empowered to make, alter, amend, and interpret rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: September 2022.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1956.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: September 2022.
City ordinance: Albuquerque Code of Ordinances, Article II. Construction Codes, Chapter 10. Building and Building Regulations, Chapter 3. Permits and Inspections, Boiler Inspections.
  1. ASME Code (2015), Sections I and IV.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2015).
  3. National Board Inspection Code (2015)

All commercial boilers, except sectional boilers, exceeding 200,000 BTU input must be ASME constructed and National Board registered. Sectional boilers shall be ASME constructed but are not required to be issued a National Board number. All commercial boilers less than 200,000 BTU input must be listed and approved.

All commercial boilers, and potable water heaters in excess of 200,000 BTU input, shall be installed, inspected and repaired per the currently adopted National Board Inspection Code.

Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, S, U, UM, UV, V.
All boilers, except those under the jurisdiction of the federal government, state government, and utilities.
Same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING, except hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers located in residential occupancies of five or fewer family units, and Group M (mercantile) occupancies.
(a) The following equipment shall be inspected internally annually, (12 months) on both the waterside and fireside. An external inspection shall be made six (6) months thereafter:
  1. High Pressure Boilers
  2. High Pressure Steam Generators
  3. High Temperature Water Boilers
(b) The following equipment shall be inspected externally every 24 months. (Internally when conditions dictate and where construction permits.)
  1. Low pressure Steam Boilers
  2. Hot water heating boilers
  3. Hot water supply boilers
Reports of all inspections must be filed with the department within 30 days.
(a) If upon inspection, a boiler is found to comply with the rules and regulations, a Certificate of Inspection shall be issued. The Certificate of Inspection shall state the date of inspection, expiration date and maximum allowable working pressure. Certificate of Inspection shall be posted on the boiler or in the boiler room in a conspicuous place.

(b) The Building Official may at any time revoke a Certificate of Inspection when, in his opinion the boiler for which it was issued cannot be operated without menace to the public safety, or when the boiler is found not to comply with the rules and regulations. See 2012 UMC 024.0
  1. High Pressure Boilers:
    1. Internal Inspections - $40.00
    2. External Inspections - $20.00
  2. Low Pressure Boilers: External Inspection - $15.00
  3. Certificate Issuance, all boilers - $15.00
All other inspections, including shop inspections, special inspections and inspections of secondhand or used boilers or pressure vessels. (minimum charge two-hours) $47.00 per hour
  1. A permit is required to install or repair boilers.
  2. The City of Albuquerque must follow and adopt the rules and regulations of the State of New Mexico.



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Arnel Buquis, Chief Boiler Inspector
Industrial Commission of Arizona
Department of Safety and Health
Boiler & Elevator Safety Sections
P.O. Box 19070
Phoenix, AZ 85005-9070
Telephone — 602.542.1648
Fax — 602.542.1614
Email —
Website —
Express mail only:
800 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2934
Industrial Commission of Arizona empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes, as advisory only. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: August 2017.
Date of passage of rules and regulations: 1977.
Date of latest rules and regulations: August 2009.
State statute: Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 23. Labor, Article 11. Arizona Boiler Act, Sections 471 through 488.
  1. ASME Code (2007 Edition, 2007 Addendum), Sections I, II, IV, V, Vlll (Div, 1,2 & 3), lX, B31.1 with interpretations and code cases accepted on a case-by-case basis. 2017, ASME Code, Section I, Part PA not permitted.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2006 Edition, 2006 Addendum, current edition accepted).
  3. Manufacturer’s Data Reports shall be kept at the location of the boiler and be available for review upon request from an authorized inspector.
  4. National Board Inspection Code (2019).
  5. Lined hot-water heaters:
       ANSI Standard (Z21.10.3), gas-fired heaters.
  6. National Board registration required for all boilers, lined hot water heaters and pressure vessels.
  7. Blowdown & Blowoff Systems must meet the provisions of National Board Rules and Recommendations for the Design and Construction of Boiler Blowoff Systems (1991 or latest edition).
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamp and designators are required:
  1. National Board: NB, R, VR.
  2. ASME: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, PP, S, U, UM, UV, UD, U2, U3, UV3,V.
All boilers, lined hot water heaters and direct fired jacketed steam kettles shall be tagged with an Arizona serial number preceded by the letters “AZ”.
All boilers, lined hot water heaters and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers, lined hot water heaters and pressure vessels regulated by the US government.
  2. Boilers, lined hot water heaters and pressure vessels located in private residences, or apartment complexes less than six units.
  3. Boilers, lined hot water heaters and pressure vessels operated on Indian reservations.
  1. Power and high temperature water boilers:
    1. An annual internal certificate inspection and an external inspection while under operating conditions;
    2. An internal inspection if the inspector determines from an external inspection that there is danger to public or worker safety.
    3. A triennial (36-month) internal inspection and annual external inspection when fully attended by qualified attendants per Arizona Boiler Rule, R20-5-408(C).
  2. Direct fired jacketed steam kettles: inspection every two years.
  3. Heating or process boilers, not exceeding 15 psi (steam or vapor):
    1. A certificate inspection every two years;
    2. An internal inspection where construction permits.
  4. Hot-water heating, and supply boilers and lined (potable) hot-water heaters operating at pressures not exceeding 160 psi and temperatures not exceeding 250°F: An initial certificate inspection at time of installation with no further inspections required (may be an external inspection).
  5. Lined (potable) hot-water heaters are exempted when none of the following limitations are exceeded:
    1. Heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. Water temperature of 210°F;
    3. Nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
The Certificate of Inspection may be made 30 days prior to the certificate due date, but in all cases shall not be more than 30 days after such date.
  1. National Board accredited companies are required to inspect to the Arizona Boiler Rules (Title 20, Chapter 5, Article 4); ASME Codes I, II, IV, V, Vlll (Div, 1, 2, 3), lX, B31.1 and requirements of the National Board Inspection Code.
  2. Inspections made by third party inspectors and employed by National Board or ASME accredited companies and issued a special inspection certificate by the chief boiler inspector are accepted per A.R.S. 23-485
  3. Reports of certificate inspections must be filed with the division on forms per Arizona Administrative Code, Title 20, Chapter 5, R20-5-407(D) within 60 days after inspection.
  4. Reports of external inspections are required.
  5. Written, canceled, not renewed or suspended because of unsafe conditions: All insurance companies shall notify the division, on National Board forms, within 30 days of all boiler risks.
  6. All insurance companies shall immediately notify the division of any unsafe boiler which they refuse to insure, and submit a report of defects.
Certificate of Inspection is issued by the division upon receipt of an inspection report showing no requirements.
  1. Repairs and alterations shall conform to the applicable provisions of the National Board Inspection Code.
  2. A Certificate as Special Inspector and an identification card are issued to inspectors holding a National Board Commission, without charge, upon application to the division together with a photostatic copy of said National Commission. An interview with the chief boiler inspector for all "IS" Commissioned inspectors employed by an NB-369 accredted company is required prior to issuance of the Certificate as Special Inspector and identification card. A Certificate as Special Inspector will expire anually March 31st each year.
  3. The National Board Inservice Commission examination "On Demand" will be administered through Applied Measurement Professionals (AMP) with a computer-based examination. See, "Commissioned Inspectors, Examination Information".
  4. Qualified attendant required for operation of power boilers.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Bruce Broadaway, Chief Inspector
Arkansas Department of Labor & Licensing
Boiler Inspection Division
900 W. Capitol Ave, Suite 400
Little Rock, AR 72201
Telephone — 501.682.4553
Fax — 501.682.4562
Email —
Date of latest amendment to law: January 1, 2017.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1961.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: January 1, 2017
State statute: Arkansas Code 20-23-101et seq.; and 5-64-1301 through 1303.
  1. ASME Code (2004 Edition, 2004 Addendum), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X, XI, and code cases.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (1998 Edition, 1999 Addendum).
  3. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  4. National Board Inspection Code (2004 Edition).
  5. Manufacturer’s Data Report on ASME forms must be filed with the department before installation.
  6. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  7. Boilers and unfired pressure vessels must be shop-inspected and stamped “NB” by an inspector holding a National Board Commission.
  8. Special design or construction requires approval of the chief inspector.
  9. Anhydrous ammonia vessels have separate rules and regulations. They must be constructed in accordance with ASME Code and must be shop-inspected and stamped “NB”.
  10. Liquefied petroleum gas containers are covered under a separate law and have separate rules and regulations.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR. Repair and installation firms must be licensed.
  2. ASME Code: all.
 At the time of first inspection, inspectors shall apply a state serial number preceded by the letters “AR” on the vessel.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Air tanks of 12 gallons or less containing 150 psi or less.
  2. Boilers and unfired pressure vessels which are under the inspection regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission.
  3. Boilers and unfired pressure vessels used for domestic purposes in private dwellings and apartment houses of eight or fewer apartments.
  4. Unfired pressure vessels (other than the above):
    1. With a maximum allowable working pressure of 15 psi or less;
    2. Having a volume of 5 cubic feet or less or coil-type steam generators without accumulative drum;
    3. Vessels used in connection with or for the storage of liquefied petroleum gases.
  5. Hot-water heaters under 200,000 BTU per hour, except those heaters located in hospitals, schools, day-care centers, and nursing homes.
  6. Hot-water supply storage tanks which are heated by steam or any other direct or indirect means:
    1. When heat input is less than 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. When water temperature is less than 210°F;
    3. When the vessel has a nominal water-containing capacity of less than 120 gallons.
  7. Pressure vessels which are:
    1. An integral part of components of rotating or reciprocating mechanical devices and hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders where the primary design considerations and stresses are derived from the functional requirements of the device;
    2. An integral part of the structure and have a primary function of transporting fluids from one location to another within a system.
  8. Vessels with a nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons or less for containing water under pressure, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion.
  9. Boilers and unfired pressure vessels used in connection with the production, distribution, storage, or transmission of oil, natural gas, or casinghead gas.
Except: Air storage vessels located in service stations and garages.
Boilers and fired pressure vessels:
  1. One annual internal inspection.
  2. One annual external inspection.
  3. Unfired pressure vessels every two years.
  4. Boilers, gas, and electric water heaters located in schools, nursing homes, day-care centers, and hospitals: Once annually.
  5. Low-pressure steam-heating boilers: One internal inspection every three years.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector, except field inspections of anhydrous ammonia vessels.
  2. Reports of inspection must be filed with the department on National Board forms within 30 days after inspection. Failure to file within 60 days after due date will result in a $100.00 fee plus expenses charged to the insurance company. Permission for an extension of time may be granted by the chief inspector.
  3. The department must be notified by wire of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions, followed by a report on approved forms.
  4. The department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance on approved forms.
  1. Certificate of Inspection, valid for one year, is issued by the department for boilers and fired pressure vessels. The fee is $15.00, payable by the owner or user directly to the department.
  2. Certificate of Inspection, valid for two years, is issued by the department for unfired pressure vessels. The fee is $30.00, payable by the owner or user directly to the department.
  1. New, Boilers – Installation Permit Fees:
    1. Up to 25 hp - $15.00
    2. Over 25 hp to 50 hp, inclusive - $20.00
    3. Over 50 hp to 100 hp, inclusive - $25.00
    4. Over 100 hp to 200 hp, inclusive - $30.00
    5. Over 200 hp to 300 hp, inclusive - $50.00
    6. Over 300 hp to 400 hp, inclusive - $60.00
    7. Over 400 hp to 500 hp, inclusive - $70.00
    8. Over 500 hp - $95.00
  2. New, Unfired Pressure Vessels – Installation Permit Fees:
    1. 500-gallon capacity or less - $15.00
    2. 501-gallon to 1,000-gallon capacity - $20.00
    3. 1,001-gallon to 5,000-gallon capacity - $40.00
    4. 5,001-gallon capacity and more - $50.00
  3. The fee paid for the issuance of a permit for the installation of pressure piping shall be $100.00.
  4. Boilers – Inspection Fees:
    1. Up to 15 hp, inclusive - $10.00
    2. Over 15 hp to 50 hp, inclusive - $13.00
    3. Over 50 hp to 100 hp, inclusive - $18.00
    4. Over 100 hp to 150 hp, inclusive - $20.00
    5. Over 150 hp to 250 hp, inclusive - $23.00  
    6. Over 250 hp to 500 hp, inclusive - $35.00
    7. Over 500 hp - $50.00  
  5. Shop inspection: $440.00 per day; $220.00 per half day; plus expenses, including mileage (not to exceed the rate authorized by the General Assembly), and meals and lodging.
  6. Unfired Pressure Vessels – Inspection Fees:
    1. 150-gallon capacity or less - $9.00
    2. 151-gallon to 500-gallon capacity - $10.00
    3. 501-gallon to 1,000-gallon capacity - $11.00
    4. 1,001-gallon to 2,000-gallon capacity - $12.00
    5. 2,001-gallon to 3,000-gallon capacity - $13.00
    6. 3,001-gallon to 5,000-gallon capacity - $14.00
    7. 5,001-gallon capacity or more - $18.00
  1. The National Board Inspection Code is required by the department.
  2. Certificates of Competency and commissions to inspect are issued to those holding a National Board commission and are employed by an insurance company, owner user organization or the State of Arkansas.
  3. Fee for commission and certificate of competency is $25.00 for initial application (or company change) and $15.00 for renewals.
  4. Certificate of Competency and Commission expires at the end of the fiscal year, June 30.
  5. A license is required to sell, install, or repair boilers and pressure vessels. The annual fee is $75.00.
  6. Operators of boilers rated at 50 hp and above are required to be licensed. Contact the department for information on boiler operator examination and license fees.
  7. For a copy of the Arkansas Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws, Rules and Regulations, contact:

    Arkansas Department of Labor & Licensing
    Boiler Inspection Division
    900 W. Capitol Ave, Suite 400
    Little Rock, AR 72201
    Telephone — 501.682.4500
  8. All welding on code boilers and fired/unfired pressure vessels is to be reported to the chief inspector on R-1 forms or similar forms. Endorsement from boiler division is required.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Rajesh Kamboj, Senior Safety Officer
Technical Safety BC
where Authority for Administration Designated from Province of British Columbia
Suite 600 - 2889 East 12th Ave
Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4T5
Telephone — 866.566.7233
Emai —
Fax — 778.396.2064
The Minister may make regulations regarding codes or standards
Boiler Board: None
Date of latest amendment to law: October 31, 2018
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1896.
Date of latest rules and regulations: July 22, 2019
Provincial statute:  Safety Standards Act and the Power Engineers Boiler Pressure Vessel and Refrigeration Safety Regulation
  1. ASME B31.1 Power Piping - (2014 Edition)
  2. ASME B31.3 Process Piping - (2014 Edition)
  3. ASME B31.5 Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components - (2013 Edition)
  4. ASME BPVC Code (2015 Edition), Sections I, IV, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X and XII
  5. NBIC National Board Inspection Code : (2015 Edition)
  6. API Std 510 Pressure Vessel Inspection Code - (2014 Edition)
  7. API STD 530 Calculation of Heater Tube Thickness - (2105 Edition)
  8. API STD 570 Piping Inspection Code - (2009 Edition)
  9. CSA B51 Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping Code - (2014 Edition)
  10. CSA B52 Mechanical Refrigeration Code - (2013 Edition)
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R , VR
  2. ASME Code: as per adopted codes above
Special stamping: Canadian Registration Number (CRN)
All boilers, pressure vessels, pressure piping systems, fittings, and plant and refrigeration equipment, except:
  1. A Pressure Vessel operating at and with relief valves exceeding103 kPa
  2. A Pressure Piping System operating at and with relief valves set at a pressure exceeding103 kPa
  3. A Power Plant exceeding 2 square meters heating surface
  4. A Heating Plant exceeding 3 square meters heating surface
  5. Pressure vessels equipped with a heating element that is constructed for the storage of water exceeding 65ºC and exceeding 1,720 kPa or has a diameter exceeding610 mm
  6. Refrigeration plants exceeding a capacity of 5 kW
The following equipment require licensed operators:
  1. A Power Plant exceeding 10 square meters boiler capacity
  2. Low pressure steam boilers exceeding 30 square meters heating surface
  3. Hot water heating Plants exceeding 150 square meters heating surface
  4. Refrigeration plants with refrigerant groups A1, A2 or B1, as defined in CSA B52, exceeding a total plant capacity of 200 kW prime mover nameplate rating.
  5. Refrigeration plant with refrigerant groups A3, B2 or B3, as defined in CSA B52, exceeding a total plant capacity of 50 kW prime mover nameplate rating.
  1. High-pressure and low-pressure steam boilers
  2. Hot-water heating boilers
  3. Potable Water Heaters
  4. Pressure vessels
Not applicable
Certificate(s) of Inspection are issued by BCSA
Fees for registration of designs and shop inspections are calculated on an hourly rate. Operating Permit fees vary with the heating surface in the case of boilers, and with dimensions in the case of pressure vessels. Fee lists are supplied upon request to the BCSA and are available at




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Department of Economic Development, Permit and Inspection Services
Division of Fuel Devices
65 Niagara Square, Room 313
Buffalo, NY 14202
Telephone — 716.851.4959
City Common Council empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: 1974.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: March 2005.
City ordinance: Charter and Code of Buffalo, New York, Part II. General Legislative, Chapter 94. Boilers and Engines; Engineers.
  1. ASME Code (2001 Edition, 2002 Addendum), Sections I, III, IV, VIII (Division 1), and code cases.
  2. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  3. NFPA 54.
  4. Special design or construction requires approval of chief combustion inspector.
  5. Code rules updated every ten years (approximately).
  6. City of Buffalo follows New York State Industrial Code Rules 14 and 4 for high- and low-pressure boilers.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: H, S, U.
  1. All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
    1. Boilers under federal control or regulation.
    2. Boilers subject to inspection under the US Department of Transportation.
    3. Boilers located on farms and used solely for agricultural purposes.
    4. Steam or vapor boilers operating at a gage pressure of not more than 15 psi and located in dwellings occupied by fewer than six families.
    5. Hot-water boilers located in dwellings occupied by fewer than six families.
    6. Low-pressure boilers under 100,000 BTU per hour.
  2. All unfired pressure vessels, except the following:
    1. Pressure vessels under federal control or regulation.
    2. Pressure vessels meeting requirements of the US Department of Transportation for shipment of liquids or gases under pressure.
    3. Air tanks on vehicles used for carrying passengers or freight or used directly in the operation of trains.
    4. Pressure vessels having a volume of 5 cubic feet or less or having an inside diameter not exceeding 6 inches.
    5. Pressure vessels designed for pressures of less than 15 psi.
    6. Hot-water supply storage tanks, provided none of the following limitations is exceeded:
      1. A heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
      2. A water temperature of 210°F;
      3. A nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
    7. Pressure vessels containing water under pressure, including one containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion, provided neither of the following limitations is exceeded:
      1. A design pressure of 300 psi;
      2. A design temperature of 210°F.
    8. Pressure vessels used for agricultural purposes.
 Item Internal External
 High-pressure steam boilers  1 Year 1 Year**
 High-pressure hot-water boilers  3 Years*  1 Year**
 Low-pressure steam boilers  3 Years  1 Year
 Low-pressure hot-water boilers  5 Years  1 Year
*If equipped with manholes and handholes, annual internal inspection is required.
**Approximately six months after each internal inspection.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Reports of inspection must be filed with department on National Board forms within 21 days.
  3. Reports of external high-pressure inspections are not required provided internal inspection reports are submitted.
  4. Reports of all internal and external low-pressure inspections must be submitted. The internal low-pressure inspection is considered as a noncertificate inspection for which the $30.00 fee will not be charged.
  5. Shop inspections made by an inspector holding a National Board Commission will be accepted.
  6. Department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  7. Department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months, is issued by the insurance company for insured boilers and by the department for uninsured boilers.
Business License BIP Fees:
  1. Boilers exceeding 25 horsepower - $50.00
  2. More than 1 in 1 establishment each in excess of 1 - $20.00
  3. Boilers not exceeding 25 horsepower - $40.00
  4. More than 1 in 1 establishment, each additional - $20.00
  5. Minature boiler - $20.00
  1. An operator’s license is required for power boilers.
  2. Examinations for boiler operator licenses are given periodically throughout the year.
  3. A permit is required to sell, erect, or repair boilers or pressure vessels.
  4. See State of New York Synopsis page for additional miscellaneous items.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Micah Davidian, Principal Safety Engineer
Department of Industrial Relations
Division of Industrial Safety and Health
1515 Clay St, Suite 407A
Oakland, CA 94612
Telephone — 510.622-3052
Email —
Fax — 510.622.3063
Department of Industrial Relations and Division of Occupational Safety and
Health Standards Board empowered to make, alter, or amend administrative rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: October 2002.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1945.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: August 2005.
State statute: California Code of Regulations, Title 8. Chapter 4. Division of Industrial Safety, Subchapter 1. Unfired Pressure
Vessel Safety, Sections 450 through 560; Subchapter 2. Boiler and Fired Pressure Vessel Safety, Sections 750 through 797.
  1. ASME Code (2023 Edition), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, XI.
  2. ASME PVHO-1 (2019 Edition).
  3. ASME B31.1 (2022 Edition).
  4. ASME B31.3 (2022 Edition). (Plastic piping is not acceptable unless permitted by specific safety orders.)
  5. ASME B31.5 (2022 Edition).
  6. Code addenda and case interpretations may be accepted if found — to the satisfaction of the division — to provide equivalent safety.
  7. Manufacturers must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the division before installation of all vessels for use in places of employment in California.
  8. National Board registration required for pressure vessels, except “UM” vessels.
  9. Specific design or construction of non-ASME Code items requires acceptance by the Division of Occupational Safety and Health.
  10. National Board Inspection Code (2004 for refineries - current edition for all others).
  11. NFPA 58 (1998 Edition).
  12. API-510 (August 2003, 8th Edition)
  13. Foreign codes: Acceptance may be granted after review by the Pressure Vessel Unit.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: none, except for refinery and oilfield locations require an R stamp. (R stamp for repair and alteration is accepted, if used.)
  2. ASME Code: all.
Steam or other vapor boilers, fired pressure vessels, unfired pressure vessels for the transportation, storage, or use of any poisonous, corrosive, or flammable substance or other products at temperatures above their boiling point at atmospheric pressure or in which pressure is generated by means of a compressor, liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas vessels, anhydrous ammonia tanks, and air tanks, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal inspection and control or exempted by the labor code.
  2. Boilers on automobiles and road motor vehicles.
  3. Boilers and unfired pressure vessels used in household service.
  4. Air pressure tanks installed on units of transportation subject to the jurisdiction of the US Department of Transportation, the Public Utilities Commission or the Highway Patrol.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels not subject to an internal or external pressure of more than 15 psi with no limitation on size.
  6. Unfired pressure vessels having an inside diameter not exceeding 6 inches with no limitation on pressure.

    Such vessels must be designed and constructed according to recognized standards or to good engineering practice with a factor of safety of at least four.
Periodic field inspection is mandatory for the following vessels only:
  1. Power boilers (both fired and unfired), except miniature boilers and small power boilers provided they are fitted with certain automatic controls and none of the following is exceeded:
    1. 100 square feet of heating surface;
    2. 16-inch inside diameter steam drums;
    3. 100 psi maximum allowable working pressure;
    4. 35-gallon water capacity when filled to normal operating level;
    5. 400,000 BTU per hour input to burners.
  2. Liquefied petroleum gas tanks, except cylinders made and maintained in accordance with US Department of Transportation regulations.*
  3. Air tanks, except for air tanks of 1-1/2 cubic feet or less capacity, not subject to a maximum pressure of more than 150 psi.

    *With more than 125-gallon capacity including transportation tanks.
  1. Fired boilers: One annual internal and external inspection (Exception: Boilers installed in turbo-electric plants in such a manner that each boiler furnishes steam to a single turbine – inspected internally at least once each 18 months). Title 8, Section 770 allows fired boilers to go up to three years without internal inspection after application and acceptance by the Pressure Vessel Unit.
  2. Unfired boilers: Title 8, Section 770 allows unfired boilers to go up to six years without internal inspection after application and acceptance by the Pressure Vessel Unit.
  3. Other boilers: The division may establish internal inspection intervals other than those established for fired boilers after application and review.
  4. Pressure vessels:
    1. One inspection at least every three years for portable air tanks and five years for all other air tanks. Air tanks not exceeding 25 cubic feet in volume or 150 psi design pressure only require an initial inspection (An indefinite permit shall remain in effect until such time as there is an alteration or change that will affect the safety of the tank.);
    2. Liquefied petroleum gas tanks in accordance with the following schedule:
      Usage Over 125 Gallons
      Transportation tanks 5 years
      Dispensing units, trap tanks and skid tanks 3 years
      Mobile fuel tanks 5 years
      Storage tanks vapor withdrawal 5 years

    See Section 476 of the Unfired Pressure Vessel Safety Laws for inspection of underground tanks.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors holding a valid Certificate of Competency issued by the division are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a Pressure Vessel Unit engineer. The Pressure Vessel Unit will issue the Permit to Operate upon receipt of the inspection report and a $ 45.00 fee to cover the cost of processing the permit. If the processing fee is not received at the time of receipt of the inspection report, the Pressure Vessel Unit will notify the person owning or having the custody, management, or operation of the tank or boiler that the permit will be issued upon receipt of the fee.
  2. Reports of inspection must be filed with the Pressure Vessel Unit on prescribed forms within 21 days after inspection.
  3. The Pressure Vessel Unit must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions on approved forms.
  4. The Pressure Vessel Unit must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance on approved forms.
  1. Permit to Operate, valid for 12 months for power boilers, 36 months for portable air tanks, and five years for all other air tanks, is issued by the inspection agency on forms furnished by the Pressure Vessel Unit after object is in compliance with regulations and necessary fees are paid. Air tanks subject to a maximum allowable working pressure not exceeding 150 psi, as shown by the required ASME Code marking, and having a volume of 25 cubic feet or less, shall be issued an Indefinite Permit provided that they comply with all applicable requirements of the state safety order.
  2. Permit to Operate is issued for liquefied petroleum gas tanks in accordance with the schedule in INSPECTIONS REQUIRED.
  1. A fee of $150.00 per hour or part thereof, including travel time, shall be charged for all shop, field-erection and resale inspections of all tanks, boilers, parts of tanks and boilers, and nuclear components, as well as consultations, surveys, audit manual reviews, and other activities required or related to the ASME Code or other national standard for all boiler and tank shops when made by qualified engineers employed by the Pressure Vessel Unit.
  2. fee of $150.00 per hour or any part thereof, based on quarter-hour intervals, shall be charged for field permit inspection of air tanks, liquefied petroleum gas tanks, and boilers by qualified safety engineers employed by the Pressure Vessel Unit.
  3. Whenever a person owning or having the custody, management, or operation of an air tank, liquefied petroleum gas tank, or boiler fails to pay the fees required under this section within 60 days after notification, said person shall pay, in addition to the fees required under this section, a penalty fee equal to 100 percent of the fee.
  1. Examinations for Certificate of Competency are held by the Pressure Vessel Unit in March, June, September, and December. The written portion of the examination is that of The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. A $125.00 examination fee is required. Applications for permission to sit for examinations must be received by the Pressure Vessel Unit at least 30 days prior to examination date.
  2. Reciprocal Commission may be issued to an inspector holding a valid National Board Commission, providing he/she satisfactorily passes a multiple-choice, open-book examination on the California Boiler and Fired Pressure Vessel and Unfired Pressure Vessel Safety Orders, and applicable sections of the Labor Code.
  3. Repairs by fusion welding must be made in accordance with California Safety Orders. No alteration or repair shall be made without the authorization of a qualified inspector; this includes qualified inspectors in the employ of owner/user organizations whose inservice programs have been approved by the Pressure Vessel Unit.
  4. State contractor's license required to sell, install, or repair boilers and pressure vessels.
  5. A license is not required to operate boilers or pressure vessels, except in the City of Los Angeles.
  6. A copy of the boiler and pressure vessel laws, Unfired Pressure Vessel Safety Orders and Boiler and Fired Pressure Vessel Safety Orders (CCR-TITLE 8), can be obtained via telephone through Barclays Law Publishers at 800.888.3600




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.



Thomas J. Maher, Chief Boiler Inspector
City of Chicago Boiler Bureau
2045 W. Washington Blvd., 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60612
Telephone — 312.743.7284
Fax — 312.743.7425
Email —
Commissioner empowered to make, alter, amend, and interpret rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: September 1989.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: July 1989.
City ordinance: Municipal Code of Chicago, Illinois, Title 4. Business,
Occupations and Consumer Protection, Chapter 344, Stationary Engineers and Boiler Tenders.
  1. ASME Code (2007 Edition, 2007 Addendum), Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, XI, and code cases.
  2. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  3. Code rules are updated every two years.
  4. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition).
  5. Manufacturers must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the department on ASME forms before installation of all vessels.
  6. Special design or construction requires the approval of the department.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: all.
  2. ASME Code: all.
Boilers and unfired pressure vessels (except cast-iron boilers) must be shop-inspected and stamped National Board (NB) by an inspector holding a National Board Commission.
Boilers, unfired pressure vessels and refrigerating systems, except the following:
  1. Boilers subject to federal government inspection and control.
  2. Boilers on railroad locomotives.
  1. High-pressure and process boilers:
    1. One periodic internal inspection;
    2. One periodic external inspection.
  2. Low-pressure boilers:
    1. One periodic external inspection;
    2. Internal inspection as required by the inspector.
  3. Unfired pressure vessels: One periodic external inspection.
Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies are not accepted in lieu of department inspections.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months or until the next periodic inspection, is issued by the department.
  1. Permit fees, including first-inspection fees, vary from $45.00 to $160.00 for boilers and unfired pressure vessels.
  2. Periodic inspection fees vary from $45.00 to $85.00.
  1. Repairs to boilers and unfired pressure vessels must be made by licensed boiler repair contractors.
  2. Operators of high-pressure boilers are required to be licensed.



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences. 

Bob Becker, Chief Boiler Inspector
Department of Labor and Employment
Division of Oil and Public Safety - Boiler Section
633 17th Street
Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202
Telephone — 303.514.2140
Cell — 303.514.2140
Email —
Fax — 303.318.8534
Department of Labor and Employment empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Chief Inspector may grant variances and may adopt ASME Code Cases.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: May 2012.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1968.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: July 1, 2017
State statute: Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 9. Safety — Industrial and Commercial, Article 4. Buildings and Equipment, Boiler Inspection.
  1. ASME Code (2015 Edition), Sections I, IV, V, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, and 3), IX, X.  
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2015 Edition).  
  3. ASME B31.1 (2016 Edition).  
  4. A copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report must be filed with the department on ASME forms through the National Board before installation.  
  5. National Board Inspection Code (2017 Edition).  
  6. National Board registration required for all boilers, including reinstalled and second-hand, with the exception of cast-iron and nonstandard boilers.  
  7. National Board registration required for fired and unfired pressure vessels with the exception of the following:
    1. Vessels installed or reinstalled prior to April 30, 1999;  
    2. Vessels built to Section VIII of the ASME Code bearing the "UM" symbol prior to January 1, 2003.  
  8. API-510 (10th Edition, Addenda 1 through 3), API 570 (4th Edition, Addenda 1 through 4) are acceptable for inspection and repairs in lieu of National Board Inspection Code for chemical and petroleum industries only.  
  9. NFPA 85, Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazard Code, 2015 Edition.  
  10. Special design or construction requires approval of the Division of Labor.  
  11. Foreign codes: Special design or construction requires approval of the Division of Labor and must be registered with the National Board. Contact the chief boiler inspector.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.  
  2. ASME Code: all.
All boilers shall be labeled with a Colorado serial number preceded by the letters “COLO.”
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers owned or operated by the federal government.  
  2. Locomotive boilers of carriers subject to Federal Locomotive Inspection Act.  
  3. Boilers located in private residences and in apartment houses having fewer than six families.  
  4. Boilers in any city where city boiler inspectors, record-keeping, and inspection codes are comparable to the state program.  
  5. Service and domestic-type water heaters that:
    1. Do not exceed 200,000 BTU per hour input;  
    2. Have nominal water containing capacity of less than 120 gallons. 
    3. Operate at less than 210°F.  
  6. Vessels having an internal or external operating pressure less than 15 psi with no limitation on size.  
  7. Vessels having an inside diameter not exceeding 6 inches with no limitation on pressure.  
  8. Vessels containing water under pressure, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion, with design pressure not exceeding 300 psi and a design temperature not exceeding 210°F.  
  9. A hot-water supply storage tank heated by steam or other indirect means when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. Heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;  
    2. Water temperature of 210°F;  
    3. Nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.  
  10. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal control or regulation.  
  11. Locomotive boilers used exclusively for a personal hobby.  
  12. Any other pressure vessel exempted in scope of ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1.  
Same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING, except pressure vessels. All new and re-installed boilers require application to be submitted to the Boiler Inspection Section prior to installation. The application is available on the Colorado Boiler Inspection website.
Power boilers and high-temperature water boilers shall receive a certificate inspection annually. Such boilers where construction permits shall also receive an internal inspection annually, or when the inspector deems necessary. The internal inspection frequency may be extended to triennially with prior approval from the Boiler Division.
Low-pressure heating boilers, water heaters, and direct-fired jacketed steam kettles shall receive a certificate inspection biennially. This inspection may be either external or internal.
Pressure Vessels:
  1. ASME Code vessels (except those exempted above). A pressure vessel shall be considered to be suitable for use in Colorado if it bears ASME Code stamping. Newly installed vessels must be registered with the National Board.  
  2. A non-ASME Code pressure vessel shall not be continued in service until certified by the Boiler Inspection Section of the Division of Oil and Public Safety.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the division are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a division inspector, except that the first certificate inspection of a new or reinstalled boiler must be performed by a division inspector.  
  2. Reports of inspections must be filed with the Division by entering data into the Division's Web-based inspection entry program or by electronic transfer of data within 30 days. Notification of suspension of insurance due to dangerous conditions, new business and discontinuance of insurance must also be reported to Boiler Inspection Section within 30 days  
  3. Owner-User Inspection Organizations - Any person, firm, partnership, or corporation operating boilers and/or pressure vessels in this jurisdiction may seek approval and registration as an owner/user inspection organization by filing an application with the director on prescribed forms. Contact the Colorado Boiler Section Program Manager for additional information.
Upon receiving a favorable report on inspection of any boiler, and payment of fees assessed, a certificate will be issued by the Boiler Inspection Program of the Division of Oil and Public Safety, Colorado Department of Labor and Employment.
  1. Reciprocal Commission is issued without charge to insurance inspectors holding a National Board Commission. This Reciprocal Commission is issued upon application to the division together with a photostatic copy of commission from the National Board. An interview may be required with the chief inspector. Annual renewal is required.  
  2. A National Board “R” stamp is required to repair or perform an alteration to any boilers or pressure vessel.
  3. A copy of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules and Regulations may be obtained at the division’s Web site.  
  4. For additional information regarding inspections and fees please visit the Colorado Boiler Division website.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Michael Devanney, Chief Boiler Inspector
Office of the State Building Inspector
Division of Construction Services
Department of Administrative Services
Bureau of Boilers
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 1303
Hartford, CT 06103
Telephone ­­— 860.713.5880
Email —
Fax — 860.920.3009
Commissioner empowered to formulate rules and regulations and amendments thereto.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: July 2011.
Date regulations implemented: 1954.
Date of latest amendment to regulations: July 2011.
State statute: Connecticut General Statutes, Chapter 540, Sections 29-231 through 29-244.
  1. ASME Code (latest automatically adopted), Sections I, II, III (Division 1), IV, V, VI, VII, IX, and code cases.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (1998 Edition).
  3. National Board Inspection Code (1998 Edition, 2000 Addendum).
  4. National Board registration required for boilers.
  5. Boilers must be shop-inspected by an inspector holding a Connecticut commission, except boilers constructed outside the state, which may be shop-inspected by an inspector holding a National Board Commission.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, N, NA, NPT, NV, PP, S, V.
All boilers and water heaters within the scope of Section I and Section IV of the ASME Code, except the following:
  1. Boilers under federal control.
  2. Portable boilers used in pumping, heating, steaming, and drilling in the open field.
  3. Portable boilers used solely for agricultural purposes.
  4. Steam-heating boilers, hot-water heaters, and hot-water heating boilers, when used in private homes or apartment houses of not more than five families.
  5. Hot-water heaters approved by a nationally recognized testing agency:
    1. Equipped with adequate safety devices including a temperature and pressure relief valve;
    2. Having a nominal water capacity of not more than 120 gallons;
    3. Having a heat input of not more than 200,000 BTU per hour;
    4. Used solely for hot-water supply carrying a pressure of not more than 160 psi;
    5. Operated at temperatures of not more than 210°F provided that such heaters are not installed in schools, day-care centers, public or private hospitals, nursing or boarding homes, churches, or public buildings, as defined in section 1.1.
  6. Antique or model boilers used in public, nonprofit engineering, or scientific museums operated for educational, historical, or exhibition purposes (having a shell diameter of less than 12 inches and a grate surface area of less than one square foot).
  7. Public service companies as defined in Connecticut General Statutes (Section 16-1).
Same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING, plus water heaters in public buildings, regardless of size or BTU rating.
Power boilers:
  1. One annual internal and external inspection.
  2. One annual external inspection under operating conditions not more than six months after the internal and external inspection.
Power boilers that operate with internal water treatment under the direct supervision of a qualified engineer:
  1. One internal and external inspection every eighteen months while not under pressure.
  2. One external inspection under operating conditions not more than nine months after the external and internal inspection.
Low-Pressure Boilers
Low-pressure steam boilers, hot-water heating boilers, hot-water supply boilers, and hot water heaters; an external biennially, with an internal at the discretion of the inspector.
Internal and external certificate inspections to be filed with the department within 30 days of inspection.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Reports of internal and external inspections shall be reported immediately in every instance when hazardous conditions are found.
  3. The department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of a hazardous condition.
  4. The department must be notified within 30 days of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
  1. A Certificate of Operation for a power boiler, valid for 12 months, is issued by the department upon payment of a $80.00 fee to the department.
  2. A Certificate of Operation for low-pressure boilers and hot-water heaters, valid for 24 months, is issued by the department upon the payment of a $80.00 fee to the department.
  3. Any operating certificate shall be immediately invalid if the boiler is relocated or altered, unless such relocation or alteration has been approved in accordance with the boiler code and regulations.
  4. No fee shall be required of the state or any agency of the state.



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Shawn M. Garvin, Secretary of Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Steven Van Slavens, Senior Boiler Inspector
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
DNREC, Boiler Safety
391 Lukens Drive                            
New Castle, DE 19720
Telephone — 302.395.2500
Fax ­— 302.395.2555
Email —
Boiler Safety Program empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. 
Date of latest amendment to law: July 2013.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1925.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: 2013. Fees are not expected to change in 2015.
State statute: Delaware Code, Title 7 Conservation Chapter 74B. Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Section 7401B Boiler Safety Program.
  1. ASME Code (2019), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X, XI, and code cases.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2015) (CALL TO USE THE 2018).
  3. ASME B31.1 (Per Sect I Table A-360) (CALL TO USE OTHER EDITIONS).
  4. ASME PVHO-1 (2016, Refer to ASME Sect VIII Div 1 Appendix 43).
  5. A copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report must be filed with the program on ASME forms through the National Board before boilers or pressure vessels are shipped into Delaware.
  6. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition).
  7. National Board registration required for pressure vessels and boilers,(except Cast Iron & Cast Aluminum).
  8. Special design or construction requires prior approval by Chief Inspector.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol and designator are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: all.
All boilers and pressure vessels shall be assigned a Delaware state number via a Tag at the time of first inspection.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except those listed below:
  1. Any boiler or pressure vessel which is subject to federal inspection and control.
  2. Any pressure vessel used for the transport or storage of compressed gases and liquids under the control or regulation of the US Department of Transportation including an exemption for CO2 Dewars.
  3. Any air tank on any vehicle used for carrying passengers or freight and operated under the authority of any other state agency.
  4. Any air tank installed on the right-of-way of railroads.
  5. Any unfired pressure vessel not exceeding:
    1. 5 cubic feet in volume and up to 250 psig design pressure;
    2. 3 cubic feet in volume and 350 psig design pressure;
    3. 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume and up to 600 psig design pressure;
    4. Vessels having an inside diameter, width, height, or cross section diagonal not exceeding 6 inches with no limitation on length.
  6. Any unfired pressure vessel having an internal and/or external operating pressure not exceeding 15 psig.
  7. Any unfired pressure vessel containing water at ambient temperature with a nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons or less, including those with air or gas cushion, the compression of which serves only as a cushion.
  8. Any water filter or softener containing water at ambient temperature when the pressure does not exceed 300 psig.
  9. Any pressure vessel under the control of the state fire marshal.
  10. High pressure breathing air cylinders used by emergency response organizations are exempt from inspection and certification provided they are installed, serviced, and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the National Fire Prevention Association Standards, and the owner or user of this equipment shall be responsible for maintaining, testing and servicing this equipment and shall keep all records associated with these activities as required by National Fire Protection Association Standards. The failure of any person to so install, service, test and maintain these cylinders and to keep such records shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
  11. Any water heater, directly fired with oil, gas, or electricity, which shall be equipped with ASME-stamped safety relief valves, cannot exceed any of the following limitations:
    1. Heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour or 58,600 watts;
    2. Water temperature of 210°F;
    3. Nominal water capacity of 120 gallons.
  12. Any coil-type hot-water boiler without any steam space where water flashes into steam when released through a manually operated nozzle, unless one of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A 3/4-inch diameter tubing or pipe size, with no drum or headers attached;
    2. Nominal water-containing capacity does not exceed 6 gallons;
    3. Water temperature does not exceed 350°F;
    4. Steam is not generated within the coil.
Same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING, except the following: Heating boilers, hot-water supply boilers, water heaters, and pressure vessels located in buildings which are solely used for residential purposes and which have accommodations not exceeding six family units or any heating or hot-water supply boiler used to heat a single unit, where the heat input does not exceed 100,000 BTU per hour shall not be subject to Field Inspection.  These objects shall be subject to New Construction Code Certification.
  1. Power boilers, miniature boilers, and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
    1. Annual internal inspection;
    2. Annual external inspection while under pressure. The external (inservice) inspection should be done within six months of the internal inspection.
  2. Low-pressure steam heating boilers, hot-water heating boilers, and hot-water supply boilers: biennial external inspection. Unless exempt from Field Inspection.
  3. Pressure vessels: biennial or every four years as determined by the inspector. Unless exempt from Field Inspection.
  4. For installations using nuclear fuel as a source of power, the inspection frequency shall be determined by making application to the Boiler Safety Program.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors, employed by insurance companies or a Non-traditional Inspection Agency accredited by National Board-369 and approved by The State of Delaware, commissioned by the program are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a program inspector.
  2. Reports of certificate inspections must be filed with the program on National Board forms, or filed electronically, within 30 days.
  3. Reports of non-certificate external/internal inspections are not required unless there are dangerous conditions. Inspections requested by the Jurisdiction for the purposes of making determinations of conditions are to be reported to the Jurisdiction either on National Board forms or filed electronically.
  4. The program must be notified immediately of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  5. The program must be notified within 30 days of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months on Power Boilers, valid for 24 months for all low pressure boilers and for 24 or 48 months for pressure vessels, is issued by the program upon payment of an annual $7.50 fee/year for each object reported. This fee shall be paid to the DNREC Boiler Safety and sent directly to the office by the owner or user at the time of invoice receipt.
  1. Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature hot-water boilers:
    1. Internal inspection:
      1. under 5 hp - $15.00
      2. 5 hp up to 99 hp - $25.00
      3. 99 hp to 200 hp - $35.00
      4. Over 200 hp: On an hourly basis with a minimum of - $50.00
    2. External inspection - $15.00
    3. Heating boilers, hot-water supply boilers:
      1. Without manhole - $15.00
      2. With manhole - $25.00
    4. Water heaters - $10.00
    5. Pressure vessels:
      1. 50 square feet or less - $10.00
      2. Each additional 100 square feet or fraction thereof - $20.00
    A group of pressure vessels such as paper machine rolls or dryers operating as a single machine or unit shall be considered as one pressure vessel.
  2. Shop reviews: A fee of $1,500.00 per review, requires a team leader and  team member to be present. A fee of $800.00 per review, if only National Board authorization to repair or alter ASME-stamped boilers and pressure vessels is requested.
  3. Nuclear inspection: Check with the Boiler Safety Program.
  4. Hydrostatic tests: When it is necessary to make a special trip to witness the application of a hydrostatic test, the fee for such service shall be based on the actual hourly inspection time including travel. The entire expense of applying the hydrostatic test shall be borne by the owner/user.
  1. Permission to make ALL repairs and alterations by fusion welding must be obtained from a Delaware commissioned inspector having a National Board "R" endorsement.
  2. A record of welded repair and alteration must be filed with the program by the company making the welded repair. Routine Repairs when NDE is performed in lieu of a pressure test must be filed with the program as above; otherwise, Routine Repairs are not required to be filed with the program.
  3. Field inspections must be made by an inspector holding a Delaware commission and having a National Board Inservice Commission. Technical Supervisors and/or Technical Managers shall hold at least the same Commission as the Field Inspector in all cases including those employed by the Jurisdiction.
  4. Examinations for Delaware inspector commissions are held by the program upon request. An examination fee of $50.00 is charged.
  5. The examination fee for a National Board Commission is $75.00 within inspection area; $150.00 out of inspection area.
  6. Commission credential cards issued by the program shall expire biennially. Renewal fee is $25.00.
  7. Boiler operators of non-Automatically Fired Boilers are required to be licensed in/by the City of Wilmington.
  8. A copy of Title 7 and boiler and pressure vessel rules and regulations may be obtained by accessing and/or




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Aijalon Denham, Chief Boiler Inspector
Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center
2 Woodward Ave., Suite 408
Detroit, MI 48226
Telephone — 313.628.2433
Email —
Fax — 313.628.2635
Board of Rules of the Department of Buildings and Safety Engineering empowered to make, alter, amend rules and regulations (limited to interpretation of ordinances), and establish fees on boilers and pressure vessels.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: December 1983.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1881.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: December 1983.
City ordinance: City of Detroit Municipal Code, Chapter 11. Building and Safety Regulations, 705-G. Boilers and Pressure Vessels.
  1. ASME Code (2001 Edition, 2002 Addendum), Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X.
  2. Code rules updated as needed.
  3. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition, Parts 1, 2, 3).
  4. Manufacturer’s Data Reports shall be filed with the department through the National Board.
  5. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  6. Special design or construction requires approval of the director, Department of Buildings and Safety Engineering.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: none.
  2. ASME Code: all.
All boilers and pressure vessels shall be stamped with a City of Detroit issued serial number.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers under federal government control.
  2. Boilers located on railroad locomotives.
  3. Pressure vessels bearing a valid US Department of Transportation stamp and used only in transit service.
  4. Pressure vessels used for storage of compressed air and attached as an auxiliary on locomotives, street or railway cars, water-borne craft, or motor vehicles.
  1. Steam boilers with operating pressure of 15 psi or less, and hot-water heating and supply boilers with operating pressure of 160 psi or less (not exceeding a temperature of 250°F), providing the heating surface does not exceed 300 square feet.
  2. Pressure vessels that do not exceed a working pressure of 30 psi.
  3. Water tanks.
  1. Boilers – high pressure:
    1. One annual internal inspection;
    2. One annual external inspection.
  2. Boilers – low pressure:
    1. One biennial internal inspection;
    2. One biennial external inspection.
    Inspections to be done in alternate years.
  3. Pressure vessels:
    1. One biennial internal and external inspection;
    2. Unfired and unheated pressure vessels: Internal inspection made only when deemed necessary by department.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted for unfired pressure vessels only, in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. First inspections of new installations must be made by a department inspector.
  3. Inspection reports must be filed with department within 10 days on National Board forms or on forms furnished by department.
  4. Department must be notified on National Board forms when insurance is suspended due to dangerous conditions.
Boilers only.
  1. Annual fees:
    1. Boilers up to and including 20 square feet of heating surface - $75.00
    2. Boilers more than 20 square feet and not exceeding 100 square feet of heating surface - $125.00
    3. Boilers more than 100 square feet and not exceeding 1,000 square feet of heating surface - $156.00
    4. Boilers more than 1,000 square feet and not exceeding 5,000 square feet of heating surface - $205.00
    5. Boilers more than 5,000 square feet and not exceeding 15,000 square feet of heating surface - $525.00
    6. Boilers more than 15,000 square feet of heating surface - $854.00
    7. Heated, unfired pressure vessels - $123.00
  2. Biennial fees:

    For inspections of unfired & unheated pressure vessels at same location and conducted by department:
    1. For each of the first five vessels not exceeding 16 inches in diameter - $80.00
    2. For each additional vessel not exceeding 16 inches in diameter - $66.00
    3. For each of the first five vessels over 16 inches in diameter but not exceeding 36 inches in diameter - $109.00
    4. For each additional vessel over 16 inches in diameter but not exceeding 36 inches in diameter - $73.00
    5. For each vessel over 36 inches in diameter - $131.00
    6. For inspections of pressure vessels conducted by duly recognized insurance companies (per vessel) - $63.00
Refer to the department for installation fees. All fees are payable to the city treasurer through the department.
  1. Examinations for commissions are held by the department upon written request by the inspector, provided need for commission is substantiated in writing by inspector’s employer. No examination fee is required.
  2. Permit for installation or repair of boilers and pressure vessels must be obtained from the department.
  3. Operators of low-pressure boilers over 300 square feet, hot-water boilers over 1,000 square feet (aggregate), and all high-pressure boilers are required to be licensed by the City of Detroit.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Julius Halas, Director, Division of State Fire Marshal
Ken Noble, Chief Boiler Inspector
Bureau of Fire Prevention     
Boiler Safety Section
Division of State Fire Marshal
200 E. Gaines Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Telephone — 850.413.3723
Fax — 850.414.6119
Email —
The Boiler Safety Program empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: July 2017.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1989.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: May 2017.
State statute: Florida Statutes, Title 33. Regulations of Trade, Commerce, Investments and Solicitations, Chapter 554. Boiler Safety, Sections 101.1 through 115.0.
  1. ASME Code (2017 Edition, 2017 Addendum), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, IX.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2018 Edition, 2018 Addendum).
  3. ASME B31.1 (2018 Edition, 2018 Addendum).
  4. A copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Reports on ASME forms must be filed with the chief inspector not more than 90 days following the inservice inspection date of the boiler. Manufacturer’s Data Reports for welded power piping within the scope of Section I must be filed with the chief inspector.
  5. National Board Inspection Code (2017 Edition, 2017 Addendum).
  6. Special design or construction requires approval by the bureau.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, PP, S, V.
Repairs to all boilers shall conform to the National Board Inspection Code or a program authorized by the Boiler Safety Program.
All boilers and lined hot-water storage heaters, except the following:
  1. Boilers and lined hot-water heaters under the control of the federal government.
  2. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to HLW hot-water supply boilers or lined storage water heaters which are directly fired with oil, gas, electricity, or solar energy, provided that none of the following limitations are exceeded:
    1. Heat input of 400,000 BTU per hour;
    2. Water temperature of 210°F;
    3. Nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
These exempt hot-water supply boilers and lined storage water heaters shall be equipped with safety relief valves conforming to the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and the NBIC.
All boilers and nonexempt lined hot-water storage heaters when located in public assembly locations.
  1. Power boilers and high-temperature water boilers:
    1. Certificate inspection annually;
    2. External inspection while under pressure;
    3. Internal inspection if the construction so permits.
  2. Low-pressure steam or vapor heating boilers:
    1. Certificate inspection biennially;
    2. Internal inspection if the construction so permits.
  3. Hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers:
    1. Certificate inspection biennially;
    2. Internal inspection every four years if the construction so permits.
Insurance companies are required to do inservice inspections of all insured boilers that are located in areas of public assembly. A written report on each certificate inspection shall be filed with the chief boiler inspector within 15 days following the inspection. Upon filing a report of satisfactory inspection, the boiler is exempt from inspection by the Boiler Safety Program.
Certificate of Compliance is issued by the department upon payment of a fee by the owner. The certificate for a power boiler or high-pressure, high-temperature water boiler is valid for a period of 12 months. The certificate for a heating boiler or hot-water supply boiler is valid for a period of 24 months.
For a Certificate of Competency, the initial application fee shall be $50.00 and the annual renewal fee shall be $30.00. Examination fee for a Certificate of Competency shall be $50.00.
Certificate inspections conducted by the bureau:
  1. Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
    1. 4,000 square feet heating surface or less - $60.00
    2. More than 4,000 but less than 10,000 square feet heating surface - $70.00
    3. 10,000 square feet or more heating surface - $90.00
  2. Heating boilers with manhole - $70.00
  3. Heating boilers without manhole - $40.00
  4. Hot-water supply boilers - $40.00
  5. For issuance of a Certificate of Compliance without department inspection - $30.00
A license is not required to operate boilers.
Pressure vessels must be designed and stamped per ASME BPVC Section VIII unless excepted.. Enforcement of these requirements do not fall under the division of state fire marshal. Further details can be found described in the Florida Building Code Mechanical Chapter 10 (See




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences. 

John F. King, Commissioner
William "Butch" Lynch Jr., Chief Inspector
Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner
2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
West Tower, Suite 920
AtlantaGeorgia 30334
Telephone ­— 404.656.2064
Email —
Fax — 404.679.5818
Director of Safety Engineering Division empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: July 1993.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1986.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: January 01, 2022.
State statute: Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Title 25. Labor, Chapter 15 Article 2. Regulations of Boilers and Pressure Vessel Safety Act, Chapter 120-3-26. Georgia Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules.
  1. ASME Code (2019 Edition, current approved Addendum), Sections I, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), X, XI, and code cases.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2018 Edition).
  3. ASME B31.1 (as adopted by ASME Section I).
  4. ASME PVHO-1 (2012 Edition).
  5. National Board Inspection Code (2021 Edition) 
  6. National Board registration required.
  7. NFPA Sections 31 (2016 Ed.), 54 (2018 Ed.), 58 (2017 Ed.), 70 (2017 Ed.), 85 (2019 Ed.), 87 (2018 Ed.) 211 (2019 Ed.).
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, N, NA, NPT, NV, PP, RP, S, U, U2, U3, UM, UV, V.
All boilers and pressure vessels installed after April 21, 1986, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal control.
  2. US Department of Transportation pressure vessels used for the transportation and storage of compressed or liquefied gases.
  3. Unfired pressure vessels on vehicles operated under rules of other states or federal agencies.
  4. Air tanks installed on railroad rights-of-way and used directly in the operation of trains.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels that do not exceed 5 cubic feet in volume, or 250 psig and 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume, or 600 psig and over 6 inches in size.
  6. Unfired pressure vessels having an external or internal working pressure not exceeding 15 psig.
  7. Unfired pressure vessels that do not exceed 6 inches inside diameter.
  8. Unfired pressure vessels containing water heated by steam or other indirect means, and directly fired hot-water supply boilers or heaters, when none of the following is exceeded:
    1. Heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. Water temperature of 210°F;
    3. Normal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
  9. Boilers and pressure vessels operated and maintained by public utility.
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels located on farms and used solely for agricultural or horticultural purposes.
  2. Heating boilers or pressure vessels which are located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six family units.
  3. Any pressure vessels used as an external part of an electrical circuit breaker or transformer.
  4. Pressure vessels on remote oil or gas production lease locations that have fewer than 10 buildings intended for human occupancy per 0.25 square miles and where the closest building is at least 220 yards from any vessel.
  5. Pressure vessels used for the storage of liquid propane gas under the jurisdiction of the state fire marshal, except for pressure vessels used for storage of liquid propane gas that are 2,000 gallons or above and have been modified or altered.
  6. Air storage tanks not exceeding 16 cubic feet (120 gallons) in size and under 250 psig pressure.
  1. Power and high-temperature water boilers shall receive a certificate inspection annually, internal inspection where construction permits, otherwise it shall be as complete an inspection as possible. Such boilers shall also be inspected externally while under operation pressure.
  2. Low-pressure steam and vapor boilers shall receive a certificate inspection biennially with an internal inspection quadrennially where construction permits.
  3. Hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers shall receive a certificate inspection biennially with an internal inspection at the discretion of the inspector.
  4. Hot-water heaters over 200,000 BTU per hour or 120 gallon capacity.
  5. Pressure vessels subject to internal corrosion shall receive a certificate inspection triennial with an internal inspection at the discretion of the inspector. All other pressure vessels shall be inspected at intervals set by the board, with at least a quadrennial certificate inspection. Pressure vessels that are fired with gas, oil, or other means, such as electricity, are considered boilers and inspected as required above.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by the department. Reports of inspections must be filed with the department within 30 days following each inspection on forms as promulgated by the commissioner.
  2. The department must be notified of new business or discontinuance of insurance within 30 days. Suspension of insurance or refusal to issue an operating permit due to unsafe conditions requires immediate notification of the chief engineer with a copy of the inspection report.
  1. Certificate of Inspection is issued by the department. This inspection certificate is valid for not more than 12 months for high-pressure power boilers; 24 months for low-pressure heating boilers, hot-water supply boilers, and heaters; and 36 months for pressure vessels. Each certificate has a 60-day grace period.
  2. Owner/user inspection organizations approved by the chief safety engineer shall maintain in their files an inspection record which shall list – by number and abbreviated description as may be necessary for identification – each pressure vessel, date of the last inspection and date of the next scheduled inspection. The inspection records shall be available for examination by the chief safety engineer or his designee. The owner/user inspector is required to file a report of inspection, as specified for the insurance inspections.
  1. Special inspections: A $100.00 per hour fee plus inspection fee is charged for each special inspection by a department inspector, plus all traveling expenses related to the inspection. Special inspection: Any inspection performed by the department inspectors that is not a routine, regularly scheduled certificate inspection.
  2. Certificate inspection by state inspector (boilers and/or hot-water heaters):
    1. Up to and including 30 boiler hp - $30.00
    2. 31 boiler hp to 50 boiler hp - $50.00
    3. 51 boiler hp to 100 boiler hp - $75.00
    4. 101 boiler hp to 200 boiler hp - $100.00
    5. Over 200 boiler hp - $150.00
  3. Operating certificate fees:
    1. High-pressure boilers (1 year) - $50.00 
    2. Low-pressure boilers and water heaters (2 years) - $50.00
    3. Unfired pressure vessels (3 years) - $30.00
  4. Special fees:
    1. State special design - $500.00
    2. State joint review - $1,500.00 (done by National Board )
  5. Installation fees for boilers and hot-water heaters:
    1. Up to and including 30 boiler hp - $100.00 - plus inspection fee
    2. 31 boiler hp to 50 boiler hp - $200.00 - plus inspection fee
    3. 51 boiler hp to 100 boiler hp - $300.00 - plus inspection fee
    4. 101 boiler hp to 200 boiler hp - $400.00 - plus inspection fee
    5. Boilers and hot-water heaters over 200 boiler hp - $500.00 plus inspection fee
 Installation fees double when boilers or hot-water heaters are installed without a permit. Installation fee covers one installation inspection.
  1. Prior approval by an inspector of each repair or alteration is required. Repair organizations shall provide the chief safety inspector with a copy of the completed repair form, with the inspector’s signature, for all repairs.
  2. Repairs, resetting, or re-calibrating of any safety valve or safety relief valve shall be made by an organization holding the National Board “VR” stamp, or by an owner/user maintenance organization approved by the chief safety engineer.
  3. Examination for a Certificate of Competency for an insurance company inspector or owner/user organization is administered by the department upon payment of a $50.00 fee for each examination.
  4. Renewable and reciprocal commissions are issued for a fee of $25.00 and are based on the possession of a valid National Board Commission.
  5. All companies performing boiler installations, maintenance or service shall have a Certificate of Authority for the scope of work performed, issued by the Safety Engineering Division. This certificate is required to be renewed every two years. The issue and renewal fee is $50.00. All companies must show qualification by experience and by examination to receive the Certificate of Authority.
  6. All contractors must have a Certificate of Authority to install, maintain and/or service boilers.
  7. Locations (except for industries) that perform their own boiler installation, maintenance, and/or service, using their people on their equipment, also need a Certificate of Authority. These include places of assembly, businesses, educational or institutional facilities, mercantiles, and R-1 or R-2 residential units (as described in the Standard Building Code).
  8. The repair facility shall provide the Chief Inspector with a copy of a completed R-1 repair form with the inspector's signature when a welded repair has been done within 30 days of the repair. An electronic or paper copy is acceptable.

  9. The repair stamp holder shall complete a repair form on all welded repairs. The distribution shall be to the owner/user and jurisdiction and others as required by the National Board Inspection Code within 30 days of the repair. An electronic or paper copy is acceptable.

  10. An R-2 report for alternation shall be completed on all alterations and distributed in accordance with the National Board Inspection Code. The Chief inspector will receive a copy within 30 days. An electronic or paper copy is acceptable

  11. The repair facility shall register all R-1 and R-2 forms with the National Board.

  12. Each boiler room containing one or more boilers or hot water heaters or pressure vessels from which carbon monoxide can be produced shall be equipped with a carbon monoxide detector with a manual reset. The requirements of this subsection apply to boiler rooms in which new installations or reinstallations of one or more boilers are completed.

  13. The carbon monoxide detector will alarm at 50 ppm and boiler(s) shall be interlocked to disable the burners when the measured level of carbon monoxide rises above 200 ppm.

  14. The carbon monoxide detector shall disable the burners upon loss of power to the detector.

  15. When the carbon monoxide detector trips in the boiler room, the detector should be interlocked with all boilers or hot water heaters or pressure vessels installed in the space to secure the fuel burning equipment thus stopping the production of carbon monoxide.

  16. The carbon monoxide detector shall be calibrated every eighteen months after installation or in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, whichever is more frequent. A record of calibration shall be posted at or near the boiler or be readily accessible to an inspector.

  17. The carbon monoxide detector shall be installed and function in accordance with all other regulations and standards adopted by the Commissioner.
  18. Any boiler room that is monitored by a full-time boiler operator is exempt from the safety shutdown, as defined in ASME CSD-1. The presence of a full-time boiler operated does not exempt such boilers from the alarm requirement.



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Julius J. Dacanay, Manager and Chief Boiler Inspector
Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
Division of Occupational Safety and Health
Boiler and Elevator Inspection Branch
830 Punchbowl Street, Room 425
Honolulu, HI 96813
Telephone ­— 808.586.9144
Fax — 808.586.9150
Email —
Director of Department of Labor and Industrial Relations empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations, pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: 2018.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1982.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: December 21, 2019.
State statute: Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 397 Boiler and Elevator Safety Law .
Hawaii Administrative Rules: Part 10, Boilers and Pressure Vessels.
  1. ASME Code (2017 Edition), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2 & 3), IX, X, XI, and code cases with National Board stamping.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2012 Edition).
  3. ASME PVHO-1 & 2 (2012 Edition)
  4. ASME B31.1 (2016 Edition)
  5. National Board Inspection Code (2017 Edition).
  6. NFPA 85 (2015 Edition).
  7. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  8. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  9. Installers must apply for a permit to install along with a copy of the Manufacturer's Data Report, plans & drawings, specifications, and any other pertinent information deemed necessary by the department before installation.
  10. Special design or construction requires approval of director of Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.
  11. All pressure vessels forming part of a geothermal energy system shall be:
    1. Fabricated in accordance with the provisions of ASME Code, Section I or Section VIII, Division 1 or Division 2, as applicable;
    2. Fabricated by a manufacturer who has a valid ASME Certificate of Authorization.
    3. Registered with the National Board.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps and/ or ASME Code Certification Mark and designators are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Certification Mark
  3. The following ASME Designators: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, PP, S, U, UM, UV, V.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal inspection and control.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels meeting the requirements of the US Department of Transportation and used for transporting liquids or gases under pressure.
  3. Containers for storage of liquefied compressed flammable gases under the jurisdiction of other agencies.
  4. Unfired pressure vessels with a nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons or less for containing liquid under pressure, including those containing air, the compression of which only serves as a cushion.
  5. Hot-water supply boilers, hot-water heating boilers, and potable water heaters which are directly fired with oil, gas, or electricity, when none of the following limitations are exceeded:
    1. Heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. Water temperature of 210°F;
    3. A nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons, except that such hot-water supply boilers shall be equipped with a proper size, type and capacity safety relief valve as set forth in Section IV of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code;
    4. An operating pressure not exceeding 160 psi.
  6. Unfired pressure vessels designed for a pressure not exceeding 15 psig or 5 cubic feet in volume.
  7. Pressure vessels not exceeding:
    1. 5 cubic feet in volume and 250 psi design pressure;
    2. 3 cubic feet in volume and 350 psi design pressure
    3. 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume and 600 psig pressure;
    4. An inside diameter of 6 inches with no limitation on pressure.
  8. Unfired pressure vessels containing water and filtering material for use in irrigation of land.
  9. Unfired pressure vessels for the storage of cold water.
  10. Fired or self-contained sterilizers, steam generators, jacketed kettles, or steam cookers when neither of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. Heat input of 3 kilowatts;
    2. Volume of 1-1/2 cubic feet.
  1. Boilers, pressure vessels and pressure systems installed in a single family dwelling or multiple dwelling units of less than six living units.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels and piping containing liquid petroleum gas and liquid natural gas, refrigeration vessels and its associated piping, and liquid carbon dioxide pressure vessels (except that welded repairs and alterations shall be in accordance with the NBIC Part 3 and jurisdictional rules).
  1. Power boilers, except unfired miniature boilers and those with no steam or hot-water outlet connections:
    1. An annual internal or permit inspection;
    2. An external inspection at approximately six-months after each internal.
  2. Biennial internal inspections are permitted for power boilers having continuous internal water treatment under qualified supervision upon approval of the director. External inspections shall continue at approximately six-month intervals.
  3. Steam or vapor boilers: a biennial external inspection and/or an internal inspection where construction permits. Large steam heating boilers require annual internal inspection, and external inspection at approximately six- months after each internal inspection.
  4. Hot-water heating boilers, hot-water supply boilers, pool heaters, and potable water heaters: a biennial external inspection and/or an internal inspection at the inspector’s discretion, where construction permits.
  5. Pressure vessels: a biennial external inspection and/or internal inspection where construction permits.
Insurance companies are required to inspect all insured objects that fall under the scope of these standards. Inspection reports shall be submitted within thirty days from the date of the inspection. If during a routine inspection, a pressure retaining item is found to have discrepancies, the length of time for temporary use of such item will be at the discretion of the special inspector but no more than 90 days. A follow up inspection shall be made by the special inspector in a timely manner and the department notified. Follow up inspections not performed by the special inspector within the time period prescribed may be conducted by the department and such authorized inspection agency will be invoiced at $125.00 per hour with a minimum charge of 2 hours per visit.
On application and payment of appropriate fee, a written examination shall be given to qualified applicants. If the applicant is successful in meeting all requirements, a Certificate of Competency shall be issued by the department. An applicant who fails to pass the examination shall be permitted to take another written examination after the expiration of ninety days. The Certificate of Competency, unless suspended, revoked, or cancelled, shall expire one year from the date of issue or renewal.
Permit to Operate is issued, valid for 12 months for power boilers and 24 months for heating boilers and pressure vessels. Some steam heating boilers are issued 12 months of operating permit depending on their sizes.
Click the link below for revised fee schedules effective January 1, 2020:
All other inspections: $125.00 per hour but not less than $250.00 per occurrence during regular working hours, and $175.00 per hour but not less than $350.00 per occurrence when performed outside regular working hours at the request of the beneficiary.
  1. When repairs and alterations are to be made, the requirements of the Part 10 Hawaii Administratve Rules and National Board Inspection Code shall apply. Applications for authorization for repair/ alteration with the department prior to commencement of work, shall be filed in the prescribed form along with the payment of applicable fees . A complete application shall include name of the applicant, address, telephone number, "R" stamp number and expiration date. A copy of the manufacturer's data report form shall be submitted along with drawings of the proposed alteration, calculations, materials, procedures and new maximum allowable working pressure and temperature when applicable. The type of equipment shall be identified with pertinent information such as, power boiler, heating boiler or pressure vessel number, National Board number, name of manufacturer and year built. Incomplete, illegible or applications with insufficient data shall not be considered for approval.
  2. A C-4 license is required by the State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, DCCA, to install, repair and/or alter boilers.
  3. NB "R" Certificate holder is required to submit a copy of their Quality Control Manual and valid NB Certificate of Accrediattion when performing repairs and alterations.
  4. A copy of the fully executed NB R Form and repair/alteration traveler shall be submitted to the department within 30 days upon work completion.



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses
Industrial Safety Section
11341 W Chinden Blvd
Boise, ID 83714
Telephone — 208.334.3950
Date of latest amendment to law: July 1985.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1961.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: March 2010
The Idaho Legislature repealed the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules effective March 29, 2010. Contact your insurance company for regular inspections in order to maintain the safety of your workplace.



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Patrick B. Polick, Chief Inspector
Office of State Fire Marshal
Division of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety
1035 Stevenson Drive
Springfield, IL 62703
Telephone — 217.782.2696
Email —
Fax — 217.785.4184
Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules and Regulations empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
DATE OF LAW PASSAGE: 1951 (Boilers), 1976 (Pressure Vessels)
Date of latest amendment to law: May 2006.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1952.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: May 1, 2022.
State statute: Illinois Compiled Statutes, Health and Safety, Chapter 430. Public Safety, Subchapter 75. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act, Sections 1 through 16.
  1. ASME Code (2021 Edition), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2018 Edition).
  3. ASME B31.1 (2020 Edition), Section I only.
  4. Manufacturers must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report for boilers and pressure vessels with the National Board.
  5. National Board Inspection Code (2021 Edition).
  6. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  7. API-510 10th Edition, May 2014, First Supplement with Addendum 1 (May 2017) and Addendum 2 (March 2018).
  8. Owner/user pressure vessels shall be inspected in accordance with API-510 when such owner/user organizations are approved by the division.
  9. NFPA 85 (2019 Edition)
  10. Special design or construction requires approval of Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules and Regulations before construction is started.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, PP, RP, S, U, U2, UM, UV, V. Nuclear stamps N, NA, NPT, NV come under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal control, except those located in cities of more than 500,000 inhabitants.
  2. Pressure vessels located on vehicles operating under the rules of other state authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight.
  3. Pressure vessels installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  4. Pressure vessels used for transportation and storage of compressed or liquefied gases when constructed in compliance with specifications of the US Department of Transportation and charged with gas or liquid, marked, maintained, and periodically re-qualified for use.
  5. Boilers and pressure vessels located on mine property under the inspection jurisdiction of the Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals.
  6. Boilers and pressure vessels located on farms and used solely for agricultural purposes.
  7. Steam boilers of miniature model locomotives, boats, tractors, or stationary engines:
    1. Constructed and maintained as a hobby and not for commercial use;
    2. Having an inside diameter not exceeding 12 inches and a grate area not exceeding 1-1/2 square feet;
    3. Constantly attended;
    4. Equipped with water level indicators, pressure gages, and safety valves.
  8. Pressure vessels regulated and inspected under the Illinois Fertilizer Act of 1961.
  9. Pressure vessels containing liquefied petroleum gas regulated under the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Regulation, except those used for industrial processes.
  1. Steam boilers used for heating purposes and operated at a pressure not in excess of 15 psig and having a rating not in excess of 200,000 BTU per hour.
  2. Hot-water heating boilers operated at a pressure not in excess of 30 psig and having a rating not in excess of 200,000 BTU per hour.
  3. Boilers and pressure vessels, located in private residences or in multifamily buildings having fewer than six dwelling units, that are within any of the following categories:
    1. Steam-heating boilers operated at no more than 15 psig;
    2. Hot-water heating boilers operating at not more than 30 psig;
    3. Hot-water boilers operated at not more than 160 psig or 250°F;
    4. Pressure vessels containing only water under pressure for domestic supply purposes, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion or airlift pumping function.
  4. Steam boilers of railroad locomotives and traction engines built prior to 1955 that were constructed or operated in compliance with the federal Locomotive Inspection Law and are in a permanent collection of a museum or historical association.
  1. Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
    1. Inspected annually both internally & externally while not under pressure;
    2. Inspected annually externally while under pressure.
    Any power boiler or steam generator, the operation of which is an integral part of, or a necessary adjunct to, other continuous processing operations, shall be inspected internally at such intervals as are permitted by the shutting down of said processing operations. The board may provide for extension of time within which power boilers are required to be inspected based upon type, function or manner of operation.
  2. Low-pressure steam, hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers: Inspected biennially as required by the rules and regulations of the Board.
  3. Pressure vessels:
    1. One triennial certificate inspection, which shall be an external inspection;
    2. An internal inspection at the discretion of the inspector, where construction permits.
    All first-time inspections are performed by the division.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the division are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a division inspector with respect to boilers and pressure vessels insured by their respective companies; however, a division inspector must do the first/initial inspection.
  2. Inspections made by inspectors employed by owners/users and commissioned by the division are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a division inspector with respect to boilers and pressure vessels self-insured by the owner/user thereof.
  3. Reports of certificate inspections on insured boilers and pressure vessels must be filed with the division on forms provided by the division within 10 business days after the inspection.
  4. Non-certificate reports of external inspections are not required to be filed unless there are code violations or dangerous conditions.
  5. The chief inspector must be notified within 30 days of suspension of insurance because of dangerous conditions or new business or discontinuance of insurance.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months for power boilers, 24 months for low-pressure heating boilers, and 36 months for pressure vessels, is issued by the division for insured boilers and pressure vessels upon payment to the division of a $70.00 fee for each boiler or pressure vessel. A grace period of two months is allowed.
As authorized by the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act, the board hereby establishes the following fees to be collected for services rendered:
  1. Examinations - $30.00
  2. Commissions:
    1. New issuance - $40.00
    2. Renewal - $25.00
  3. All certificates of inspection - $70.00 
Inspections conducted by the division:
  1. High-pressure and high-temperature water boilers:
    1. Boilers without manhole - $30.00
    2. Boilers with manhole - $60.00
  2. Low-pressure steam and water boilers:
    1. Boilers without manhole - $30.00
    2. Boilers with manhole - $60.00
    3. Hot-water supply boilers - $30.00
    No more than $130.00 shall be charged for any one boiler in any one year.
  3. Pressure vessels:
    Fees are based on the product of the overall length times the width or diameter of the vessel expressed in square feet:
    1. 50 square feet or less - $25.00
    2. 51 square feet to 150 square feet - $50.00
    3. Over 150 square feet - $75.00
    No more than $160.00 shall be charged for any one pressure vessel in any one year.
  4. Annual statements per vessel (owner/user) - $35.00
  5. Additional services:
    1. Witness a hydrostatic test - $100.00
    2. Joint reviews, audits, shop inspections:
      1. One-half day (plus expenses, including travel and lodging) - $300.00
      2. Full day (plus expenses, including travel and lodging) - $500.00
                   c.     State Special fee - $1000.00
  1. Only organizations holding valid ASME “V” or “UV” authorization, the National Board “VR” authorization or those specifically approved by the division may repair safety relief valves.
  2. Reciprocal Commission is issued for a $10.00 fee to inspectors holding an approved state or National Board Commission upon application to the division together with a photostatic copy of said commission. Examinations for Certificate of Competency are usually held by the Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules and Regulations the first Wednesday in March, June, September and December. An examination fee of $30.00 is required. Commissions are issued upon payment of an additional fee of $40.00 and renewed annually for a fee of $25.00.
  3. Illinois requires all companies performing repairs to boilers and pressure vessels under their jurisdiction to be licensed by the division. An application package may be requested by contacting the division. A license is issued for three years. Initial license fee is $300.00. Renewal fee is $150.00. Applicants must possess a National Board “R” stamp to qualify.
  4. A copy of the Illinois Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act and rules and regulations may be obtained by contacting the division or by visiting




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Roger Boillard, Deputy Chief Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector
Department of Homeland Security
Division of Fire and Building Safety
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety
402 West Washington Street, Room 208
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Telephone — 317.232.1927
Fax — 317.234.8436
Email —
Indiana Boiler and Pressure Vessel Board empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: March 1996.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1953.
Date of latest rules and regulations: March 2009.
State statute: Indiana Administrative Code, Title 680. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules Board.
  1. ASME Code (2015 Edition), Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VIII, IX, X, and XI via Emergency Rule LSA# 15-291(E).
  2. Owners/users must file a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report with the National Board.
  3. National Board Inspection Code (2019 Edition).
  4. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  5. API-510 (Current Edition) for petrochemical repairs, not alterations. Allowed for use by Accredited (Petrochemical) Owner-User Inspection agencies only.
  6. Special design or construction requires approval by the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules Board.
  7. Electrically-heated boilers shall meet the applicable requirements of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
  8. ASME PVHO-1 (Current Edition).
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, N, NA, NPT, PP, S, U, U2, U3, UM, UV, V.
  3. Indiana registration number is assigned at initial inspection by state-employed inspector.
All boilers and pressure vessels except the following:
  1. Hot-water heaters of a type commonly known as “domestic water heaters” having a size and heat input not exceeding that specified by the board.
  2. Pressure vessels other than nuclear vessels operated entirely full of water or other liquid which the board (by a specific ruling) holds to be not materially more hazardous than water, provided temperature of vessel’s contents does not exceed 180°F.
  3. Boilers and unfired pressure vessels under federal regulation.
  4. Unfired pressure vessels meeting requirements of the US Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for shipment of liquids and gases under pressure.
  5. Air tanks located on vehicles operating under rules of other state authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight.
  6. Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  7. Pressure vessels installed before July 1, 1971, when:
    1. Volume is 15 cubic feet or less when not located in a place of public assembly;
    2. Volume is 5 cubic feet or less when located in a place of public assembly;
  8. Pressure vessels installed after July 1, 1971, when:
    1. Volume is 15 cubic feet or less and adequately protected by pressure-relieving devices set to function at 300 psi or less when not located in a place of public assembly;
    2. Volume is 5 cubic feet or less and adequately protected by pressure-relieving devices set to function at 250 psi or less when located in a place of public assembly;
    3. Volume of 1-1/2 cubic feet or less regardless of pressure or location, unless otherwise covered by the act.
  9. Unfired pressure vessels (other than nuclear vessels) protected by adequate pressure-relieving devices set to function at not over 15 psig.
  10. Pressure vessels containing liquefied petroleum gases and regulated by the Fire Prevention & Building Safety Commission.
  11. Surgical sterilizers, coffee urns and steam-jacketed food cookers not exceeding size limits specified by the board.
  12. Commercial toy boilers and miniature model boilers constructed as a hobby, of a size not exceeding that specified by the board.
  13. Pressure vessels containing anhydrous ammonia (used in transportation or distribution storage of the product as a liquid fertilizer) for which construction, installation, and safety requirements generally are separately prescribed in other regulations existing or hereafter promulgated by the State of Indiana or an administrative agency thereof (does not include vessels in refineries or manufacturing or process plants).
  14. Nuclear vessels for the collection and disposal of nuclear waste from a nuclear energy system which are not subject to pressures greater than would prevail if they were vented to the atmosphere.
  15. Standard and miniature traction engine boilers and other boilers used solely for exhibition purposes.
  16. A locomotive boiler used only on a tourist attraction railway.
The following items are exempt from field inspection and permitting:
  1. Any regulated boiler or pressure vessel located on a farm and used solely for agricultural purposes.
  2. Any steam boiler or water-heating boiler meeting all of the following requirements:
    1. Located in an owner-occupied residence, a residential structure with fewer than seven apartments, or a place other than a place of public assembly;
    2. Operated for heating purposes at a pressure not exceeding 15 psig, if qualifying as a steam boiler, and operated at a pressure not exceeding 30 psig, if qualifying as a water-heating boiler;
    3. Having a gross output rating not exceeding 215,000 BTU per hour, if not located in a place of public assembly.
  3. Any pressure vessel meeting all of the following requirements:
    1. Containing only water under pressure for domestic supply purposes, including one containing air, if the compressed air serves only as a cushion or as part of an airlift pumping system;
    2. Located in an owner-occupied residence or a residential structure with fewer than seven apartments.
  4. Any pressure vessel used as an integral part of an electrical circuit breaker.
Boilers, other than steam-generating equipment which is an integral part of a continuous processing unit:
  1. Power boilers and miniature boilers:
    1. One annual internal and external certificate inspection;
    2. One annual external inspection while under pressure, if possible.
    With specific approval of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules Board and the inspection agency, power boilers exceeding 300,000 pounds per hour steaming capacity may have inspection periods extended to a maximum of two years.
  2. Low-pressure heating boilers, hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers: One biennial certificate inspection externally and, where construction permits, internally.
  3. Pressure vessels and steam-generating equipment which is an integral part of a continuous processing unit: Certificate inspection intervals shall not exceed the maximum periods between inspections determined in accordance with the provisions of Indiana rules, the National Board Inspection Code, or API-510 as applicable, except that:
    1. The interval between certificate inspections shall not exceed five years;
    2. Where systematic corrosion data are not available, the maximum period between certificate inspections shall be three years or such shorter period as the inspection agency having jurisdiction deems proper.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by department are required in lieu of inspections made by department inspector when the vessel is insured.
  2. Reports of certificate inspections must be filed with department on National Board forms within 30 days.
  3. Reports of external inspections, except certificate inspections, are not required unless there are dangerous conditions. The department must be notified immediately of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  4. The department must be notified within 30 days of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
  5. Inspectors employed by the State of Indiana Boiler & Pressure Vessel Safety Section make all first (installation approval) inspections.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by owner/user inspection agencies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by department inspector.
  2. Reports of inspections made by inspectors employed by owner/user inspection agencies may be filed with the department on either National Board forms or special forms approved by the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules Board.
  3. Each owner/user inspection agency shall remit a filing fee of $20.00 for each boiler or pressure vessel with the report.
  1. Certificate of Inspection, valid for not more than two months beyond the date when next certificate inspection is due, is issued by the department. Payment of $25.00 Certificate of Inspection fee by the owner/user shall be made directly to the department and is required for each boiler or pressure vessel inspected by an insurance company inspection agency. Certificate of Inspection fee is $25.00 when inspection is made by state-employed inspector, as well as inspection-specific fees.
  2. Owner/user inspection agencies shall keep on file a true record or copy of the latest inspection report, signed by either the inspector who made the inspection or by a qualified engineer under whose supervision the inspection was made.
  3. No inspection certificate issued for an insured boiler or pressure vessel is valid after the boiler or pressure vessel, for which it was issued, ceases to be insured by a duly authorized insurance company.
  1. The office of the state building commissioner may not charge an owner or user more than two of the fees described in subsections (2) through (5) for inspections of regulated boilers and pressure vessels during a particular calendar year. However, an owner or user who has failed to:
    1. Prepare a boiler or pressure vessel for the required inspection on the date specified by the inspector shall pay to the office a fee of $25.00; and
    2. Make repairs, or otherwise correct conditions of noncompliance applicable to regulated equipment within the time frame specified by the inspector shall pay to the office a fee of $25.00. Verification of the conditions noted in either subdivision (a) or (b) shall be documented on the inspection report form mandated by the division of boiler and pressure vessel safety to report inspection activities relating to equipment regulated by the division.
  2. Regulated boilers – internal inspection:
    1. Boilers with 100 square feet of heating surface or less - $24.00
    2. Boilers over 100 square feet but less than or equal to 500 square feet of heating surface - $36.00
    3. Boilers over 500 square feet but less than or equal to 1,000 square feet of heating surface - $48.00
    4. Boilers over 1,000 square feet but less than or equal to 10,000 square feet of heating surface - $90.00
    Fees for internal inspection of regulated boilers exceeding 10,000 square feet of heating surface shall be charged at the rates specified in subsection (9).
  3. Regulated boilers – external inspection:
    1. Boilers with 50 square feet or less of heating surface - $18.00
    2. Boilers over 50 square feet but less than or equal to 150 square feet of heating surface - $24.00
    3. Boilers over 151 square feet of heating surface - $40.00
  4. Regulated pressure vessels – internal or external inspections:
    1. Vessels having an area of 50 square feet or less - $15.00
    2. Vessels having an area over 50 square feet but less than or equal to 150 square feet - $30.00
    3. Vessels over 150 square feet of area - $60.00
    Fees for internal or external inspection of regulated pressure vessels shall be based on the sectional area of the vessel (overall length head to head times the width or outside diameter) expressed in square feet.
  5. Service water heater – internal or external inspection - $10.00
  6. Permit processing fee for all certificates of inspection (operating permits) issued by the office - $25.00

    In all cases this fee is in addition to fees for inspection activities.
  7. Request to recreate a permit that has been lost - $15.00
  8. Petition for variance - $200.00

    An additional fee of $500.00 shall accompany the petition when engineering calculations are included for review.
  9. Inspection and/or audit activities requested that are not otherwise listed shall be either of the following:
    1. $300.00 per day, not to exceed four regular working hours.
    2. $600.00 per day exceeding four regular working hours, plus $75.00 per hour exceeding eight regular working hours in a particular day, plus actual expenses incurred such as travel, lodging, and dining expenses.
    A fee computed under this subsection must cover the period from the time the inspector leaves the regular work schedule to the time the inspector returns to the regular work schedule, and is payable upon receipt of an invoice.
  10. Payment of $20.00 per object inspected shall accompany the annual report of inspection of owner or user inspection agencies.
  11. Application for an owner or user inspection agency certificate - $500.00
  12. Application to sit for an inspector examination - $100.00
  13. Annual renewal of an inspector license - $25.00
All payments to the office are payable to the Fire and Building Services Fund. The state building commissioner may authorize the refunding of any fee specified in this section that was paid or collected in error. (675 IAC 12-3-13) (Effective April 1, 2003)
  1. Examinations for an inspector’s commission are held by the board on the first Wednesday of the months of March, June, September, and December. A $100.00 fee is applicable.
  2. Reciprocal Commission is issued to inspectors holding a National Board Commission or a Certificate of Competency issued by a state with a standard of examination equal to that of the State of Indiana upon application to the department together with photostatic copy of said commission or Certificate of Competency. Fee of $25.00 is charged each applicant for a commission.
  3. Inspector’s identification card must be renewed annually by December 31. There is a $25.00 charge for renewal.
  4. An operator’s license is not required to operate a boiler or pressure vessel.
  5. Copy of boiler and pressure vessel rules with selected excerpts from Indiana statute is available by contacting:

    Indiana BPV Safety Division
An update to adopted standards is intended soon. Please refer to the Indiana Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety web site periodically to verify the applicable editions.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Robert J. Bunte, Chief Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspector
Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing
Boilers & Pressure Vessel Inspection Bureau
6200 Park Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50321
(Direct) Telephone: 515-669-8945
(Office Admin) Telephone: 515-725-2050
Website: Boilers | Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing (
Iowa Code Chapter 89 identifies the scope of this department.
89.1 Authority.
1. The labor commissioner shall enforce the provisions of this chapter and may employ qualified personnel under the provisions of chapter 8A, subchapter IV, to administer the provisions of this chapter.
2. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all boilers and unfired steam pressure vessels in this state, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
Beginning of boiler program: 1887
Date of latest amendment to law: July 2018
Date of latest rules and regulations: 
  • Chapter 90, Administration of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Program
    • 02/16/2022
  • Chapter 91, General Requirements for All Objects
    • 02/16/2022
  • Chapter 92, Power Boilers
    • 10/10/2012
  • Chapter 93, Miniature Power Boilers Installed Prior to September 20, 2006
    • 03/21/2018
  • Chapter 94, Steam Heating Boilers, Hot Water Heating Boilers and Hot Water Supply Boilers
    • 11/24/2021
  • Chapter 95, Water Heaters
    • 09/01/2018
  • Chapter 96, Unfired Steam Pressure Vessels
    • 10/10/2012
91.1(89) Codes and code cases adopted by reference.
91.1(1) ASME boiler and pressure vessel codes adopted by reference. The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (2021) is adopted by reference. Regulated objects shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (2021) except for objects that meet one of the following criteria:
a. An object with an ASME stamp and National Board Registration that establish compliance with an earlier version of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code;
b. A miniature boiler installed before March 31, 1967;
c. A power boiler or unfired steam pressure vessel installed before July 4, 1951; or
d. A steam heating boiler, hot water heating boiler, or hot water supply boiler installed before July 1, 1960.
91.1(2) ASME code cases. If the manufacturer of an object listed ASME Code Case 2668-1, 2760, 2764-1, or 2869 on the manufacturer’s data report for the object and the object is otherwise in compliance with all applicable provisions, the object is in compliance with these rules.
91.1(3) Inspection code adopted by reference. The National Board Inspection Code (2021) is
adopted by reference, and installations, alterations, and repairs after February 16, 2022, shall comply with it.
91.1(4) Electric code adopted by reference. The National Electrical Code, NFPA 70 (2020), is
adopted by reference, and installations after April 15, 2020, shall comply with it.
91.1(5) Piping codes adopted by reference. The Power Piping Code, ASME B31.1 (2020), and the Building Services Piping Code, ASME B31.9 (2020), are adopted by reference, and installations after February 16, 2022, shall comply with them up to and including the first valve.
91.1(6) Control and safety device code adopted by reference. Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers (CSD-1) (2021) is adopted by reference, and installations after April 15, 2020, shall comply with it. Reporting requirements concerning CSD-1 are set forth at rule 875—90.11(89).
91.1(7) Mechanical code adopted by reference. Excluding Section 701.1, Chapters 2 and 7 of the International Mechanical Code (IMC) (2021) are adopted by reference, and installations after February 16, 2022, shall comply with them.
91.1(8) Oil burning equipment code adopted by reference. National Fire Protection Association Standard for the Installation of Oil Burning Equipment, NFPA 31 (2020), is adopted by reference, and installations after February 16, 2022, shall comply with it.
91.1(9) Fuel gas code adopted by reference. National Fire Protection Association National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54 (2021), is adopted by reference, and installations after February 16, 2022, shall comply with it.
91.1(10) Liquefied petroleum gas code adopted by reference. National Fire Protection Association Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, NFPA 58 (2020), is adopted by reference, and installations after April 15, 2020, shall comply with it.
91.1(11) Boiler and combustion systems hazards code adopted by reference. National Fire Protection Association Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code, NFPA 85 (2019), is adopted by reference, and installations after April 15, 2020, shall comply with it.
Where appropriate, the National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, N, NA, NPT, PP, S, U, U2, U3, UM, UV, V
All objects that fall within the scope of Iowa Code Chapter 89 are subject to the rules and codes of this Jurisdiction.
Iowa Code Chapter 89
  • section 89.3 identifies the different equipment types, inspection type(s), and the inspection schedule(s) to be performed.
  • Section 89.4 identifies the objects that are exempted from section 89.3.
Administrative Rules Chapter 90
90.14(89) Temporary objects.
90.14(1) Certificate to operate. A certificate to operate a temporary object shall expire one year from the date of issuance or when the temporary object is disconnected.
90.14(2) Inspections.
a. An internal inspection and hydrostatic test pursuant to the National Board Inspection Code shall be performed on site at a new location before a temporary object is started up. Once a temporary object has been placed into normal operation, an external operating inspection shall be performed.
b. An inspection on a temporary object that remains at the same location and is in continuous service longer than one year shall be performed according to the inspection schedule of Iowa Code section 89.3.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the Division of Labor Services are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a state inspector.
  1. Insurance company inspectors must apply for a new commission each January 1st or when they change employers.
  1. The insurance company shall file a notice of insurance coverage form approved by the commissioner stating that the equipment is insured, and that inspection shall be made in accordance with section 89.3.
  1. Inspections must be performed within a 60-day period prior to the expiration date of the operating certificate.
  1. Special inspectors shall provide copies of the completed report to the insured and to the Division of Labor within 14 days of the inspection.
Iowa Code Chapter 89
89.7A Certificates.
1. The commissioner shall issue a certificate of inspection valid for the period specified in section 89.3 after the payment of a fee, the filing of an inspection report, and the correction or other appropriate resolution of any defects identified in the inspection report. The certificate shall be posted at a place near the location of the equipment.
Administrative Rules Chapter 90
90.8(89) Certificate. No boiler or pressure vessel shall be operated without a current, valid certificate to operate. A certificate to operate shall not be issued until the boiler or pressure vessel is in compliance with the applicable rules and all fees have been paid. The current certificate to operate or a copy of the current certificate to operate shall be conspicuously posted in the room where the object is installed.
Administrative Rules Chapter 90 Identifies the fees charged by this department.
90.7(89) Fees.
90.7(1) Special inspector commission fee. A $55 fee shall be paid annually to the commissioner to obtain a special inspector commission pursuant to Iowa Code section 89.7.
90.7(2) Certificate fee. A $40 fee shall be paid for each one-year certificate, an $80 fee shall be paid for each two-year certificate, and a $160 fee shall be paid for each four-year certificate.
90.7(3) Fees for inspection. An inspection fee for each object inspected by a division inspector shall be paid by the appropriate party as follows:
a. A $55 fee for each water heater supply boiler.
b. A $95 fee for each boiler, other than a water heater supply boiler, having a working pressure up to and including 450 pounds per square inch or generating between 20,000 and 100,000 pounds of steam per hour.
c. A $215 fee for each boiler, other than a water heater supply boiler, having a working pressure in excess of 450 pounds per square inch and generating in excess of 100,000 pounds of steam per hour.
d. A $55 fee for each pressure vessel, such as steam stills, tanks, jacket kettles, sterilizers and all other reservoirs having a working pressure of 15 pounds or more per square inch.
e. An additional fee will be charged if, upon the request of an owner or user, the labor commissioner agrees to any non-routine schedule for an inspection outside of normal business hours, a special inspection, or a site visit. The additional fee will be calculated at a rate of $200 per hour, including travel time, with a minimum charge of $400.
f. If a boiler or pressure vessel has to be reinspected, there shall be another inspection fee as specified above.
90.7(4) Fees for attempted inspections. A $35 fee shall be charged for each attempt by a division
  1. Welded repairs or alterations to boilers or pressure vessels shall be made in accordance with the National Board Inspection Code by a valid National Board “R” Stamp holder. If the National Board Inspection Code requires that an R-1 Report of Repair or an R-2 Report of Alteration be filed with the National Board, a copy of the National Board form must be simultaneously filed with the labor commissioner.
  2. To obtain a copy of the Iowa Code for Boilers and Unfired Steam Pressure Vessels, please visit Boilers | Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing (



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Robert Stimson, Acting Chief Boiler Inspector
Office of the State Fire Marshal
800 S.W. Jackson St., Suite 104
TopekaKansas 66612
Telephone — 785.296.3401
Email —
Fax — 785.296.0151                                      
Legislative committees empowered to make, alter or amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
DATE OF LAW PASSAGE: 1953 — repealed: 1975; reinstated: 1977
Date of latest amendment to law: April 2022.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1953 and 1977.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: April 2022.
State statute: Kansas Statutes Annotated, Chapter 44. Labor and Industries, Kansas Boiler Safety Act, K.S.A 44-913 et. seq.
  1. ASME Code (2007 Edition), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (1998 Edition).
  3. ASME B31.1 (2007 Edition).
  4. National Board Inspection Code (2007 Edition).
  5. National Board registration required for pressure vessels installed after January 1, 1999, and for boilers.
  6. NFPA 70 (2002 Edition), 85 (2007 Edition), 85A (1987 Edition).
  7. Uniform Mechanical Code (2000 Edition).
  8. International Plumbing Code (1997 Edition).
  9. UL 1776 (2002 Third Edition).
  10. Special design or construction requires approval of the secretary.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, PP, S, U, UM, V.
  3. All boilers and pressure vessels installed after January 1, 1999, shall have securely attached to the front of the boiler a metal tag not less than one inch in height which shall have the serial number of the state of Kansas stamped thereon.
All boilers/pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under the control of the US government.
  2. Fire engine boilers brought into the state for temporary use in times of emergency.
  3. Boilers and pressure vessels located on producing oil and gas leases or storage areas outside the limits of any municipality, used solely for oil and gas production purposes.
  4. Hot-water supply boilers which are directly fired with oil, gas, electricity, or solar energy and equipped with safety relief valves approved by the National Board and ASME, if none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. Heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. Water temperature of 210°F;
    3. Nominal water capacity of 120 gallons.
  5. Pressure vessels constructed and installed prior to January 1, 1999.
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels located on farms and used solely for agricultural or horticultural purposes.
  2. Heating boilers and pressure vessels which are located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than five family units.
  3. Boilers and pressure vessels operated and regularly inspected by railway companies operating in interstate commerce.
  4. Any boiler or pressure vessel in any establishment in which petroleum products are refined or processed and where all boiler and pressure equipment is inspected and rated either by an inspection service regularly maintained within such establishment or provided by the manufacturer, designer, or insurer of such equipment (in accordance with the applicable provisions of any published code, codes, rules, or recommended practices nationally recognized in the industry as providing suitable standards for the inspection, repair, and rating of pressure equipment of the type used in such establishments).
  5. Pressure vessels used for transportation and storage of compressed gases when constructed in compliance with specifications of the US Department of Transportation and when charged with gas marked, maintained, and periodically re-qualified for use.
  6. Pressure vessels located on vehicles operating under the rules and regulations of other state authorities and used to transport passengers or freight.
  7. Pressure vessels installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used in the operation of trains.
  8. Pressure vessels having an internal or external operating pressure not exceeding 15 psig with no limit on size.
  9. Pressure vessels having an inside diameter, width, height, or cross-section diagonal not exceeding 6 inches, with no limitation on length or pressure of the vessel.
  10. Pressure vessels for containing water or other nonflammable liquids under pressure, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion, when neither of the following is exceeded:
    1. A design pressure of 300 psig;
    2. A design temperature of 210°F.
  11. Pressure vessels which may be classified as pressure containers which are an integral part of components of rotating or reciprocating mechanical devices.
  12. Pressure vessels that do not exceed:
    1. 15 cubic feet and 250 psi;
    2. 1-1/2 cubic feet and 600 psi.
  13. Pressure vessels installed before January 1, 1999.
  14. Any anhydrous ammonia storage or containment vessels.
  1. Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
    1. Annual certificate inspection (internal inspection);
    2. Annual external inspection while under pressure, if possible, at approximately a six-month interval from the certificate inspection.
  2. Steam heating boilers:
    1. Annual certificate inspection;
    2. A triennial internal inspection where construction permits.
  3. Hot-water supply boilers: a triennial external certificate inspection (under 400,000 BTU per hour).
  4. Low-pressure hot-water supply boilers with heat input over 400,000 BTU: an annual external certificate inspection.
  5. All other boilers: annual certificate inspection with an internal inspection at the discretion of the inspector. An electrical generating utility may apply for, and receive, a variance granting such utility up to an additional year between inspections.
  6. Pressure vessels: one-time inspection of new installations and the replacement of vessels 15 cubic feet and over constructed and installed after January 1, 1999.
  7. Antique scale model or other steam boilers which are used exclusively for exhibition purposes and which are inspected by associations that have an approved inspection procedure and qualified inspectors.
A grace period of two months beyond the periods specified above may elapse between certificate inspections. The secretary may provide, by rules and regulations, for longer periods between certificate inspections.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and certified by the chief inspector are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a state inspector.
  2. Reports of certificate inspections must be filed with the chief inspector on National Board forms within 30 days after inspection.
  3. All insurance companies shall notify the chief inspector on National Board forms within 30 days of all boiler risk: written, canceled, or not renewed. Chief inspector shall be immediately notified of insurance suspension because of unsafe conditions.
  4. All insurance companies shall immediately notify the chief inspector of any unsafe boiler which they refuse to insure and shall submit a report of defects.
  1. If the boiler upon inspection is found to conform to the rules and regulations, the chief inspector shall issue the owner or user an Inspection Certificate. The certificate fee, paid directly to the chief inspector by the owner or user, shall be $30.00.
  2. Such Inspection Certificate shall be valid for 14 months from the date of issue, except when the inspection interval is extended by the chief inspector.
  1. Certificate inspections for power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
    1. Miniboilers - $50.00
    2. Boilers of 50 square feet of heating surface or less - $115.00
    3. Boilers over 50 square feet and less than 500 square feet heating surface - $140.00
    4. Boilers over 500 square feet and less than 4,000 square feet heating surface - $150.00
    5. Boilers of 4,000 square feet or more and less than 8,000 square feet heating surface - $175.00
    6. Boilers of 8,000 square feet or more and less than 10,000 square feet heating surface - $200.00
    7. Boilers of 10,000 square feet heating surface or more - $400.00
  2. Heating Boilers (internal inspections)
    1. Heating boilers without manhole - $85.00
    2. Heating boilers with manhole - $100.00
  3. Heating Boilers (external inspections):
    1. Heating boilers without manhole - $60.00
    2. Heating boilers with manhole - $75.00
    3. Hot-water supply boilers - $50.00
  4. Power boilers (external inspections):
    1. Boilers of 50 square feet heating surface or less - $55.00
    2. Boilers of 50 square feet heating surface but less than 500 square feet - $65.00
    3. Boilers of 500 square feet heating surface but less than 1,000 square feet - $90.00
    4. Boilers of 1,000 square feet heating surface but less than 4,000 square feet - $175.00
    5. Boilers of 4,000 square feet heating surface but less than 8,000 square feet - $225.00
    6. Boilers of 8,000 square feet heating surface but less than 10,000 square feet - $300.00
    7. Boilers of 10,000 square feet heating surface or more - $400.00
  5. Pressure Vessels (external inspections):
    1. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 500 gallons or less - $55.00
    2. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 500 gallons but less than 2,000 gallons - $65.00
    3. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 2,000 gallons but less than 5,000 gallons - $75.00
    4. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 5,000 gallons but less than 10,000 gallons - $90.00
    5. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 10,000 gallons but less than 20,000 gallons - $125.00
    6. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 20,000 gallons but less than 30,000 gallons - $175.00
    7. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 30,000 gallons but less than 50,000 gallons - $225.00
    8. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 50,000 gallons or more - $275.00
  6. Pressure Vessels (internal inspections):
    1. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 500 gallons or less - $75.00
    2. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 500 gallons but less than 2,000 gallons - $90.00
    3. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 2,000 gallons but less than 5,000 gallons - $125.00
    4. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 5,000 gallons but less than 10,000 gallons - $175.00
    5. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 10,000 gallons but less than 20,000 gallons - $250.00
    6. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 20,000 gallons but less than 30,000 gallons - $325.00
    7. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 30,000 gallons but less than 50,000 gallons - $350.00
    8. Pressure Vessels with a capacity of 50,000 gallons or more - $400.00
  7. Hydrostatic tests: When it is necessary to make a special trip to witness the application of a hydrostatic test, an additional fee based on the scale of fees applicable to a certificate inspection of the boiler shall be charged.
  8. Inspections, including shop inspections, shop reviews, special inspections, and inspections of secondhand or used boilers, when made by the chief or deputy inspector, shall be charged a fee of $500.00 per day.
  9. National Board “R” Stamp Reviews: When a state inspector participates in a stamp review conducted by The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, or inspects welded repairs to a boiler, the fee charged shall be $500.00 per day.
  10. Certificate of Inspection - $30.00
  11. Certificate replacement - $10.00
  1. Emergency cutoff switch is required on each hot water supply boiler equipped with power burners, as well as boilers with a BTUH input of 400,000 or more (regardless of burner type). Each heating and power boiler must have an emergency shutdown switch at each exit to meet NFPA 70 requirements. Input of 12,500,000 BTUH or more must meet requirements of NFPA 85, 85A, 85F.
  2. Hot water supply boiler cannot be used for comfort heat.
  3. Each pool heater must have a safety relief valve and pressure switch or flow switch. Heaters generating 400,000 BTUH or more must meet requirements of ASME Section IV and be registered with the National Board.
  4. Each person who installs, repairs, or tests boilers with a capacity of 1,250,000 BTUH or more must be authorized by the chief inspector before proceeding.
  5. Certificate of Competency identification card is issued to inspectors holding a National Board Commission for a fee of $25.00, upon application to the chief inspector together with a photostatic copy of said commission.
  6. The Certificate of Competency identification card must be renewed annually by December 31. The fee for renewal is $20.00.
  7. A copy of the Kansas Boiler Safety Act (KSA 44-913) may be obtained by writing to or calling the Boiler Safety Unit at 785.296.3401 or go to




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Mark Jordan, Chief Boiler Inspector
Department of Housing, Buildings, and Construction
Boiler & P.V. Inspection
Division of Plumbing
500 Mero St, First Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601-1987
Telephone — 502.573.1708
Email —
Fax — 502.573.1058
Commissioner Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: July 2018.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1962.
Date of latest rules and regulations: January 2019.
State statute: Kentucky Revised Statutes, Title XIX. Public Safety and Morals, Chapter 236.00 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act, Sections .005 through .990.
  1. ASME Code, Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, and code cases.
  2. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  3. ASME B31.1 for pressure piping connected to the boiler or pressure vessel. For low-pressure boilers, the metallic piping material allowed by B31.9 shall be acceptable. State inspection is required.
  4. Manufacturer’s Data Report required on all boilers of steel construction and pressure vessels operated in Kentucky (unless exempt by the act, data reports shall be filed with the National Board with copies sent to the department).
  5. National Board Inspection Code.
  6. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  7. Special design or construction requires approval of Board of Boiler Rules and chief inspector.
  8. Foreign codes: Accepted when meeting the requirements for State Specials.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, PP, S, U, UV, V.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal control.
  2. Boilers and pressure vessels located on farms and used solely for agricultural purposes.
  3. Boilers and pressure vessels located at oil refineries.
  4. Steam or vapor boilers with pressure not exceeding 15 psi used for heating purposes in private residences.
  5. Hot-water heating boilers with a pressure not exceeding 30 psi and hot-water supply boilers in private residences.
  6. Any unfired pressure vessels used as containers for liquefied petroleum gases and subject to the jurisdiction of the Office of Housing, Buildings and Construction under Kentucky Revised Statutes, Chapter 234.
  7. Pressure vessels used for transportation of compressed gases constructed and operated in compliance with specifications and regulations of another state or federal authority.
  8. Pressure vessels containing air located on vehicles operating under the regulations of another state or federal authority.
  1. Power boilers:
    1. Annual internal and external inspection while not under pressure;
    2. Annual external inspection while under pressure, if possible.
  2. Low-pressure steam or vapor-heating boilers, hot-water heating boilers, and hot-water supply boilers: biennial internal and external inspection where construction permits.
A grace period of two months beyond the periods specified above may elapse between inspections. The department may, at its discretion, permit longer periods between inspections. All new boiler, pressure vessel, and piping installation inspections must be made by a department inspector.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Reports of internal inspections must be filed with the department on National Board forms within 30 days after inspection.
  3. All insurance companies shall notify the department within 30 days of all boiler risks written, canceled, not renewed, or suspended because of unsafe conditions.
  4. All insurance companies shall notify the department and submit a report of defects on any boiler refused insurance.
Certificate of Inspection is issued by the department upon payment of $15.00 by the owner/user, valid for not more than 14 months from the date of issue in the case of power boilers; 26 months in the case of low-pressure steam or vapor-heating boilers, hot-water heating boilers, or hot-water supply boilers; and 38 months for unfired pressure vessels.
  1. Power boilers internal inspection:
    1. Boilers not more than 100 square feet heating surface - $35.00
    2. Boilers more than 100 square feet but not over 1,000 square feet heating surface - $50.00
    3. Boilers more than 1,000 square feet but not over 4,000 square feet heating surface - $90.00
    4. Boilers more than 4,000 square feet but not over 10,000 square feet heating surface - $120.00
    5. Boilers more than 10,000 square feet heating surface - $200.00
  2. Power boilers external inspection:
    1. Boilers not more than 100 square feet heating surface - $30.00
    2. Boilers more than 100 square feet heating surface - $35.00
    3. Miniature boilers - $25.00
    Not more than the equivalent sum of the internal and external inspection fees shall be charged or collected for all inspections of a boiler in any one year.
  3. Low-pressure boilers:
    1. Heating boilers without manhole - $35.00
    2. Heating boilers with manhole - $55.00
    3. Hot-water supply boilers - $25.00
    Not more than one fee shall be charged or collected for inspections of a boiler in any two-year period.
  4. Pressure vessels: re-inspection - $25.00
  5. Hydrostatic tests: when it is necessary to make a special trip to witness a hydrostatic test, an additional fee based on shop inspection fees shall be charged.
  6. Pressure piping: Fees for new installation inspection of pressure piping on both power and heating boilers are set by the department. All other inspections, including shop inspections and inspections of secondhand or used boilers made by the boiler inspector shall be charged at the rate of $450.00 for one-half day and $600.00 for one day over four hours; $600.00 for eight hours or any part thereof on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday; and $40.00 per hour for overtime in excess of eight hours in any one day, plus all expenses, including travel, hotel, and incidentals.
  1. Examinations for commissions as boiler inspectors shall be given by the Boiler Inspection Section on the first Wednesday and Thursday in March, June, September, and December.
  2. Reciprocal Commission is issued to inspectors holding an approved state or National Board Commission upon application to the department together with a photostatic copy of the commission.
  3. All boilers shall be stamped with a Kentucky serial number preceded by the letters “KY.”
  4. All cast-iron boilers shall have securely attached to the front of the boiler a metal tag not less than one inch in height on which the serial number of the State of Kentucky shall be stamped.
  5. A license from the Commissioner or the chief boiler inspector on recommendation of the board is required to install, erect, or repair boilers, pressure vessels, and piping. A permit to install or for major repairs is also required from the Department. Plans are required for installation of boilers and pressure vessels prior to installation.
  6. A copy of the state’s boiler and pressure vessel laws, rules, and regulations may be obtained by contacting the office of the chief boiler inspector or at the following Web sites:




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.



JC Chavez, Senior Safety Engineer-Pressure Vessel
Department of Building and Safety
Pressure Vessel Section
221 N. Figueroa St
Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Telephone — 213.202.9852
Fax — 213.202.9922
Email —
Department of Building and Safety empowered to make, alter, and amend Department Information Bulletins.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: December 2007.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1894.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: December 2007.
City ordinance: Los Angeles Municipal Code, Chapter IX. Building Regulations, Article 7. Boilers, Unfired Pressure Vessels and Other Equipment.
  1. ASME Code (2001 Edition, 2002 Addendum), Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, and code cases.
  2. Code addenda accepted automatically (subject to concurrence with California Division of Industrial Safety).
  3. ASME B31.1 (2001 Edition).
  4. Uniform Mechanical Code.
  5. Special design or construction requires approval by California Division of Industrial Safety and the Pressure Vessel Section of the City of Los Angeles.
  6. Design, construction, stamping, repair, and alteration of fired and unfired pressure vessels shall comply with Title 8, Chapter 4 of the State of California Division of Industrial Safety Orders.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, H, HLW, HV, M, PP, S, U, UM, UV, V.
Except for those installed in private residences where other codes apply, hot-water boilers, steam boilers, and unfired pressure vessels shall be constructed, installed, and maintained in accordance with provisions of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, Chapter IX, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and Chapter 4 of the California Division of Industrial Safety Orders.
Every steam boiler and hot-water boiler over 400,000 BTU per hour input, unfired pressure vessels including hot-water storage tanks over 120 gallons, steam mangles, steam kettles, vulcanizers, sprinkler tanks, clothes presses, rendering tanks, retorts, dryers, vacuum cookers, and steam receivers.
  1. Equipment owned and operated by entities of the United States government, County of Los Angeles and the State of California.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels (other than those that receive steam) including air tanks having a volume of 1-1/2 cubic feet or less and possessing safety valves set to open at not more than 150 psi.
  3. Portable boilers and portable unfired pressure vessels.
  4. Oxygen and non-flammable bulk industrial gas tanks.
  5. Pressure vessels used in refrigerating systems.
  6. Cylinders used in US Department of Transportation service.
  7. Equipment in private residences.
  8. Equipment operated or engaged in interstate commerce.
Unless internal inspection is required by Title 8, Chapter 4 of the State of California Division of Industrial Safety Orders, annual external inspection is required. Where construction and operating conditions permit, equipment may be subject to internal inspection. In the judgment of the superintendent, a hydrostatic or other test may be required. Department may accept ultrasonic thickness determination in lieu of, or in conjunction with, internal inspection of air tanks of 36-inch diameter or less. Department may also require internal inspection or other nondestructive examination. Air tanks are inspected triennially.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector. Initial installation inspection must be made by a department inspector.
    1. Reports of inspection must be filed with department on city-approved forms within 21 days;
    2. Department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions;
    3. The department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
  2. Owner/User inspection requirements:
    1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by owners/users and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector. Initial installation inspection must be made by a department inspector;
    2. Reports of inspection must be filed with department  within 21 days.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for one year, is issued by the insurance company making the inspection on forms furnished by the department. There is a $19.00 processing fee for each object reported by insurance company. Department will bill each insurance company on a monthly basis.
  1. A fee of $143.00 per hour or part thereof, including travel time, shall be charged for all shop, field-erection, and resale inspections of all tanks, boilers, parts of tanks and boilers, and nuclear components – and for consultation, surveys, audits, manual reviews, and other activities required or related to the ASME Code (or other national standard for boilers and tank shops) when made by qualified engineers of the department.
  2. A fee shall be charged for field permit inspection of air tanks, liquefied petroleum gas tanks, and boilers by qualified safety engineers employed by the department.
  3. Persons owning or having the custody, management or operation of an air tank, liquefied petroleum gas tank or boiler who fail to pay required fees after 60 days of notification shall be assessed a penalty fee equal to 50% of the original fee.
  4. Witnessing the performance of hydrostatic tests, as prescribed by the code, drilling shell plates, or performing ultrasonic tests to determine minimum thickness, and extensive repairs are charged at a rate of $143.00 per hour.
  1. Commissions are issued for an initial fee of $125.00 to inspectors holding a valid California Certificate of Competency; annual renewal fee is $50.00, plus a 2% surcharge and a 6% computer surcharge.
  2. Investigation fee for insurance reports 30 days overdue or more is $15.00 per object.
  3. A permit for installation of a boiler or pressure vessel must be obtained from the department. Permit fee is $20.00 per object, plus a 2% surcharge, plus a 6% computer surcharge.
  4. Operators of steam boilers over 15 psi and over 5 hp are required to be licensed.
  5. Repairs by fusion welding must be made in accordance with California Safety Orders.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Rhett Termini, Chief Boiler Inspector
Louisiana State Fire Marshal Office
Mechanical Safety Section
8181 Independence Boulevard
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Telephone — 225.200.5615
Email —
Fax — 225.925.3813
Assistant Secretary, Office of State Fire Marshal, empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: August 2000.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1938 (revised in 1950).
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: July 2007  
State statute: Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 23, Chapter 5, Part III, Regulations Affecting Boilers.
  1. ASME Code (2004 Edition, 2005 Addendum), Sections I, IV, VI, VII, IX, and code cases.
  2. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  3. Code rules updated when published by ASME.
  4. Pressure vessels to Section VIII when required by the owner/user only.
  5. ASME CSD-1 (2004 Edition)
  6. NFPA-54, National Fuel Gas Code
  7. National Board Inspection Code (2004 Edition, 2005 Addendum).
  8. National Board registration required for boilers.
  9. Special design or construction Louisiana Special requires approval of the state fire marshal and must be inspected during construction by an inspector with a National Board Commission and Louisiana Boiler Inspectors Commission.
  10. Potable water heaters must be designed and constructed to Underwriters’ Laboratories or other nationally recognized standard, and shall bear their label on the completed unit.
  11. Containers for storage of liquefied petroleum must be shop-inspected subject to Rules of the Louisiana Petroleum Gas Commission, 7919 Independence Boulevard, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806; telephone: 225.925.4895.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, S.
All boilers, except the following:
  1. Boilers under federal control.
  2. Boilers on steam fire engines brought into the state for temporary use in times of emergency.
  3. Portable boilers used for agricultural purposes only.
  4. Boilers built for a pressure of 15 psig or less, for noncommercial use.
  5. All potable water boilers and hot-water heaters, except the provisions of the section shall not be applicable to Potable water boilers below one hundred twenty gallon capacity and less than two hundred thousand BTUs (British Thermal Units).
Power boilers and high-pressure or high-temperature water boilers:

1. An annual external certificate inspection followed by an internal certificate inspection approximately six months after each external inspection. The interval between internal inspections may be extended for a period not to exceed 24 months on a stationary boiler provided:

(a) continuous water treatment under competent and experienced supervision has been in effect since the last internal inspection for the purpose of controlling and limiting corrosion and deposits, 

(b) accurate and complete records are available showing that since the last internal inspection samples of boiler water have been taken at regular intervals not greater than twenty-four hours of operation and that the water condition in the boiler is satisfactorily controlled,

(c) accurate and complete records are available showing the dates, if any such boiler has been out of service and the reasons therefor since the last internal inspection, and such records shall include the nature of all repairs to the boiler, the reasons why such repairs were necessary and by whom the repairs were made, and

(d) the last internal and current external inspection of the boiler indicates the inspection period may be safely extended.

2. Internal inspections may be extended up to 60 months on boilers that are adjunct to or part of a continuous process. Fee is $200.00.

Low-pressure boilers:

A certificate inspection will be conducted biennially:

  1. Steam or vapor boilers: An external inspection and internal inspection biennially where construction permits;
  2. Hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers: An external certificate inspection biennially, and – where construction permits — an internal inspection every six years based on date of construction;
  3. Potable water boilers/hot-water heaters: An external certificate inspection biennially.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by deputy boiler inspectors.
  2. Reports of inspections must be submitted to the boiler inspection section within 30 days on National Board forms.
  3. The department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions or of accidents to insured boilers on National Board forms.
  4. The department must be notified of new business or discontinuance of insurance.
  1. Certificate of Inspection, valid for not more than 14 months, is issued by the state fire marshal upon payment of a fee of $20.00. Certificate valid for not more than 26 months: $40.00.
  2. All invoicing will be done by the boiler inspection section and mailed to the location.
  3. No Inspection Certificate issued for an insured boiler shall be valid after the boiler for which it was issued ceases to be insured by a duly authorized insurance company.
  1. Potable water boilers/hot-water heaters - $15.00
  2. Heating boilers - $35.00
  3. External power boilers:
    1. 100 square feet or less heating surface - $20.00
    2. Over 100 square feet to 1,000 square feet heating surface - $35.00
    3. Over 1,000 square feet heating surface - $70.00
  4. Internal power boilers:
    1. 100 square feet or less heating surface - $50.00
    2. Over 100 square feet to 1,000 square feet heating surface - $75.00
    3. Over 1,000 square feet heating surface - $150.00
  5. Electric boilers:
    1. External - $30.00
    2. Internal - $50.00
  6. Coil-type steam generators - $50.00
  7. Special inspection:
    1. $250.00 plus expenses for up to one-half day;
    2. $500.00 plus expenses for one day up to eight hours.
  8. ASME or National Board shop reviews for Certificate of Authorization are $1,500.00 per location.
  9. Quality control program reviews:
    1. Boiler and pressure vessel manufacturers and repair organizations:
      1. $250.00 plus expenses for up to one-half day;
      2. $400.00 plus expenses for one day up to eight hours.
    2. Safety valve assembly and repair organizations:
      1. $250.00 plus expenses for up to one-half day;
      2. $400.00 plus expenses for one day up to eight hours.
  10. Nuclear surveys:
    1. $250.00 plus expenses for up to one-half day;
    2. $500.00 plus expenses for one day up to eight hours.
  1. The National Board Inspection Code is adopted for repairs and alterations.
  2. Certificate of Competency examinations are held by the boiler examining board on the first Wednesday in March, June, September, and December. An initial boiler inspector’s commission and identification card is issued (upon payment of a fee of $40.00) to those inspectors successfully passing the examination and obtaining a National Board Commission, or to inspectors holding a National Board Commission and who have passed an acceptable examination in another state. A fee of $20.00 is charged for the annual renewal of the identification card.
  3. Upon completion of the installation of a boiler or at the time of the initial certificate inspection of an already installed boiler that has not been inspected and decaled according to these rules, a decal with the state serial number shall be placed in a conspicuous location on the boiler/water heater for identification.
  4. All persons, firms, and corporations engaged in the installation, moving, and reinstallation of power boilers, steam-heating, or hot-water heating boilers in the State of Louisiana, with the exception of the City of New Orleans, shall be licensed by the state fire marshal to perform such work. Before such license is issued, the applicant must pass a written examination administered by the chief boiler inspector.
  5. Before any boiler is installed, moved, or reinstalled, the licensed person, firm, or corporation must submit an application to the chief boiler inspector listing the location, manufacturer, type, serial number and National Board number of the boiler, and the expected date of installation completion.
  6. A license is required for a fee of $75.00, renewable annually, for the installation, moving, or reinstallation of power boilers, steam-heating boilers, and hot-water heating boilers. A written examination is required and is administered by the chief boiler inspector. Examination fee is $50.00. A permit is also required. Fee is $25.00 per unit for installation of each power boiler, steam-heating boiler, and hot-water heating boiler.
  7. A license is not required to operate a boiler or pressure vessel; however, an operator is required to be in attendance during operation.
  8. A copy of the boiler rules and regulations may be obtained by contacting the chief boiler inspector at 800.256.5452, or accessing the department website.
  9. National Board exam sitting fee is $50.00. Fee is nonrefundable and good only for date requested.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

John H. Burpee, Chief Boiler, Elevator, and Tramway Inspector
Office of Licensing and Registration
35 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0035
Telephone — 207.624.8546
Email —
Fax — 207.624.8636
The Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation Director is empowered to make, alter, and amend rules pertaining to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Program.
Boiler Board: No
Date of latest amendment to law: October 2014.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1935.
Date of latest rules and regulations: January 2005.
State statute: Maine Revised Statutes, Title 32. Professions and Occupations, Chapter 131. Boilers and Pressure Vessels, Sections 15101 through 15121.
  1. ASME Code (2004 Edition), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X, XII.
  2. ASME B31.1 (2004 Edition).
  3. ASME CSD-1 (2002 Edition) with exception of Part CF.
  4. Manufacturers must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the department on ASME forms before installation.
  5. National Board Inspection Code (2001 Edition, 2002/03 Addendum).
  6. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  7. Special design or construction requires approval by the Board of Boilers and Pressure Vessels.
  8. Any power boiler of longitudinal lap seam construction installed, registered, and operated in the state prior to January 1, 1951, shall not be operated in the state at steam pressures exceeding 15 psi (does not apply to miniature boilers).
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, PP, RP, S, U, U2, U3, UM, UV, V.
  3. The State of Maine registration number preceded by the letters “ME”, assigned by the department, must be stamped on power boilers in numerals and letters not less than 3/8-inch in height. Other jurisdictional objects must be tagged with an “H” number for low-pressure objects and “PV” number for pressure vessels.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal control.
  2. Boilers and pressure vessels used for agricultural purposes only.
  3. Boilers used solely for propelling motor road vehicles.
  4. Boilers of steam fire engines brought into the state for temporary use in times of emergency to check conflagrations.
  5. Low pressure steam heating boilers, hot water heating boilers, and hot-water supply boilers, except those located in schoolhouses or those used as process boilers.
  6. Pressure vessels used for the transportation and storage of compressed or liquefied gases when constructed in compliance with specifications of the US Department of Transportation.
  7. Pressure vessels installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  8. Pressure vessels located on vehicles operating under the rules of other state authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight.
  9. Pressure vessels located in private residences and apartment buildings with fewer than six apartments.
  10. Pressure vessels having an internal or external operating pressure not exceeding 15 psi.
  11. Vessels containing water under pressure, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion, when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A design pressure of 300 psi;
    2. A design temperature of 210°F.
  12. Pressure vessels containing water heated by steam or any other direct or indirect means when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. A water temperature of 200°F;
    3. A nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
  13. Pressure vessels not exceeding:
    1. 5 cubic feet in volume and 250 psig
    2. 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume and 600 psig;
    3. An inside diameter of 6 inches with no limitation on pressure.
  14. Pressure vessels used as an integral part of a circuit breaker or transformer.
  1. High-pressure boilers:
    1. One annual internal certificate inspection;
    2. One annual external inspection, in operation, approximately six months from the certificate inspection.
  2. Miniature boilers:
    1. One annual certificate inspection;
    2. One biennial internal inspection.
  3. Cast-iron boilers: one annual certificate inspection while unit is in operation.
  4. Low pressure steam heating boilers located in schoolhouses: one annual certificate inspection, which shall be an internal inspection every third year, with an external or internal inspection at the discretion of the inspector on the two intervening years.
  5. Low pressure hot-water supply boilers located in schoolhouses: one annual certificate inspection, which shall be an internal inspection where possible, every third year, with an external or internal inspection at the discretion of the inspector during the two intervening years.
  6. Low pressure hot-water heating boilers located in schoolhouses: one annual certificate inspection, which shall be an internal inspection every third year, with an external inspection during the two intervening years.
  7. Low pressure process boilers: one annual certificate inspection, which shall be an internal inspection every third year, with an external inspection during the two intervening years at the discretion of the inspector.
  8. Pressure vessels:
    1. Initial inspection shall be an external safety inspection;
    2. Renewal certificate inspections are completed once every 3 years and it shall be an internal where construction permits. In the event, that an internal inspection is not feasible, the inspector must use an alternative method of determining material thickness for the shell and/or head.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and licensed by the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Program are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.  Insured objects are required to be inspected by the company providing insurance.
  2. Reports of certificate inspections must be filed with the office within 30 days of the inspection. Reports of external inspections, other than certificate inspections or reports of accidents, shall be filed when any defect is found affecting safety of the boiler.
  3. The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Program must be notified within 10 days of refusal of or suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions on National Board forms.
  4. The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Program must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance on National Board forms.
A Certificate of Inspection is issued by the Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation upon payment, by the owner/user, of a $80.00 fee for each boiler or pressure vessel. Initial inspection of new or relocated power boilers must be completed by the jurisdiction. Plans must be submitted and approved by the jurisdiction.
  1. Internal inspections for high-pressure power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
    1. Boilers less than 2,000 square feet of heating surface - $75.00
    2. Boilers 2,000 square feet but less than 4,000 square feet heating surface - $100.00
    3. Boilers 4,000 square feet but less than 10,000 square feet heating surface - $150.00
    4. Boilers 10,000 square feet or more heating surface - $300.00
  2. External inspections for high-pressure power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
    1. Boilers of 50 square feet or less heating surface - $50.00
    2. Boilers over 50 square feet heating surface - $100.00
    For boilers where the only source of heat is electrical energy, the fees shall be based on one kilowatt being equal to one square foot of heating surface.
  3. All classes of low-pressure boilers - $50.00
  4. Pressure vessels:
    1. Internal or external of vessel having a cross-sectional area of 50 square feet or less - $25.00
    2. For each 100 square feet of area in excess of 50 square feet - $25.00
  5. Inspection Fees: Special trip or inspection by state-employed inspectors will be based on $50.00 per hour, at a minimum of four hours plus travel, lodging, and meals.
  1. Weld repairs must be made by a company utilizing a National Board Quality Control program. Routine repairs as defined in the NBIC are not valid. Special rules apply.
  2. All safety valve and safety relief valve repairs shall be conducted under the supervision of an organization in possession of an ASME “V” or “UV” Certificate of Authorization or a National Board “VR” Certificate of Authorization. Adjustments to safety or safety relief set pressure or blowdown shall be performed under the supervision of an organization in possession of a Certificate of Authorization.
  3. Examinations to obtain a Commission from the National Board are held by the chief inspector on the same schedule as the National Board examinations.
  4. Renewal of Maine Authorized Inspectors is permitted without examination provided the individual has a valid, current National Board Commission and is employed by an insurance company permitted to sell boiler and pressure vessel insurance in this state. Initial issuance requires examinee to successfully pass a Maine specific exam.
  5. Rules provide for licensed engineers and operators for nonexempt high-pressure power, process, and heating installations.
  6. Any welded repair must be authorized by the inservice inspector prior to completing repair.
  7. Mechanical joints on a power boiler’s major systems must be completed by an “R” stamp holder.
  8. All repairs/replacement of mechanical joints in code boundary of high-pressure boilers and B31.1 must have documentation available for the inspector to review and/or submitted to jurisdiction when required.
  9. Alterations must be approved by jurisdiction.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Ryan DeLury, Director
Inspection and Technical Services
401 York Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0P8
Telephone — 204.945.3373
Email —
General Office Email —
Lieutenant governor-in-council empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Provincial Legislation: Steam and Pressure Plants Act S210 and Regulation.
Date of latest amendment to law: February 2022.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 2019.
Date of latest rules and regulations: 2019.

All codes are the latest editions as amended from time to time (or as stated in Regulation)

  1. CSA B51 Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping Code; 
  2. CSA B52 Mechanical Refrigeration Code 
  3. CSA B139, B149.1 and B149.2
  4. ASME Code Sections - I, II (Parts A, B, C and D), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X
  5.  ASME code case and interpretations accepted on individual basis.
  6. ASME CSD-1
  7. ASME B31.1, B31.3, B31.5, B31.9
  8. CGA G-2.1 (formerly K61.1)
  9. National Board Inspection Code NB-23 (Part 1, 2, 3 and 4)
  10. Manufacturers of Boilers and Pressure Vessels must have either a Certificate of Authorization issued by a Canadian Jurisdiction, or a Certificate of Authorization issued by ASME.
  11. Manufacturers in countries other than Canada that manufacture and export boilers and pressure vessels to Manitoba shall ensure that all boilers and pressure vessels are stamped with the appropriate ASME Code product certification mark and registered with the National Board.
  12. Manufacturers must file a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report with the department prior to shipping into Manitoba. CRN and drawing numbers must be stated on the Manufacturer’s Data Report.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R (accepted), VR.
  2. ASME Code: All
Shop inspection of boilers, pressure vessels, fired-heater pressure coils, and piping shall be conducted as follows:
       a) in Canada, by an inspector employed by the regulatory authority in the province of fabrication. The inspection                 may be carried out in ASME Code shops by an inspector holding a valid National Board commission and                         employed by an authorized inspection agency as defined in the ASME Code, in which case the boiler or                           pressure vessel shall be registered with the National Board; and
       b) outside Canada, by an authorized inspection agency.
CRN stamps are required on all pressure equipment
All boilers, pressure vessels, plants, pressure piping systems, and fittings except:
  1. Pressure piping systems that are not connected to, or used in connection with, a boiler or pressure vessel;
  2. Medical gas piping systems.
  3. Pressure vessels having a capacity less than 1.5 cubic feet; and those that are operated subject to a pressure of less than 15 psi.
  4. A pressure vessel that is used as a hot water storage tank and has an internal diameter of 610 millimetres or less;
  5. Pressure containment devices used as the external enclosure of pressurized gas-filled electrical high voltage switch gear or control gear;
  6. Boilers that develop less than three horsepower
  7. Boilers used for heating a building designed and constructed as a private residence intended to house not more that one family
  8. Boilers used for heating a building for residential purposes and containing not more than two separate apartments or suites.
  9. A pressure vessel that is used for the transportation of dangerous goods as defined in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992 (Canada);
  10. A boiler or pressure vessel to which the Canada Shipping Act, the Explosives Act (Canada) or the Railway Act (Canada) applies or that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Canadian Transportation Agency pursuant to the Canada Transportation Act;
  11. A pipeline as defined in The Pipelines Act, 1998;
  12. A boiler that is used in connection with a hot liquid heating system that has no valves or other obstructions to free circulation between the boiler and an expansion tank that is fully vented to the atmosphere.
  13. Those exempt under CSA B51 code. 
All boilers, pressure vessels, and refrigeration systems. Same as "OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING"

Boilers, pressure vessels and refrigeration plants are to be inspected at such intervals as may be determined by the chief inspector, which must, as far as practicable, not exceed the intervals prescribed in the regulations.

  1. An inspection of a boiler is to be conducted at least once every four years. Having regard to the service conditions and risk factors associated with the boiler, all power boilers assigned a Grade 2 are maximum 2 years, all coil or fintube are maximum 4 years; and all other heating boilers are maximum 3 years. All portable boilers require annual inspections.
  2. An inspection of a pressure vessel is to be conducted at least once every 10 years. Having regard to the service conditions and risk factors associated with the pressure vessel; All deaerators, air receivers, portable vessels and Section VIII Div 2 vessels assigned a Grade 2 are maximum 5 years; all pressure vessels equipped with quick-acting closures are maximum 4 years; and all non-corrosive vessels are maximum 10 years. 
  3. An inspection of a refrigeration plant must be conducted at least once every five years.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies are not accepted in lieu of inspections made by an Authority inspector.
  2. There is no requirement for insurance companies to inspect.
  3. Inspection within the province is performed by the jurisdictional authority.
Certificate of Inspection is valid until the expiry date as stated on the certificate. 

Refer directly to the Steam and Pressure Plants Regulation for the latest fee amounts.

  1. Provincial inspection fees vary according to boiler horsepower, unfired pressure vessel dimensions, and refrigeration plant tonnage.
  2. Provincial registration fees vary according to the heating surface of boilers and heat exchangers, unfired pressure vessel dimensions, and refrigeration plant tonnage.
  1. Pressure welders are subject to qualification tests and require Manitoba licenses when working in the Province.
  2. New installations of pressure equipment require application and documentation submitted.
  3. An owner must notify the office immediately of any explosion, serious fire, rupture, serious overheating of a boiler, pressure vessel, plant or pressure piping system; or any accident that causes death or serious injury to a person and arises out of the operation of a boiler, pressure vessel, plant, or pressure piping system.
  4. All pressure piping designs over 17 cubic feet in internal volume must be stamped by a professional engineer.
  5. Certificate of Authorization is required to install or repair a boiler, pressure vessel, pressure piping system, or refrigeration plant.
  6. Category A, B, C and G fittings, as set out in Table 1 of the CSA B51 code, are not required to be registered.
  7. All boilers and pressure vessels intended for installation in Manitoba must have the design reviewed/evaluated prior to construction for issuance of a CRN. Pressure equipment already holding a CRN assigned by another Canadian Jurisdiction will not be subject to additional review/evaluation. However all pressure equipment must be registered with a Manitoba CRN.
  8. Boilers, pressure vessels and refrigeration plants are subject to the supervision requirements of the Power Engineer Act and Regulation. Plants are classified based on size (kW or BHP). A power engineer of the required class must provide constant supervision and is required to be on duty in the operating area. High pressure plants that develops more than 250 kW (25 boiler horsepower) and low pressure heating plants capable of developing more than 2000 kW (200 boiler horsepower); shall be under the supervision of a chief engineer.
  9. Power engineers shall hold a Manitoba license in order to operate plants in Manitoba. Refer to the Power Engineer Regulation for more information:



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.



Steven F. Noonan, Chief Boiler Inspector
Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation
Division of Labor and Industry
Safety Inspections Unit
Boilers and Pressure Vessels
10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160
Hunt Valley, MD 21031
Telephone — 410.767.2333
Email —
Fax — 410.333.7721
Board of Boiler Rules empowered to make, alter, and amend regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: July 2004.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1975.
Date of latest rules and regulations: July 2004.
State statute: Annotated Code of Maryland, Public Safety Article, Title 12, Subtitle 9, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act.
  1. ASME 2019 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2018 Edition)
  3. Boilers and pressure vessels required to meet ASME Code.
  4. ASME B31.1 (2018 Edition)
  5. National Board Inspection Code (2019 Edition, Parts 1, 2, 3).
  6. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  7. NFPA 85, Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code – 2019 Edition (National Fire Protection Association)
  8. Variances require approval by the Board of Boiler Rules.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R.
  2. ASME Code: all.
Jurisdictional registration numbers will be assigned to all boilers and pressure vessels subject to inspection.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal control or regulation.
  2. Pressure vessels used for the transportation and storage of compressed gases when constructed in compliance with specifications of the US Department of Transportation, and when charged with gas marked, maintained, and periodically re-qualified for use, as required by appropriate regulations of the US Department of Transportation.
  3. Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  4. Air tanks located on vehicles operating under the rules of other state authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight.
  5. Pressure vessels operating at a working pressure not exceeding 15 psig. Vessels for containing water under pressure, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion, when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A design pressure of 300 psi;
    2. A design temperature of 210°F.
  6. Hot-water supply boilers directly fired with oil, gas, or electricity when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. A water temperature of 210°F;
    3. A nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
  7. Pressure vessels not exceeding:
    1. 5 cubic feet in volume and 250 psig;
    2. 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume and 600 psig;
    3. An inside diameter of 6 inches with no limitation on pressure.
  8. Mechanical devices of the following types:
    1. Pumps;
    2. Compressors;
    3. Turbines;
    4. Generators;
    5. Hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders.
  9. Water-containing part of air conditioning or refrigeration system condensers or evaporators:
    1. Using halocarbon refrigerant;
    2. Constructed in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15 in effect at the time of construction;
    3. If neither of the following limitations is exceeded:
      1. Design pressure of 300 psig;
      2. Design temperature of 210°F.
  1. Boilers or pressure vessels located on farms and used solely for agricultural purposes.
  2. Heating boilers which are located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six family units.
  3. Pressure vessels containing only water under pressure for domestic supply purposes, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion or airlift pumping system, when located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six family units.
  1. Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature boilers:
    1. Annual internal inspection when construction permits; otherwise, as complete an inspection as possible;
    2. Annual external inspection while under pressure, if possible.
  2. Low-pressure boilers: a biennial certificate inspection.
  3. Pressure vessels: a biennial certificate inspection.
  4. Amusement attractions with low-pressure boiler and pressure vessel parts: annual certificate inspection.
  5. Nuclear vessels within the scope of this act shall be inspected and reported on such form (Section XI) with appropriate information as designated by the board.
  6. Model steam boilers (individually fabricated for noncommercial use, and primarily for demonstration, exhibition, or educational purposes, and not for profit): an annual external inspection and, to the extent possible, an internal inspection.
  7. Antique boilers:
    1. An annual internal inspection;
    2. Externally inspected while under pressure, if possible.
  8. Extended interval between internal inspections: the Board of Boiler Rules may extend the interval between inspections of certain power boilers to two years where:
    1. The boiler has internal continuous water treatment under the general supervision of a registered professional engineer having experience in the treatment of boiler water;
    2. The owner/user of such boiler keeps available for examination by the chief boiler inspector accurate records showing:
      1. The date and actual time such boiler is out of service and the reason or reasons therefor;
      2. Such chemical and physical analysis of samples of the boiler water taken at regular intervals of not more than 48 hours of operation, as well as adequately showing the condition of such water and any elements or characteristics thereof which are capable of producing corrosion or other deterioration of the boiler or its parts.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies (special inspectors) and commissioned by the division are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a deputy inspector.
  2. Upon request of any company operating pressure vessels within the state which are regularly inspected and rated by an established inspection service, under the supervision of one or more engineers whose qualifications are satisfactory to the Board of Boiler Rules and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the state, the Commissioner of Labor and Industry may issue a commission to any inspector of said company as special inspector.
  3. The reports of inspection shall be filed within 30 days after the inspection except inspections made by an owner/user special inspector, which shall be filed annually.
  4. Accidents, failures, and hazardous conditions affecting the safety of a boiler or pressure vessel found at the time of an inspection shall be reported to the chief boiler inspector within 24 hours.
  5. The chief boiler inspector should be notified immediately and a report submitted on a boiler or pressure vessel found by a special inspector to be in such condition that insurance is refused or because of unsafe conditions.
  6. The chief boiler inspector must be notified within 30 days when boiler or pressure vessel insurance is canceled, not renewed or suspended.
  7. The authorized insurer shall develop a database report of boilers and pressure vessels that it insures. The database report and annual updates to the database shall be submitted to the chief boiler inspector by January 15 of each year.
  8. The owner/user shall develop a database of pressure vessels it owns. The database report and annual update to the database shall be submitted to the chief boiler inspector by January 15 of each year.
  9. An authorized insurer shall develop a quality assurance program that defines its operational procedures. The quality assurance program and its annual updates shall be submitted to the chief boiler inspector by January 15 of each year.
  1. Upon inspection, a boiler or pressure vessel shall be found suitable and conforming to the rules and regulations of the Board of Boiler Rules, the chief boiler inspector shall issue to such owner/user a Certificate of Inspection specifying the maximum pressure which the boiler or pressure vessel may be allowed to carry.
  2. No Certificate of Inspection issued for a boiler or pressure vessel inspected by a special inspector shall be valid after the boiler or pressure vessel for which it was issued ceases to be insured by a duly authorized insurance company.
  3. Certificate of Inspection shall be valid for 12 months for power boilers, antique boilers, and model steam boilers, and 24 months for low-pressure boilers and pressure vessels.
  4. Operation of a boiler or pressure vessel without a valid Certificate of Inspection may be cause for a fine of not more than $5,000.00 and/or imprisonment for up to five years.
  1. Certificate inspections by deputy boiler inspectors:
    1. Initial certificate inspection of a boiler or pressure vessel not previously registered in Maryland  - No charge
    2. Certificate inspection of a boiler or pressure vessel, other than a pressure vessel attached to an air compressor, previously registered in Maryland - $40.00
    3. Certificate inspection of a pressure vessel previously registered in Maryland, attached to an air compressor - $10.00
    4. Certificate inspection of an additional boiler or pressure vessel registered in Maryland, at the same location, on the same day - $10.00
    5. Follow-up inspection to determine compliance - $50.00
  2.  Certificate inspection of antique or model steam boilers - $15.00
  3.  Investigation of an accident or complaint - No charge
  4.  National Board joint reviews shall be charged at the following rate, plus all travel and hotel costs:
    1. Half day (up to four hours) - $250.00
    2. Full day (up to eight hours) - $500.00
  1. Examinations for Certificate of Competency (National Board Commission) are held by the chief boiler inspector on the first Wednesday in March, June, September, and December. An examination fee of $50.00 is required.
  2. Reciprocal Commission is issued to an inspector holding a valid National Board Commission for a fee of $50.00.
    1. Commission renewal or replacement fee is $50.00;
    2. The company shall return the special inspector’s Maryland commission to the chief boiler inspector within 30 days of employment termination. If not, a $50.00 replacement fee will be charged;
    3. Special Inspector’s Commission may be renewed prior to its expiration date if:
      1. The employer pays a renewal fee;
      2. Evidence is submitted that the special inspector remains in the employment of the company;
      3. The special inspector has been trained on current boiler and pressure vessel technology in accordance with the regulations adopted by the commissioner under this subtitle.
  3. Operators of power boilers require a license in the city of Baltimore.
  4. Only shops possessing a valid National Board “R” symbol stamp may make welded repairs or alterations.
  5. New, rental, and portable boiler and pressure vessel installations shall be reported to the chief boiler inspector within 30 days prior to installation.
  6. To obtain a copy of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act and regulations, see Web site address.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences. 

Edward S. Kawa, Jr.
Chief of Engineering Inspections
Department of Fire Services
1 State Road, PO Box 1025
Stow, MA 01775-1025
Telephone: 978-567-3781
Fax: 978-567-3199
Board of Boiler Rules empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations; said rules and regulations to have the force of law when filed by the Massachusetts Secretary of State office.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: March 2017.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1896.
Date of latest rules and regulations: November 2023.
State statute: The General Laws of Massachusetts, Part I. Administration of the Government,
Title 20. Public Safety and Good Order, Chapter 146. Inspection of Boilers, Air Tanks, etc.
  1. ASME Code (2021 Edition), Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VIII (Division 1) IX, X, XIII.
  2. ASME CSD-1, Parts CG, CM and CW (2021 Edition).
  3. ASME B31.1 (2020 Edition)
  4. National Board Inspection Code (2021 Edition).
  5. Special design or construction requires approval by the Board of Boiler Rules.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: H, M, N, NA, NPT, NV, PP, S, U, UM.
  1. All boilers, refrigeration and air conditioning systems, except when under the jurisdiction of the federal government.
  2. All heating boilers operating at 15 psi or less steam pressure, or 160 psi and/or 250°F water pressure and temperature, except when:
    1. Having less than 4 square feet grate surface;
    2. Having a steam capacity less than 104 pounds per hour;
    3. Used as a hot-water heating boiler with an output capacity less than 200,000 BTU per hour;
    4. Used as a hot-water (or other liquid) supply boiler, having a heat input less than 200,000 BTU per hour, a water (or other liquid) temperature less than 200°F or a nominal water-containing capacity less than 120 gallons.
  3. All air tanks, except when:
    1. The inside diameter is less than 6 inches;
    2. The operating pressure is less than 50 psi;
    3. The capacity is less than 1 cubic foot.
  4. Refrigerant-containing pressure vessels shall comply with the requirements of ASME Code Section VIII when:
    1. The inside diameter exceeds 6 inches and the internal or external pressure exceeds 15 psi;
    2. Tanks exceeding 5 cubic feet in volume or 250 psig design pressure stamped with the “UM” symbol are NOT acceptable. Manufacturers of “UM” tanks that do not exceed these limits must register with the department;
    3. “UM”-stamped pressure vessels are acceptable when the manufacturer keeps a record of the materials used and tests made.
Same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING, except tanks temporarily holding oil and air for the purpose of lifting automobiles or operating hydraulic machinery,
  1. Steel and cast-iron boilers used for power, process-, or steam-heating:
    1. One annual internal inspection;
    2. One annual external inspection with boiler in service at approximately a six-month interval from the internal inspection.
  2. Hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers:
    1. One inspection annually;
    2. One internal inspection every three years where construction permits.
  3. Air tanks: one internal inspection every two years.
  4. Refrigeration and air conditioning systems: one annual inspection.
  1. Inspections, except first inspections, made by inspectors employed by Authorized Inspection Agencies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Every insurance company, or a re-insurer, authorized to insure boilers and pressure vessels in the commonwealth and making inspections of such boilers and pressure vessels, shall have in its employ at least one inspector who holds a Certificate of Competency under MGL Chapter 146 Section 62 and who resides in the Commonwealth.
  3. Report of Inspection must be filed with the department within fourteen days after each inspection, such reports shall be made in a format and submitted in a format that has been authorized and approved by the department.
  4. All insurance companies shall notify the department, on forms furnished or approved by the department, of all boiler risks written, canceled, not renewed, or suspended because of dangerous conditions.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for one year for boilers, refrigeration, and air conditioning systems, and two years for air tanks, is issued by the department.
  1. Each steam boiler internal inspection - $100.00
  2. Each cast-iron or hot-water boiler inspection (external) - $50.00
  3. Each visit for external inspection under steam - $100.00
  4. Each air tank inspection - $50.00
  5. Each boiler or pressure vessel certificate - $50.00
  6. Each inspection of refrigeration and air conditioning system - $60.00

Plus $2.00 per ton in excess of 20 tons to a maximum fee of $300.00.

  1. Repair organizations must hold a valid the National Board “R” stamp.
  2. Repair organizations must submit copies of all National Board Form "R" reports to the Department.
  3. Mechanical Repairs to Boiler External Piping (BEP). The Engineer in Charge shall record all work performed on forms to be obtained from the Department. Signed copies of completed forms, together with attachments, shall be submitted to the Department within seven days of completion of the repair. 
  4. Examinations for Certificate of Competency are held the day following the National Board exam (the Friday following the first Wednesday in March, June, September, and December).
  5. An inspector in the employment of an Authorized Inspection Agency who holds a National Board Commission shall be given an examination for a Massachusetts Certificate of Competency to inspect boilers, air tanks, refrigeration and air conditioning systems, provided he/she files an application issued by the department, together with a copy of his/her National Board Commission, and pays a fee of $100.00. Applicants are given an oral examination before a three-person board covering state laws and regulations. Examinations are recorded.
  6. Certificate of Competency, valid for two years and renewable for a fee of $75.00, is issued by the department and expires on the anniversary of the holder’s date of birth. A re-examination is required if the inspector allows the certificate to lapse beyond one year.
  7. A license is required for operators and engineers of high-pressure steam boilers.
  8. A copy of the Massachusetts General Laws and Regulations may be purchased through the Statehouse Book Store at 617.727.2834 or viewed from the department Web site at




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.



Roberto Martinez, Chief Mechanical Air/Boiler Inspector
City of Miami Building Department
Inspection Services/Mechanical Section
Miami Riverside Center (MRC)
444 SW 2nd Avenue, 4th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Telephone — 305.416.1153
Email —
Board of Rules and Appeals empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: March 2002.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1950.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: March 2002.
City ordinance: Miami–Dade County Code of Ordinance 2002, Article 1. Administration, Chapter 8. Building Code.
  1. ASME Code (2001 Edition, 2002 Addendum), Sections I, IV, and VIII (Divisions 1, 2).
  2. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  3. Manufacturers are required to file a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report with the department before installation. Permit forms are required and furnished by the department.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: none.
  2. ASME Code: none.
All boilers and pressure vessels are subject to the rules for construction and stamping, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal control;
  2. Unfired pressure vessels meeting the requirements of the US Department of Transportation;
  3. Boilers requiring annual inspection and certification by the State of Florida, Bureau of Explosives and Fire Equipment, Boiler Safety Section.
  1. High-pressure boilers: One annual inspection.
  2. Low-pressure boilers: One annual inspection.
  1. Initial installation inspection must be made by Building Department. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the State of Florida are accepted with department inspections.
  2. The department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions, new business, and discontinuance of insurance.
  3. Reports of inspections must be filed with the department on department forms within 15 days after inspection.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months, is issued by the department upon payment of inspection fees.



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Miami-Dade County Building Department
Permitting and Inspection Center
11805 SW 26 Street
Miami, FL 33175
Telephone — 786.315.2100
Board of Rules and Appeals empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: March 2002.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1950.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: March 2002.
County ordinance: Miami–Dade County Code of Ordinance 2002, Article 1. Administration, Chapter 8. Building Code, 2004 Florida Building Code Mechanical (October 1, 2005) Installation or Replacement of Steam, Hot Water, and Unfired Pressure Vessels. FLA 2007 Building Codes effective March 1, 2009.
  1. ASME Code (2001 Edition, 2002 Addendum), Sections I, IV, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), and code cases.
  2. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  3. Code rules updated annually.
  4. ASME B31.1 (2001 Edition), B31.9 (2002 Edition).
  5. Submission of Manufacturer’s Data Report is required. Permit forms are furnished by the department.
  6. Unfired pressure vessels used in the operation of refrigeration or air conditioning shall comply with the requirements of the county building, plumbing, and electrical codes.
  7. Special design or construction requires approval of the Board of Rules and Appeals.
  8. A permit must be obtained to make new installations and for reinstallations.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: none.
  2. ASME Code: none.
  1. All steam boilers.
  2. All unfired pressure vessels operating at a pressure in excess of 60 psi and having a capacity more than 5 cubic feet.
  1. Boilers and unfired pressure vessels under federal control.
  2. Boilers and unfired pressure vessels located on boats, vessels, and other floating equipment.
  3. Boilers operating at a pressure less than 15 psi when provided with an unassisted gravity return.
  4. Boilers used exclusively for heating purposes when provided with an unassisted gravity return.
  5. Air tanks used solely for the operation of railroad signals and switches (when inspected annually by a competent inspector employed by the railroad company and when stamped with inspection date).
  6. Boilers requiring annual inspection and certification by the State of Florida Bureau of Explosives and Fire Equipment, Boiler Safety Section.
  7. Portable boilers and unfired pressure vessels.
  1. High-pressure steam boilers: one semi-annual inspection.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels: one annual inspection.
  1. Reports of internal inspection must be filed with the department on National Board forms within 15 days.
  2. The department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  3. The department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
Certificate of Inspection for boilers and unfired pressure vessels, valid for 12 months, is issued by the department upon inspection and payment of the following certificate fees:
Annual inspection fees:
  1. High-pressure steam boilers (fee includes semi-annual inspection) - $178.90
  2. Unfired pressure vessels - $65.84
  3. Hot-water boilers - $74.43
  4. Miniature boilers - $65.76
  1. Installation permit fees (FY 2009 – 2010) include initial inspection and certificate (does not include installation or connection of fuel and water lines).
  2. Heating boilers (each):
    1. Less than 837,000 BTU per hour - $107.34
    2. 837,000 BTU per hour to 6,695,000 BTU per hour - $128.81
    3. Over 6,695,000 BTU per hour - $178.90
    4. Steam-driven prime movers - $85.88
    5. Steam-actuated machinery - $85.88
    6. Unfired pressure vessels (operating at pressures in excess of 60 psi and having volume of more than 5 cubic feet) - $107.34
  1. Operator’s license is not required to operate a boiler.
  2. For boilers, water heaters and pressure vessels, see Florida Building Code 2004 (Mechanical), Chapter 10.
  3. Annual certification for boilers and unfired pressure vessels per Chapter 8, Miami-Dade County Code.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

David Stenrose, Chief, Boiler Division
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Construction Codes
P.O. Box 30254
Lansing, MI 48909
Telephone — 517.241.9334
Email —
Fax — 517.241.9334
Express mail only:
611 W. Ottawa St.
Lansing, Mi 48909
Empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: Effective April 26, 2023
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1967.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: May 3, 2023
State statute: Michigan Compiled Laws, Skilled Trades Act of 2016, Sections 339.5901 through 339.5947
  1. ASME Code (2019 Edition), Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VIII (Division 1), IX, XI; code cases; Section VIII (Division 1) required for blowdown tanks, separators, and flash tanks only.
  2. Code rules are updated every three years or when authorized by department.
  3. ASME CSD-1 (2018 Edition).
  4. ASME B31.1  (2018 Edition).
  5. ASME B31.3  (2018 Edition).
  6. Before installation, manufacturers must file with the chief inspector a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report for each boiler — signed by a National Board-commissioned inspector. Exceptions: Cast boilers and all boiler blow-off tanks and separators.
  7. National Board Inspection Code (2019 Edition).
  8. National Board registration required for boilers, blowdown separator, and flash tanks.
  9. Special design or construction requires approval by the Board of Boiler Rules.
  10. Welding of cast-iron is not permitted.
  11. Foreign codes must be submitted to and approved by the Board of Boiler Rules.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R (for high-pressure repair and alteration to boilers).
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, N, NA, NPT, NV, PP, S, U, V.
All boiler blow-off tanks and separators shall be constructed in accordance with ASME Code Section VIII, and Michigan Rules, and must be stamped “National Board.”
All boilers, except the following:
  1. Those under federal control.
  2. Swimming pool heaters and open car-wash heaters. Similar type equipment with no intervening valves on the return or discharge piping, and having no reduction in pipe size in the return or discharge piping (not generating more than normal circulating pump pressure).
  3. Miniature steam or marine engines for hobby usage.
  4. A boiler used in power plants of self-propelled vehicles designed primarily for the transportation of persons or property upon a highway, except vehicles used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
  5. Boilers used on mint farms for mint processing.
  6. A non-vaporizing, organic-fluid boiler, if the boiler meets all of the following criteria:
    1. The system is vented and does not have valves or restrictions in the pipe between the boiler and vent;
    2. The vent pipe is sized so that the thermal expansion of the fluid will not result in an increase in pressure on the system, which is verifiable with engineering data;
    3. The owner/user provides the Boiler Division of the department with calculations performed by an engineer which verify that pressure due to thermal expansion cannot exist in the boiler as installed.
  7. A low-pressure steam boiler that has a volume of less than 5 cubic feet and that does not have piped feed connect
  8. Those on Tribal Land. (Unless a written request by the tribal chief has been submitted to the Boiler Division).
  1. Boilers used solely for agricultural purposes.
  2. Steam or vapor boilers not exceeding 15 psi and hot-water boilers not exceeding 160 psi or a temperature of 250°F (located in private residences or apartment or condo buildings of fewer than six families).
  1. A power boiler, process boiler, or high-pressure, high-temperature water boiler shall receive a certificate inspection annually and shall also be externally inspected annually, while under pressure, within six months from the date of the internal inspection.
  2. A low-pressure steam or vapor heating boiler shall receive a certificate inspection biennially.
  3. Hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers shall receive a certificate inspection triennially.
  4. A miniature hobby locomotive boiler shall receive a certificate inspection annually.
  5. Antique traction boilers: triennial inspection for noncommercial, and annual inspection for commercial.
All inspections of newly installed and secondhand boilers must be made by a department inspector.
  1. Inspections, except first inspections and inspections of secondhand boilers, made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and licensed by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Reports of internal inspections must be filed with the department on department forms within 30 days after inspection.
  3. The department must be notified of refusal of or suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  4. The department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
  1. An inspector who is properly licensed to inspect boilers in this state shall thoroughly inspect a boiler that is used or proposed to be used in this state as to its construction, installation, and condition as follows:
    1. A power boiler, process boiler, or high-pressure, high-temperature water boiler shall receive a certificate inspection annually and shall also be externally inspected annually, while under pressure, within six months from the date of the internal inspection.
    2. A low-pressure steam or vapor heating boiler shall receive a certificate inspection biennially.
    3. Hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers shall receive a certificate inspection triennially, with an internal inspection at the discretion of the inspector.
    4. A miniature hobby locomotive boiler shall receive a certificate inspection annually.
    5. A grace period of two months beyond the periods specified in subdivisions (a) to (e) may elapse between certificate inspections, and the board may permit longer periods between certificate inspections.
    6. Internal inspection of cast boilers shall be at the discretion of the inspector.
  2. The certificate inspection shall be an internal inspection if construction allows, otherwise the certificate inspection shall be as complete an inspection as possible unless specified otherwise under this rule.
  3. The chief inspector, deputy inspector, or a special inspector provided for in the act shall make the inspections specified in this rule.
  4. If, at the discretion of the inspector, a hydrostatic test is necessary, the boiler owner/user shall ensure that the test is performed in the presence of the inspector.
  5. Certificate inspection reports submitted by electronic interface shall be in a format acceptable to the Boiler Division.
  6. Certificate inspection reports submitted to the boiler division for data entry shall be assessed a fee of $5.00 per report.
  1. Licenses:
    1. Installer examination - $100.00
    2. Installer renewal - $100.00
    3. Repairer examination - $100.00
    4. Repairer renewal - $100.00
    5. Inspector examination - $100.00
    6. Inspector renewal - $75.00
    7. Boiler operator registration - $80.00
    8. Boiler operator examination - $100.00
    9. Boiler operator registration renewal - $80.00
    10. Stationary engineer registration - $80.00
    11. Stationary engineer written examination - $100.00
    12. Stationary engineer registration renewal - $100.00
    13. 3rd class stationary engineer oral examination - $150.00
    14. 2nd class stationary engineer oral examination - $200.00
    15. 1st class stationary engineer oral examination - $250.00
    16. The reprinting of a registration more than 30 days after the issuance date - $30.00
  2. Permit applications:
    1. Nuclear installation permit application - $1,500.00
    2. Nuclear repair permit application - $500.00
    3. Low-pressure installation permit application - $100.00
    4. Repair permit application - Low Pressure, Repair, Alter - $75.00
                                                     - High Pressure, H.P. Piping - $130.00
                                                     - High Pressure Piping - Plus .06 cents/foot
    Permit application fees are nonrefundable.
  3. Certificates - $7500  The reprinting of a registration more than 30 days after the issuance date - $40.00
  4. Inspections:
    1. Power boilers – 150 square feet or less - $85.00
    2. Power boilers – 151 square feet to 4,000 square feet - $175.00
    3. Power boilers – 4,001 square feet to 10,000 square fee - $200.00
    4. Power boilers – 10,001 square feet and over - $225.00
    5. Low-pressure heating boiler without manhole - $85.00
    6. Inspection of an additional low-pressure heating boiler without manhole at the same physical location, on the same date - $70.00
    7. Low-pressure heating boiler with manhole - $85.00
    8. Low-pressure hot-water supply boiler - $85.00
    9. Inspection of an additional low-pressure hot-water supply boiler at the same physical location, on the same date - $65.00
    10. Low-pressure process boiler without manhole - $85.00
    11. Low-pressure process boiler with manhole - $85.00
    12. Miniature hobby locomotive boiler - $15.00
  5. Special Inspections:
    1. The boiler division shall provide special inspections not otherwise covered in the fee schedule. The charge for this service shall be at the rate of $100.00 for the first hour and $120.00 for each additional hour, plus lodging, meals, transportation, and other related expenses incurred for performing special inspections.
    2. Fees required under these rules shall be paid by cash, money order, or check. Money orders or checks shall be made payable to “State of Michigan.”
  1. Examinations for Certificate of Competency are held by the department on the first Wednesday and Thursday in March, June, September, and December. See STATE FEES.
  2. Licenses must be renewed annually by January 1. See STATE FEES.
  3. Reciprocal License is issued to an inspector holding a National Board Commission (“IS”) or a Certificate of Competency issued by a state with a standard of written examination approved by the Board of Boiler Rules. See STATE FEES.
  4. Permits must be obtained from the department for the installation, alteration, or repair of new, secondhand, or relocated boilers and high pressure piping.
  5. Permits may only be issued to boiler installers and repairers licensed by the department. Permits must be obtained for the installation of all boilers, regardless of type, location, or pressure, except those exempt under OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING.
  6. All boilers shall be marked with a Michigan serial number.
  7. A copy of the Boiler Rules and Regulations may be obtained by sending a request to:

    Bureau of Construction Codes
    Boiler Division
    P.O. Box 30255
    Lansing, MI 48909

    A charge of $25.00 or ( free at
  8. An Operators Registration Program is administered by the division.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Adrian Gibbs, Boiler Inspector
Department of Neighborhood Services
841 North Broadway, 10th Floor
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3613
Telephone — 414.286.8001
Email —
Building Code Committee empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.


Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: October 2000.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1914.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: June 2012
City ordinance: Milwaukee City Charter, Chapter 223. Boilers and Wisconsin Administrative Code, Chapter 341. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
City of Milwaukee adopted the State of Wisconsin Administrative Code, except Section 341.08, which concerns fees.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: All.
All boilers and unfired pressure vessels.
  1. Boilers or pressure vessels which receive regular inspections by United States government inspectors.
  2. Heating boilers located in private residences or apartment buildings having fewer than three living units.
  3. Expansion tanks for hot-water heating boilers having an operating pressure of less than 50 psig with no limitations on size.
  4. Boilers used exclusively for agricultural purposes.
  5. Hot-water supply boilers, water heaters, and hot-water storage tanks.
  6. Pressure vessels that do not exceed:
    1. 6 inches inside diameter with no limit on pressure;
    2. 5 cubic feet in volume and an operating pressure of 250 psi;
    3. 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume with no limit on pressure.
  7. Pressure vessels used in accordance with regulations of the US Department of Transportation.
  8. Pressure vessels used for storage or processing of cold water, including those with air cushions.
  9. Pressure vessels with an internal or external operating pressure of not more than 15 psig with no limitation on size.
  10. Air receivers having a volume of less than 90 gallons and a working pressure less than 200 psig as stamped on the manufacturer’s nameplate.
  11. Pressure vessels used in processing and storing of fermented beverages at temperatures not exceeding 140°F.
  1. Power boilers: One annual internal inspection. Where an internal inspection is not possible because of boiler construction, an external inspection will be acceptable. Should operating conditions require longer periods, an extension of time may be granted upon written application to the department with written concurrence of inspection agency.
  2. Low-pressure steam and hot-water boilers: one external or internal inspection every 36 months.
  3. Pressure vessels: one external or internal inspection every 36 months.
  4. Anhydrous ammonia storage and nurse tanks: one inspection every 36 months.
  5. Power piping: welder documentation and material inspection prior to start of fabrication (installed to ASME B31.1).
  1. The department must be notified of suspension of insurance because of dangerous conditions.
  2. The department must be notified of new business or discontinuance of insurance.
Certificate of Inspection is issued by the State of Wisconsin.
There is a $5.00 processing fee for each permit type, and a 1.4% surcharge added to all fees.
  1. Boilers: Permit fee for installation or replacement of a boiler shall be $50.00 per unit not exceeding 150,000 BTU per hour of input. For each additional 50,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof, an additional fee of $10.00 shall be charged.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels: permit fee for installation of an unfired pressure vessel shall be $50.00 per vessel.
  3. Power piping: permit fee for installation of power piping shall be $15.00 per 100 feet of piping. Minimum fee shall be $50.00.
  4. Repairs: permit fee for repairs of boilers and pressure vessels shall be $40.00.
  5. Electronic monitoring: permit fee for installation of electronic monitoring shall be computed at $100.00 for each boiler.
  6. Periodic inspections – power boilers:
    1. 0 – 250 square feet of heating surface - $130.00
    2. More than 250 square feet of heating surface - $200.00
  7. Periodic inspections – heating boilers:
    1. 0 – 200,000 BTU per hour - $90.00
    2. More than 200,000 BTU per hour - $150.00
  8. Unfired pressure vessels:
    1. 1 – 12 cubic feet volume - $75.00
    2. More than 12 cubic feet volume - $110.00
  9. Air conditioning and refrigeration systems - $75.00
  10. Reinspection fee of $75.00 shall be assessed for inspections made by department to gain compliance with rules of Chapter 223, after orders have been issued by the department.
  11. Hydrostatic tests for boilers and unfired pressure vessels - $90.00.
  12. Quality control review fee of $75.00 per hour, or fraction thereof, shall be charged for review of an organization’s quality control manual (minimum of two hours).
  1. Repairs/alterations in accordance with National Board Inspection Code.
  2. Insurance inspectors are required to hold a commission issued by the State Industrial Commission.
  3. Operators of boilers and pressure vessels are required to be licensed.
  4. A permit is required to install or repair boilers and pressure vessels.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Howard Berny, Chief Boiler Inspector
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
Construction Codes and Licensing Division
Boiler Division
443 Lafayette Road N
St. Paul, MN 55155-4304
Telephone — 651.216-9013
Email —
Commissioner of Labor and Industry empowered to make, alter, and amend
rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: 2023 .
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1881.
Date of latest rules and regulations: November 2023.
State statute: Minnesota Statutes – 2023, Chapters 326B.93 to 326B.998, Boilers. Minnesota Rules – Chapter 5225.
  1. ASME Code (Current Edition), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X, XI, and code cases.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (Current Edition).
  3. ASME B31.1 (Current Edition).
  4. ASME PVHO.1 (Current Edition).
  5. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  6. Manufacturers must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the department on ASME forms, except tanks or cylinders used for storage or transfer of liquefied petroleum gases for which data reports are not required.
  7. Registration with the National Board of non-ASME Code items and use of these items is allowed to comply with GATT and NAFTA treaties.
  8. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition).
  9. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  10. CSA B51 (2001 Edition) with National Board registration number.
  11. Special design or construction requires approval of the chief boiler inspector.
  12. Minnesota Steam Fitters Contractors License required for all high-pressure steam piping, hot-water used for heating over 30 psi and 250º F and ammonia refrigeration piping. Contact Chief HPP Inspector T.J. Peterson at 612-434-0117 with high-pressure piping questions.
  13. Minnesota requires all inspectors to have the National Board “A” endorsement to review and accept repairs to boilers and pressure vessels.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: all. PP, S, or A stamp required up to first stop valve. High-pressure piping license and permit required beyond boiler.
All boilers and unfired pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal control.
  2. Boilers and pressure vessels in buildings occupied solely for residential purposes with accommodations for not more than five families.
  3. Railroad locomotives operated by railroad companies for transportation purposes.
  4. Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels having an internal or external working pressure not exceeding 15 psig with no limit on size.
  6. Pressure vessels used for storage of compressed air not exceeding 5 cubic feet in volume and equipped with an ASME Code-stamped safety valve set at a maximum of 100 psig.
  7. Pressure vessels having an inside diameter not exceeding 6 inches.
  8. A vessel containing water under pressure, including those containing air which serves only as a cushion, when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A design pressure of 300 psi;
    2. A design temperature of 210°F.
  9. Boilers or pressure vessels located on farms and used solely for agricultural or horticultural purposes.
  10. Tanks or cylinders used for storage or transfer of liquefied petroleum gases.
  11. Unfired pressure vessels in petroleum refineries.
  12. An air tank or pressure vessel which is an integral part of a passenger motor bus, truck or trailer.
  13. Hot-water heating and other hot-liquid boilers not exceeding a heat input of 750,000 BTU per hour.
  14. Hot-water supply boilers not exceeding a heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour, or potable water heaters not exceeding 200,000 BTU per hour or a nominal water capacity of 120 gallons.
  15. Laundry and dry cleaning pressers not exceeding 5 cubic feet of steam volume.
  16. Pressure vessels operated full of water or another liquid not materially more hazardous than water, if the vessel’s contents do not exceed 210°F or a pressure of 200 psig.
  17. Steam-powered turbines at papermaking facilities powered by steam district facilities at a remote location.
  18. Manually-fired boilers for model locomotive, boat, tractor, stationary engine, or antique motor vehicles constructed or maintained only as a hobby for exhibition, educational, or historical purposes, not for commercial use; provided that such boilers have an inside diameter of 12 inches or less, or a grate area of 2 square feet or less and are equipped with an ASME-stamped safety valve of adequate size, a water level indicator and a pressure gage.
  19. Any pressure vessel used as an integral part of an electrical circuit breaker.
  20. Pressure vessels used for the storage of refrigerant if they are built to ASME code specifications, registered with the National Board, and equipped with an ASME code stamped pressure relieving device set no higher than the maximum allowable working pressure of the vessel. This does not include pressure vessels used in ammonia refrigeration systems.
  21. Pressure vessels used for storage of oxygen, nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide, argon, nitrous oxide, or other medical gas, provided the vessel is constructed to ASME or Minnesota Department of Transportation specifications and equipped with an ASME code stamped pressure relieving device. The owner of the vessel shall perform annual visual inspections and planned maintenance on these vessels to ensure vessel integrity.
  22. Pressure vessels used for the storage of compressed air for self-contained breathing apparatuses.
  23. Hot water heating or other hot liquid boilers vented directly to the atmosphere; and
  24. Pressure vessels used for the storage of compressed air not exceeding 1.5 cubic feet (11.22 gallons) in volume with a maximum allowable working pressure of 600 psi or less.
    1. An engineer’s license is not required for hot water supply boilers.
    2. An engineer’s license and annual inspection by the department is not required for boilers, steam cookers, steam kettles, steam sterilizers or other steam generators not exceeding 100,000 BTU per hour input, 25 kilowatts and a pressure of 15 psig
    3. Electric boilers not exceeding a maximum working pressure of 50 psig, maximum of 30 kilowatt input or three horsepower rating shall be inspected as pressure vessels and shall not require an engineer’s license to operate.
  25. An Operators License is required for all boilers, except:
    1. Hot-water supply boilers;
    2. Steam cookers, kettles, sterilizers, and other steam generators not exceeding 100,000 BTU per hour, 25 kW, 2-1/2 hp, and a pressure of 15 psig;
    3. Electric boilers not exceeding 50 psig, 30 kW, or 3 hp shall be inspected as pressure vessels.
First inspection on newly installed boilers must be preformed by state inspector.
  1. Boilers and steam generators: one annual inspection.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels: biennial inspection.
  3. Stationary show boilers used for display and demonstration: Biennial inspection.
Note: Refer to last two paragraphs under Insurance Inspection Requirements.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and holding a valid Certificate of Competency issued by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Reports of inspection must be filed with the department on National Board forms within 21 days after inspection.
  3. Reports of boiler inspections are required annually; reports of pressure vessels are required biennially, see Minnesota Statute 326B.998. (Electric boilers not requiring a licensed engineer shall be inspected as pressure vessels.)
  4. The department must be notified of suspension or cancellation of insurance on account of dangerous conditions on National Board forms within 30 days.
  5. The department must be notified of new business, in duplicate, and discontinuance of insurance on National Board forms within 30 days.
  6. Items not inspected annually by insurance companies as required by law will be inspected by the jurisdiction. The owner of the boiler or pressure vessel or the insurance company may be charged the cost of the inspection and/or a $100 penalty.
326B.958 Inspection and Registration
All boiler inspectors shall document the condition of the boiler or pressure vessel. If the boiler or pressure vessel meets the inspection requirements in sections 326B.964 and 326B.966, the inspector shall attach a label or sticker to the boiler or pressure vessel indicating the month and year inspected and the name of the inspection agency. This label is the inspection certificate and shall indicate that the inspected boiler or pressure vessel is found to be safe and suitable for use. The boiler inspector shall directly attach a tag to a newly installed boiler that displays a unique identification number.
If, upon inspecting a boiler or pressure vessel, the boiler inspector determines that the boiler or pressure vessel does not meet the requirements in sections 326B.964 and 326B.966, the inspector shall notify the owner or operator in writing of any defect in the boiler or pressure vessel. The boiler or pressure vessel shall not be operated if the inspector determines that the boiler or pressure vessel is unsafe. The boiler or pressure vessel shall not be operated until these unsafe defects have been corrected and verified by the inspector. If the boiler inspector finds that a boiler is being operated by an unlicensed or improperly licensed person, operation of the boiler shall cease until all operators are properly licensed according to section 326B.978. If circumstances warrant continued operation, the boiler inspector may, at the discretion of the boiler inspector, give approval for continuing operation of the boiler for a specific period of time, not to exceed 30 days.
  1. Boilers - $55.00

    Boilers (over 2,000 square feet of heating surface) for internal inspection shall be billed at the shop inspection fee rate of $80.00 per hour, plus travel expenses.
  2. Pressure vessels - $35.00
  3. Shop inspection fees shall be charged per hour plus travel expenses - $80.00
  1. Insurance company inspectors must hold an approved National Board Commission. Copy of the current National Board Commission card shall be filed with the division.
  2. Examinations for commissions are held on the first Wednesday in March, June, September, and December. Examination fee is $100.00, which includes state Certificate of Competency.
  3. Reciprocal Commissions are issued for a $88.00 fee. Biannual renewal is $88.00, due January 1 of each year. Commission applications are available on the website at
  4. Consult state fire marshal for inspection rules covering tanks or cylinders used for storage or transfer of liquefied petroleum gases.
  5.  All high-pressure boilers require a licensed operator be in attendance during operation. There is no reciprocity for boiler operator licenses; however, experience will be considered toward an appropriate license.
  6. For information on Boiler Operators Licenses, please visit the department's website at
  7. To obtain a copy of Minnesota’s boiler and pressure vessel statutes and rules and for more information on Boiler Operator’s License, visit the website at




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Thomas Carter, Director/Chief Boiler Inspector
Mississippi State Department of Health
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Branch
P.O. Box 1700
Jackson, MS 39215-1700
Telephone — 601.576.7196
Email —
Fax — 601.576.7175
570 East Woodrow Wilson Drive
Jackson, MS 39216
Mississippi Department of Health Technical Advisory Committee empowered to
make, amend, and alter rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: July 2008.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1974.
Date of latest rules and regulations: April 1998.
State statute: Mississippi Code, Title 45. Public Safety and Good Order, Chapter 23. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety.
  1. ASME Code (Current Edition, Current Addendum), Sections I, IV, VIII (Division 1).
  2. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  3. ASME CSD-1 (1998 Edition or Newer).
  4. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition).
  5. Owner/user shall file a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report with the chief inspector (signed by the manufacturer’s representative and the authorized inspector prior to operation).
  6. Special design or construction requires prior submission to the chief inspector and approval of the Technical Advisory Committee for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Board as Mississippi Special.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, S, U, UV, V.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels located on US government property and/or under federal government control; pipelines, including compressors and related facilities which are subject to inspection by an agency of the federal government or other agency of the State of Mississippi.
  2. Pressure vessels used for transportation and storage of compressed gases when constructed in compliance with specifications of the US Department of Transportation (and when charged with gas, marked, maintained, and periodically re-qualified for use, as required by appropriate regulations of the US Department of Transportation).
  3. Air tanks located on vehicles operating under the rules of other state authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight.
  4. Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  5. Pressure vessels that do not exceed:
    1. 5 cubic feet in volume and 250 psig pressure;
    2. 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume and 600 psig pressure;
    3. An inside diameter of 6 inches with no limitation on pressure.
  6. Pressure vessels operating at a working pressure not exceeding 15 psig.
  7. Vessels with a nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons or less for containing water under pressure, including those also containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion.
  8. Boilers and pressure vessels constructed and operated under licenses and permits granted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
  9. Boilers and pressure vessels used in connection with the production, treatment, processing, storage, or transportation of oil or gas, when located in remote areas. The department will determine remote areas on a case-by-case basis.
  1. Heating boilers located in private residences or apartment houses of fewer than six family units.
  2. Pressure vessels containing only water under pressure for domestic supply purposes, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion, or airlift pumping systems when located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six family units, or those serving rural water systems.
  3. Pressure vessels covered under the Liquefied Compressed Gas Equipment Inspection Law of Mississippi (Sections 75-57-1 through 75-57-63), Mississippi Code of 1972.
  4. Air-receiving tanks and attached tanks used in connection with automobile filling stations that do not exceed 15 cubic feet in volume and 250 psig pressure and used primarily to increase pressure in automobile tires.
  1. Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers shall receive a certificate inspection annually (or as the board may require) and shall receive an annual external inspection while under pressure, if possible.
  2. Heating boilers shall receive a certificate inspection biennially.
  3. Pressure vessels subject to internal corrosion shall receive a certificate inspection biennially.
  4. Pressure vessels not subject to internal corrosion shall receive a certificate inspection at intervals set by the board. But internal inspection shall not be required of pressure vessels, the contents of which are known to be noncorrosive to the material of which the shell, heads, or fittings are constructed, either from the chemical composition of the contents or from evidence that the contents are adequately treated with a corrosion inhibitor, or from evidence that the vessel parts are isolated from the contents with a corrosion resistant lining, provided that such vessels are constructed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the board, and provided further that evidence proving non-corrosiveness is approved by the board.
  5. Vessels in nuclear installations other than those licensed by National Regulatory Commission shall be inspected and reported in such form and with such appropriate information as the board shall designate.
  6. A grace period of two months beyond the periods specified in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) of the rules and regulations may elapse between certificate inspections.
  7. The board may, at its discretion, permit longer periods between certificate inspections.
  1. Inspections made by insurance company inspectors commissioned by the board are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Insurance companies shall notify the chief inspector within 30 days of all boilers or pressure vessels on which insurance is written, canceled, or renewed. Insurance companies shall notify the chief inspector immediately if insurance is refused or suspended because of unsafe conditions and submit a report of the defects. Inspection reports shall be submitted to the chief inspector within 30 days from date of inspection on standard forms for states operating under the ASME Code. When hazardous conditions affecting the safety of a boiler or pressure vessel are found to exist at the time of any inspection, the inspector shall report such conditions immediately to the chief inspector.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months for power boilers and 24 months for low-pressure boilers and pressure vessels, is issued by the board upon payment of a fee of $20.00 for an annual certificate and $30.00 for a biennial certificate to the Mississippi State Board of Health, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Fund.
Fees are payable to the board by the owner/user upon completion of inspection.
  1. Internal inspection:
    1. Heating surface of 50 square feet or less - $12.00
    2. Heating surface over 50 square feet and less than 4,000 square feet - $25.00
    3. Heating surface of 4,000 square feet and less than 10,000 square feet $35.00
    4. Heating surface of 10,000 square feet or more - $40.00
  2. External inspection:
    1. Heating surface of 50 square feet or less - $10.00
    2. Heating surface over 50 square feet and less than 4,000 square feet - $12.00
    3. Heating surface of 4,000 square feet and less than 10,000 square feet - $12.00
    4. Heating surface of 10,000 square feet or more - $12.00
    Not more than the equivalent of the certificate and external inspection fees shall be charged or collected for any and all inspections as above for any boiler in any one year.
  3. Low-pressure boilers:
    1. Heating boiler without manhole - $12.00
    2. Heating boiler with manhole - $25.00
    3. Hot-water supply boiler - $10.00
    Not more than one fee shall be charged or collected for any and all inspections as above for any heating boiler in any required inspection period.
  4.  Pressure vessels:
    1. Cross-sectional area of 50 square feet - $10.00
    2. Each additional 100 square feet of area - $10.00
    A group of pressure vessels, such as the rolls of paper machines or dryers operating as a single machine or unit, shall be considered as one pressure vessel. Not more than one fee shall be charged or collected for any and all inspections as above for any pressure vessel in any required inspection period.
  5. Hydrostatic tests, if necessary, shall be charged the same fee scale for certificate inspections at the owner/user’s expense.
  6. Other inspections, including shop inspections, special inspections, and inspections of secondhand or used boilers or pressure vessels, made by the chief inspector, shall be charged at a rate of not less than $60.00 for one-half day of four hours and $100.00 for one full day of eight hours, plus expenses including travel and lodging.
  1. A processing fee of $25.00 is required for the issuance of a Certificate of Competency.
  2. Reciprocal Commission is issued to inspectors holding a current National Board Commission. Commissions are renewed annually for a fee of $25.00.
  3. Approval to install secondhand equipment must be obtained by the owner/user from the chief inspector.
  4. All boilers or pressure vessels subject to law must be stamped with a Mississippi serial number.
  5. Copies of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules and Regulations may be obtained by contacting the director/chief boiler inspector, or by visiting the MSDH Web site.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Tim Bean, State Fire Marshal
Timothy D. Boggs, Deputy Chief
Division of Fire Safety
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Unit
P.O. Box 844
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Telephone — 573.751.8708
Fax — 573.751.5710
Email —
Express mail only:
205 Jefferson St.
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Board empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: August 2012.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1986.
Date of latest rules and regulations: February 28, 2010.
State statute: Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 650. Department of Public Safety, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act, Sections 200 through 290. Rules of Department of Public Safety, Division 40, Chapter 2, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Rules.
The following editions and addendum are currently adopted by state regulation. However, the Missouri Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessels Rules typically votes to adopt the latest edition of the code and issues a general variance for use of the same until state regulations are updated. Currently, the Board has voted to adopt the 2017 ASME BPV Codes, 2017 NBIC and 2012 ASME CSD-1 and issued a general variance for use of the same.
  1. ASME Code (2007 Edition, 2008 Addendum), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, and code cases.
  2. ASME B31.1 (2007 Edition, 2008 Addendum) up to & including boiler external piping only.
  3. ASME CSD-1, 2009 Edition.
  4. National Board Inspection Code (2019 Edition).
  5. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  6. API-510 (2001 Edition) may be used on some repairs.
  7. ASME PVHO-1 (2007 Edition).
  8. ANSI Z21.10.3/CSA 4.3 (2004 Edition).
  9. ANSI Z21.56/CSA 4.7 (2006 Edition).
  10. Foreign and non-ASME codes: non-ASME codes require variance. English language/US customary unit details of the proposed construction material specifications and calculations shall be submitted to the chief inspector by the owner/user. Approval as a State Special obtained from the board is required before construction is started. Copies of all applicable codes and referenced standards shall be made available, as requested, to the board.
  11. NFPA 85 (2007 Edition)
  12. NFPA 54 (2009 Edition)
  13. NFPA 31 (2006 Edition)
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: all.
Boilers and pressure vessels (installed after November 12, 1986), except:
  1. Water heaters, pool heaters, and hot-water supply boilers in which none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. A water temperature of 210°F;
    3. A nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons (provided with one or more ASME-stamped safety relief valves).
  2. Hot-water storage tanks less than or equal to 120 gallons.
  3. Pressure vessels that have an internal volume of 6" or less.
  4. Pressure vessels that are 1 1/2 cu. ft. in volume or less.
  5. Pressure vessels that are operated at 15 psig or less.
  6. Pressure vessels that do not exceed either 200 psig or 10 cu. ft. in volume.
Same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING. Required safety controls were not grandfathered for installations before November 12, 1986.
  1. Power boilers; high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers; waste heat boilers; and unfired steam boilers and thermal fluid heaters:
    1. An annual certificate inspection which shall be an internal inspection where construction permits;
    2. An annual external inspection while under normal operating conditions.
  2. Low-pressure boilers and pressure vessels: A biennial certificate inspection:
    1. Steam or vapor boilers shall have an external inspection and an internal inspection biennially where construction permits;
    2. Hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers shall have an external inspection biennially and where construction permits, an internal inspection at the discretion of the inspector;
    3. Pressure vessels shall have an external inspection biennially.
    Pressure vessels that are under the supervision of an owner/user inspection agency shall be inspected at the same interval unless otherwise agreed upon by the board and the owner/user inspection agency.
  3. Effective January 1, 2007: An installation permit must be obtained from the Division of Fire Safety, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Unit for the installation of all boilers and pressure vessels that fall within the scope of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act (mandatory for all installations starting on or after January 1, 2008).
Inspectors employed by insurance companies and approved owner/user inspection agencies are accepted in lieu of inspections made by the department. Reports shall be made on National Board forms to the chief inspector.
The owner/user shall pay a $20.00 certificate fee for each boiler and pressure vessel inspected.
  1. Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
    1. Internal inspections:
      1. Boilers of 4,000 pounds per hour capacity or less - $35.00
      2. Boilers over 4,000 and up to 16,000 pounds per hour capacity - $60.00
      3. Boilers of 16,000 pounds per hour capacity or greater - Hourly rate
    2. External inspections:
      1. Boilers of 4,000 pounds per hour capacity or less - $25.00
      2. Boilers over 4,000 pounds per hour capacity - $35.00
  2. Heating boilers and hot-water supply boilers:
    1. Internal inspections:
      1. Boilers of 4,000 pounds per hour capacity or less - $35.00
      2. Boilers over 4,000 pounds per hour capacity - $45.00
    2. External inspection less than or equal to 15 psi steam boilers - $25.00
    3. External inspection of hot-water heaters, jacketed kettles, storage water heaters - $18.00
  3. Pressure vessels (fee to be based on the volume in cubic feet):
    1. 1000 cubic feet or less - $16.00
    2. Over 1000 cubic feet - $25.00
    3. Internal inspection requiring entry - Hourly rate
    Not more than $120.00 shall be paid for each inspection on any one vessel.
  4. Accreditation reviews:
    1. National Board R Stamp (travel, preparation time, and all expenses) - $1,000.00
    2. Each hour or part thereof up to eight hours (travel, preparation time, and all expenses) - $35.00
    3. Each hour or part thereof over eight hours in any one day - $50.00
    Per-hour fees do not include mileage and lodging.
  1. Examinations for Certificate of Competency are given on the first Wednesday and Thursday in March, June, September, and December. Examination fee is $50.00.
  2. Certificate of Competency is issued through application process to holder of valid National Board Commission for a $50.00 fee. There is a $25.00 annual renewal fee.
  3. Welded repairs and alterations to boilers or pressure vessels shall be performed by an organization holding the National Board “R” stamp. Repair data reports shall be submitted to the jurisdiction for all welded repairs and alterations.
  4. A boiler operator’s license is not required in the state, but is required for the city of St. Joseph.
  5. A copy of the boiler and pressure vessel rules and regulations may be obtained by writing the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Unit. Cost: $5.00.
  6. Mechanically assembled boiler external piping need not be done by a “PP,” “S,” or “A” stamp holder. All other requirements must be met.





IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Laurie Esau, Commissioner
Department of Labor and Industry
Brent Ricks, Program Manager
Boiler, Elevator, Weights and Measures
301 South Park Avenue
Helena, MT 59601
Telephone — 406.841.2321
Email —
Fax — 406.841.2050
The Building Codes Bureau, by administrative rule, empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: November 6, 2021
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1895.
Date of latest rules and regulations: November 6, 2021
State statute: Montana Code 2001, Title 50. Health and Safety, Chapter 60. Building Construction Standards and Chapter 74. Boiler and Steam Engines.
  1. ASME Code (2021 Edition), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, XIII
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2018 Edition).
  3. Special design or construction requires approval of the bureau.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HV, S.
All boilers, except those under federal control.
All boilers, except the following:
  1. Boilers under federal control.
  2. Steam-heating boilers operated at not over 15 psig in private residences or apartments of six or fewer families.
  3. Hot-water heating or supply boilers operated at not over 50 psig and temperatures not over 250°F when in private residences, or apartments of six or fewer families.
Boilers exempted under OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR FIELD INSPECTION are not required to be inspected.
  1. All manually-fired boilers and all boilers and banks of boilers rated with a total input of 400,000 BTU per hour or greater: annual inspection.
  2. All automatically fired boilers rated with an input of less than 400,000 BTU per hour: biennial inspection.
  3. Steam heating and power boilers: annual internal inspection. This inspection may be performed during a scheduled maintenance shutdown with prior approval from the department.
If located in a school, day-care center, hospital, rest home, retirement center, or place of assembly with a capacity of more than 100 persons: an annual inspection is required.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies may be accepted in lieu of inspections made by bureau inspectors as equivalent to those of the state inspectors. Whenever the department inspection confirms that the insurance company inspection report is substantially and materially incomplete, invalid, or unacceptable, the department may assess the insurance company the fee for a special inspection as imposed by ARM 24.301.714.
  2. Each such special inspector shall hold a certificate as boiler inspector issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
  1. An Operating Certificate is issued by the bureau for the operating period until the next required inspection, unless cause is found for revocation.
  2. Boilers may not be operated without a certificate.
  1. Internal inspection - $80.00
  2. External inspection:
    1. Hot-water heating and supply - $40.00
    2. Steam-heating - $55.00
    3. Power boilers - $75.00
  3. Special inspection (per hour plus expenses) - $50.00
  4. Operating Certificate - $35.00
  1. Operators of boilers are required to be licensed by the division. Licenses are issued in seven different categories depending on operating pressure and boiler design.
  2. Boilers must have a state serial number applied by the state of Montana Boiler Inspectors.
  3. A copy of the Montana Boiler Code may be obtained by contacting:

    Building Codes Bureau/Boiler Safety Section
    P.O. Box 200517
    Helena, MT 59620-0517
    Cost: free.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

David Pleiss, Interim Chief Boiler Inspector
Nebraska State Fire Marshal Agency
Boiler Inspection Division
246 S. 14th Street, Suite 1
Lincoln, NE 68508
Telephone — 402.471.9902
Fax — 402.471.3118
Email —
State Fire Marshal empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: July 2021.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1943.
Date of latest rules and regulations: August 2016.
State statute: Nebraska Revised Statutes, Boiler Inspection Act.  Title 81, Sections 81-5,165 to 81-5,189.
Nebraska Administrative Code, Title 229. Chapters 1 through 28.
  1. ASME Code (2015 Edition), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X.
  2. Code Cases are accepted upon publication.  The chief boiler inspector will make public notification of any Code Cases that are not approved for use in Nebraska.
  3. ASME CSD-1 (2012 Edition).
  4. ASME B31.1 (2012 Edition).
  5. Installer must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the agency upon installation.
  6. Installer must file a copy of the CSD-1 report, properly completed and signed, with the jurisdiction upon installation.
  7. National Board Inspection Code (2015 Edition).
  8. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  9. API-510 (most recent prior to July 1, 2013).
  10. NFPA Codes (most recent prior to July 1, 2013).
  11. Special design or construction requires approval by the agency  In order to use a later Edition or Addenda of any of the codes referenced above, please contact the chief boiler inspector.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Certification Mark with the below designators are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, PP, S, U, U2, U3, V.
Boilers and pressure vessels must be inspected and stamped in accordance with the requirements of the Boiler Inspection Act. All boilers and pressure vessels subject to inspection shall be assigned a Nebraska serial number.
The Nebraska Boiler Inspection Act does not apply to:
  1. Boilers under federal jurisdiction and control.
  2. Boilers of railway locomotives subject to federal inspection.
  3. Boilers operated and regularly inspected by railway companies operating in interstate commerce.
  4. Boilers used exclusively for agricultural purposes.
  5. Steam-heating boilers in single family residences and apartment houses with four or fewer units, using a pressure of less than 15 psi and having a safety valve set at not higher than 15 psi.
  6. Heating boilers using water in single family residences and apartment houses with four or fewer units, using a pressure of less than 30 psi and having a safety valve set at not higher than 30 psi.
  7. Fire engine boilers brought into the state for temporary use in times of emergency.
  8. Boilers of a miniature model locomotive, boat, tractor, or stationary engine constructed and maintained as a hobby, not for commercial use, having an inside diameter of less than 10 inches and a grate area not in excess of 1-1/2 square feet, and properly equipped with a safety valve.
  9. Hot-water supply boilers and water heaters if none of the following limitations is exceeded (there are no exemptions for heating boilers, water or steam, other than those in numbers 5 and 6 above):
    1. 200,000 BTU per hour of input;
    2. 120 gallons of nominal capacity; or
    3. 210°F output.
  10. Unfired pressure vessels not exceeding:
    1. 5 cubic feet in volume; or
    2. A pressure of 250 psi.
  11. Unfired pressure vessels owned and maintained by a district or corporation organized under the provisions of Chapter 70, Article 6.
  12. Unfired pressure vessels:
    1. Not exceeding a maximum allowable working pressure of 500 psi,
    2. That contain carbon dioxide, helium, oxygen, nitrogen, argon, hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant, or any other nonflammable gas determined by the commissioner not to be a risk to the public,
    3. That are manufactured and repaired in accordance with applicable ASME standards, and
    4. That are installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
  1. A ten day advance notice of installation must be filed with the agency. This form is to be filled out and submitted online at
  2. All jurisdictional boilers, except hobby boilers, steam farm traction engines, portable and stationary show engines, and portable and stationary show boilers, shall receive an annual external certificate inspection. Hobby boilers, steam farm traction engines, portable and stationary show engines, and stationary and portable show boilers shall be inspected externally biennially and internally quadrennially.
  3. Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers shall receive an internal inspection annually where construction permits and an external inspection while in operation, if possible; otherwise, it shall be as complete an inspection as possible.
  4. Under certain conditions — with the chief boiler inspector’s approval — power boilers, waste-heat boilers, and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers having internal continuous water treatment may be subject to an annual external inspection while in operation and an internal inspection biennially.  In this case, the external inspection shall renew the certificate.
  5. Low-pressure boilers shall be inspected as follows:
    1. Steam or vapor boilers shall receive an external inspection annually to renew the certificate and an internal inspection biennially where construction permits. Under certain conditions with the chief inspector’s approval, steam or vapor boilers which have internal continuous water treatment may be subject to an annual external inspection while in operation and an internal inspection quadrennially;
    2. Pool heaters, spa heaters, hot water heating boilers and hot water supply boilers shall receive an external inspection annually to renew the certificate, and, where construction permits, an internal inspection every four years from the date of manufacturer’s completion.
    3. Effective August 30, 2009, all newly installed water heaters stamped with the ASME “HLW” Code symbol stamp shall be inspected externally to renew the certificate at least every 24 months and, where construction permits, these units shall receive an internal inspection at the inspector’s discretion but not to exceed every six (6) years from the date of manufacturer’s completion.
    4. All water heaters installed prior to August 30, 2009, shall be inspected externally annually to renew the certificate and, where construction permits, internally every five years from the date of manufacturer’s completion. These existing water heaters may be placed on the inspection frequency noted in (4.c) above upon written request by the Commissioned Inspector responsible for the inservice inspection of the item. This request shall be made on the Inspection Report submitted for renewal of the Certificate of Inspection for the object.
  6. Pressure vessels:
    1. Unless excepted, pressure vessels subject to internal corrosion shall be inspected internally and externally biennially;
    2. Unless excepted, pressure vessels not subject to corrosion shall receive an external inspection biennially;
    3. Unless excepted, pressure vessels subject to internal corrosion or which contain hazardous or lethal fluids shall receive an internal inspection biennially where construction permits. Pressure vessels not subject to internal corrosion shall be inspected internally, where construction permits, quinquennially (every five years);
    4. Pressure vessels under the supervision of an owner/user inspection organization shall be inspected at intervals required by the Nebraska Administrative Code and the National Board Inspection Code, or API-510, as applicable.
  1. Inspections made by Special Inspectors employed by National Board Accredited Authorized Inspection Agencies are accepted in lieu of inspections made by an agency inspector.
  2. Reports of external and/or internal inspections must be filed with the agency in a format approved by the chief boiler inspector as soon as practicable, but in no case more than 14 days after inspection.
  3. The agency must be notified immediately of suspension of insurance or inspection contract on account of a dangerous condition.
  4. The agency must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance within 30 days of such action.
  5. Insurance companies and Authorized Inspection Agencies are required to inspect to the degree required by the Boiler Inspection Act.
  6. Boilers and pressure vessels that are more than 45 days overdue for their certificate inspection are inspected by the State of Nebraska and the owners will be charged a special inspection fee of $200.00 per unit.
  7. NEW 2021 - All inspectors receiving a Nebraska Reciprocal Commission must submit a citizenship attestation form that documents that the Inspector is legally authorized to work in the United States. This is a one-time submission, and it is not necessary to fill it out each year. This form can be downloaded here: 
Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months for boilers and 24 months for water heaters, hobby boilers, and pressure vessels are issued by the agency upon payment of the required fees by the owner/user. The Certificate of Inspection fees for boilers and water heaters are $3.00/month, and for pressure vessels $1.50 per month.
To view current state inspection fees, go to Title 229, Chapter 7:
  1. The State of Nebraska is a supporter of the National Board.  We highly encourage inspectors, installers, Authorized Inspection Agencies, and others to make use of National Board resources and training by going to to seek out professional development opportunities.
  2. All Insurance company and Authorized Inspection Agency special inspectors must hold a current and valid National Board Commission and a Nebraska Reciprocal Commission in order to perform inservice inspections, repair and alteration inspections, and to perform shop inspections.
  3. A Nebraska Reciprocal Commission will be issued to special inspectors holding a current and valid National Board Commission upon application to the chief inspector accompanied by a photocopy or scanned image of the applicant’s National Board Commission, and remittance of a $20.00 fee.
  4. Upon written request to the chief boiler inspector, the National Board Commission examination will be given on the first Wednesday in March, June, September, and December.
  5. Renewal of a Nebraska Reciprocal Commission is required by December 31 of each year. Fee for new commission or renewal is $20.00. A photocopy or scanned image of the applicant’s current and valid National Board Commission is required.
  6. A boiler operator’s license is not required by state statutes but the City of Omaha Mechanical Code does require certain licenses for boiler operators.
  7. Contact the jurisdiction for a copy of the Nebraska Boiler Inspection Act.
  8. All newly installed jurisdictional objects shall be inspected by the Chief Boiler Inspector or a Deputy Chief Boiler Inspector prior to a Certificate of Inspection being issued.
  9. A ten day advance notice of installation must be filed with the SFM Agency. This form is to be filled out and submitted online at
  10. All repairs and alterations to jurisdictional boilers and pressure vessels in the State of Nebraska must be performed by a company in possession of a National Board "R" Stamp and Certificate of Authorization with the appropriate scope of work indicated.
  11. There are no exemptions based upon Btu/hr input for heating boilers that are installed in other-than-private-residences or apartment complexes with 4 or fewer units..  See Title 229, Chapter 1 for boiler definitions that are applicable in Nebraska.  



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Jeff Oliver, Safety Specialist
Mechanical Compliance Section
Department of Business & Industry
Division of Industrial Relations
4600 Kietzke Lane, Suite F-151
Reno, NV 89502
Telephone — 775.688.3762
Email —
Fax — 775.688.1664
Department of Business and Industry empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Mechanical Compliance Section:
Date of latest amendment to law: December 2015.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1956.
Date of latest rules and regulations: December 2015.
State Statute: Nevada Administrative Code, Title 455C. Safety and Health.
Mine Section:
Date of latest amendment to law: October 1982.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1909.
Date of latest rules and regulations: January 2000.
State statute: Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 56 and 57 and Nevada Administrative Code, Title 455C. Safety and Health, Chapter 512. Safety of Mines, Sections 510 through 594.
  1. ASME Code (2013 Edition), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2012 Edition).
  3. ASME B31.1 (2012 Edition).
  4. Installers must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the Mechanical Compliance Section or Mine Section.
  5. National Board Inspection Code (2021 Edition).
  6. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  7. Foreign codes: special design or construction requires approval of the division and must be registered with the National Board.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, NV, PP, S, U, U2, UM, UV, V.
All boilers and pressure vessels must be inspected prior to use. Boilers and pressure vessels under Mechanical Compliance Section jurisdiction must also be registered prior to use.
  1. All boilers within the scope of Section I of the ASME Code.
  2. All low-pressure boilers and lined water heaters within the scope of Section IV of the ASME Code.
  3. All pressure vessels within the scope of Section VIII of the ASME Code, except the following:
    1. Pressure vessels that meet the requirements of US Department of Transportation for the shipment of liquids or gases under pressure;
    2. Air tanks, integral to brake systems, located on vehicles operating under the rules of other state authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight, or used for storage of compressed air only.
Mechanical Compliance Section jurisdiction, same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING, except:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under control of the Federal Government.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels meeting the requirements of the United States Department of Transportation for the shipment of liquids or gases under pressure.
  3. Unfired pressure vessels having an inside diameter not exceeding 6 inches.
  4. Unfired pressure vessels containing cold water under pressure, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion.
  5. Pressure vessels containing water heated by steam or by any other indirect means, if none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 199,999 BTU per hour;
    2. A water temperature of 210°F;
    3. A water capacity of 120 gallons.
  6. Unfired pressure vessels not exceeding 5 cubic feet in volume and 15 psig.
  7. An unfired pressure vessel which may be classified as a pressure container (an integral part or component of a rotating or reciprocating mechanical device such as a pump, compressor, turbine, generator, engine, or hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder in which the primary design considerations and/or stresses are derived from the functional requirements of the device).
  8. Unfired pressure vessels used for the storage of compressed air only.
  9. A hot-water heater constructed of continuous coil, used only to produce steam vapor to clean things such as machinery, equipment and buildings, if:
    1. Tubing or pipe size does not exceed 3/4-inch in diameter (drums and headers not attached);
    2. Nominal water-containing capacity does not exceed 6 gallons;
    3. Water temperatures do not exceed 350°F;
    4. Steam is not generated within the coil.
  10. Unfired pressure vessels and piping containing liquid petroleum gas and liquid natural gas.
  11. A boiler or heater for a pool, if:
    1. The supply or return line has no stop valve installed;
    2. It is impossible for the unit to build pressure in excess of 15 psig.
  12. Boilers and pressure vessels installed in a single family residence unless the boiler or pressure vessel is a:
    1. Hot water supply boiler;
    2. Hot water supply tank that has a storage capacity which exceeds 120 gallons;
    3. Low pressure heating boiler;
    4. Power boiler;
    5. Pressure vessel that:
      1. Operates at pressures that exceed 15 psig;
      2. Has a storage capacity of five cubic feet or more by volume.
Mine Section jurisdiction: Same as Mechanical Unit’s OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING and inservice inspection, except for Items 7 and 8; air receivers inspected as defined.
  1. Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
    1. One annual internal inspection;
    2. One annual external inspection at approximately a six-month interval from the internal inspection.
  2. Low-pressure steam heating boilers: one annual external inspection. Where design and construction permit, an internal inspection shall be conducted biennially.
  3. Hot-water heating boilers and hot-water supply boilers: one internal inspection biennially if design and construction permit and inspector/special inspector requests it or external including operational testing of all controls and safety devices.
  4. Lined potable water heaters: one biennial external inspection including operational testing of all controls and safety devices.
  5. Pressure vessels:
    1. Mechanical Compliance Section jurisdiction: One external inspection quadrennially; internal if design and construction permit;
    2. Mine Section jurisdiction: One external inspection triennially; internal if design and construction permit.
    Industries having maintenance and examination programs approved by the department and under Mechanical Compliance Section jurisdiction may have internal inspection interval extended, via application, to a maximum of 24 months, provided external inspections are made every six months.
  1. An inspection made by a special inspector (employed by an inspection entity), holding a Certificate of Competency received from the division, is accepted in lieu of an inspection made by a Jurisdictional inspector.
  2. All insurance companies shall immediately notify and submit a report of defects to the appropriate jurisdiction (Mechanical Compliance Section or Mine Section), regarding any unsafe boiler or pressure vessel they refuse to insure.
  3. Notification to the appropriate jurisdiction (Mechanical Compliance Section or Mine Section) shall be made within 30 days of all boiler or pressure vessel insurance that is written, canceled, not renewed, or suspended.
  4. Reports of internal and external inspections must be filed with the Mechanical Compliance Section or mine operator on National Board forms within 10 days of inspection.
  5. Extension of inspection intervals may be granted upon approval of a written request submitted to the Mine Safety and Training Section or to the Mechanical Compliance Section.
  1. Mechanical Compliance Section:
    1. An Operating Permit is issued by the department, valid until expiration, unless a condition affecting the safety of the boiler or pressure vessel is disclosed;
  2. Mine Section:
    1. A Certificate of Inspection issued by the insurance company for insured boilers and pressure vessels shall be filed with the mine operator and readily available for examination;
    2. No Certificate of Inspection issued for an insured boiler or pressure vessel shall be valid after the certificate expiration date if the boiler or pressure vessel for which it was issued ceases to be insured by a duly authorized insurance company.
Fees for inspection and services provided by the Mechanical Compliance Section are required.
  1. The National Board Inspection Code has been incorporated within these regulations.
  2. Special Inspectors shall hold a valid Nevada Certificate obtained from the Mechanical Compliance Section.
  3. If a repair or alteration to a boiler or pressure vessel is necessary, the “R” certificate holder shall submit to the Mechanical Compliance Section or Mine Section a controlled copy of the holder’s repair manual for acceptance prior to commencement of repair. The “R” certificate holder shall submit to the chief boiler inspector of the Mechanical Compliance Section or jurisdictional authority of the Mine Section the appropriate “R” form prescribed by the National Board within 30 days after completion of the repair or alteration, depending on the Nevada jurisdiction involved.
  4. A Certificate to work as a special inspector may be issued, with a processing charge, to insurance inspectors holding a National Board Commission.
  5. Examinations for the initial issuance of boiler inspector Certificate are administered.
  6. Certificates are renewable annually. A photostatic copy of the special inspector’s current National Board credential card is required.
  7. Repair organizations shall hold an applicable ASME Code authorization or National Board authorization and they must be authorized by the division before engaging in repairs.
  8. One copy of the boiler and pressure vessel regulations may be obtained at no cost by contacting the Mechanical Compliance Section or Mine Section.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Eben L. Creaser, Chief Boiler Inspector
Department of Public Safety
Technical Inspection Services
8 Castle Street
Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 3B8
Main Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 6000
Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5H1
Telephone — 506.462.5058
Email —
Fax — 506.457.7394
Government empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: May 5, 2007.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1937.
Date of latest rules and regulations: October 1984.
Provincial statute: New Brunswick Regulations. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act 2011, Chapter 122, Regulations 84-174, April 21, 2008; 84-175, September 20, 2003; 84-176, September 30, 2003; and 84-177, April 21, 2008.
  1. CSA B51 (Current edition), B52 (Current edition), Z305.1 (Current edition).
  2. CGA B149.1, B49.2, Z305.1, B105.
  3. ASME Code (Current Edition), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, XI.
  4. ASME Code addenda and code case acceptance by express written permission.
  5. ASME CSD-1 (Current Edition).
  6. ASME B31.1 (Current Edition), B31.3 (2002 Edition), B31.5 (2000 Edition).
  7. ASME data sheet and stamping shall display the CRN.
  8. ASME PVHO-1 (Current Edition).
  9. National Board Inspection Code (2017 Edition).
  10. National Board registration required for any vessel brought in from any country outside of Canada.
  11. Manufacturers must register with department and submit designs and specifications for approval before installation. (An appropriate fee ranging from $50.00 to $300.00 CAD applies.)
  12. Special design or construction requires approval of the chief inspector.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R (accepted), VR.
  2. ASME Code: H, HLW, N, NV, PP, S, U.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels operated under supervision of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada.
  2. Boilers and pressure vessels subject to inspection under Canada Shipping Act.
  3. Boilers used solely for heating, and pressure vessels in a building occupied for residential purposes by not more than four families.
  1. Boilers having a capacity of 3 cubic feet or less.
  2. Pressure vessels having a diameter less than 6 inches, a capacity less than 1-1/2 cubic feet, and pressure less than 15 psi.
  3. Pressure vessels with a pressure less than 15 psi.
  1. Annual inspection of plant is required, with frequency of inspection scheduled according to type, size, and location of each boiler and pressure vessel.
  2. No person shall use a boiler or pressure vessel unless it is inspected by a boiler inspector. Such person shall be in possession of a valid certificate signed by the chief inspector (certifying inspection and approved suitability for use).
  3. A boiler inspector as defined in the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act is an inspector employed by the Department of Public Safety.
Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies are not accepted unless approved by the chief boiler inspector.
  1. For annual registration of plant:
    Number of boilers and pressure vessels multiplied by - $25.00 CAD
  2. For initial inspection (per hour or any part thereof):
    Boiler, pressure vessel or pressure piping system - $100.00 CAD
  3. Overtime (per hour) - $150.00 CAD
  4. For special inspection (per hour or any part thereof):
    Boiler, pressure vessel or pressure piping system - $100.00 CAD
Fee for Certificate of Competency is $50.00 CAD. Contact the department for information concerning this certificate and for information on fees for Stationary Engineers Examinations and Licenses.
  1. Every boiler inspector under the act shall:
    1. Have five years’ experience in a heating plant or power plant of more than 700 therm hour and hold a valid First Class Stationary Engineers License, issued under this act;
    2. Pass the boiler inspectors’ examination, as prescribed by the chief inspector, and have at least five years’ experience in designing, constructing, installing, or operating heating plants or power plants of more than 700 therm hour.
    Any candidate having met one of the above requirements set forth in Section 20 may, upon application therefor and upon payment of the prescribed fee, be issued a boiler inspector’s Certificate of Competency.
  2. Every boiler inspector’s Certificate of Competency shall expire on the thirty-first day of December of the year for which it was issued. It may, at the discretion of the chief inspector (upon application by the holder and payment of the prescribed fee), be renewed from year to year.
  3. A permit is required for new installations.
  4. Operators of boilers are required to be licensed for low-pressure heating plants having a rating of more than 50 therm hour and high-pressure plants having a rating of more than 20 therm hour.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

James W. Craig, Commissioner
Brian S. Oliver, Chief Boiler Inspector
New Hampshire Department of Labor
Hugh J. Gallen State Office Park
P.O. Box 2076
Concord, NH 03302-2076
Telephone — 603.271.2585
Fax ­­— 603.271.2668
Email —
Express mail only:
95 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301-3852
Commissioner of Labor empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: 17  September 2014.
Date rules and regulations implemented:  1 January 1968.
Date of latest rules and regulations: 27 April 2016
State statute: New Hampshire Revised Statutes, Annotated and Administrative Rules, New Hampshire Department of Labor, Title 12. Public Safety and Welfare, Chapter 157-A. Boilers and Pressure Vessels, Sections A1 through A14.
  1. ASME Code (2015 edition), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, XI.
  2. ASME B31.1 (2012) for pressure piping connected to the boiler or pressure vessel. For low-pressure boilers, the metallic piping material allowed by B31.9 shall be acceptable. State inspection is required.
  3. Manufacturer’s Data Report must be filed with the commissioner on ASME forms before a new power boiler or high-pressure, high-temperature water boiler or pressure vessel may be installed in the state. If used equipment is installed, a similar report shall be filed with the commissioner by the owner/user.
  4. National Board Inspection Code (2015 edition, Parts 2, 3).
  5. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  6. Special design or construction requires approval of the labor commissioner.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamp and designator are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, H, N, NA, NRT, PP, S, U, UV, M, E
All boilers and unfired pressure vessels shall be tagged with a New Hampshire serial number on a metal tag obtained from the department.
Whenever ASME mandates, all boilers and pressure vessels under the ASME Code, except:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal control.
  2. Manually-fired boilers for model locomotive, boat, tractor, stationary engine, or antique motor vehicles constructed and maintained only as a hobby for exhibition or educational purposes (not for commercial use), provided such boilers have an inside diameter less than 12 inches or a grate area of 2 square feet or less and are equipped with an ASME-stamped safety valve of adequate capacity and size, a water level indicator, and a pressure gage.
  3. Pressure vessels used for transportation and storage of compressed gases when constructed and used in compliance with ICC specifications and regulations.
  4. Air tanks located on vehicles operating under the rules of state authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight.
  5. Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  6. Pressure vessels that do not exceed:
    1. 5 cubic feet in volume or 250 psig;
    2. 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume; or
    3. An inside diameter of 6 inches and 3,000 psig.
  7. Pressure vessels operating at a working pressure not exceeding 15 psig.
  8. Water-containing vessels (excluding hot-water heaters) having a working pressure not exceeding 125 psig, including those with air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion.
  9. Tanks containing air and liquids in which pressure is maintained by pumps.
  10. Group I refrigerant receivers (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers).
  11. Hot-water heaters installed after the effective date of this act, provided that none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. Heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. Water temperature of 210°F.
  1. Properties used exclusively as private residences or apartment houses of fewer than three family units.
  2. Properties used exclusively as private residences or apartment houses with three or more family units with an output of less than 200,000 BTU per hour.
  1. Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
    1. One annual certificate inspection;
    2. One annual external inspection while under pressure, if possible.
  2. Low-pressure steam or vapor heating boilers, hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers: one biennial certificate inspection, with an internal inspection at least once quadrennially where construction permits.
  3. Pressure vessels: one biennial certificate inspection.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. A copy of the certificate inspection report must be filed with the commissioner within ten days after inspection.
  3. The department should be notified within 30 days of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  4. The department should be notified immediately of insurance discontinued or refused on account of dangerous conditions.
  1. Certificate of Inspection, valid for not more than two months beyond the due date of the next certificate inspection, is issued by the department. A fee of $50.00 shall be charged for each certificate.
  2. Upon written approval of a written request by the owner/user with the inspector’s concurrence, a longer period between certificate inspections may be given by the state.
A total of $100.00 per hour of actual time at location, plus $50.00 certificate fee.
  1. A license shall be issued by the commissioner to an inspector for the first-year period upon payment of a fee of $30.00. The license may be renewed every year upon payment of a fee of $20.00 and copy of current National Board commission card.
  2. All secondhand boilers or pressure vessels must be inspected by an inspector holding a National Board Commission. Data submitted by the inspector shall be filed by the owner with the commissioner for the commissioner’s approval.
  3. Boilers or unfired pressure vessels that do not conform to the ASME Code may be operated as a hobby or for educational or historical purposes only (provided an inspection, in accordance with the rules of the commissioner, is made annually).
  4. Lap-seam boilers under this section are limited to 100 psig. Such boilers or unfired pressure vessels normally located outside this jurisdiction may — upon application to the commission — be permitted to operate for a period not exceeding seven days, provided the object has an operating certificate from the state in which it is normally operated.
  5. An operator’s license is not required to operate a boiler or pressure vessel.
  6. A copy of the law may be obtained from the Web site at or by mail at:

    Chief Boiler Inspector
    P.O. Box 2076
    Concord, NH 03302-2076

    Cost: free.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Michael Amuzie, Acting Chief Boiler Inspector
Mechanical Inspection Bureau of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Compliance
Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Division of Public Safety and Occupational Safety & Health
1 John Fitch Way, 3rd Floor
P.O. Box 392
Trenton, NJ 08625-0392
Telephone — 609.984.3001
Fax — 609.984.1577
Email —
Express mail only:
1 John Fitch Way, 3rd Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625-0392
Board of Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Refrigeration Rules shall promulgate rules and regulations after a public hearing.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: February 3, 2020.
Expiration Date: January 3, 2025.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1917.
Expiration date of latest rules and regulations: October 1, 2017.
State statute: New Jersey State Statutes, Title 34. Labor and Workers Compensation, Boilers and Pressure Vessels, New Jersey Administrative Code, 12:90.
  1. ASME Code (2015 Edition, All Addenda), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, XI, and code cases.
  2. A Code of Construction which is a national or internal standard and is recognized by regulation and by the country of origin, when applicable, shall be acceptable as an alternate Code of Construction provided it has been completely approved and accepted as an alternative Code of Construction by The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
  3. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted unless specific exceptions are taken. Code rules updated every three years.
  4. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition).
  5. National Board registration is required for all pressure vessels.
  6. Class I pressure vessels must be constructed in accordance with pertinent sections of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code valid at the time of construction. These vessels shall be stamped and identified as prescribed by the ASME Code. Vessels under this category shall be stamped and registered with the National Board.
  7. Class II pressure vessels are existing installations, constructed prior to January 1, 1957, in accordance with API-ASME joint code and registered with the state prior to January 1, 1957.
  8. Class III pressure vessels are those identified as New Jersey-approved.
  9. Class IV pressure vessels may be constructed in accordance with the user/inspector provision of the ASME Code and must be shop-inspected by a user/inspector who is approved by and registered with the department.
  10. New Jersey-approved vessels require non-code design review fees of $3,000.00 each. Additional fees shall be required for designs submitted for a single project and shall apply to each user application of the design.
  11. Liquid petroleum gas installations are covered under a separate law. Tanks must be constructed in accordance with Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, shop-inspected, tested, and stamped by an inspector holding a National Board Commission and employed by an authorized inspection agency.
  1. Repairs and alterations: As required by the National Board and New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 12:90).
  2. New construction: ASME Code and New Jersey Administrative Code or equivalent code accepted by The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Those under federal inspection and control.
  2. Steam or hot-water boilers having less than 10 square feet of heating surface.
  3. Steam or hot-water boilers having a heat input of less than 10 kW or 40,000 BTU per hour.
  4. Steam boilers when constructed for a pressure not exceeding:
    1. 15 psi steam when serving dwellings of fewer than six family units or accommodation of less than 25 persons;
    2. 160 psi and 250°F hot water when serving dwellings of fewer than six family units or accommodating less than 25 persons.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels in which steam is not generated may be exempted from shop inspections by qualified inspectors provided they comply with ASME Code construction, are of simple single-wall construction, and are stamped with the ASME “UM” Code symbol, or a stamp specified by the bureau:
    1. 5 cubic feet in volume and 250 psi design pressure;
    2. 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume and 600 psi design pressure.
  6. Those having a nominal capacity of 120 gallons or less, used for containing water under pressure, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion.
  7. Those serving as a hot-water storage tank, heated by steam or any other indirect means, when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. A water temperature of 200°F;
    3. A nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
  8. Those having an internal or external operating pressure not exceeding 15 psi, with no limitation on size.
  9. Those having an inside diameter of 6 inches or less, with no limitation on pressure.
  1. Refrigeration systems using flammable or toxic refrigerants with 3 tons refrigerating capacity or less requiring 6 driving hp or less.
    1. Flammables are those classified in ASHRAE 34 as A2, B2, A3, or B3.
    2. Toxic refrigerants are those classified in ASHRAE 34 as B1, B2, or B3.
    3. Nonflammables are those classified in ASHRAE 34 as A1 or B1.
    4. Nontoxic are those classified in ASHRAE 34 as A1, A2, or A3.
  2. Refrigeration systems using nonflammable and nontoxic refrigerant with 18 tons refrigerating capacity or less or requiring 36 driving hp or less, operating at a pressure of 15 psig or less.
  3. Excluded from inspection is equipment used solely for the propulsion of motor vehicles under the Motor Vehicles Act, Title 39.
  1. Boilers:
    1. An annual internal and external inspection for steam boilers;
    2. An annual external inspection and biennial internal inspection for hot-water boilers.
  2. Pressure Vessels - Each pressure vessel, except for “UM” stamped pressure vessels, shall be subject to either initial in-service inspection (for a newly manufactured pressure vessel) or initial field certificate inspection (for an existing pressure vessel).
    1. The initial field certificate inspection of existing pressure vessels shall take place by October 6, 2011.
    2. Each pressure vessel, with the exception of pressure vessels that are under the supervision of a registered owner-user inspection agency, shall receive a certificate inspection triennially.
  3. Pressure vessels and unfired boilers that are under the supervision of a registered owner-user inspection agency shall be inspected at intervals required by the National Board Inspection Code or API-510, as applicable.
  4. The inspection of any pressure vessel(s) contained within a refrigeration system shall be conducted pursuant to the regulation on refrigeration systems and is not part of the pressure vessel inspection requirements.
  1. Inspections made by commissioned inspectors employed by an authorized inspection agency licensed to do business in the state and holding a Certificate of Competency from the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by department inspectors.
  2. The department must be notified of any suspension of insurance.
  3. The department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
  4. The department must be notified of rule violation(s).
  5. The department must be notified of refusal of entry.
  1. A Certificate of Inspection for boilers, valid 12 months, is issued by the department upon payment of a $100.00 fee per boiler by the insurer to the department provided the inspection was satisfactory.
  2. A Certificate of Inspection for refrigeration systems, valid 12 months, is issued by the department upon payment of a $80.00 fee per boiler by the insurer to the department provided the inspection was satisfactory.
  3. The a Certificate of Inspection for pressure vessels is valid for the period indicated and in no case longer than 3-years and is issued by the department upon payment of a $60.00 fee per pressure vessel by the insurer to the department provided the inspection was satisfactory.
  4. The certificate fee for a boiler, pressure vessel or a refrigeration system inspected by a state-employed inspector must be paid upon the owner receiving an invoice from the department. A certificate is not issued if there are unabated violations.
  1. Boilers:
    1. Greater than or equal to10 but not greater than 60 square feet - $160.00 per object
    2. Greater than or equal to 60 but not greater than 1,000 square feet - $220.00 per object
    3. Greater than or equal to 1,000 square feet and above - $300.00 per object
  2. Pressure vessels:
    1. Less than or equal to 30 square feet in size  - $40.00 per object
    2. Greater than 30 but not greater than 60 square feet  - $80.00 per object
    3. Greater than 60 but not greater than 100 square feet  - $120.00 per object
    4. Greater than 100 square feet  - $160.00 per object
  3. Refrigeration Systems:
    1. Greater than 3 and less than 25 tons - $200.00 per system
    2. Greater than or equal to 25 tons, but less than 300 tons - $300.00 per system
    3. Greater than or equal to 300 tons - $400.00 per system
  4. Shop Inspections, AIA Services:
    1. Boilers (the higher of the following shall apply):
      1. Inspection, per boiler - $200.00
      2. Daily visit of 4 hours or less - $640.00
      3. Daily visit over 4 hours - $1,200.00
    2. Pressure Vessels:
      1. Inspection, per specific vessel - $200.00
      2. Daily visit of 4 hours or less - $640.00
      3. Daily visit over 4 hours - $1,200.00
Owner-User Inspection Agency
Owner-User Object Cost Per Pressure Vessel Minimum Number of Pressure Vessels Inspected Maximum Number of Pressure Vessels Inspected
$30.00 1 Up to 25
$15.00 26 Up to 100
$12.00 101 Up to 500
$9.00 501 & Over
  1. Each object approved for use shall be assigned a jurisdiction number which indicates it is registered.  This number shall be located in the upper left hand corner of the certificate and shall also be affixed to the front of the object in such a manner as to be plainly visible.
  2. Operators of boilers and specific refrigeration systems are licensed by the Mechanical Inspection Bureau of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Compliance (MIBPVC) in accordance with state law requirements.
  3. Pressure vessel repairs and alterations must be performed by an accredited shop holding appropriate code symbol stamp(s) (e.g., the National Board “R” stamp or New Jersey “R” stamp, as appropriate).
  4. Both API and National Board Owner-User programs are recognized. API Owners-Users may register with the state, receive an audit, and receive a Certificate of Operation in recognition of their program. The BB&PVC conducts an audit of the API owner-user triennially.
  5. Each unfired pressure vessel shall be registered with the BB&PVC and shall receive a jurisdiction number following inspection by a certified inspector, except for the following:
    1. UM pressure vessels exempt from inspection under N.J.A.C. 12:90-5.13(b), or
    2. Pressure vessels inspected by an Owner-User Inspection Agency which has registered with the BB&PVC under the provisions of the regulation. 
  6. When a facility has registered as an Owner-User Inspection Agency in accordance with the provision of the regulations the facility shall maintain a listing of each pressure vessel at that facility and shall, during the triennial audit, provide the listing of pressure vessels to the BB&PVC.
  7. Those facilities not operating under the provisions established for owner-users shall be inspected initially and thereafter triennially unless otherwise warranted by the condition of the pressure vessel.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

J.T. Baca, Mechanical & Plumbing Bureau Chief
Regulation and Licensing Department
Construction Industries Division
2550 Cerrillos Road - 3rd Floor
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Telephone — 505.490.2997
Construction Industries Division empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: January 1998.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1978.
Date of latest rules and regulations: January 1998.
State statute: New Mexico Administrative Code, Title 14. Housing and Construction, Chapter 9. Mechanical Codes, Part 4. Boilers.
  1. ASME Code (1998 Edition), Sections I, IV, IX.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (1998 Edition).
  3. ANSI/ASME B31.1 (1998 Edition).
  4. National Board Inspection Code (1998 Edition).
  5. National Board registration required for boilers.
  6. Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Mechanical Code (2003 Edition).
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: none.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, PP, S, V.
All boilers, except the following:
  1. Listed and approved potable water heaters when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. A water temperature of 250°F and 160 psi pressure;
    3. A nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
  2. Tanks connected to sprinkler(s).
  3. Portable unfired pressure vessels constructed to US Department of Transportation and Interstate Commerce Commission regulations used in such service.
  4. Containers for liquefied petroleum gases, bulk oxygen, and medical gas regulated by the fire code or by the New Mexico Liquefied Petroleum Gas Act of 1987.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels having a volume of 5 cubic feet or less and operated at pressures not exceeding 250 psi.
  6. Pressure vessels in refrigeration systems regulated by Chapter 15 of the Uniform Mechanical Code (New Mexico).
  7. Pressure tanks used in conjunction with coaxial cables, telephone cables, power cables, and other similar humidity control systems.
  8. Any boiler subjected to regular inspection by federal inspectors or licensed by federal authorities.
  9. Hydronic panel heating systems as described in Chapter 23 of latest approved edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code.
  10. Public utilities, rural electric cooperatives, mine processing (administration facilities are not exempt), refinery processing, gas processing (administration facilities are not exempt), and lumber industries (sawmill only).
  1. Power boilers, high-temperature water boilers, miniature boilers, high-pressure steam generators:
    1. An annual external inspection;
    2. An annual internal inspection, where construction permits.
    A certificate of inspection may be issued with an external inspection. However, an internal inspection must be made within six months of the external inspection.
  2. Low-pressure steam boilers:
    1. A biennial external inspection;
    2. An internal inspection if need indicates.
  3. Direct-fire steam jacketed kettles:
    1. A biennial external inspection;
    2. An internal inspection, if need indicates.
  4. Low-pressure, hot-water heating boilers, and hot-water supply boilers:
    1. A biennial external inspection;
    2. An internal inspection, if need indicates.
  5. Hydrostatic test: performed at the discretion of the inspector and witnessed by the inspector.
  6. Any boiler repair by welding, other than of routine nature (that in any way affects the pressure-containing capability), requires a commissioned inspector’s approval. The repair organization shall furnish a written report (National Board R-1 form).
  1. The bureau must be notified within 30 days, on National Board or alternative forms acceptable to the bureau, of all boiler risks involving policies written, canceled, or not renewed. In the case of nonrenewal because of dangerous conditions, the inspection agency shall list in writing the defects found.
  2. Insurance companies shall furnish the bureau a copy of all internal and external inspection reports on National Board or API-510 forms. All reports shall be mailed within 60 days of inspection.
  3. Any inspection agency, authorized by the National Board, licensed to sell boiler or pressure vessel insurance in New Mexico, and insuring a boiler located in the state is required to inspect.
  4. Insurance company inspectors must hold a National Board Commission and be commissioned by the state.
A final mechanical inspection is issued by the inspector upon successful inspection.
  1. Cities of 100,000 or greater population that have adopted a boiler code, in substantial compliance with the state boiler code, may enforce the provisions of the city code within their jurisdictions.
  2. A Certificate of Competency is required to operate boilers in New Mexico. There are five levels: Boiler Operator Trainee, Boiler Operator Class I, II, and III, and Chief Boiler Technician.
  3. Repair organizations must hold a valid National Board “R,” “VR”, or “NR” stamp or be authorized by the Boiler Bureau.
  4. Boilers must be marked with a tag bearing the New Mexico registration and serial numbers.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.



Tammie Jackson, Director
Jay Dufour, Chief Building Official
Department of Safety and Permits
Mechanical Inspection Division
1300 Perdido Street, Room 7E05
New Orleans, LA 70112
Telephone — 504.658.7232
Email —
Chief boiler inspector empowered to make, alter, amend, and interpret rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: January 2004.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 2004.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: January 2004.
City ordinance: City of New Orleans amendment to the 2000 ICC Mechanical Code.
  1. ASME Code (2001 Edition, 2002 Addendum), Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, XI.
  2. Code rules updated annually.
  3. Manufacturer’s Data Reports on ASME forms must be filed with the department before installation.
  4. National Board Inspection Code (1998 Edition, 2000 Addendum).
  5. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  6. Special design or construction must be approved by the department.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: all.
All steam hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers, and unfired pressure vessels, except: boilers and unfired pressure vessels in marine or railroad service under the inspection regulations of the federal government.
  1. Steam boilers operating at 15 psi or less and hot-water boilers, provided they are built in accordance with ASME Code and located in private residences or dwellings of four families or fewer.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels built in accordance with ASME Code and do not exceed:
    1. Volume of 5 cubic feet;
    2. Design pressure of 250 psi.
  1. Boilers:
    1. One annual internal inspection;
    2. One annual external inspection approximately six months following the internal inspection.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels, air conditioning and refrigeration systems: one annual inspection.

    Internal and external inspections shall be made within 12 months from the date of the last internal inspection.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Initial inspection and inspection of all replacement installations requiring the chief inspector’s approval of plans and specifications for boilers, unfired pressure vessels, and air conditioning or refrigerating systems shall be made by a department inspector.
  3. Air conditioning systems and refrigerating systems are not exempt from city inspections unless complete system, exclusive of prime movers, is insured and inspected by insurance inspectors.
  4. Reports of internal inspection must be filed with the department within 30 days of last annual inspection.
  5. Reports of external inspections are not required unless there are code violations or dangerous conditions.
  6. The department must be notified immediately, using National Board forms, of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  7. The department must be notified within 30 days, using National Board forms, of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
  1. Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months from expiration date of the previous certificate, is issued by the department upon payment of a $10.00 fee per object by the owner/user of the boiler, pressure vessel or air conditioning/refrigeration system. Fee shall be collected by the insurance carrier at the expiration date and paid to the department. Fee for hot-water heaters is $5.00. (These fees may vary.)
  2. An inspection certificate for a boiler inspected by an insurance company becomes invalid when the unit ceases to be insured by a duly authorized insurance company.
  1. Boilers:
    1. Up to and including 20 hp - $20.00
    2. Up to 21 and including 100 hp - $25.00
    3. More than 100 hp - $30.00
  2. Unfired pressure vessels:
    1. Vessels which cannot be inspected internally - $20.00
    2. Vessels which can be inspected internally (through 200 gallons) - $25.00
    3. More than 200 gallons (for each additional 100 gallons) - $30.00
     Insurance companies are required to collect inspection fees.
  1. Inspections may be made only by those inspectors holding a New Orleans Boilers Inspection Commission.
  2. A reciprocal New Orleans commission will be granted to inspectors holding a National Board Commission upon application to the chief mechanical inspector. Insurance inspectors must meet the conditions of the New Orleans Building Code.
  3. A permit is required to sell, install, or repair boilers and pressure vessels.
  4. Operators of boilers and pressure vessels are required to be licensed. An operator is required to be in attendance during boiler operation.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Matthew H. Sansone, Chief Boiler Inspector
New York Department of Labor
Boiler Safety Bureau
State Campus, Building 12, Room 165
Albany, NY 12240-0102
Telephone — 518.457.2722
Email —
Fax — 518.485.9077
The state legislature empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: August 2004.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1911 for high-pressure boilers and 1964 for low-pressure boilers.
Date of latest rules and regulations: April 1992.
State statute: New York State Laws, Labor, Chapter 31. Boilers.
  1. New York Industrial Code, Rules 4 and 14.
  2. ASME Code (Current Edition, Current Addendum), Sections I, II, IV, V, VIII (Division 1), and code cases.
  3. Boilers built to ASME Code are acceptable, but must be shop-inspected by an inspector holding a National Board Commission.
  4. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  5. Manufacturers must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the department on ASME forms for boilers stamped ASME, NEW YORK STANDARD, or NATIONAL BOARD.
  6. National Board registration required for high-pressure boilers and pressure vessels.
  7. Special design or construction requires approval of the department.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, M, PP, S, U, V.
All boilers, except the following:
  1. Boilers subject to inspection by inspectors of boilers under the US Department of Transportation.
  2. Boilers located on farms and used solely for agricultural purposes.
  3. Steam or vapor boilers operating at a gage pressure of not more than 15 psi and which are located in dwellings occupied by fewer than six families.
  4. Hot-water boilers which are located in dwellings occupied by fewer than six families.
  5. Boilers subject to inspection or control of a federal agency.
  6. Low-pressure boilers under 100,000 BTU per hour.
  7. Miniature model locomotive, boat, tractor, or stationary engine constructed and maintained as a hobby and not for commercial use, and having a volume of less than 2 cubic feet and a grate area not in excess of 2 square feet.
  8. Electric high-pressure miniature boilers.
All unfired pressure vessels, except:
  1. Pressure vessels meeting the requirements of the US Department of Transportation for the shipment of liquids or gases under pressure.
  2. An air tank on a vehicle used for carrying passengers or freight or used directly in the operation of trains.
  3. Pressure vessels having a volume of 5 cubic feet or less or having an inside diameter not exceeding 6 inches.
  4. Pressure vessels designed for pressures of less than 15 psi.
  5. Hot-water supply storage tanks, provided none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. A water temperature of 210°F;
    3. A nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
  6. Pressure vessels under federal control or regulation.
  7. Pressure vessels containing water under pressure, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion, provided neither of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A design pressure of 300 psi;
    2. A design temperature of 210°F.
  8. Pressure vessels used for agricultural purposes.
Item Internal External
 High-pressure steam boilers  1 Year  1 Year**
 High-pressure hot-water boilers  3 Years*  1 Year
 Low-pressure steam boilers  3 Years  2 Years
 Low-pressure hot-water boilers  5 Years  2 Years
*If equipped with manholes and handholes, an annual internal inspection is required.
**Approximately six months after each internal inspection.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Reports of inspection must be filed with the department on National Board forms — or electronically through the jurisdiction online system — within 21 days after inspection with a fee of $100.00 for each boiler inspected.
  3. Reports of external high-pressure inspections are not required provided an internal inspection report has been submitted.
  4. Reports of all internal and external low-pressure inspections must be submitted. The internal low-pressure inspection is considered as a non-certificate inspection for which the $100.00 fee will not be charged.
  5. A shop inspection made by an inspector holding a National Board Commission will be accepted.
  6. The department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  7. The department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months for high-pressure boilers and 24 months for low-pressure boilers, is issued by the insurance company for insured boilers and by the department for uninsured boilers (excepted: cities performing their own inspections).
  1. Boilers – internal inspection - $200.00
  2. Boilers – external inspection - $75.00
    Not more than $275.00 shall be charged for the inspection of any one boiler for any one year.
  3. Boilers used with antique steam engines maintained as a hobby and displayed at fairs – internal inspection - No Charge
  4. Boilers used with antique steam engines maintained as a hobby and displayed at fairs – external inspection - No Charge
  5. Miniature high-pressure, nonelectric boilers - $50.00

    Penalty for delinquent payment (45 days) one times the original fee amount, (60 days) two times original invoice amount, (180 days) three times the original invoice amount.
  1. Examinations for Certificate of Competency are held by the State Boiler Examining Board on the first Wednesday and Thursday in March, June, September, and December. A $100.00 examination fee is required.
  2. Reciprocal Commission can be secured by an inspector holding a National Board Commission, provided his/her employer has filed an application together with a photostatic copy of the National Board Commission or Certificate of Competency issued by the state (where written examination was taken and the inspector appeared before the chief boiler inspector for an oral examination covering state requirements). The Certificate of Competency is renewed annually at no charge.
  3. Repairs to boilers shall be performed by organizations in possession of a valid National Board “R” Stamp or a New York State Repair Certificate of Authorization and/or a valid ASME Certificate of Authorization. The repair organization shall have a documented quality control program containing a description of the scope of work it intends to perform with supporting welding procedures and qualification reports in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Code.
  4. Alterations to boilers shall be performed in accordance with the National Board Inspection Code. An organization holding only a National Board or New York State Repair Certificate of Authorization may do alterations provided the design changes involved are certified by the holder of an appropriate ASME Code symbol stamp and Certificate of Authorization and such changes are verified by the ASME Code stamp holder’s authorized inspector.

    Alterations may be performed by an organization that holds an ASME Code symbol stamp listed in the same section of the ASME Code as the code symbol on the boiler to be altered.
  5. There are no statewide boiler operator licensing laws.
  6. A copy of Code Rules 4 and 14, Construction, Installation, Inspection and Maintenance of High-Pressure Boilers; Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels, may be obtained by writing or calling the address under STATE DEPARTMENT or downloading from the Internet at




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Rick D Chandler, P.E, Commissioner
William McGivney, Deputy Director - Boilers
City of New York, Department of Buildings
280 Broadway, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Telephone — 212.393.2784
Email —
Board of Standards and Appeals empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: March 1998.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1948.
Date of latest rules and regulations: March 1998.
City Ordinance: New York State Industrial Code Rules 4 and 14.
  1. ASME Code (1986 Edition, 1986 Addendum), Sections I, IV, V, VIII (Division 1), IX. ASME Code and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  2. ASME B31.1.
  3. Manufacturers must file a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report with the New York State Department of Labor on ASME forms for all boilers stamped “ASME” or “New York Standard.” (P-2, H-2)
  4. National Board Inspection Code (1998 Edition, 2000 Addendum).
  5. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  6. Electric steam generators must be constructed to Section I or IV codes.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, H, HLW, M, PP, S, UV, V.
  3. Boilers built to ASME Code are acceptable but must be inspected and stamped “National Board” by an inspector holding a National Board Commission.
  4. Manufacturers must register with the New York State Department of Labor and obtain authorization to fabricate and stamp boilers “New York Standard.”
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers subject to inspection or control of a federal government agency.
  2. Boilers subject to inspection by inspectors of boilers under the US Department of Transportation.
  3. Boilers located on farms and used solely for agricultural purposes.
  4. Steam or vapor boilers operating at a gage pressure of not more than 15 psi, and located in a dwelling occupied by fewer than six families and less than 350,000 BTU input.
  5. Hot-water boilers located in a dwelling occupied by fewer than six families and less than 350,000 BTU input.
  1. High-pressure steam boilers:
    1. One annual external inspection;
    2. One annual internal inspection.
  2. High-pressure, high-temperature hot-water boilers:
    1. One annual external inspection;
    2. One internal inspection triennially. If equipped with manholes and handholes, an annual inspection is required. Such boilers shall be inspected externally annually approximately six months after each internal inspection.
  3. Low-pressure steam boilers:
    1. External inspection annually;
    2. One internal inspection triennially.
  4. Low-pressure, hot-water boilers:
    1. External inspection annually;
    2. One internal inspection quinquennially (every five years).
  5. New boilers shall be hydrostatically tested upon installation and prior to service. Boilers shall be tested to 60 psi or 1-1/2 times the design pressure, whichever is greater.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Inspection reports must be filed with the department within 30 days after inspection.
  3. The department must be notified on New York Form 322:
    1. When insurance is suspended because of dangerous conditions;
    2. When insurance on a vessel is discontinued; or
    3. New items are insured.
  1. Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months, is issued by the department for boilers inspected an insurance company.
  2. The owner is required to pay the department a $30.00 annual administrative fee for each insured boiler, and submit an annual inspection report.
Annual inspection fees for permits:
  1. Low-pressure boiler - $30.00
  2. High-pressure boilers - $65.00
  3. Boiler inspections after a violation is issued - $65.00
  1. The fire department takes jurisdiction over air tanks exceeding 100 psi. These tanks must be inspected and a certificate is issued by the fire department at five-year intervals, except that air tanks built and stamped with an ASME Code symbol are accepted for the first five-year period, provided Manufacturer’s Data Reports are filed with the fire department at the time of installation.
  2. Operators of high-pressure boilers over 10 hp or 99 square feet of heating surface are required to be licensed.
  3. Permits are required to install boilers.
  4. Local law 62/91 permits annual low-pressure boiler inspections to be performed by NYC-licensed master plumbers, NYC-licensed oil burner installers, NYC-licensed high-pressure boiler operators, and authorized insurance companies.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

David Brockerville, Director/Chief Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector
Engineering and Inspection Services Division
Digital Government and Service NL
Government Service Centre
P.O. Box 8700
149 Smallwood Drive,
Mount Pearl, Newfoundland & Labrador A1B 4J6
Telephone — 709.729.2749
Fax — 709.729.2071
Email —
Lieutenant Governor and House of Assembly empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: January 1996.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1996.
Date of latest rules and regulations: 2009.
Provincial statute: Statutes of Newfoundland and Labrador, Chapter P-41.01. Public Safety Act, Sections 1 through 38. Newfoundland Regulations, Chapter 119. Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Compressed Gas Regulations.
  1. CSA B51 (Current Edition), B52 (Current Edition), B139 (Current Edition), B149.1 (Current Edition), B149.2 (Current Edition), B149.3 (Current Edition), CSA Z7396.1 (Current Edition), CSA Z662C (Current Edition).
  2. ASME Code (Current Edition, Current Addendum), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X.
  3. ASME Code addenda accepted automatically.
  4. ASME B31.1 (Current Edition), B31.3 (Current Edition), B31.5 (Current Edition), B31.9 (Current Edition).
  5. ASME U-1 form is acceptable if CRN and drawing numbers are included.
  6. Manufacturers must file an Affidavit of Manufacture for each boiler or pressure vessel.
  7. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition, Current Addendum).
  8. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels brought in from outside Canada.
  9. NFPA-50.
  10. Standards for Tubular Exchanger Manufacturing Association (TEMA).
  11. Special design or construction requires approval of the chief inspector.
  12. Manufacturers must file drawings and specifications, in duplicate, for approval and registration before construction of any boiler or pressure vessel is started.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R (accepted).
  2. ASME Code: all (when fabricated outside Canada).
For all boilers and pressure vessels CRNs are required.
All boilers, pressure vessels, and steam and refrigeration plants, except the following:
  1. Boilers or pressure vessels subject to inspection under the Canada Shipping Act.
  2. Boilers or pressure vessels subject to inspection by the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada.
  3. Boilers with a capacity of 60 kW or less (other than miniature boiler).
  4. Boilers connected to a hot-water heating system where water is heated and circulated with no intervening valves between boiler and expansion tank (fully vented to the atmosphere).
  5. Pressure system used solely for heating purposes in a private dwelling.
  6. Pressure vessels other than for steam, operated with the relief valve set at 103 kilopascals or less.
  7. Pressure vessels with internal diameters of 24 inches (610 mm) or less and containing both liquid and air used exclusively for hydraulic purposes at atmospheric temperatures (or used to serve as a cushion in a water pumping or heating system).
  8. Pressure vessels having an internal diameter of 24 inches (610 mm) or less used for storage of hot water for domestic purposes.
  9. Pressure vessels used for storage of water or oil when temperature of water or oil is less than 66°C.
  10. A refrigerating system that has motive rating of 10.5 kW or less.
  1. Power and high temperature hot water boilers: initial and annual internal and external inspection. Interval can be extended to 24 months if the conditions in the periodic inspection intervals policy are met.
  2. Steam Heating Boilers or Vapour Heating Boilers: initial and 24 month internal and external inspection. However, in places of public assembly, internal and external interval is reduced to 12 months.
  3. Hot-water heating boilers: initial and inspection, internal at the discretion of the inspector where construction permits and external inspection every 24 months.
  4. Hot-water tanks and water heaters: initial inspection, internal inspection at the discretion of the inspector. External inspection every 24 months.
  5. Air receivers less than or equal to 36 inches in diameter: triennial internal and external inspection.
  6. Refrigeration vessels group B2 Ammonia: initial inspection, annual brine quality testing in places of public assembly, internal every 48 months, external inspection every 12 months.
  7. Group A1 refrigeration pressure vessels and LPG and other non-corrosive storage vessels initial and external inspection every 48 months.
  8. All other pressure vessels: initial inspection, internal and external inspection every 24 months.
Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies are not accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
Certificate of Inspection is valid for period issued, unless canceled, withdrawn, or suspended by the chief inspector for just cause.
Fees for inspection of construction, extensive repairs, secondhand boilers, and pressure vessels when sold or exchanged for subsequent use, and annual operating fees are fixed by the department based on the total output in kilowatts or on the size of unfired pressure vessels, and on the capacity of new steam plants, refrigerating plants, and piping installations.
  1. Welders are subject to an initial qualification test. Retest not required when jurisdiction-issued Log Book has proof of continued qualification per ASME Code Section IX. Retesting for program audit purposes may be required.
  2. Permission to sell, install, or reinstall, boilers and pressure vessels must be obtained from the department.
  3. All heating plants over 1800 kW and all power plants over 600 kW must have a certified engineer in charge. Operators of registered plants are required to be certified.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Donald Kinney, Chief Inspector
Department of Labor
Boiler Safety Bureau
111 Hillsborough Street, Fifth Floor
Raleigh, NC 27603
Telephone — 919.707.7918
Email —
Fax — 919.707.7960
Mail only:
1101 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1101
Website — Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety | NC DOL
The commissioner is empowered to adopt, modify, or revoke rules and regulations.
(Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: August 2015.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1935.
Date of latest rules and regulations: April 2022.
State statute: North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 95, Article 7A, and North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 13, Chapter 13.
  1. ASME BPV Code (Current Edition), all sections.
  2. Manufacturers must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report on ASME forms with the National Board.
  3. National Board Inspection Code, Parts 2, 3 & 4 (Current Edition).
  4. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  5. Special design or construction requires approval from Chief Inspector before fabrication is started.
  6. Published code cases and interpretations are accepted.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR, pressure relief devices.
  2. ASME Code: all BPV codes.

    North Carolina identification number issued upon first inspection.
Repairs and Alterations:
All boilers and pressure vessels except the following;
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels owned and/or operated by the federal government, unless the agency in question has requested coverage by this Article.
  2. Pressure vessels used for transportation or storage of compressed gases when constructed in compliance with the specifications of the US Department of Transportation (and when charged with gas marked, maintained, and periodically requalified for use, as required by appropriate regulations of the US Department of Transportation).
  3. Portable pressure vessels used for agricultural purposes only, or for pumping or drilling in an open field for water, gas, coal, gold, talc, or other minerals and metals.
  4. Boilers and pressure vessels which are located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six families.
  5. Air tanks located on vehicles licensed under the rules and regulations of other state authorities operating under rules and regulations substantially similar to those of this state and used for carrying passengers or freight within interstate commerce.
  6. Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  7. Pressure vessels that do not exceed the following limitations if the vessel is not equipped with a quick-actuating closure:
    1. 5 cubic feet in volume and 250 psig pressure;
    2. 3 cubic feet in volume and 350 psig pressure;
    3. 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume and 600 psig pressure;
    4. An inside diameter of 6 inches with no limitations on pressure.
    5. Five cubic feet in volume when the pressure vessel is constructed and operated on the same real property zoned industrial and where its operation is undertaken using commercially acceptable safety precautions for the application.
  8. Pressure vessels operating at a working pressure not exceeding 15 psig.
  9. Pressure vessels with a nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons or less and containing water under pressure at temperatures not exceeding 120°F, including those containing air, the compression of which serves as a cushion.
  10. Boilers and pressure vessels on railroad steam locomotives that are subject to federal safety regulations.
  11. Coil-type hot-water supply boilers, generally referred to as steam jennies, where the water can flash into steam when released directly into the atmosphere through a manually operated nozzle and where adequate safety relief valves and controls are installed on them, provided none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. There is no drum, header, or other steam space;
    2. No steam is generated within the coil;
    3. Maximum 1-inch tube size;
    4. Maximum 3/4-inch nominal pipe size;
    5. Maximum 6-gallon nominal water-storage capacity;
    6. Maximum water temperature of 350°F.
  12. Pressure vessels containing water at a temperature not exceeding 110°F. (This provision does not exclude hydropneumatic pressure vessels from regulation.)
  13. Air tanks not exceeding 8 cubic feet in volume and installed on a service vehicle.
  14. Autoclaves located in medical offices and hospitals that are less than 5 cubic feet in volume, even if they are equipped with a quick actuating closure.
  15. Coil-type hot-water supply boilers of the instantaneous type where adequate safety relief valves and controls are installed and the following limitations are not exceeded:
    1. There is no drum, or header;
    2. No steam is generated within the coil;
    3. Maximum 1-inch tube size;
    4. Maximum 3/4-inch nominal pipe size;
    5. Maximum 6 gallon nominal water storage capacity;
    6. Water temperature of 250°F or less;
    7. Heat input of 400,000 BTU per hour or 110 kW or less;
    8. Maximum pressure of 260 psig.
  16. Toy boilers, if all of the following apply:
    1. Water containing volume of the boiler is less than 1 quart;
    2. Operating pressure does not exceed 15 psig;
    3. Maximum outside diameter of the shell is no greater than 6 inches;
    4. Boiler is manually fired by solid fuels.
  17. Pressure vessels associated with electrical apparatus in electrical switchyards if the pressure vessels have proper pressure relief devices.
  18. Carbon dioxide tanks used in beverage dispensing service.
  19. Hot-water supply boilers or water heaters which are directly-fired with oil, gas, or electricity, or hot-water supply tanks heated by steam or other indirect means, not exceeding:
    1. Heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour or 58.6 Kw;
    2. Nominal water capacity of 120 gallons provided they are equipped with ASME Code and National Board certified safety relief valves.
  20. The construction standards for pressure vessels installed prior to December 31, 1981, which meet the following:
    1. Constructed of one-piece, unwelded, forged construction;
    2. Operating, or could be operated, under the laws of any state in the US or province in Canada where one or more sections of the ASME Code have been adopted;
    3. Transferred into this state without a change of ownership;
    4. Has been determined by the chief inspector to be constructed under standards substantially equivalent to those established by the Department at the time of transfer, provided it is equipped with ASME Code and National Board certified safety relief valves.
  21. The construction standards for pressure vessels installed prior to December 31, 1984, which meet the following:
    1. Manufactured from gray iron casting material, as specified by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 48-60T/30;
    2. Constructed prior to December 31, 1967, and operating, or could be operated, under the laws of any state in the US or province in Canada where one or more sections of the ASME Code have been adopted;
    3. Transferred into this state without a change of ownership;
    4. Has been determined by the chief inspector to be constructed under standards substantially equivalent to those established by the Department at the time of transfer, provided it is equipped with ASME Code and National Board certified safety relief valves.
  22. The construction standards for hydropneumatic tanks installed or operated by a community water system prior to January 1, 1986.
  23. The inspection requirements established by the Department of Labor shall not apply to pressure vessels used for transportation or storage of liquefied petroleum gas but are inspected in accordance with the requirements established by the Department of Agriculture. The construction and repair of pressure vessels used for transportation or storage of liquefied petroleum gas shall be in accordance with NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code. NFPA 58 requires construction in accordance with the ASME Code. Repairs shall be in accordance with the NBIC which requires the repair firm to be an authorized “R” Stamp holder.
 High-pressure boilers  1 Year  1 Year
 Miniature and coil-type high-pressure boilers  —  1 Year
 Low-pressure boilers and pressure vessels  —  2 Years
 Hydropneumatic storage tanks  —  4 Years
An inspector, commissioned in North Carolina, shall inspect all boilers and pressure vessels at the time of installation and at regular intervals thereafter. State deputy inspectors conduct all first inspections.
  1. Inspections made by "Special" inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the Commissioner are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a State deputy inspector. Reports of inspection must be filed with the Chief Inspector within 10 working days after inspection.
  2. The Chief Inspector must be notified of insurance policy changes within 30 days of the action.
  3. Unsafe conditions must be reported immediately.
  1. Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months for high-pressure boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers, 24 months for low-pressure boilers and pressure vessels, and 48 months for hydropneumatic tanks, is issued by the Chief Inspector upon payment of a fee of $50.00 for each boiler or pressure vessel inspected by a Special inspector.
  2. Certificate of Inspection is required prior to operation of a boiler or pressure vessel (except those inspected by an owner/user inspector).
  3. An authorized owner/user must submit $50.00 annually for each pressure vessel inspected by an owner/user inspector.
  1. Boilers – internal inspection:
    1. With a heating surface less than 500 square feet - $85.00
    2. With a heating surface 500 square feet or more, but less than 5,000 square feet - $235.00
    3. With a heating surface 5,000 square feet or more - $600.00
    4. Cast iron boilers - $80.00
    5. Locomotive (Antique exhibition/show) - $150.00
    6. Exhibition (Traction engine, etc.) - $50.00
    7. Hobby - $50.00
  2. Boilers – external inspection:
    1. With a heating surface less than 500 square feet - $50.00
    2. With a heating surface 500 square feet or more, but less than 5,000 square feet - $120.00
    3. With a heating surface 5,000 square feet or more - $330.00
    4. Cast iron - $50.00
  3. Pressure vessels (diameter or width multiplied by length in feet) – internal inspection:
    1. Less than 50 square feet - $60.00
    2. 50 square feet or more, but less than 70 square feet - $135.00
    3. 70 square feet or more - $190.00
  4. Pressure vessels (diameter or width multiplied by length in feet) – external inspection:
    1. Less than 50 square feet - $50.00
    2. 50 square feet or more, but less than 70 square feet - $85.00
    3. 70 square feet or more - $135.00
  5. Heat exchangers where the heating surface is:
    1. Less than 500 square feet - $50.00
    2. 500 or more square feet, but less than 1,000 square feet - $60.00
    3. 1,000 or more square feet, but less than 2,000 square feet - $90.00
    4. 2,000 or more square feet, but less than 3,000 square feet - $130.00
    5. 3,000 square feet or more - $180.00
Inspections performed outside of normal working hours and certain document reviews are considered special inspections and are subject to varying fees, including a fee for working outside of normal working hours. Contact the Bureau for additional information.
  1. North Carolina commission is issued to Special or Owner-user inspectors for a fee of $35.00 to inspectors holding a valid National Board Commission. Commission must be renewed annually by December 31. An examination on North Carolina law and rules is required for issuance of a North Carolina commission.
  2. A boiler operator license is not required for boiler operators.
  3. Used boiler or pressure vessel installations require special permission from the Chief Inspector.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Trevor S. Seime, Chief Boiler Inspector
North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality
Boiler Inspection Program
4201 Normandy St
Bismarck, ND 58503-1324
Telephone — 701.220.4723
Fax — 701.328.5200
Email —
The director of environmental  quality empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: July 2021.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1953.
Date of latest rules and regulations: January 1, 2024.
State statute: North Dakota Statutes, Title 23.1. Environmental Quality, Chapter 23.1-16. Boiler Inspection, Sections 1 through 14.
  1. ASME Code (2023 Edition), Sections I, II, IV, V, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X. ASME B31.1 (Current Code accepted Edition) for power piping only within the scope of Section I.
  2. Manufacturers must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the department on ASME forms prior to installation. Department prefers Manufacturer’s Data Reports to be registered with the chief boiler inspector through the National Board.
  3. National Board Inspection Code (2023 Edition).
  4. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  5. API-510 (2006 Edition).
  6. Special design or construction requires prior approval of the chief inspector.
  7. Superheaters, without exception, must be constructed to ASME Code Section I.
  8. Blowdown tanks must meet the provisions of National Board Rules and Recommendations for the Design and Construction of Boiler Blowoff Systems (2006).
  9. Welding requirements: National Board “R” or equivalent state authorization.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NB, R, VR, T/O.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, PP, RP, S, U, U2, U3, UD, UV, UV3, V.
All boilers shall be stamped with a North Dakota serial number, if possible.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels subject to federal inspection or under federal control.
  2. Boilers and pressure vessels located on farms and used solely for agricultural purposes.
  3. Heating boilers which are located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six family units.
  4. Hot-water supply boilers, not exceeding the following:
    1. 200,000 BTU per hour input;
    2. 160 psig;
    3. 210°F.
  5. Portable steam cleaners of the type commonly used in garages.
  6. Miniature hobby boilers not exceeding an inside diameter of 10 inches and a grate area not exceeding 1-1/2 square feet (properly equipped with a safety valve, water level indicator, and pressure gage).
  7. Electric boilers used as an integral part of an espresso coffee machine, provided the boiler does not exceed:
    1. 1-1/2 cubic feet in water capacity;
    2. 50 psi pressure.
  8. All pressure vessels within the scope of ASME Code (2023 Edition), Section VIII, Divisions 1, 2, 3, with these exceptions:
    1. Pressure vessels under federal control;
    2. Pressure vessels that do not exceed:
      1. 30 water gallons in volume (4 cubic feet) and 250 psig in pressure;
      2. 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume and 600 psig in pressure;
      3. Inside diameter of 6 inches with no limitation on pressure.
Same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING. Field inspection of pressure vessels (other than anhydrous ammonia pressure vessels) is not required.
Item  Internal External
High-pressure boilers  1 Year  1 Year*
Low-pressure steam boilers, steel  2 Years  2 Years
Low-pressure steam boilers, cast-iron  —  1 Year
Hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers  —  3 Years**
*External inspection while under pressure.
**One annual external inspection for those located in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, nursery schools, and kindergartens.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by National Board approved Authorized Inspection Agencies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector with respect to boilers insured or inspected by their respective companies.
  2. Inspections made by inspectors employed by owners/users and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  3. Reports of all inspections must be filed with the department on special state forms within 15 days after inspection.
  4. The department must be notified within 30 days of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions, discontinuance or refusal of insurance, and new business.
  5. There is a $35.00 per year fee for each Certificate of Inspection issued. Payment of this fee is the responsibility of the owner/user.
  6. Insurance companies are required to inspect those objects they insure. If an inspection report is not filed within 90 days of the certificate due date, the state may make the inspection and must bill the insuring company an inspection fee not to exceed $500.00 per day plus expenses.
  7. The State of North Dakota will make all initial inspections.
  8. Insurance inspectors must obtain new commissions in person following an oral interview.
  9. Renewal of insurance inspector’s commission card is required by December of each year. Cost is $40.00 for a new or renewal card.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months for power boilers and 24 months for low-pressure steam heating boilers is issued by the department upon receipt of a satisfactory report of boiler inspection. A Certificate of Inspection is valid for 36 months for hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers.
  1. High-pressure boilers – internal inspection:
    1. 50 square feet or less heating surface - $90.00
    2. More than 50 square feet to 500 square feet heating surface - $110.00
    3. More than 500 square feet to 4,000 square feet heating surface - $130.00
    4. More than 4,000 square feet heating surface - $160.00
  2. High-pressure boilers – external inspection:
    1. 50 square feet or less heating surface - $70.00
    2. More than 50 square feet to 500 square feet heating surface - $90.00
    3. More than 500 square feet to 4,000 square feet heating surface - $90.00
    4. More than 4,000 square feet heating surface - $90.00
    5. 100 kilowatts or less - $70.00
    6. More than 100 kilowatts - $90.00
  3. Low-pressure boilers – internal inspection:
    1. Without manway - $85.00
    2. With manway - $95.00
  4. Low-pressure boilers – external inspection:
    1. Hot-water heat and low-pressure steam - $60.00
    2. Hot-water supply - $45.00
  5. Steam traction engines
    1. External inspection - $65.00
    2. Internal inspection - $70.00
    3. Hydrostatic Test - $80.00
      1. Required every 36 months
  6. Steam traction engines and ultrasonic survey, per hour - $85.00
  7. Portable Oil Field Boilers - Internal or External - $75.00 per hour, plus meals, mileage, lodging
  1. All welders welding pressure parts of boilers must be certified for ASME positions and registered with the department. Registration is renewed January 1 of each year.
  2. The department requires all repairs and alterations be in accordance with the National Board Inspection Code or API-510 Inspection Code as applicable.
  3. Any person or firm repairing safety valves must possess a valid “VR” Certificate of Authorization from the National Board.
  4. A license is not required to operate a boiler or pressure vessel, except for hobby (historical) boilers.
  5. A copy of North Dakota Boiler Rules and Regulations (includes pressure vessel regulations) may be obtained from North Dakota Insurance Department’s website:
  6. Boiler inspection blank forms available on website.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Ron McRae, Manager
Matthias Mailman, Chief Boiler Inspector
Government of Northwest Territories
Public Works and Services
P.O. Box 1320
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories X1A 2L9
Telephone — 867.767-9043 ext 32036
Email —
Fax — 867.873.0117
Express mail only:
5003 49th Street
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories                      
X1A 2L9 Canada
Commissioner of the Northwest Territories empowered to make regulations and prescribe forms under the act. Individual inspectors have responsibility for districts and regions of the Northwest Territories as prescribed by the chief boiler inspector.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: December 1998.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1951.
Date of latest rules and regulations: December 1998.
Provincial statute: Revised Statutes of Northwest Territories, Chapter B2. Boilers and Pressure Vessels.
  1. CSA B51 ( Current Edition).
  2. ASME Code (Current Edition), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX.
  3. ANSI/ASME B31.1 (Current Edition), B31.3 (Current Edition).
  4. Before manufacturing, manufacturers must register with the department and submit designs and specifications for approval.
  5. Special design or construction requires approval of chief boiler inspector, survey, or design engineer.
  6. Secondhand boilers or pressure vessels shall not be sold, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of; owner must notify the chief boiler inspector of the Northwest Territories.
  7. Boilers or pressure vessels imported into the Northwest Territories shall not be installed until approved by the chief boiler inspector.
  8. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition, Current Addendum).
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R (accepted).
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, S, U, U2, UM, UV, V.
Boilers and pressure vessels require jurisdictional registration number assigned by the chief boiler inspector.
All boilers and pressure vessels subject to exemptions to the Boilers and Pressure Vessels Act and regulations:
  1. Boilers less than 30 kW.
  2. Pressure vessels less than 6 inches diameter, 1-1/2 cubic feet or 15 psi.
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels: one annual external inspection or periodic as required by chief boiler inspector.
  2. Internal inspection is at the discretion of chief boiler inspector.
  1. Inspections made by any duly incorporated insurance company may be accepted, subject to chief boiler inspector’s recommendation, in lieu of inspections made by department.
  2. A copy of all inspection reports must be filed with chief boiler inspector within 21 days.
  3. Chief boiler inspector must be notified of cancelation, suspension, or rejection of insurance.
Certificate of Inspection is valid for 12 months or as specified by the chief boiler inspector.
  1. $82.00 CAD per hour for special inspections. No charge for annual inspections.
  2. There is an annual registration fee which varies between boilers, pressure vessels, and size.
  1. ASME CSD-1 adopted as reference code as of June 2005.
  2. Repairs require a certified welder and/or approved contractor.
  3. Operators of boilers above 750 kW for low-pressure boilers and 100 kW for high-pressure boilers are required to be certified. Depending on rating and location of boiler, operator is required to be in attendance.
  4. National Board Inspection Code adopted as of June 2005.
  5. Installation permits are required for boilers and pressure vessels requiring registration and inspection in accordance with Boilers and Pressure Vessels Act and regulations.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.



Donald Ehler, Chief Inspector, Boilers and Pressure Equipment
Labour & Advanced Education
Technical Safety Division
Boilers and Pressure Vessel Section
103 Garland Avenue, 3rd Floor
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 0K5
Telephone — 902.424.3200
Fax — 902.428-8770
Email —
Technical Safety Act
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: 2011.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1949.
Date of latest rules and regulations: April 2011.
Provincial statute: Boiler and Pressure Equipment Regulations under Section 49 of the Technical Safety Act. NS reg. 10/2011.
  1. CSA B51, CSA B52, and Nova Scotia (NS) regulations.
  2. ASME Code (six months after release), Sections I, II, IV, V, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X, and most code cases. Check with the Chief Inspector for acceptance of a Code Case prior to utilizing.
  3. ASME Code addenda and case interpretations may be accepted after review. Check with the Chief Inspector for acceptance prior to utilizing.
  4. ASME Data Reports are accepted if Canadian Registration Number (CRN) and registered drawing numbers are listed on the data report. National Board Registration of the data reports is required when the item is manufactured outside of Canada.
  5. Manufacturers must register pressure equipment engineering designs with the jurisdiction (CRN).
  6. National Board Inspection Code (2021 Edition).
Where appropriate, the following National Board Stamps or ASME Certification Mark are required:
  1. National Board: R (accepted), VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, M, PP, S, H, HLW, U, U2, U3, UM, UV, V, HV.
ASME Certification Mark and National Board Registration is required for boilers and pressure vessels manufactured outside of Canada.
A CRN is required on all boiler and pressure vessel designes used for equipment installed and operated in Nova Scotia.
All boiler systems and pressure equipment.
The following products are exempt from regulation:
  1. a boiler system or pressure equipment that is subject to the Canada Shipping Act (Canada);
  2. a boiler system or pressure equipment that is subject to requirements made by the federal Department of Transport, (Infrastructure and Communities);
  3. a boiler that has a maximum output capacity of 150 kW (507 104 BTU/hr) or less and has
    1. a steam service with a system safety or relief valve set at a pressure of 103 kPag (15 psig) or lower, or
    2. hot water service with a system safety or relief valve set at a pressure of 206.7 kPag (30 psig) or lower;
  4. a boiler system located in a residential building that has 12 dwelling units or fewer;
  5. a boiler that is fully vented to atmosphere and connected to a hot water heating system in which water is heated and circulated with no intervening stop valves between the boiler and the expansion tank;
  6. a pressure vessel operated with a system safety or relief valve set at a pressure of 103 kPag (15 psig) or lower;
  7. a pressure vessel that has a diameter of 610 mm (24 in.) or less and contains both liquid and air, that is used
    1. exclusively for hydraulic purposes at atmospheric temperatures, or
    2. as a cushion tank in a water pumping system or an expansion tank in a heating system;
  8. a refrigeration plant that has a common, connected refrigerant with a maximum output capacity within a 24-hour period of 11 kW (3 tons) or less;
  9. pressure vessel that has a diameter of 610 mm (24 in.) or less and is used to store hot water at a temperature of 121 °C (250 °F) or lower;
  10. a pressure piping system with any of the following types of piping or tubing:
    1. piping that is part of a system that is operating at a temperature of 121 °C (250 °F) or lower, and has
      1. a steam service with [a] system safety or relief valve set at a pressure of 103 kPag (15 psig) or lower, or
      2. a water service with [a] system safety or relief valve set at a pressure of 1103 kPag (160 psig) or lower,
    2. piping or tubing with [a] system safety or relief valve set at a pressure of 690 kPag (100 psig) or lower and a temperature between -29 °C (-20 °F) and 121 °C (250 °F), and the system is used to deliver treated or non-treated domestic water, products for human consumption, glycols, or non-toxic and non-lethal substances that are considered chemically and environmentally benign,
    3. air piping or tubing that has a system safety or relief valve set at a pressure of 1379 kPag (200 psig) or lower,
    4. piping or tubing that is part of a breathing air system that is modularized, manufactured and has a certification mark of a recognized certification organization,
    5. piping or tubing used directly in
      1. pneumatically or hydraulically controlled instruments, or
      2. steam tracing,
    6. refrigeration piping or tubing of a refrigeration system that has a maximum output capacity of 11 kW or less, or air conditioning used for human comfort,
    7. piping or tubing used for the delivery of fuels directly into a combustion system and subject to the Fuel Safety Regulations made under the Technical Safety Act,
    8. piping or tubing in a piping system used for fire suppression that is subject to the Fire Safety Act,
    9. piping or tubing used to deliver medical and inert gases,
    10. threaded piping of nominal diameter 50 mm (DN50) or 60.33 mm in outside diameter (nominal pipe size 2 in. (NPS 2) or 2.375 in. in outside diameter) or less with a system safety or relief valve set at a pressure of 1034 kPag (150 psig) or lower if it either
      1. meets the BPE standards, or
      2. is a pressure piping system that meets the requirements of the industry standard for the particular pressure piping system as determined by the BPE chief inspector;
  11. a pressure vessel that has a capacity of 42.5 L (1.5 cu. ft.) or less and is included within 1 of the following types or classes:
    1. air starting tank,
    2. autoclave,
    3. in-line separator,
    4. steam jacketed kettle,
    5. steam jacketed sterilizer;
  12. a pressure vessel that is an integral part of a rotating or reciprocating mechanical device, such as a pump, compressor, turbine, generator, engine and hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder, and the primary design considerations or stresses of which are derived from the functional requirements of the device;
  13. a domestic hot water heater that has a diameter of 762 mm (30 in.) or less and is oil, propane or natural gas fired or uses electrical elements, spargers, jackets or coils as a heat source;
  14. a pressure vessel, fitting or pressure piping system at a temperature of 121 °C (250 °F) or lower that is used exclusively for hydraulics.
A pressure vessel that has a capacity of 42.5 L (1.5 cu. ft.) or less and is of a type or class not listed in clause (11) is exempt from the requirement to have a BPE permit in Boiler and Pressure Equipment Regulations, Section 33 but the design must be registered as a fitting under Section 9.
  1. An owner of a regulated product must keep the regulated product properly maintained and inspected as required in regulation.
  2. An owner of a boiler with a maximum output capacity of 150 kW (507 104 BTU/hr) or greater at 103 kPag (15 psig) of steam or lower, or operating at a pressure of 206.7 kPag (30 psig) of hot water or lower, must ensure that the boiler is either
    1. inspected by a boiler inspector as directed by the BPE chief inspector; or
    2. given an acceptable condition report that is completed and signed by an oil burner mechanic or gas technician authorized under the Fuel Safety Regulations made under the Technical Safety Act and provided to the BPE chief inspector.
  3. An owner of a boiler operating at a pressure of 103 kPag (15 psig) of steam or higher, or a pressure of 206.7 kPag (30 psig) of hot water or higher, must ensure that the boiler is inspected by a boiler inspector as directed by the BPE chief inspector.
  4. The BPE chief inspector may inspect a regulated product whenever the BPE chief inspector considers it necessary.
  5. An owner of a regulated product is responsible for paying the BPE fees for any inspection conducted under (4) above.
A person must hold an equipment licence to use or operate a boiler or pressure vessel.
An equipment licence is valid until the expiry date specified on the licence unless it is suspended or revoked earlier by the BPE chief inspector. Renew or reissue of the license requires reinspection by a commissioned inspector authorized by the chief inspector.
PROVINCIAL FEES (see for further Technical Safety Fees Regulations)
Fees for installation and periodic inspections:
  1. Power boilers:
    1. Up to and including 23.5 m2 - $50.05 CAD
    2. More than 23.5 m2 to 70.0 m2 - $101.75 CAD
    3. More than 70.0 m2 to 186.0 m2 - $150.10 CAD
    4. More than 186.0 m2 to 464.5 m2 - $218.90 CAD
    5. More than 464.5 m2 to 1394.0 m2 - $268.90 CAD
    6. More than 1394.0 m2 to 2788.0 m2 - $337.70 CAD
    7. More than 2788.0 m2 - $337.70 CAD
    8. Plus $3.75 CAD per 46.5 m2 or part thereof in excess of 2788 m2 to a maximum fee of - $938.10 CAD
  2. Pressure vessels, heat exchangers, and pressure equipment: the following fees shall apply to the first 3 m of the length, beyond which an additional fee of $25.00 CAD for each 3 m or part of 3 m in overall length beyond the first 3 m in length:
    1. Up to 610 mm diameter - $37.55 CAD
    2. More than 610 mm diameter to 762 mm - $75.05 CAD
    3. More than 762 mm to 1270 mm - $89.05 CAD
    4. More than 1270 mm diameter to 1778 mm - $112.60 CAD
    5. More than 1778 mm diameter to 2540 mm - $150.10 CAD
    6. More than 2540 mm diameter to 3048 mm - $175.10 CAD
    7. More than 3048 mm diameter - $200.15 CAD

Design Registration Fees:

  1. Boilers:
    1. Up to and including 232.5 m2 - $112.60 CAD
    2. Over 232.5 m2 to 464.5 m2 - $250.15 CAD
    3. Over 464.5 m2 to 929.5 m2 - $375.25 CAD
    4. Over 929.5 m2 to 2323.5 m2 - $625.40 CAD
    5. Over 2323.5 m2 - $625.40 CAD
      plus $3.75 CAD per 5 m2 or part of 5 m2 in excess of 2323.5 m2.
  2. Pressure equipment, other than a heat exchanger, if the product of the diameter or the width of the pressure equipment multiplied by its length over the heads is:
    1. Not greater than 1.0 m2 - $62.55 CAD
    2. Greater than 1.0 m2 but not greater than 3.0 m2 - $89.05 CAD
    3. Greater than 3.0 m2 but not greater than 5.5 m2 - $133.55 CAD
    4. Greater than 5.5 m2 but not greater than 11.5 m2 - $190.80 CAD
    5. Greater than 11.5 m2 but not greater than 23.5 m2 - $250.15 CAD
    6. Greater than 23.5 m2 but not greater than 46.5 m2 - $375.25 CAD
    7. Greater than 46.5 m2 - $625.40 CAD
  3. Heat exchanger:
    1. Up to and including 5.0 m2 heating surface - $101.75 CAD
    2. Over 5.0 m2 to 18.5 m2 - $125.10 CAD
    3. Over 18.5 m2 to 28.0 m2 - $190.80 CAD
    4. Over 28.0 m2 to 46.5 m2 - $250.15 CAD
    5. Over 46.5 m2 of heating surface - $317.95 CAD
  4. Pressure piping system in a power plant:
    1. Up to and including 500 HP - $125.10 CAD
    2. Over 500 HP to 1,000 HP - $250.15 CAD
    3. Over 1,000 HP - $375.25 CAD
  5. Design survey and registration fees for fittings:
    1. Single fitting - $37.55 CAD
    2. Range of fittings in a single category - $137.60 CAD
  6. Inspector fees are charged at an hourly rate of $96.70. This fee applies to services such as review and acceptance of QC documentation, signing data reports, witnessing pressure tests and welder performance testing, Authorized Inspection for ASME stamped items, NBIC repairs and alterations, etc. Overtime rates apply for services provided after regular working hours, weekends and holidays.
  1. An individual must hold a Boiler and Pressure Equpment (BPE) Inspector Certificate of Competency, issued by the BPE Chief Inspector, to be a boiler inspector and perform the regulated work of inspections for certification/licensing of boilers, pressure vessels or pressure piping systems.
  2. Operators of steam and heating boilers, refrigeration plants and compressor plants are required to be licensed if the plant's size/output capacity exceed the minimum requirements as set out in the Power Engineers Regulations, NS Reg. 12/2011.
  3. See to view the Boiler and Pressure Equipment Regulations.
  4. Welding procedures used on pressure equipment must meet the requirements of ASME Section IX of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. All Welding Procedure Specifications must be supported by a Procedure Qualification Record(s) and be registered with the jurisdiction through the BPE Chief Inspector.
  5. All pressure welders must be licensed to weld on pressure equipment, (new construction, repairs and alterations). Licenses are issued after a successful performance qualification test witnessed by a BPE Inspector authorized by the Chief Inspector. All testing requirements and ranges of qualification are based on the ASME Section IX requirements. Licenses are are on a two year renewal cycle and require retesting to renew. ASME and CSA B51 manufacturers are permitted to to utilize the ASME Section IX welder performance continuity rules to renew pressure welder licenses if provided for in the company's quality control program.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Department of Community and Government Services
Office of the Chief Boiler and Gas Inspector
PO Box 1000 - Station 610
Iqaluit, Nunavut X0A 0H0
Telephone — 844.975.5493
Email —
Commissioner of Nunavut, on recommendation of the minister, may make regulations covering all operational aspects of the Safety Act.
Boiler Board: No.
Territory statute: Statutes of Territory of Nunavut, Technical Standards and Safety Act.
At the creation of Nunavut, on April 1, 1999, all Northwest Territories acts and regulations were adopted until Nunavut could enact its own. A new safety act, entitled Technical Standards and Safety Act, has been passed and will be proclaimed following revision of the regulations.
  1. CSA B51-M1 (1991 Edition), B52-M1 (1992 Edition).
  2. ASME Code (1992 Edition), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, XI.
  3. ANSI B31.1 (1989 Edition), B31.3 (1990 Edition), B31.4 (1989 Edition), B31.5 (1989 Edition), B16.5 (1988 Edition), B61.1 (1989 Edition).
  4. Manufacturers must file a copy of the ASME Data Report form or a data report in a format acceptable to the chief inspector for each vessel before installation.
  5. Z184-M (1986 Edition), B139-M91 (1991 Edition), Z276-M (1981 Edition), Z305.1-M (1984 Edition), Z305 3-M87 (1987 Edition), Z305.4-M85 (1985 Edition), B149.1-M91 (1991 Edition), B149.2-1M91 (1991 Edition).
  6. Manufacturers must submit, in duplicate, designs of boilers, pressure vessels, and fittings for approval and registration before commencing fabrication when they are to operate in Nunavut.
  7. National Building Code (1990 Edition – Canada).
  8. Shop inspections must be carried out in the United States by a National Board Commission holder, and in Canada by an inspector approved by the chief inspector of the province or territory where he is employed.
  9. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition, Current Addendum).
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R (accepted).
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, S, U, U2, UM, UV, V.
Boilers and pressure vessels built to CSA-ASME standards must be identified with applicable CRN for Nunavut.
All steam boilers and pressure vessels.
Boilers and pressure vessels:
  1. One annual external inspection.
  2. Internal inspection is at the discretion of the chief boiler inspector.
  1. Inspections made by a duly incorporated insurance company may be accepted — subject to the chief boiler inspector’s recommendation — in lieu of inspections made by the department.
  2. A copy of all inspection reports must be filed with the chief boiler inspector within 21 days after an inspection.
  3. The chief boiler inspector must be notified of cancellation, suspension, or rejection of insurance.
Certificate of Inspection is valid for 12 months.
  1. Annual registration fees for boilers — depending on power rating in kilowatts — vary from $60.00 to $492.00 CAD.
  2. Annual registration fees for pressure vessels, depending on shell diameter, vary from $50.00 to $100.00 CAD up to 1 meter, plus $25.00 CAD per meter or fraction thereof.
  3. Other fees as per fee schedule.
  1. Repairs require certified welder.
  2. Operators of boilers above 100 kW for high-pressure boilers and above 750 kW for low-pressure boilers are required to be certified. Depending on the size of the boiler, operator is required to be in attendance.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.



John E. Sharier, Chief Boiler Inspector
Ohio Department of Commerce
Division of Industrial Compliance – Boilers
P.O. Box 4009
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-9009
Telephone — 614.644.2541
Email —
Fax — 614.644.3486
Express mail only:
6606 Tussing Road
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-8230
The Board of Building Standards empowered to make, alter, and amend rules
and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: October 1969.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1912.
Date of latest rules and regulations: August 2018.
State statute: Ohio Revised Code, Title 41. Labor and Industry, Chapter 4104. Division of Boiler Inspection, Chapter 4104.
  1. ASME Code (2017 Edition, Addendum), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2,3), IX, X, XI, and code cases.
  2. Case interpretations must be approved by the Board of Building Standards.
  3. ASME B31.1 (2016 Edition).
  4. Manufacturers must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report on boilers and unfired pressure vessels (except cast iron) with the department through the National Board.
  5. National Board Inspection Code (2017 Edition, Addendum).
  6. ASME sections CDS 1 and NFPA 85 (2015 Edition).
  7. NB 27 (2012 Edition)
  8. NB 263 (2017 Edition).
  9. NB 371 (2016 Edition)
  10. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  11. Special design or construction requires approval by the Board of Building Standards before manufacture.


Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: all.
 All boilers and pressure vessels must be stamped “ASME”. Shop inspection of boilers and pressure vessels is mandatory.
All steam and vapor boilers, hot-water heating boilers, hot-water supply boilers (domestic hot water over 200,000 BTU per hour input), and unfired pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and unfired pressure vessels under federal control or subject to inspection under federal law.
  2. Air tanks located on the vehicles operating under rules of other state authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight.
  3. Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  4. Unfired pressure vessels under the regulation of the state fire marshal.
  5. Pressure vessels having an operating pressure not exceeding 15 psig with no limitation on size.
  6. Pressure vessels not exceeding an inside diameter of 6 inches with no limitation on pressure.
  7. Cylinders and containers meeting the requirements of and used in accordance with the regulations of the US Department of Transportation.
Same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING, with the following additional exceptions:
  1. Portable boilers or unfired pressure vessels located on farms and used solely for agricultural purposes.
  2. Steam or vapor boilers carrying a pressure of not more than 15 psig, located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six family units.
  3. Hot-water boilers operated at temperatures not exceeding 250°F, located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six family units.
  4. Unfired pressure vessels.
  5. Portable boilers used in pumping, heating, steaming, and drilling (open field) for water, gas and oil.
  6. Portable boilers used in construction of and repair to public roads, railroads, and bridges.


 Item Internal External
Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers 1 Year 1 Year*
 Low-pressure boilers 3 Years 1 Year*
 Process boilers 3 Years 3 Years*
*Under operating conditions.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors of authorized insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector. Reports of inspections must be filed with the department within 30 days.
  2. The department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions on forms supplied by the department.
  3. The department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance on forms provided by the department.
Certificate of Operation is issued, when approved, by the department for a fee of $65.00 for boilers subject to annual inspections, $130.00 for boilers subject to biennial inspections, and $195.00 for boilers subject to triennial inspections. There is an additional $3.25 fee for each certificate issued.
  1. Reciprocal Commission may be issued, to inspectors regularly employed by an authorized insurance company, a state, or a municipal corporation having an established and authorized boiler and unfired pressure vessel inspection department. They must hold a state or municipal Certificate of Competency and have passed a written examination approved by the Board of Building Standards. Application to the department should be on forms provided by the department. One copy of the National Board Commission should accompany each application. A fee of $10.00 is required for each inspector’s application.
  2. Operators of steam boilers over 30 hp are required to be licensed.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Tommy Granneman, Chief Boiler Inspector
Department of Labor
Safety Standards Division
409 NE 28th St. Floor 3
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Telephone — 405.618.0662
Email —  
Fax — 405.521.6025
Commissioner of Labor empowered to make, alter, adopt and amend rules and regulations for the safe construction, installation, inspection, operation and maintenance and repair of boilers and pressure vessels.
Date of latest amendment to law: 2023.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1982.
Date of latest rules and regulations: 2023.
State statute: Oklahoma State Statutes, Title 40. Labor, Oklahoma Boiler and Pressure Vessel Law, Sections 141.0 through141.20 and Administrative Rules 380:25.
  1. ASME Code (Current edition and addendum), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (Current edition and addendum).
  3. ANSI B31.1 (Current edition and addendum).
  4. Manufacturers may file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the department on ASME forms before installation.
  5. National Board Inspection Code (Current edition and addendum).
  6. Boilers and pressure vessels must be shop-inspected by an inspector holding a National Board Commission.
  7. API-510 (Current edition and addendum).
  8. Special design or construction requires prior approval of the Commissioner of Labor and Chief Boiler Inspector.
  9. Containers for storage of liquefied petroleum gas are covered under a separate law and must be shop-inspected subject to the rules of Oklahoma Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administration.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code Certification Marks with appropriate designators are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HV, M, PP, S, U, U2, U3, UM, UV, V.
All boilers and pressure vessels subject to the act shall be marked with an Oklahoma serial number.
  1. All boilers within the scope of Section I of the ASME Code.
  2. All boilers within the scope of Section IV of the ASME Code.
  3. All pressure vessels within the scope of Section VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3) of the ASME Code and downstream welded steam piping exceeding 15 psi, except the following:
    1. Boilers and pressure vessels under jurisdiction of federal government;
    2. Pressure vessels used for transportation of compressed gases (if constructed in accordance with the US Department of Transportation or Oklahoma Corporation Commission), or containers for liquefied petroleum gases (subject to the US Department of Transportation or Oklahoma Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administration);
    3. Pressure vessels containing air located on vehicles operating pursuant to regulations of other jurisdictional authorities;
    4. Boilers and pressure vessels located on railroad locomotives;
    5. Pressure vessels on remote sites limited to oil- and natural gas-gathering facilities, processing plants or gas-producing lease locations;
    6. Pressure vessels in the care, custody, and control of research facilities used solely for research purposes;
    7. Pressure vessels on oil and gas lease locations.
Same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING, and hot-water supply heaters located in facilities or installations owned or operated by the State of Oklahoma, or its agencies, counties, municipalities, or school districts, except the following:
  1. Pressure vessels not exceeding 15 cubic feet in volume and 250 psig.
  2. Low-pressure steam boilers, hot-water heating boilers, hot-water supply boilers, hot-water supply heaters, or pressure vessels located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six family units.
  3. Pressure vessels operated full of water or other liquid (not materially more hazardous than water), provided the vessel contents do not exceed a temperature of 150°F or a pressure of 200 psig.
Item Internal External
 Power boilers and high-temperature, high-pressure boilers  1 Year 1 Year*
 Low-pressure steam and vapor heating boilers  2 Years  1 Year
 Hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers  **  1 Year
 Hot-water supply heaters  ***  2 Years
Pressure vessels, excluding those within the scope of API Inspection Code, subject to internal corrosion, and waste heat team generators
 3 Years  3 Years
Pressure vessels not subject to internal corrosion  
 10 Years  3 Years
*Under pressure.
**At the discretion of the inspector.
***Only those located in public facilities.
Vessels within the scope of the API Inspection Code shall be inspected as prescribed therein.
Downstream welded steam piping exceeding 15 psi requires inspection.
  1. Inspections made by insurance company inspectors may be accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector, provided a photostatic copy of the inspector’s National Board Certificate is furnished to the department and the inspector is authorized by the commissioner of labor.
  2. Exact copies of inspector’s field reports must be filed with the department within 30 days.
  3. The department must be notified immediately regarding the suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  4. The department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance within 30 days.
Certificate of Inspection is valid for 12 months for boilers and 36 months for pressure vessels and issued by the commissioner upon payment of a $25.00, $50.00 or $75.00 fee. Fee shall be paid directly to the department of labor.
Annual Certificate of Operation fees:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels with manway, state inspector - $75.00
  2. Boilers and pressure vessels without manway, state inspector - $50.00
  3. Boilers and pressure vessels of any size by a special or owner/user inspector - $50.00
  4. Boilers and pressure vessels each public hot water supply heater (biennially) - $25.00
  5. Boilers each public boiler inspection/certification - $25.00 
  6. Pressure vessels each public inspection/certification- $50.00 or $75.00 (manway)

    Only one certificate of operation fee per year may be charged; except an additional fee equal to the certificate of operation fee may be charged for witnessing a hydrostatic test required after repairs, provided a fee equal to the total fees identified in division (1) or (2) of subparagraph “a” of this paragraph, whichever is appropriate, and subparagraph “f” of paragraph 2 of this subsection may be charged when the pressure-retaining item is not prepared and ready pursuant to rules promulgated by the Commissioner of Labor at the time of the inspection.
Other fees:
  1. Shop review - $3,000.00
  2. Licensing
    1. Repair, service, or install (annual) - $100.00
    2. Boiler operator (biennial) - $100.00
  3. Certificate of Competency - $15.00
  4. Examination fee - $50.00
  5. Certificate inspection by state inspector - $160.00
  6. Duplicate licenses and certificates - $25.00
  7. Authorized inspector services for weld repairs or alterations, per eight-hour day or part thereof - $300.00
  8. Hydrostatic test of steam pipeline
    1. Per day - $150.00
    2. Each additional half-day or part thereof - $75.00
Fees must be paid by owner/user before a Certificate of Operation will be issued by the commissioner.
  1. The National Board Inspection Code or the American Petroleum Institute Inspection Code, as applicable, have been adopted by the department, and all repairs by fusion welding must be approved by an authorized inspector.
  2. For repairs by fusion welding of steam lines carrying more than 15 psi (past the stop valve required by the ASME Code), the welder qualification test must be witnessed by an authorized testing laboratory qualified to conduct such tests in accordance with Oklahoma State Statutes, Title 59.
  3. Welders in the employment of a firm which is a qualified holder of a National Board “R” stamp may make repairs to boilers after passing a welding or welding operator performance test.
  4. All welded steam piping past the boiler’s stop valves must be of proper material and of sufficient strength for maximum pressure and temperature of the installation, and conform to accepted practice in accordance with appropriate ANSI standard.
  5. All welds must be stamped with the welder’s designated number or symbol. A record of welded repairs must then be filed with Department of Labor.
  6. All firms or corporations engaged in service, repair, or installation of boilers and pressure vessels must be licensed, for an annual fee of $50.00 (hot-water supply heaters in publicly owned or operated installations exempted).
  7. Reciprocal Commission will be granted to inspectors holding a National Board Commission upon request to the Commissioner of Labor accompanied by a photostatic copy of the applicant’s National Board Commission and fee of $15.00. Commissions must be renewed annually for a fee of $15.00.
  8. Effective October 1, 1995, all new applicants for and current holders of the Oklahoma Certificate of Competency will be required to complete an open-book questionnaire covering the Oklahoma Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act of 1982 and its amendments, prior to the issuance or renewal of the Certificate of Competency.
    1. This questionnaire will be required every five years;
    2. Each new applicant for a Certificate of Competency will be provided the questionnaire at the time of application;
    3. Future questionnaires will be provided on or before October 1 of each year to satisfy the five-year requirement.
  9. Firms, partnerships, or corporations operating boilers or pressure vessels may seek approval and registration as an owner/user inspection agency by filing an application with the chief boiler inspector and requesting the commissioner’s approval.
  10. A copy of the boiler and pressure vessel rules and regulations may be obtained by contacting the director/chief boiler inspector’s office or at the Department of Labor Web site. Cost: free.
  11. Non-mandatory State Boiler Operator licensing program is available.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Planning, Permits and Inspections Division
1819 Farnam Street, Room 1110
Omaha, Nebraska 68183-1100
Telephone — 402.444.5350
The City Council and Building Board of Review empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: January 2014
Date rules and regulations implemented: January 1921
Date of latest rules and regulations: January 2014
  1. ASME Code 2013 Editions , Sections I, IV, V, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X,  ASME Code and case interpretations when accepted by the Chief Boiler Inspector of the State of Nebraska.
  2. ASME B31.1 (2012 Edition).
  3. ASME B31.3 (2012 Edition).
  4. ASME B31.5 (2013 Edition).
  5. ASME B31.9 (2011 Edition).
  6. CSD-1 (2012 Edition).
  7. NFPA 54 (2012 Edition).
  8. NFPA 58 (2014 Edition).
  9. NFPA 85B (2011 Edition).
  10. IMC 2012 (with local amendments).
  11. Installer must file copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report and CSD-1 Report with department upon installation.
  12. National Board Inspection Code (2013 Edition).
  13. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  14. Special design or construction must be approved by State of Nebraska.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, PP, S, U, U2, U3, V.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers under federal jurisdiction and control.
  2. Boilers of railway locomotives subject to federal inspection.
  3. Boilers named as "does not apply to" in the Nebraska Boiler Inspection Act.
Same as inspections required by the Nebraska Boiler Inspection Act.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Inspection reports must be filed with the department on State of Nebraska forms within 15 days after inspection.
  3. The department must be notified:
    1. When insurance is suspended because of dangerous conditions;
    2. When insurance on a vessel is discontinued.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months for boilers and 12 months for unfired pressure vessels, is issued by the department upon payment of inspection fee by owner/user or a $10.00 fee for an insurance company.
  1. External inspection only, under operation, any boiler - $35.00
  2. Miniature boilers, over 15 psi - $35.00
  3. Vertical Boilers:
    1. Under 20 hp - $55.00
    2. 20 hp or over - $65.00
    3. Horizontal tubular boilers, all types - $65.00
  4. Watertube Boilers:
    1. Under 201 sq. ft. heating surface - $35.00
    2. 201 to 3,500 sq. ft. heating surface - $65.00
    3. 3,501 sq. ft heating surface and up - $135.00
  5. Firebox, marine locomotive boilers:
    1. Under 501 sq. ft. heating surface - $55.00
    2. 501 sq. ft. heating surface and up - $65.00
  6. Cast-iron sectional boilers, 1,000 feet radiation and over - $35.00
  7. Retorts, vulcanizers, and vessels for cooking or other processes under pressure of capacity of 75 gallons or over - $25.00
  8. Pressure tanks used as containers for water, air, steam, or other gases - $25.00
  1. Each insurance inspector must have a current National Board Commission, current State of Nebraska Commission City of Omaha Commission, and post a $3,000 bond.
  2. City of Omaha requires all boilers to have duty operators holding a certificate of the proper grade, except for the following:
    1. Heating plants used for heating a private dwelling;
    2. All plants having a pressure not exceeding 15 psi steam and not exceeding 750 sq. ft. of boiler heating surface;
    3. All steam plants over 15 psi under 500 sq. ft. heating surface;
    4. Hot-water heating plants not exceeding 1,000 sq. ft. heating surface.
  3. City of Omaha gives an operator exam on the first Thursday of each month.
  4. Permits are required to install boilers.
  5. Permits are required to relocate boilers.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Caslav Dinic, Technical Services Supervisor BPV
Technical Standards & Safety Authority
345 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, Ontario M9W 6N9
Telephone — 416.734.3452
Email —
Fax — 416.231.6183
Director empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: March 2000.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1913.
Date of latest rules and regulations: July 2018.
Provincial statute: Statutes of Ontario, Technical Standards and Safety Act, Chapter 16. Ontario Regulations, Chapter 223. Boilers and Pressure Vessels (O.Reg 220/01), codes and standards adopted by reference.
  1. CSA B51-19, B52-18, N285.0-17 / N285.6 Series 17.
  2. ASME Code (Current Edition), Section I; Section III, Divisions 1, 3 and 5; Section IV; and Section VIII, Divisions 1, 2 and 3 of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in accordance with QAI-1, Parts 1 and 5, and code cases.
  3. ASME B31.1 (Current Edition), B31.3 (Current Edition), B31.5 (Current Edition).
  4. ASME PVHO-1 (Current Edition).
  5. Manufacturers must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the Technical Standards and Safety Authority. ASME Data Report forms are required for ASME-stamped items.
  6. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition, Part 3).
  7. Boilers and pressure vessels built to CSA/ASME codes in Ontario must be shop-inspected by inspector employed by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority.
  8. Boilers and pressure vessels built to CSA/ASME standards outside Canada must be shop-inspected by inspector employed by an authorized inspection agency.
  9. Manufacturers must submit designs and specifications for approval before commencing fabrication of any new, or alteration to any existing, boiler, pressure vessel, piping system, or fitting for installation in Ontario.
  10. All designs for boilers and pressure vessels submitted for approval and registration must bear the signature and seal of a professional engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R (accepted).
  2. ASME Code: all ASME vessels.
Boilers and pressure vessels built to CSA/ASME codes must be identified with the applicable CRN for Ontario.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. A boiler that is used in connection with a hot liquid heating system that has no valves or other obstructions to free circulation between the boiler and an expansion tank that is vented freely to the atmosphere;
  2. A low pressure boiler that has either a wetted heating surface of 30 square feet or less, or a power rating of 30 kW or less;
  3. A boiler having a heating surface of 10 square feet or less;
  4. A pressure vessel, fitting or piping that contains a gas, vapour or liquid at a maximum allowable working pressure of 15 psi or less;
  5. A pressure vessel, fitting or piping that contains liquids not more hazardous than water and that operate at a temperature of 150°F or less and at a maximum allowable working pressure of 250 psi or less;
  6. A pressure vessel for domestic use that has an internal diameter of 24 inches (610 mm) or less for the storage of hot water where the temperature does not exceed 212°F and the heat input is 120 kW or less;
  7. A pressure vessel that is used exclusively for hydraulic purposes at a temperature no greater than 150°F;
  8. A pressure vessel that has an internal diameter of 24 inches or less that is connected in a liquid pumping system at a temperature that does not exceed 150°F and that contains air or an inert gas compressed to serve as a cushion;
  9. Pressure containers that form an integral part of or that are a component of rotating or reciprocating mechanical devices, including pumps, compressors, turbines, generators, engines and hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders where the primary design considerations or stresses, or both, are derived from the functional requirements of the device;
  10. Automatic fire protection systems that are designed and installed in accordance with Ontario Regulation 403/97 (The Building Code) and Ontario Regulation 388/97 (Fire Code);
  11. Any component or system related to the subject matter of this Regulation that is regulated under any Act or regulation of the Government of Canada unless specifically requested otherwise by the Government of Canada;
  12. A pressure vessel having a capacity of 1 and one-half (1½) cubic feet or less, that is not a fitting;
  13. A pressure vessel having an internal diameter of six (6) inches or less.
  14. Inert gas filled, high voltage switchgear and control gear with maximum internal pressure of 150psi and rated 15kW and above, located within an electric utility installation with controlled access for maintenance and repair, not accessible to the public.
All pressure piping requires design registration and inspection, except the following:
  1. Refrigeration piping that has a capacity of three tons or less of refrigeration or five tons or less of air conditioning;.
  2. Pressure piping that forms part of the heating system in a building that is,
    1. Heated by steam at a pressure not exceeding 15 psi or
    2. Heated by water at a pressure not exceeding 160 psi and at a temperature that does not exceed 250°F;
  3. Compressed air piping, up to and including ¾ inch nominal pipe size;
  4. Hot oil piping, where the pressure is not greater than 100 psi and the operating temperature is not less than 50°F lower than the flash point of the oil;
  5. Buried water piping that operates at a temperature of 150°F or less at a maximum allowable working pressure of 600 psi,
  6. Flexible hoses and portable air piping used in mines.
Piping fabricators and installers must hold a Provincial Certificate of Authorization to perform work.
Periodic inservice inspections are required at the intervals prescribed in the code adoption document.
  1. Insurance companies shall be licensed under Insurance Act to undertake boiler and machinery insurance in Ontario.
  2. Insurance companies are required to perform periodic inspections on objects they insure and may perform repair inspections on objects they insure.
  3. Copy of report of inspection from the insurer must be filed with Technical Standards and Safety Authority within 21 days.
  4. Technical Standards Safety Authority must be notified forthwith of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  5. Technical Standards Safety Authority must be notified forthwith of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 to 36 months as applicable.
In accordance with the Fee Schedule posted on the Web site at
  1. All repairs to boilers, pressure vessels, fittings, and piping systems must be approved by an inspector appointed under the act.
  2. Either a Provincial Certificate of Authorization or National Board “R” Stamp is required to perform repairs to boilers, pressure vessels, or piping.
  3. Operators of boilers, compressors, refrigeration plants, steam turbines and other pressure equipment may be subject to registration in accordance with the Operating Engineers Regulation.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.


Tom Clark, Chief Boiler Inspector
Department of Consumer and Business Services
Building Codes Division
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Group
P.O. Box 14470
Salem, OR 97309-0404
Telephone — 971.209.9082
Fax — 503.373.4101
Email —
Express mail only:
1535 Edgewater, N.W.
Salem, OR 97304-4635
Board of Boiler Rules empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: September 2014.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1920.
Date of latest rules and regulations: October 2021.
State statute: Oregon Revised Statutes, Volume 11, Title 38. Protection from Fire, Chapter 480. Explosives, Flammable
Materials, Pressure Vessels, Sections 510 through 990.
  1. ASME Code (2021 Edition), Sections I, II, IV, V, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2018 Edition).
  3. ASME B31.1 (2020 Edition), B31.3 (2020 Edition), B31.5 (2019 Edition), and B31.9 (2020 Edition).
  4. ASME PVHO-1 (2019 Edition).
  5. Manufacturer’s Data Report for UM vessels must be submitted to chief boiler inspector when Operating Permit for the vessel is required.
  6. National Board Inspection Code (2021 Edition).
  7. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  8. NFPA 85 (2019 Edition).
  9. Special design requires approval of the board of boiler rules.
  10. Pressure piping, consisting of boiler and non-boiler external piping connected to a boiler, but not potable water non-boiler external piping, is considered part of the boiler and shall be inspected during fabrication, installation, when altered, or repaired.
  11. Foreign codes: CSA B51, British Standards Institute, European Committee for Standardization or SNCT. Copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report or other similar document to be forwarded to the chief boiler inspector.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR, T/O.
  2. ASME Code: A, H, HLW, PP, S, U, U2, U3, UM, V.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal control.
  2. Domestic water heaters designed for heating potable water, equipped with approved pressure-relieving device, containing only water and not exceeding:
    1. Capacity of 120 gallons;
    2. Water temperature of 210°F;
    3. Pressure of 150 psig;
    4. Heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour.
  3. Domestic water heaters designed to create hot water instantaneously on demand without the use of a storage tank.
  4. Pressure vessels containing liquefied petroleum gas under the jurisdiction of the state fire marshal. (Exception: The construction and repair of such vessels shall be in compliance with the boiler law.)
  5. Air tanks used in the operation of brakes on self-propelled vehicles and trailers used for transportation of freight or passengers.
  6. Medical sterilizers not exceeding 1-1/2 cubic feet in volume.
  7. Vessels with an inside diameter or cross section diagonal not exceeding six inches, equipped with an approved pressure relieving device.  No limitations are placed on length of vessel or pressure.
  8. Hot water supply storage tanks heated by steam or any indirect means not exceeding any of the following:
    1. A water temperature of 210°F;
    2. A nominal water containing capacity of 120
      gallons; or
    3. (3) A maximum working pressure of 150 pounds per
      square inch gauge pressure.
  9. Pressure vessels for cold water storage, water filter, water softener, or hydro-pneumatic service, and equipped
    with an ASME-approved pressure/temperature relieving device set at a maximum pressure of 300 psig and a maximum temperature of 210°F., except those pressure vessels connected to an outside air supply.
  10. Coil-type water boilers, where the water can flash into steam when released directly to the atmosphere through a manually operated nozzle.
  11. Beverage service carbon dioxide storage tanks with a product volume less than or equal to 5 cubic feet.
  12. All portable beverage service carbon dioxide storage tanks.
  13. The following boilers and pressure vessels are exempt from Oregon Boiler Law, except provisions relating to construction, installation, alteration or repair and to installation permits:
    1. Boilers operated at less than 15 psig located on farms and used solely for agricultural purposes, except when used in connection with a greenhouse.
    2. Air tanks located on farms used solely for agricultural purposes.
    3. Boilers or pressure vessels used in a single private residence shall have an installation inspection and be provided with a permit to operate, but shall be exempt from subsequent inspection required in the boiler law, except changes or repairs made.
    4. Pressure vessels operated at less than 15 psig.
    5. Beverage servive carbon dioxide storage tanks with a product volume of more than 5 cubic feet.
    6. Certain miniature boilers (see 918-225-0365 of the Oregon Administrative Rules).
Each boiler and pressure vessel used or proposed to be used within the state, except as exempted under ORS 480.510 to 480.665 or by administrative rule, shall be thoroughly inspected as to its construction, installation, operation, and condition as follows:
 Item Internal External
 Power Boilers  1 Year 1 Year*
 Low-pressure steam and vapor-heating boilers  2 Years  2 Years**
 Cast-iron boilers  —  2 Years
 Low-pressure hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers  6 Years  2 Years
 Pressure vessels subject to internal corrosion  2 Years  2 Years
 Pressure vessels not subject to internal corrosion  —  2 Years
 Pressure vessels containing anhydrous ammonia intended for use as a fertilizer   —  3 Years
Pressure vessels: Fixed, containing only air, not located at a place of public assembly, less than 20 cubic feet in volume, operated at 200 psig or less  —  6 Years
 Steam and hot-water non-boiler external piping, residential boilers, beverage service CO2 storage vessels  Inspected upon installation
*Both under pressure and not under pressure.
**Under pressure.
Hydrostatic test when deemed necessary to determine the safety of a boiler or pressure vessel shall be made by the owner/user and witnessed by a deputy or special inspector.
  1. Inspections made by special boiler inspectors holding a valid Oregon Certificate of Competency from the Building Codes Division and continuously employed by insurance companies authorized to write boiler and machinery insurance in the state are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a deputy boiler inspector.
  2. Reports of inspection must be filed with chief boiler inspector on forms acceptable to the Building Codes Division within 30 days.
  3. Building Codes Division must be notified of new business, suspension, or discontinuance of insurance on acceptable forms.
Operating Permit, valid for period prescribed in the law, will be issued by the Building Codes Division to the owner/user of a vessel inspected by an authorized insurance inspector, upon receipt of the appropriate permit fee paid by the owner/user directly to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Group, Building Codes Division (see below).
STATE FEES (All fees listed are subject to 12% surcharge)
Effective July 1, 2009 — under ORS 480.595(3) and 480.607 — permit fees, including inspection fees, shall be:
  1. Boiler one-year operating permit, power boilers - $110.00
  2. Boiler two-year operating permit, all other boilers - $110.00
  3. Pressure vessel two-year operating permit - $100.00
  4. Pressure vessel five-year operating permit - $100.00
  5. Reinspection provided in ORS 480.595(4) shall be charged at the rate of $75.00 per hour for travel and inspection time (to defray cost of reinspection) when deviations from the minimum safety standards are found during any inspection.
  6. Fee for special permit set out in ORS 480.600(2) - $40.00
  7. In addition to fees shown in sections (1) thru (4) of this rule, there is a statutory surcharge of 12% on permit fees
  8. Miscellaneous fees under ORS 480.605:
    1. Fees for shop inspection service provided in ORS 480.605(l) and witnessing hydrostatic or other tests under ORS 480.605(3) are:
      1. Hourly charge for travel and inspection - $75.00
        (plus 12% surcharge)
      2. Hourly charge for travel and inspection before 8:00 a.m., after 5:00 p.m., on weekends and holidays - $112.50
        (plus 12% surcharge)
    2. In addition to the hourly charge, actual costs of meals and lodging are also charged.
  1. Certificate of Competency examination covering Oregon Rules and Statutes, CSD-1 and National Board Inspection Code is required for initial certificate with annual renewal. A $110.00 fee is charged for the initial issue. Renewal fee is $27.50.
  2. Pressure vessels containing liquefied petroleum gas come under jurisdiction of the state fire marshal. Exception: Construction and repair of these vessels shall be in compliance with ORS 480.510 to 480.665 and be under the jurisdiction of the board.
  3. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules and Regulations may be viewed online at




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

William Ross, Boiler Inspector Director
Department of Labor and Industry
Boiler Division
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, PA 17121
Telephone — 717.772.2443
Email —
Fax — 717.705.7262
The Department of Labor and Industry empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: Nov 2013.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1929.
Date of latest rules and regulations: February 2006.
State statute: The Pennsylvania Code, No. 104, Boiler and Unfired Pressure Vessel Law, Sections 1 through 17.
  1. ASME Code (2010 Edition, 2011 Addendum), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X, XI.
  2. Manufacturer’s Data Report on boilers and pressure vessels (unless otherwise exempted by rules and regulations) must be provided to inspector at time of inspection.
  3. National Board Inspection Code (2011 Edition, 2011 Addendum).
  4. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  5. Special design or construction requires approval by the boiler section.
  6. Shop inspections must be made by inspectors holding a valid National Board Commission.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, N, NA, NPT, NV, PP, S, U, U2, U3, UM, UV, V.
Boilers and pressure vessels must be stamped ASME and National Board registered.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and unfired pressure vessels regulated under Atomic Energy Act of 1954.
  2. Boilers and pressure vessels owned or operated by the federal government.
  3. Boilers located on farms, except in sales areas which are accessible to the public.
  4. Boilers located in single-family dwellings or multi-unit dwellings with four or fewer units.
  5. Storage water heaters and instantaneous water heaters if all the following limitations are not exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 200,000 BTU/HR (58.6 KW)
    2. A Water Temperature of 210 Degrees Fahrenheit
    3. A nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons
  6. Pressure vessels used for transportation of compressed gases if constructed and operated in compliance with  specifications and regulations of US Department of Transportation.
  7. Air tanks located on vehicles (used for carrying passengers or freight) operating under rules of other commonwealth agencies.
  8. Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads (under federal or other commonwealth agency jurisdiction) used directly in the operation of switches and signals under Federal or other Commonwealth Agency Jurisdictions.
  9. Vessels having an internal or external operating pressure of no more than 15 p.s.i. with no limitation on size when equipped with approved safety ASME Code Section VIII, Div.1 which do not exceed none of the following specifications:
    1. 5 cubic feet (0.14m3) in volume and 250 psi (1720 kPa) design pressure.
    2. 3 cubic feet (0.08m3) in volume and 350 psi (2410 kPa) design pressure.
    3. 1.5 cubic feet (0.04m3) in volume and 600 psi (4140 kPa) design pressure.
    4. Vessels having an inside diameter, width, height or cross section diagonal not exceeding 6 inches (152 mm), with no limitation on length of vessel or pressure.
  10. Unfired pressure vessels with a nominal water-containing capacity of up to 120 gallons containing water under pressure not exceeding 100 psi. These vessels include unfired pressure vessels that contain air, which is trapped in the system and where the compression air serves only as a cushion.
  11. Filters and softeners with a nominal water containing capacity of 120 gallons or less and pressures not exceeding 100 psi.
  12. Air conditioner heat exchangers (chillers) with a design pressure not more than 300 psi and a water temperature not more than 210° F.
  13. Coil-type hot water boilers which meet the requirements of ASME Code, Section I, paragraph, PG 2.3.



Item  Field Inspection
 Power boilers, internal and external  1 Year
 Miniature boilers  1 Year
 Low-pressure steam vapor, hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers  2 Years
 Unfired pressure vessels  3 Years
       Nuclear vessels: Type and frequency of inspection will be determined by the chief inspector.
  1. Power boiler internal inspections may be extended to 24 months if:
    1. Boiler water treatment is continuously under direct supervision of trained personnel.
    2. Recordkeeping shows date and time boiler out of service and why, and water condition based on daily sample analysis (illustrating elements which may cause corrosion).
    3. External inspections are performed by a commonwealth-commissioned inspector.
    4. Boiler is operated under direct supervision of qualified persons, and inspection records demonstrate no significant scaling, corrosion, or overheating.
  2. Process boiler internal inspections may be extended to 60 months if meeting the above criteria plus being in continuous operation and fully attended.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors of authorized insurance companies and companies operating vessels in Pennsylvania who have been commissioned by the section are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a boiler section inspector.
  2. Any person, firm, partnership or corporation operating boilers or pressure vessels in the commonwealth may seek approval and registration as an owner/user inspection agency through the Department of Labor and Industry.
Certificate of Operation, when approved, is issued by the boiler section for boilers and pressure vessels upon payment. Note: Please click on the following link for current fees:

  1. Unfired Pressure Vessel: $73.58
  2. Boilers: $44.97 (Annual)

  1. Fees became tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in October 2017 when Act 40 of 2017 came into law. Using the most recent CPI index published by the US Department of Labor, BOIS fees have an increase of 1.4% beginning on October 26, 2019. The link to the current fees is attached above. 



Service Fee
1. Certificates of Operation-Annual
  Unfired Pressure Vessel $73.58
  Boiler $44.97
2. Internal inspection of power boilers, high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers and miniature boilers
A. Boilers with heating surface of 50 sq. ft. or less
  Standard fee $66.43
  Expedited inspections $168.63
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
B. Boilers with heating surface of 51 to 3,999 sq. ft.
  Standard fee $127.75
  Expedited inspections $229.95
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
C. Boilers with heating surface of 4,000 to 9,999 sq. ft.
  Standard fee $178.85
  Expedited inspections $281.05
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
D. Boilers with heating surface of 10,000 sq. ft. or more
  Standard fee $214.62
  Expedited inspections $316.82
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
E. Miniature boilers
  Standard fee $35.77
  Expedited inspections $137.97
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
3. External inspection of power boilers, high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers
A. Boilers with heating surface of 50 sq. ft. or less
  Standard fee $56.21
  Expedited inspections $158.41
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
B. Boilers with more than 50 sq. ft. of heating surface
  Standard fee $81.76
  Expedited inspections $183.96
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
4. Internal or External inspection of low-pressure boilers
A. Heating boiler without a manhole
  Standard fee $56.21
  Expedited inspections $158.41
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
B. Heating boiler with a manhole
  Standard fee $102.20
  Expedited inspections $204.40
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
C. Hot water supply boiler/water heater
  Standard fee $56.21
  Expedited inspections $158.41
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
5. Internal or External inspection of pressure vessels
A. Each pressure vessel subject to inspection having a cross-sectional area of 50 sq. ft. or less
  Standard fee $45.99
  Expedited inspections $148.19
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
B. Each additional 100 sq. ft. of area in excess of 50 sq. ft.
  Standard fee $45.99
  Expedited inspections $148.19
Per each additional 100 sq. ft. in excess of 50 sq. ft. plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
6. "Intent to Install" approval
A. Complete mechanical room drawings - boilers and other vessels
  Standard fee $168.63
  Expedited approval $1,190.63
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
B. High-pressure boilers
  Standard fee $102.20
  Expedited approval $1,124.20
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
C. Low-pressure boilers
  Standard fee $102.20
  Expedited approval $1,124.20
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
7. Boiler Inspections
  Inspector's examination fee $153.30
  New credential card (annual renewal) $25.55
8. Hydrostatic test (witnessed)
  Standard fee $66.43
  Expedited action $168.63
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
9. Inspection of repair fee
  Standard fee $66.43
  Expedited inspections $168.63
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
10. Copy of department boiler regulations (including mailing expense) $7.00
11. Acceptance of boilers and pressure vessels not originally destined for use within this Commonwealth
  Standard fee $1,533.00
  Expedited action $2,555.00
Plus $163.52 per hour for inspections that occur outside of normal business hours
12. Industrial board variance, appeal and request for extension of time
  Standard fee $328.06
  Expedited request $1,350.06

*NOTE - Expedited inspection requests require the bureau to schedule an inspection within three days of when the request is received by the bureau. Expedited approval give the bureau seven days of when the request is received to complete a plan and application approval. Failed inspections require new inspection requests. Normal business hours are defined as Monday-Friday 8-5 p.m. Normal business hours do not include holidays where Commonwealth agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction are scheduled to be closed.

  1. A Reciprocal Commission may be issued to qualified inspectors in the employ of any state or authorized insurance company passing the Pennsylvania examination. Application shall be in writing on a department form and accompanied by a $153.30 fee.
  2. Inspector credential cards shall be renewed each year upon application by respective employers and accompanied by an annual $25.55 renewal fee.
  3. Operators of boilers and pressure vessels are required to be licensed by local option.
  4. Requirements for liquefied petroleum gas tanks and cylinders are covered under separate regulations of the department.
  5. Requirements for flammable and combustible liquids are covered under separate law and regulations of the department.
  6. Antique boilers are inspected under the Antique Boiler Law.
  7. Compressed natural gas fueling facilities are covered under separate regulations of the department.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Nancy Chiasson, Chief Boiler Inspector
Department of Agriculture and Land - Inspection Services
P.O. Box 2000
31 Gordon Drive
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 7N8
Telephone — 902.368.5567
Email —
Fax — 902.368.5526
Express mail only:
J. Elmer Blanchard Building
31 Gordon Drive
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
C1A 6B8 Canada
Lieutenant governor-in-council empowered to make regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: December 2, 2015.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1948.
Date of latest rules and regulations: November 2015.
Provincial statute: Statutes of Prince Edward Island, Chapter B-5. Boilers and Pressure Vessels Act, Sections 1 through 34.
  1. In Canada:
    1. CSA B51 (Current edition), B52 (Current edition), B-139 (Current edition), B-140 (Current edition), Z-305.1 (Current edition), CGA B-149.1 (Current edition), CGA B 149.2 (Current edition);
    2. ASME Code (Current edition, Current addendum), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, XI;*
    3. ANSI B31.1 (Current edition), B31.2 (Current edition), B31.3 (Current edition), B31.4 (Current edition), B31.5 (Current edition);
    4. National Board Inspection Code (2015 Edition).
    *Any addenda to the code or standards and any interpretations, rulings, or cases issued by ASME shall be deemed to be adopted upon publication when approved by the advisory board.
  2. Outside Canada: as above, plus ASME Code symbol stamp and National Board registration.
    1. Manufacturers must file a Manufacturer’s Data Report (ASME or CSA) for each boiler or pressure vessel installed in the province. Forms and nameplate stamping shall include CRN of the design to which unit was constructed;
    2. Special design or construction requires approval and registration by the chief inspector;
    3. Manufacturers must submit designs and specifications in duplicate to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Division for approval and registration before commencing fabrication of any boiler, pressure vessel, or pressure piping system for installation in the province;
    4. Manufacturers of valves, fittings, and similar pressure-retaining components must submit for approval and registration properly executed Statutory Declaration forms along with two copies of the catalogs or brochures detailing the products for which registration is sought. When component is a pressure-relieving device, rating sheets from The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors shall be included. Statutory Declaration forms are available from the province on request;
    5. All boilers, pressure vessels, and fittings installed after adoption of these regulations shall be constructed to a registered design.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R (accepted), VR.
  2. ASME Code: H, HLW, HV, M, N, NA, NPT, NV, S, U, U2, UV, V.
All boilers, pressure vessels, pressure plants, and pressure piping systems as provided for in the Boilers and Pressure Vessels Act and defined in the regulations, except:
  1. Power boilers having a rating of 10 kW per hour or less.
  2. Heating boilers having a rating of 20 kW per hour or less.
  3. Boilers fully vented to the atmosphere.
  4. Pressure vessels 6 inches or less in internal diameter (considered a fitting if operated above 15 psi).
  5. Pressure vessels used for hot-water storage when diameter is 24 inches or less.
  6. Pressure vessels operating at and with relief valves set at 15 psi.
  7. Pressure vessel used for a cushion tank in a closed, hot-water heating system when pressure is 30 psi or less and diameter is 24 inches or less.
  8. Refrigerating systems having a capacity of 10.5 kW.
One inspection before use and periodically thereafter. Normally:
  1. One annual external inspection.
  2. One annual internal inspection where service warrants.
Before initial operation, every new or secondhand boiler or pressure vessel must be inspected and have an inspection certificate issued by the inspector.
For the purpose of issuing a Certificate of Inspection, the chief inspector may accept a report submitted by a person regularly employed by an insurance company (licensed under the insurance act) and may issue a Certificate of Inspection based on that report.
Certificate of Inspection issued by an inspector authorizes the operation or use of a boiler, pressure vessel, or pressure plant from date of the certificate (unless withdrawn or canceled by the inspector).
  1. Fees for design registration and shop inspections:
    1. Boiler and pressure vessel design registration (depending on diameter and nature of design) - $300.00 CAD
    2. Fittings registration (depending on quantity) - $165.00 to $300.00 CAD
    3. Pressure piping design registration (depending on plant rating) - $75.00 to $240.00 CAD
    4. Larger systems (per 300 feet) - $85.00 CAD
    5. Minimum - $170.00 CAD
    6. Shop inspection per hour - $100.00 CAD
    7. Welder certification per hour - 100.00 CAD
  2. Fees for initial and periodic inspection:
    1. Boilers (depending on size) - $75.00 to $600.00 CAD
    2. Pressure vessels (depending on size) - $45.00 to $175.00 CAD
  1. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels manufactured outside Canada.
  2. Repairs by fusion welding must be performed by welders qualified in accordance with ASME Code Section IX.
  3. Welders’ tests are conducted by the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Division. All welders must be retested annually.
  4. A permit is required to make major repairs to a boiler, pressure vessel, or pressure piping system.
  5. All propane gas systems must be inspected by an inspector prior to filling.
  6. Medical gas piping is included within the scope of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act.
  7. Operator’s license is required to operate boilers above 439.5 kW's.
  8. A copy of the jurisdictional laws, rules and regulations may be obtained through:

    Island Information Services
    P.O. Box 2000
    Charlottetown, PE
    C1A 7N8 Canada

    or at




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Edgar Hernandez, Person of contact
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Department of Labor and Human Resources
P.R. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (PR OSHA)
Boiler and Elevator Division
505 Muñoz Rivera Avenue
Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00918
Telephone — 787.754.2172 Ext 3336
Email —
Fax — 787.767.6051
Mailing Address:
PO Box 195540
San Juan, PR 00919-5540
The Secretary of Labor and Human Resources of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Boilers & Pressure Vessels Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
DATE OF LAW PASSAGE: Law# 112,1939 – Regulation 17, 2004
Date of latest amendment to law: Special Rule #1- August, 1976.
Date rules and regulations implemented: November,1976.
Date of latest rules and regulations: April 2004
State statute: Regulation Number 17 of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety & Health, Regulation of Boilers and Pressure Vessels
  1. ASME Code (Current Edition), Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, XI, and code cases.
  2. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  3. ASME CSD-1 (Current edition).
  4. Owner must submit an Installation Permit Application to the PROSHA before installing a boiler.
  5. Any natural or legal person interested in obtaining a registration from the Department of Labor to manufacture, install, alter, or repair boilers, pressure vessels, or safety valves must file the corresponding application with the Secretary.
  6. National Board Inspection Code (Technical portions of the most recent edition).
  7. NFPA (85 Series for automatically fired boilers).
  8. Special design or construction requires approval of the Secretary of Labor and Human Resources.
  9. In the event of a discrepancy between any code and Regulation Number 17, the provisions of Regulation Number 17 prevail.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: all.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except definitions and exemptions as established by ASME Code.
Boilers and Pressure Vessels:
  1. One annual internal;
  2. One annual external and operational.
  1. Inspections are made by private inspectors and inspectors employed by insurance companies authorized by the Secretary of Labor and Human Resources. (Department of Labor and Human Resources does not make inspections).
  2. Inspectors are required to submit a monthly report to the Department.
Certificates must be posted in boiler rooms near the equipment.
  1. Inscription of equipment - $5.00
  2. Control Number for Registration Certificate - $1.00
  3. Installation permit application - $50.00
  4. Application for license examination - $100.00
  5. License renewal - $50.00
  6. Registry application - $10.00
The payments for these services will be made through check or money order in the name of the Secretary of the Commonwealth Treasury Department.
  1. Boiler inspectors must not have any interest or connection with the firm owning or operating the boiler or pressure vessel to be inspected.
  2. Examinations for a boiler and pressure vessel inspector’s license are held by the Department of Labor at least once a year.
  3. Owner is responsible for the operator’s knowledge of equipment.
  4. ANSI/API 510 (American Petroleum Institute Pressure Vessel Code) also accepted where applied.
  5. Contact the Assistant Secretary of PR OSHA at 787.754.2172 with any questions.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Aziz Khssassi,, AIA Program Coordinator, BPV Chief Inspector
Direction des équipement sous-pression
Régie du bâtiment du Québec
255, boul. Crémazie Est, 2e étage
Montréal, Québec H2M 1L5
Telephone — 514.873.0927
Email —
Fax — 514.873.9929
Mail box for design review and issuance of Canadian Registration Numbers (CRNs):
Email —
Mail box for questions or comments regarding quality control, certification and permits:
Mail box for questions or requests regarding inspection activities:
Email —
Government empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations by Orders and Council.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: January 2003.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1981.
Date of latest rules and regulations: March 2018.
Provincial statute: Quebec Revised Statutes, Chapter B-1.1. Building Act. (Umbrella act and replacing the Act Respecting
Pressure Vessels.)
  1. Provincial act and regulations (pressure vessels).
  2. CSA: B51, B52, N285.0.
  3. Welding according to ASME Code, Section IX.
  4. ASME BPVC, B31.1, B31.3, B31.5.
  5. Upon completion of construction, manufacturers must file a Manufacturer’s Data Report for each boiler or pressure vessel shipped to the province. When manufactured in the United States & Internationally, data report must be signed by a National Board-commissioned inspector and registered with the National Board.
  6. Manufacturers must submit copies of drawings and specifications for registration (Canadian Registration Number - CRN) with the department before commencing fabrication of any boiler or pressure vessel to be installed in Québec. For vessels manufactured outside Canada, name of the authorized inspection agency to be employed by the manufacturer must also be submitted along with request for registration.
  7. Before use, fitting manufacturers must submit copies of drawings, specifications, and statutory declaration form for registration with the department. In addition, submission of rating sheets from the National Board or other recognized agency is required for each type, size, and classification of pressure relief device to be registered.
  8. Drawings and design documentation (calculations or other) must be submitted electronically. (One stamped copy of the drawings will be returned to the applicant.)
  9. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition, Parts 3, 4).
Where applicable, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R (accepted).
  2. ASME Code: When manufactured in the United States and Internationally.
Stamping shall be in accordance with the applicable section of the ASME Code and include the Canadian registration number (CRN). The CRN and the drawing number that was used to obtain it must be indicated on the data report.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under supervision of the Department of Transport and subject to the inspection of the department.
  2. Low-pressure steam, hot-water, and thermal fluid boilers when heating surface does not exceed 30 square feet or when power output does not exceed 30 kW.
  3. High pressure boilers, whose heating surface is 30 square feet  or less or whose power is 10 kW or less;
  4. Open-circuit boilers whose pressure cannot exceed 15 psi and which have no valve between the boiler and vent (leading directly to the atmosphere).
  5. Hot-water or steam boilers having all the following characteristics:
    1. No steam drum or steam header;
    2. Tubes and coils are not used to produce steam;
    3. Manually operated nozzles or sprinklers that conduct the fluid directly into the atmosphere;
    4. Tubes have outside diameter not exceeding 1 inch, and the pipes have a nominal diameter not exceeding 3/4 inch;
    5. Water volume not exceeding 6 gallons;
    6. Temperature control device that prevents water temperature from exceeding 350°F;
    7. Overpressure safety relief device adjusted to and sealed at a pressure not exceeding the design pressure (indicated on the boiler).
  6. Water heaters with an inside diameter not exceeding 24 inches or with power output not exceeding 120 kW.
  7. Hot-water tanks with an inside diameter not exceeding 24 inches;
  8. Hot-water tanks not provided with a power source and containing water at a temperature of 210°F or less.
  9. Pressure vessels not provided with direct power source, containing vapor or gas whose pressure cannot exceed 15 psi or liquid whose vapor pressure cannot exceed 30 psi in absolute pressure at maximum operating temperature (exception does not apply to refrigerating systems).
  10. Pressure vessels used as the enclosure for gas pressurized electric equipment and any tank forming a part thereof.
  11. Hydropneumatic tanks with a diameter not exceeding 24 inches and with a volume not exceeding 16 cubic feet whose temperature is 150 °F or less;.
  12. Expansion tanks with a diameter not exceeding 24 inches and whose pressure is 205 kPa or less
  13. A mobile pressure vessel not forming part of a pressure installation and used to transport gas or liquid under pressure or used for the propulsion or operation of a vehicle, a vehicle component or equipment thereof;
  14. Pressure equipment whose primary design data and primary constraints come from the equipment’s operating conditions such as a pump, a compressor, a turbine, an engine or a hydraulic cylinder;
  15. Well control pressure equipment used in the petroleum, gas or geothermal prospection and
    exploitation industry and in the underground storage and intended to contain or control the well’s pressure;
  16. Pressure equipment used for research and experimentation purposes in a research or teaching
  17. A pressure vessel not provided with a direct power source and containing an incompressible liquid
    whose vapour pressure is 205 kPa or less in absolute pressure at the maximum operating temperature.
  18. Low-pressure piping and firefighting piping.
  1. Periodic/inservice inspection of boilers and pressure vessels is required according to an established schedule that sets frequency and type of inspection required, internal and external, according to each type of vessel.
  2. No periodic inspection is required for
    (1 a refrigeration pressure installation using an A1 or B1 refrigerant;
    (2 a blow-off / blow-down tank;
    (3)  an air tank installation whose authorized maximum operating pressure does not exceed 1,725 kPa, whose volume does not exceed 0.651 m3 and whose diameter does not exceed 0.61 m
  3. Periodic / Inservice inspection by an authorized person:
    1. Periodic inspection may be made by the holder of a Boiler & Pressure Vessel's Inspector Certificate, issued by the Provincial Department of Employment (Emploi - Québec). This person must be employed by an Inservice AIA (inspection and/or insurance company) recognized by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec - RBQ;
    2. Every time such an authorized person is called upon to inspect a pressure vessel or a boiler, he/she shall, in conformity with the regulations, complete a detailed inspection report and recommend the issuance of an inspection certificate when the object is deemed compliant and safe to operate.
    3. Certificate of Periodic Inspection is issued to its user by his Inservice AIA (RBQ or other).
Periodic inspections by inspection and/or insurance company inspectors are accepted by the department.

Inservice AIA (inspection and/or insurance company) recognized by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec - RBQ have a communication system in place that informs the RBQ about inspected objects.

  1. Insured objects are certified by the insurance company responsible for the inspection. Uninsured objects are certified by the department if the owner-user doesn't contract an inspection company (Inservice AIA).
  2. Validity of the periodic inspection certificate varies in accordance with the required frequency of periodic inspection.
  1. Fees for registration and inspection, are based on an hourly rate of $189.03 CAD. for the first hour and $94.52 per additional half hour. A $189.03 flat fee for traveling cost associated with inspection services.
  2. Fees for the review of a quality control manual and the verification of its implementation are also based on an hourly rate of $189.03 CAD. for the first hour and $94.52 per additional half hour.
The regulation contains a provision for automatic indexation of fees on April 1 of each year.
  1. Repairs or alterations on any boiler or pressure vessel must comply with NBIC-Part 3 and be performed by authorized repair organizations. Repair or alteration projects must be submitted to the department for approval.
  2. All welding procedures used on pressure equipment must be qualified in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Code. Qualification tests must be witnessed by the department. Welding procedures must be registered with the RBQ. Welders must also be qualified according to ASME Section IX.
  3. Operation of power plants, heating plants, and refrigeration plants must be done by licensed operators. Type of attendance required by operators depends on plant type and rating (kilowatt capacity).
  4. Installation approval by the RBQ is required for installation of any boiler or pressure vessel before it is put into operation.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.



Jose Taveras, Chief Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector
Department of Labor and Training
Division of Occupational Safety
P.O. Box 20157
Cranston, RI 02920-0942

Telephone — 401.462.8018
Email —
Fax — 401.462.8576

Express mail only:
1511 Pontiac Avenue, Building 70
Cranston, RI 02920-4407



The Administrator of Division of Occupational Safety empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.



Date of latest amendment to law: July 1985.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1989.
Date of latest rules and regulations: April 2019.
State statute: Rhode Island General Law, Title 28. Labor and Labor Relations, Chapter 25. Boiler Inspections and Pressure Vessels, Sections 1 through 23.






PART 2 – Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection


This regulation is promulgated pursuant to the authority granted in R.I. Gen.

Laws §§ 28-25-5 and 28-25-9.


To provide the public with information pertaining to the inspection of boilers and

pressure vessels.


These regulations hereby adopt and incorporate code of rules published by the

American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the National Board of Boiler and

Pressure Vessel Inspectors (2017) by reference, not including any further

editions or amendments thereof and only to the extent that the provisions therein

are not inconsistent with these regulations.


A. “Act” means the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act which was enacted as

R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 28-25.

B. “Administrator” means the Administrator of the Division of Occupational Safety is

appointed by the Director of Labor and is responsible for implementation and

enforcement of all provisions under R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 28-20.

C. “Alteration” means a change in any item described on the original Manufacturer's

Data Report which affects the pressure capability of the boiler or pressure vessel.

Non-physical changes such as an increase in the maximum allowable working

pressure (internal or external) or design temperature of a boiler or pressure

vessel shall be considered an alteration. A reduction in minimum temperature

such that additional mechanical tests are required shall also be considered an


D. “API-ASME code” means the American Petroleum Institute (API) in conjunction

with the ASME Code as used in these rules and regulations shall mean the Code

for unfired pressure vessels for petroleum liquids and gases.

E. “Approved” means approved by the Code Commission for Occupational Safety

and Health.

F. “ASME” means the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 345 E.

47th Street, New York, New York 10017.

G. “Authorized inspection agency” means any of the following:

1. a department or division established by a jurisdiction which has adopted

and does administer one or more sections of the ASME Code, one of

which shall be Section I as a legal requirement, and whose inspectors

hold valid commissions issued by The National Board of Boiler and

Pressure Vessel Inspectors;

2. an insurance company which has been licensed or registered by the

appropriate authority of a State of the United States or a Province of

Canada to write and does write boiler and pressure vessel insurance and

to provide inspection service of boilers and pressure vessels in such State

or Province.

H. “Boiler” means a closed vessel in which water or other liquid is heated, steam or

vapor is generated, steam or vapor is superheated, or any combination thereof,

under pressure or vacuum, for use external to itself, by the direct application of

energy from combustion of fuels, electricity or solar energy. The term boiler

includes fired units for heating or vaporizing liquids other than water where these

units are separate from processing systems and complete within themselves.

The term boiler also shall include the apparatus used by which heat is generated

and all controls and safety devices associated with such apparatus or the closed


1. “Power boiler” means a boiler in which steam or other vapor is generated

at a pressure of more than 15 psi.

2. “High pressure boiler” or “High-temperature boiler” means a boiler in which

water, oil, or other fluid is heated and intended for operation at pressures

in excess of 160 psi and/or temperatures in excess of 250 degrees


3. “Heating boiler” means a steam or vapor boiler operating at a pressure not

exceeding 15 psi steam pressure or a hot water boiler in which water or

other fluid is heated and intended for operation at pressures not exceeding

160 psi or temperatures not exceeding 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. “Electric boiler” means a power boiler or heating boiler in which the source

of heat is electricity.

5. “Miniature boiler” means a power boiler or high-temperature water boiler

which does not exceed the following limits:

a. 16" inside diameter of shell;

b. 20 sq. ft. heating surface (not applicable to electric boilers);

c. 5 cu. ft. gross volume exclusive of casing and insulation.

d. 100 psi maximum allowable working pressure.

6. “Unfired power boiler” means an unfired steam or other vapor generating

system using heat from the operation of a processing system or other

indirect heat source.

7. “Hot water supply boiler” means a boiler completely filled with water used

for storage and/or supply of hot water to be used externally to itself at

pressures not exceeding 160 psi or at temperatures not exceeding 250

degrees Fahrenheit at or near the boiler outlet.

8. “Portable boiler” means a boiler which is primarily intended for temporary

location and the construction and usage permits it to be readily moved

from one location to another.

I. “Certificate of competency” means a certificate issued to a person who has

passed the examination prescribed by the Administrator - See R.I. Gen. Laws §


J. “Certificate of inspection” means a certificate issued by the Administrator for the

operation of a boiler, pressure vessel or nuclear system as required by the Act.

K. “Certificate inspection” means an inspection, the report of which is used by the

Administrator as justification for issuing, withholding or revoking the inspection

certificate. This certificate inspection shall be an internal inspection when

required; otherwise, it shall be as complete an inspection as possible.

L. “Internal inspection” means as complete an examination as can reasonably be

made of the internal and external surfaces of a boiler or pressure vessel while it

is shut down and manhole plates, handhole plates or other inspection opening

closures are removed as required by the inspector.

M. “External inspection” means an inspection made when a boiler or pressure

vessel is in operation, if possible.

N. “Chief inspector” means the Chief Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector in the

Division of Occupational Safety is appointed by the Director of Labor and is

charged to administer and implement the provisions of this Chapter. The Chief

Inspector is responsible to the Administrator of Occupational Safety as outlined in

R.I. Gen. Laws § 28-25-3.

O. “Commission-National Board” means the commission issued by The National

Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors to a holder of a certificate of

competency who desires to make shop inspections or field inspections in

accordance with the National Board Bylaws and whose employer submits the

inspector's application to the National Board for such commission.

P. “Code commission” means the State of Rhode Island Code Commission on

Occupational Safety and Health.

Q. “Condemned boiler” and “Condemned pressure vessel” means a boiler or

pressure vessel that has been inspected and declared unsafe, or disqualified by

legal requirements, by an inspector and a stamping or marking designating its

condemnation has been applied by the Chief or Authorized Inspector.

R. “Director” means the Director of Labor or his duly authorized representative.

S. “Division” means the Division of Occupational Safety within the State Department

of Labor.

T. “Existing installation” means any boiler or pressure vessel constructed, installed,

placed in operation, or contracted for before July 1, 1985.

U. “Inspector” means the Chief Inspector, or any Authorized Inspector, or Owner-

User Inspector.

1. “Chief inspector” means the Chief Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector

appointed under the Act.

2. “Authorized inspector” means an Inspector employed by the State of

Rhode Island or an Authorized Insurance Company holding a Rhode

Island Certificate of Competency, and who is regularly employed by the

State or an Insurance Company authorized to insure against loss from

explosion of boilers or pressure vessels in this State.

3. “Owner-user inspector” means an Inspector who holds a valid National

Board Owner-User Commission who has passed the examination

prescribed by the Administrator and who is continuously employed as an

inspector by an owner-user inspection agency.

V. “Jurisdiction” means a State, commonwealth, county or municipality of the United

States or a Province of Canada which has adopted one or more sections of the

ASME Code, one of which is Section I, and maintains a duly constituted

department, bureau or division for the purpose of enforcement of such Code.

W. “Lined potable water heater” means a water heater with a corrosion resistant

lining used to supply potable hot water.

X. “National Board” means the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel

Inspectors, (NB) l055 Crupper Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43229, whose

membership is composed of the Chief Inspectors of jurisdictions who are

charged with the enforcement of the provisions of the ASME Code.

Y. “National Board inspection code” means the manual for boiler and pressure

vessel inspectors published by the National Board from which copies may be


Z. “New boiler” or “New pressure vessel installation” means all boilers and pressure

vessels constructed, installed, placed in operation or contracted for after July,


AA. “Nonstandard boiler or pressure vessel” means a boiler or pressure vessel that

does not bear the ASME stamp, the API-ASME stamp, or the stamp of any

jurisdiction which has adopted a standard of construction equivalent to that

required by the Department.

BB. “Owner” or “User” means any person, firm or corporation legally responsible for

the safe installation, operation and maintenance of any boiler or pressure vessel

within the jurisdiction.

CC. “Owner-user inspection agency” means an owner or user of pressure vessels

who maintains a regularly established inspection department, whose organization

and inspection procedures meet the requirements of the National Board rules

and are acceptable to the Division.

DD. “Pressure vessel” means a vessel in which the pressure is obtained from an

external source, or by the application of heat from an indirect source, or from a

direct source other than those boilers defined in § 2.4(H) of this Part.

EE. “PSI” means pounds per square inch gauge.

FF. “Reinstalled boiler” or “Reinstalled pressure vessel” means a boiler or pressure

vessel removed from its original setting and reinstalled at the same location or at

a new location without change or ownership.

GG. “Relief valve” means a pressure relief valve actuated by inlet static pressure

having a gradual lift generally proportional to the increase in pressure over

opening pressure. It may be provided with an enclosed spring housing suitable

for closed discharge system application and is primarily used for liquid service.

HH. “Repair” means the work necessary to restore a boiler or pressure vessel to a

safe and satisfactory condition, provided there is no deviation from the original


II. “Repair of pressure relief valve” means the replacement, re-machining or

cleaning of any critical part, lapping of seat and disk or any other operation which

may affect the flow passage, capacity function or pressure retaining ability of the

valve. Disassembly, reassembly and/or adjustments which affect the pressure

relief valve function are also considered a repair.

JJ. “Safety relief valve” means a pressure relief valve characterized by rapid opening

or pop action, or by opening in proportion to the increase in pressure over

opening pressure, depending on application.

KK. “Safety valve” means a pressure relief valve actuated by inlet static pressure and

characterized by rapid opening or pop action.

LL. “Second-hand boiler” or “Second-hand pressure vessel” means a boiler or

pressure vessel which has changed both location and ownership since primary


MM. “Standard boiler” or “Standard pressure vessel” means a boiler or pressure

vessel which bears the stamp of this State, the ASME stamp, the API-ASME

stamp, both the ASME and National Board stamp, or the stamp of another

jurisdiction which has adopted a standard of construction equivalent to that

required by the Board.

NN. “Water heater” means a closed vessel used exclusively to supply potable water

which is heated by the combustion of fuels, electricity or any other source and

withdrawn for use external to the system at pressures not exceeding 160 psi and

shall include all controls and devices necessary to prevent water temperatures

from exceeding 210 degrees Fahrenheit as well as storage vessel connected to

the water.


2.5.1 Minimum Construction Standards for Boilers and Pressure Vessels:

A. All boilers, pressure vessels, water heaters and storage tanks, unless otherwise

exempt, shall be registered with the Department of Labor and Training. All new

boilers, pressure vessels, water heaters, and storage tanks unless otherwise

exempt, to be operated in this jurisdiction, shall be designed, constructed,

inspected, stamped and installed in accordance with the 2017 ASME Code and

the latest addenda including code cases in effect, and these rules and

regulations. Boilers and pressure vessels for which an ASME Manufacturers'

Data Report is required shall bear the manufacturer's "NB" number as registered

with the National Board. A copy of the Manufacturers' Data Report, signed by the

manufacturer's representative and the National Board commissioned inspector

shall be filed with the Chief Inspector through the National Board.

B. State Special - If, due to a valid impediment to full ASME Code compliance, a

boiler or pressure vessel cannot bear the ASME and National Board stamping,

details in the English language and United States customary units of the

proposed construction material specifications and calculations approved by a

Registered Professional Engineer experienced in boiler and pressure vessel

design shall be submitted to the Administrator by the owner or user for approval

as "State Special" which must be obtained from the Administrator before

construction is started.

C. Before a second-hand boiler or pressure vessel, is installed, application for

permission to install it shall be filed by the owner or user with the Chief Inspector

and his approval obtained.

D. The following shall be exempt from the 2017 ASME Code construction

requirements of § 2.5.1(A) of this Part.

1. Water heaters and water storage tanks where none of the following

limitations are exceeded:

a. Heat input of 200,000 BTU/Hr;

b. Water temperature of 210 degrees Fahrenheit;

c. Nominal water capacity of 120 gallons; except that they shall be

provided with one or more safety relief valves meeting the

requirements of § 2.7.6 of this Part.

2. Continuous coil type hot water boilers used only for "steam vapor"

cleaning of such things as machinery, equipment and building when none

of the following limitations are exceeded:

a. 3/4" diameter tubing or pipe size with no drums or headers


b. Nominal water containing capacity does not exceed six (6) gallons;

c. Water temperature does not exceed 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

d. Steam is not generated within the coil, except that they shall be

provided with one or more safety relief valves meeting the

requirements of § 2.6.6 of this Part.

3. In any circumstances other than the above, the owner or user shall

contact the Chief Inspector.

2.5.2 Frequency of Inspections of Boilers and Pressure Vessels

A. Power boilers and high-pressure, high temperature water boilers shall receive an

inspection annually which shall be an internal inspection where construction

permits; otherwise, it shall be as complete an inspection as possible. Such

boilers shall also be inspected externally annually while under normal operating


B. Low pressure boilers, hot water heaters, and hot water storage tanks shall

receive an inspection biennially.

1. Steam or vapor boilers shall have an external inspection and an internal

inspection biennially where construction permits.

2. Hot water heating and hot water supply boilers shall have an external

inspection biennially and where construction permits, an internal

inspection at the discretion of the inspector.

3. Water Heaters including hot water storage tanks shall have an external

inspection biennially and shall include the function of all controls and


C. Except as provided for in §§ 2.5.2(D) and (E) of this Part, unfired pressure

vessels shall receive an inspection triennially. This inspection shall be internal

where construction permits. Pressure vessels not subject to internal corrosion

shall be inspected externally.

D. Pressure vessels that are under the supervision of an owner-user inspection

agency shall be inspected at the same interval unless otherwise agreed upon by

the Chief Inspector with that Agency.

E. Based upon documentation of safe service conditions by the owner or user of the

operating equipment and after an external inspection by the Chief Inspector, said

Chief Inspector may, in his discretion, permit variations in the inspection

frequency requirements as provided in these Rules and Regulations.

2.5.3 Notification of Inspection

A. Certificate inspection, as required in § 2.5.2 of this Part, shall be carried out prior

to the expiration date of the certificate at a time mutually agreeable to the

inspector and owner or user.

B. External inspections may be performed by the inspector during reasonable hours

and without prior notification in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 28-25-7.

C. When as a result of external inspection or determination by other objective

means it is the inspector's opinion that continued operation of the boiler or

pressure vessel constitutes a menace to public safety, the inspector may request

an internal inspection or an appropriate pressure test or both to evaluate

conditions. In such instances the owner or user shall prepare the boiler or

pressure vessel for such inspections or tests as the inspector designates in

accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 28-25-7.

2.5.4 Examination for an Inspector's Certificate of Competency

A. Examination for an inspector's certificate of competency may be held at the office

of the Division or at any other location to be selected by the Administrator. An

applicant for an examination shall have education and experience equal to at

least one of the following:

1. a degree in mechanical engineering plus one year of experience in design,

construction, operation or inspection of high-pressure boilers and pressure


2. a degree in a branch of engineering, other than mechanical engineering or

an associate degree in mechanical technology plus two years of

experience in design, construction, operation inspection of high pressure

boilers and pressure vessels;

3. the equivalent of a high school education plus three years of experience:

a. in high pressure boiler and pressure vessel construction or repair;


b. as an operating engineer in charge of high-pressure boiler

operation; or

c. as an inspector of high-pressure boilers and pressure vessels.

B. Applications for examination shall be in writing on a form to be furnished by the

Administrator stating the education of the applicant, a list of his employers, his

period of employment and position held with each employer. Applications

containing willful falsifications or untruthful statements shall be cause for

rejection. Applications shall be submitted to the Chief Inspector at least 45 days

prior to the date of examination.

C. If the applicant's education and experience are acceptable to the Administrator,

he shall be given a written examination dealing with the design, construction,

maintenance and repair of boilers and pressure vessels and their appurtenances,

and the applicant shall be accepted or rejected on the merits of this examination.

If the applicant is successful in meeting the requirements of the Division, a

certificate of competency will be issued by the Administrator, when the applicant

is employed by an authorized inspection agency. Upon the expiration of 90 days,

an applicant who failed to pass the examination will be permitted to take another

written examination and his acceptance or rejection will be determined by the

Administrator on the basis of this examination.

2.5.5 Examination Fees

A fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) will be charged for each applicant taking the

examination for a certificate of competency.

2.5.6 Certificate of Competency and Identification Card

A. Upon request of his employer, a certificate of competency and an identification

card may be issued by the Administrator to:

1. a boiler and pressure vessel inspector employed by the State of Rhode


2. an inspector who is employed by an insurance company which is

authorized to insure and does insure against loss from explosions of

boilers and pressure vessels in the State of Rhode Island.

3. an inspector employed as described in either §§ 2.5.6(A)(1) or (2) of this part who conducts shop reviews or field inspections of new boilers or pressure vessels in accordance with the 2017 ASME Code requirements.

4. an inspector who is continuously employed by a company which operates

pressure vessels in this State and has a valid owner-user inspection

agency agreement as provided in § 2.5.11 of this Part, provided that the

applicant has satisfactorily passed the examination as set forth in § 2.5.11

of this Part or provided that (s)he holds a valid commission or certificate of

competency from a State that has a standard of examination substantially

equal to that of this jurisdiction and a valid commission and a current

commission card issued by the National Board. The request for the

certificate of competency and identification card shall be completed on

forms to be provided by the Administrator and shall be accompanied by,

when applicable, a facsimile of the applicant's commission and

commission card, certificate of competency and identification card as

named above, and a fee of sixty dollars ($60.00).

5. The certificate of competency and valid identification card shall be

returned to the Administrator when the inspector to whom they were

issued is no longer employed by the organization employing him at the

time that the certificate was issued.

6. Each person holding a valid certification of competency and who conducts

inspections as provided by the Act shall apply to the chief on

request email, employer letter head and obtain a renewal identification card annually, not later

than March 31 of each year. A fee of $30.00 for each card shall

accompany each application.

7. An inspector's certificate of competency may be suspended by the

chief after due investigation by the Chief

Inspector for adequate and just cause. Written notice of any such

suspension shall be given by the Administrator, within not more than 10

days, to the inspector and his employer. Persons whose certificates of

competency have been suspended shall be entitled to an appeal to the

Administrator as provided for in the Act and to be present in person and

represented by counsel at the hearing of the appeal.

2.5.7 Conflict of Interest

An inspector shall not engage in the sale of any services, article or device

relating to boilers, pressure vessels, or their appurtenances.

2.5.8 Inspection Reports to be Submitted by Inspectors

A. Inspectors employed by an Insurance Company shall, within one year of the

effective date of these rules and regulations for boilers and three years for

pressure vessels, submit to the Chief Inspector an inspection report on Form NB-

5 of NATIONAL BOARD INSPECTION CODE for each boiler and pressure

vessel subject to inspection in this State. Complete data shall be submitted on

Form NB-5 for each non-standard boiler or pressure vessel.

B. Subsequent inspections by authorized insurance inspectors, of both standard

and non-standard boilers and pressure vessels shall be reported on Form NB-6


C. Inspection reports are required in §§ 2.5.8(A) and (B) of this Part above shall be

submitted within 21 days from date of the completion of the inspection.

D. Owner-user inspection agencies shall report in accordance with §§ 2.5.8(B) and

(C) of this Part or upon forms acceptable to the Chief Inspector or Administrator,

which shall be filed as provided in § 2.5.11 of this Part.

2.5.9 Insurance Companies to Notify Chief Inspector of New, Cancelled or

Suspended Insurance on Boilers or Pressure Vessels

All insurance companies shall notify the Chief Inspector within 30 days, of all

boilers or pressure vessels on which insurance is written, cancelled, not renewed

or suspended because of unsafe conditions.

2.5.10 Authorized Inspectors to Notify Chief Inspector of Unsafe Boilers or

Pressure Vessels

If an authorized inspector, upon first inspection of a new risk, finds that a boiler or

pressure vessel or any appurtenance thereof, is in such condition that his

company would refuse insurance or that it does not comply with jurisdictional

rules, the company shall immediately notify the Chief Inspector and submit a

report on the defects. If, upon inspection, an authorized inspector finds a boiler or

pressure vessel to be unsafe for further operation, he shall promptly notify the

owner or user, stating what repairs or other corrective measures are required to

bring the object into compliance with these rules and regulations. Unless the

owner or user makes such repairs or adopts such other corrective measures

promptly, the authorized inspector shall immediately notify the Chief Inspector.

Until such corrections have been made no further operation of the boiler or

pressure vessel involved shall be permitted. If an inspection certificate for the

object is required and is in force, it shall be suspended by the Chief Inspector.

When re-inspection establishes that the necessary repairs have been made or

corrective actions have been taken and that the boiler or pressure vessel is safe

to operate, the Chief Inspector shall be notified by report. At that time an

inspection certificate, where applicable, will be issued.

2.5.11 Owner-User Inspection Agency

A. Any person, firm partnership, or corporation operating pressure vessels in this

jurisdiction may seek approval and registration as an owner-user inspection

agency by filing an application with the Administrator on prescribed forms and

request approval by the Division. Each such application shall be accompanied by

a fee of sixty dollars (60.00) bond in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand

dollars ($25,000) which shall continue to be valid during the time the approval

and registration of the company as an owner-user inspection agency is in effect.

B. Application and registration shall show the name of such agency and its principal

address in this State, and the name and address of the person or persons having

supervision over inspections made by said agency. Changes in supervisory

personnel shall be reported to the Administrator with 30 days after any such


C. Each owner-user inspection agency as required by the provisions of the Act and

these rules and regulations shall:

1. conduct inspections of pressure vessels,not exempt by the Act, utilizing

only qualified inspection personnel, as provided in § 2.5.6 of this Part.

2. retain on file at the location where the equipment is inspected, a true

record or copy of each of the latest inspection reports signed by the


3. execute and deliver to the Chief Inspector and those responsible for the

operation of the pressure vessel, a true report of each inspection together

with appropriate requirements or recommendations that result from such


4. promptly notify the Chief Inspector of any pressure vessel which does not

meet the requirements for safety;

5. maintain inspection records which will include a list of each pressure

vessel covered by the Act, showing a serial number and such abbreviated

descriptions as may be necessary for identification, the date of last

inspection of each unit and approximate date for the next inspection,

arrived at by applying the appropriate rules to all data available at the time

such inspection record is compiled.

6. Regarding frequency and type of inspection, see § 2.5.2 of this Part. Such

inspection record shall be readily available for examination by the Chief

Inspector or his authorized representative during business hours.

2.5.12 Defective Conditions Disclosed at Time of External Inspection

If, upon an external inspection, there is evidence of a leak or crack, sufficient

covering of the boiler or pressure vessel shall be removed to permit the inspector

to satisfactorily determine the safety of the boiler or pressure vessel. If the

covering cannot be removed at that time, he may order the operation of the boiler

or pressure vessel stopped until such time as the covering can be removed and

proper examination made.

2.5.13 Owner or User to Notify Chief Inspector of Accident

When an accident occurs to a boiler, pressure vessel, power piping or process

piping, the owner or user shall promptly notify the Chief Inspector by submitting a

detailed report of the accident. In the event of a personal injury or any explosion,

notice shall be given immediately by telephone, telegraph or messenger, and

neither the boiler, pressure vessel, power piping or process piping, nor any parts

thereof, shall be removed or disturbed before permission has been granted by

the Chief Inspector, except for the purpose of saving human life and limiting

consequential damage.

2.5.14 Inspection Certificate and Inspection Fees

A. Certificate Inspection by Authorized Insurance Inspectors or State Inspectors

1. If, after inspection by an authorized insurance inspector or state inspector,

a boiler or pressure vessel is found to be safe and in conformance with

these rules and regulations, the owner or user shall pay directly to the

jurisdiction a biennial certificate fee of sixty ($60.00) dollars for each boiler

which shall include hot water heaters. A triennial certificate fee of forty-five

($45.00) shall be assessed for each unfired pressure vessel inspected

under the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 28-25.

B. Certificate Inspection by Authorized Owner/User Inspection Agency

1. If a boiler or pressure vessel after inspection, by an authorized owner/user

inspection agency is found to be suitable and to conform to these rules

and regulations, the owner or user shall pay directly to the jurisdiction a

fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) for each boiler or pressure vessel required to

be inspected under the Act upon which an inspection certificate shall be

issued in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 28-25-10 and 28-25-11.

Checks and money orders for payment of inspection certificate fees

should be made payable to the Department of Labor, Division of

Occupational Safety, Boiler Unit.

C. Certificate Inspection by State Inspector

1. The owner or user of a boiler or pressure vessel required by this Act to be

inspected by the Chief Inspector, or by an authorized State inspector, shall

pay directly to the Division of Occupational Safety, upon completion of

inspection, fees in accordance with the following schedule:

2. Power boilers and high pressure, high temperature water boilers: $96.00

a. External Inspections Fees: $60.00

3. Heating Boilers

a. Certificate and Inspection Fees: $60.00 Biennially

(1) A fee shall be assessed for inspections of boilers and

storage tanks at the same location not to exceed $240.00

biennially per location.

4. For boilers where the only source of heat is electrical energy, the fee shall

be $60.00 biennially.

5. Pressure Vessels

a. Certificate and Inspection Fees

(1) Each pressure vessel shall be subject to inspection every

three (3) years and shall be charged at a rate of $45.00.

(2) A group of pressure vessels, such as the rolls of a paper

machine or dryer operating as a single machine or unit, shall

be considered as one pressure vessel.

(3) Not more than one fee shall be charged or collected for any

and all inspections as above of any pressure vessels in any

required inspection period except as provided below.

6. Hydrostatic tests

a. When it is necessary to make a special trip to witness the

application of a hydrostatic test, an additional fee based on the

scale of fees outlined in § 2.5.14(C)(7) of this Part below shall be


7. All other inspections, including reviews and surveys, shop inspections,

special inspections, and inspections of second-hand or used boilers, or

pressure vessels made by the Chief Inspector or authorized inspector

employed by the State of Rhode Island shall be charged at the rate of not

less than $190.00 for 1/4 day (2 Hrs.), $275.00 1/2 day (4 Hrs.), or

$500.00 for one full day, including travel time, plus all expenses, including

traveling, meals and lodging, where applicable. Minimum charge shall be

1/4 day ($190.00).

D. Disposition of fees - The Administrator shall account for and transfer all fees so

received to the Treasurer of the State.

E. If the owner or user of a boiler or pressure vessel or system, which is required to

be inspected refuses to allow an inspection to be made or refuses to pay the fee

stipulated above, the inspection certificate shall be suspended by the Chief

Inspector until the owner or user complies with the requirements.

F. The owner or user who causes a boiler or pressure vessel or system to be

operated without a valid certificate shall be subject to the penalty as provided for

in the Act.

G. Fees for Services

1. Hydrostatic tests by state inspections $100.00

2. Repair and alteration permit $100.00

3. Return visits for violations/charged to contractors $100.00

4. Return check fee $25.00

5. Overdue invoices $25.00

6. Certificate replacement fee $10.00

7. Portable boiler permits $300.00

2.5.15 Validity of Inspection Certificate

An inspection certificate, issued in accordance with § 2.5.14 of this Part shall be

valid until expiration unless some defect or condition affecting the safety of the

boiler or pressure vessel is disclosed provided, however, that a certificate issued

for a boiler or pressure vessel inspected by an authorized inspector employed by

an insurance company shall be valid only if the boiler or pressure vessel for

which it was issued continues to be insured by a duly authorized insurance


2.5.16 Restamping Boilers and Pressure Vessels

When the stamping on a boiler or pressure vessel becomes indistinct, the

inspector shall instruct the owner or user to have it re-stamped. Request for

permission to re-stamp the boiler or pressure vessel shall be made to the Chief

Inspector and proof of the original stamping shall accompany the request. The

Chief Inspector may grant such authorization. Re-stamping authorized by the

Chief Inspector shall be done only in the presence of an authorized inspector,

and shall be identical with the original stamping except for the ASME Code

Symbol Stamp. Notice of completion of such stamping shall be filed with the

Chief Inspector by the inspector who witnessed the stamping on the boiler or

pressure vessel together with a facsimile of the stamping applied.

2.5.17 Penalty for Operation of Unsafe Boilers or Pressure Vessels

A. If, upon inspection, a boiler or pressure vessel is found to be in such condition

that it is unsafe to operate, the inspector shall notify the Chief Inspector and the

inspection certificate may be suspended by the Chief Inspector.

B. Any person, firm, partnership or corporation causing such objects to continue to

be operated shall be subject to the penalty provided in the Act.

2.5.18 Condemned Boilers and Pressure Vessels

A. Any boiler or pressure vessel having been inspected and declared unfit for

further service by an inspector shall be stamped by the Chief Inspector or a

deputy inspector on either side of the State number with the letters "XXX" as

shown by the following facsimile, which will designate a condemned boiler or

pressure vessel:

B. Any person, firm, partnership, or corporation using or offering for sale a

condemned boiler or pressure vessel for operation within this State shall be

subject to the penalties provided by the Act.

2.5.19 Reinstallation of Boilers or Pressure Vessels

When a standard boiler or pressure vessel located in this jurisdiction is to be

moved outside the jurisdiction for temporary use or for repair, alteration, or

modification, application shall be made by the owner or user to the Chief

Inspector for permission to reinstall the boiler or pressure vessel in the

jurisdiction. When a non-standard boiler or pressure vessel is removed from this

State, it shall not be reinstalled within this State.

2.5.20 Installation, Operation, Sale or Offering for Sale of Non-Standard Boilers or

Pressure Vessels

The installation, operation, sale or the offering for sale of non-standard boilers or

pressure vessels in this jurisdiction is prohibited without permission from the

Chief Inspector.

2.5.21 Installation of Used or Second-Hand Boilers or Pressure Vessels

Before a used or second-hand boiler or pressure vessel can be shipped for

installation in this State, an inspection must be made by an inspector qualified by

this jurisdiction or by an inspector holding a valid National Board Commission,

and data submitted by him shall be filed by the owner or user of the boiler or

pressure vessel with the Chief Inspector for his approval. Such boilers and

pressure vessels when installed in the jurisdiction shall be equipped with fittings

and appurtenances that comply with the rules and regulations for new


2.5.22 Reinstalled Boilers or Pressure Vessels

When a stationary boiler or pressure vessel is moved and reinstalled, the

attached fittings and appurtenances shall comply with these rules and regulations

for new installations.

2.5.23Working Pressure for Existing Installations

Any authorized inspector may decrease the working pressure on any existing

installation if the condition of the boiler or pressure vessel warrants it. If the

owner or user does not concur with the inspector's decision, the owner or user

may appeal to the Administrator who may request a joint inspection by the Chief

Inspector and the authorized inspector. The Chief Inspector shall render his

report to the Administrator and the Administrator shall render the final decision,

based upon the data contained in the inspector's reports.

2.5.24 Repairs and Alterations to Boilers & Pressure Vessels

A. Repairs and alterations to boilers and pressure vessels shall be made in

accordance with the rules of the National Board Inspection Codes latest edition.

Repairs shall be made by a repair organization having one of the following types

of authorization:

1. an organization in possession of a valid Certificate of Authorization for use

of the "R" Symbol Stamp, issued by the National Board.

2. an organization in possession of a valid ASME Certificate of Authorization

provided such repairs are within the scope of the organization's Quality

Control System.

3. an organization working within the State provided authorization for the

organization to perform such repairs has been issued by the Chief


B. Alterations to a boiler or pressure vessel shall be made by an organization in

possession of a valid ASME Certificate of Authorization.

2.5.25 Repairs to Pressure Relief Valves

A. Repairs to pressure relief valves shall be made only by an organization which

holds a valid Certification of Authorization for use of the National Board Pressure

Relief Valve Repair "VR" Symbol Stamp. The initial installation testing and

adjustments of a new pressure relief valve on a boiler or pressure vessel are not

considered a repair, if made by the manufacturer or assembler of the valve.

B. The Chief Inspector may authorize properly trained and qualified employees of

boiler and pressure vessel users or their designees to make adjustments to set

pressure and/or blow-down to pressure relief valves owned by them, provided

the adjusted settings and/or capacities and the date of the adjustment are

recorded on a metal tag secured to the seal wire. All external adjustments shall

be resealed showing the identification of the organization making the

adjustments. A record of all external adjustments shall be maintained and made

available to the inspector.

C. No person shall attempt to remove or do any work on any safety appliance

prescribed by these rules and regulations while the appliance is subject to


D. Should any of these appliances be removed for repair during an outage of a

boiler or pressure vessel, they must be reinstalled and in proper working order

before the object is again placed in service.

E. No person shall alter any safety or safety relief valves or pressure relief devices

in any manner to maintain a working pressure in excess of that stated on the

boiler or pressure vessel inspection certificate.

2.5.26 Riveted Patches

In applying riveted patches, the design of the patch and method of installation

shall be in accordance with the National Board Inspection Code, 1973 Edition.

Approval for such repairs must be obtained from the chief inspector prior to

making such repairs.

2.5.27 Requirements for New Installations

A. In accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 28-25-10, any person erecting or installing a

new or second-hand boiler or pressure vessel shall first make application for a

permit to install to the Division of Occupational Safety, Boiler Unit. A permit fee of

one hundred twenty dollars ($120.00) will be required for all heating boilers (low

pressure) and a fee of three hundred dollars ($300.00) for all power boilers (high

pressure). The installer of such installations must record his/her Pipefitter Master

I license number on the permit application.

B. All new and second-hand item installations shall comply with the general

requirements of these regulations. In addition, applicable sections of these

regulations that pertain to the specific requirements for items falling into

categories outlined in § 2.5.3 of this Part, shall be followed.

1. No boiler or pressure vessel shall hereafter be installed in this State

unless it has been constructed in accordance with ASME Code,

incorporated above, registered with the National Board and installed in

conformity with these rules and regulations except:

a. those exempt by the Act;

b. those outlined in § 2.5.1(B) of this Part

2. The stamping shall not be concealed by lagging or paint and shall be

exposed at all times unless a suitable record is kept of the location of the

stamping so that it may be readily uncovered at any time this may be


2.5.28 Application of State Serial Numbers

A. Upon completion of the installation of a boiler or pressure vessel, or at the time of

the initial certificate inspection of an existing installation each boiler or pressure

vessel shall be identified by the inspector with a serial number of the State,

consisting of letters and figures to be not less than 5/16 inch in height and

arranged as follows:

B. All cast iron, low-pressure heating boilers shall have securely attached to the

front of the boiler a corrosion resistant metal tag or suitable tag allowed by

construction code which shall have the serial number of the State stamped

thereon. All pressure vessels constructed of cast iron, or of material of such

thickness that it should not be stamped, shall have securely attached a corrosion

resistant metal tag and or suitable tag allowed by the construction code, which

shall have the serial number of the State stamped thereon.

2.5.29 Variations

A. Any person who believes the rules and regulations promulgated under R.I. Gen.

Laws Chapter 28-25 impose an undue burden upon the owner or user, may

request a variation from such rule or regulation. The request for variation shall be

made to the Administrator of Occupational Safety in writing and shall specify how

equivalent safety is to be maintained. The Administrator, after investigation and

such hearing as it may direct, may grant such variation from the terms of any rule

or regulation provided such special conditions as may be specified are

maintained in order to provide equivalent safety.

B. Any person denied a variance under § 2.5.30 of this Part may grieve such

determination by submitting such appeal in writing to the Occupational Safety

and Health Review Board. Said board, created by R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 28-20,

shall hear evidence concerning such action and determine whether said variation

does, in fact, provide for equivalent safety.

C. When there is a reason to believe, or upon receipt of a complaint that a variation

does not provide freedom from danger equivalent to the published rule or

regulation, the Administrator or Chief Inspector by direction after notice to the

owner or user and complainant, and after hearing and investigation as it may

direct, may continue in force, suspend, revoke, or modify the conditions specified

in any variation. No declaration, act or omission of the Administrator or of the

Chief Inspector, or authorized inspectors other than a written order authorizing a

variation as permitted above, shall be deemed to exempt, either wholly or in part,

expressly or implied, any owner or user from full compliance with the terms of

any rule or regulation.

2.5.30 Penalties

Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of these rules and

regulations shall be charged with a violation and may be subject to a fine not to

exceed $500.00 per day for each such violation. The Department of Labor shall

impose said fine on the installer of new construction or the owner/user of existing

boilers or pressure vessels as provided for in R.I. Gen. Laws § 28-25-16. Each

day of such operation in violation of the provisions shall be considered a

separate offense.


2.6.1 EBO-1 Age Limit of Existing Boilers

A. The age limit of any boiler of nonstandard construction, installed prior to the date

the Act became effective, shall be 30 years except that, a boiler having other

than lap-riveted longitudinal joint, after a thorough internal and external

inspection, and when required by the inspector, a hydrostatic pressure test of 1-

1/2 times the allowable working pressure held for a period of at least 30 minutes

during which no distress or leakage develops, may be continued in operation at

the working pressure determined by § 2.6.3 of this Part.. The age limit of any

nonstandard boiler having lap-riveted longitudinal joints and operating at a

pressure in excess of 50 psi shall be 20 years. This type of boiler, when removed

from an existing setting, shall not be reinstalled for a pressure in excess of 15

psi. A reasonable time for replacement, not to exceed one year, may be given at

the discretion of the Chief Inspector.

B. The age limit of boilers of standard construction installed prior to the date this law

became effective shall be dependent on thorough internal and external

inspection and where required by the inspector, a hydrostatic pressure test not

exceeding 1-1/2 times the allowable working pressure. If the boiler, under these

test conditions, exhibits no distress or leakage, it may be continued in operation

at the working pressure determined by § 2.6.2 of this Part.

C. The shell or drum of a boiler in which a lap seam crack develops along a

longitudinal lap-riveted joint shall be condemned. A lap seam crack is a crack

found in lap seams extending parallel to the longitudinal joint and located either

between or adjacent to rivet holes.

2.6.2 EBO-2 Maximum Allowable Working Pressure for Standard Boiler

The maximum allowable working pressure for standard boilers shall be

determined in accordance with the applicable provisions of the edition of the

ASME Code under which they were constructed and stamped.

2.6.3 EBO-3 Maximum Allowable Working Pressure for Nonstandard Boilers

A. The maximum allowable working pressure for boilers fabricated by riveting shall

be determined by the applicable rules of the 1971 Edition of Section I of the

ASME Code.

B. The lowest factor of safety permissible on existing installations shall be 5.0,

except for horizontal-return- tubular boilers having continuous longitudinal lap

seams more than 12 ft. in length, the factor of safety shall be 8. When this latter

type of boilers is removed from its existing setting, it shall not be reinstalled for

pressures in excess of 15 psi.

C. The maximum allowable working pressure for boilers of welded construction in

service may not exceed that allowable in Section I of the 2017 ASME Code,

incorporated above, for new boilers of the same construction.

D. The maximum allowable working pressure on the shell of a boiler or drum shall

be determined by the strength of the weakest course computed from the

thickness of the plate, the tensile strength of the plate, the efficiency of the

longitudinal joint, the inside diameter of the course, and the factor of safety

allowed by these rules in accordance with the following formula:

1. TStE = maximum allowable working pressure, psi RFS where:

a. TS = specified minimum tensile strength of shell plate material.

When the tensile strength of steel or wrought-iron shell plate is not

known, it shall be taken as 55,000 psi for steel and 45,000 psi for


b. t = minimum thickness of shell plate in weakest course, in inches.

c. E = efficiency of longitudinal joint, method of determining which is

given in Paragraph PG-27 of Section I of the ASME Code.

d. R = inside radius of the weakest course of the shell or drum, in


e. FS = factor of safety which shall be at least 5.0.

E. The inspector may increase the factor of safety, if the condition and safety of the

boiler warrants it.

2.6.4 EBO-4 Cast Iron Headers and Mud Drums

The maximum allowable working pressure on a water tube boiler, the tubes of

which are secured to cast iron or malleable iron headers, or which have cast iron

mud drums, shall not exceed 160 psi.

2.6.5 EBO-5 Pressure on Cast Iron Boilers

The maximum allowable working pressure for any cast iron boiler, except hot

water boilers, shall be 15 psi. See §§ 2.7.1, 2.7.2, and 2.7.4 of this Part.

2.6.6 EBO-6 Safety Valves

A. The use of weighted-lever safety valves or safety valves having either the seat or

disc of cast iron are prohibited; valves of this type of construction shall be

replaced by direct spring loaded, pop-type valves that conform to the

requirements of 2017 ASME Code, Section I.

B. Each boiler shall have at least one ASME/NB Stamped and certified safety valve,

and if it has more than 500 sq. ft. of water-heating surface, or an electric power

input of more than 1100 KW, it shall have two or more safety valves of the same


C. The valve or valves shall be connected to the boiler, independent of any other

steam connection; and attached as close as possible to the boiler, without

unnecessary intervening pipe or fittings. Where alteration is required to conform

to this requirement, owners or users shall be allowed reasonable time in which to

complete the work as permitted by the Chief Inspector.

D. No valves of any description shall be placed between the safety valve and the

boiler nor on the escape pipe, if used. When an escape pipe is used, it shall be at

least the full size of the safety valve discharge and fitted with an open drain to

prevent water lodging in the upper part of the safety valve or in the escape pipe.

When an elbow is placed on a safety valve escape pipe, it shall be located close

to the safety valve outlet or the escape pipe shall be anchored and supported

securely. All safety discharges shall be so located or piped as to be carried clear

from walkways or platforms.

E. The safety valve capacity of each boiler shall be such that the safety valve or

valves will discharge all the steam that can be generated by the boiler without

allowing the pressure to rise more than six percent (6%) above the highest

pressure to which any valve is set, and in no case to more than six percent (6%)

above the maximum allowing working pressure.

F. One or more safety valves on every boiler shall be set at or below the maximum

allowable working pressure. The remaining valves may be set within a range of

three percent (3%) above the maximum allowable working pressure, but the

range of setting of all the safety valves on a boiler shall not exceed ten percent

(10%) of the highest pressure to which any valve is set.

G. When boilers of different maximum allowable working pressures with minimum

safety valve settings varying more than six percent are so connected that steam

can flow toward the lower pressure units, the latter shall be protected by

additional safety valve capacity, if necessary, on the lower pressure side of the

system. The additional safety valve capacity shall be based upon the maximum

amount of steam which can flow into the lower pressure system.

H. In those cases where the boiler is supplied with feed-water directly from water

mains without the use of feeding apparatus (not to include return traps), no safety

valve shall be set at a pressure greater than 94 percent of the lowest pressure

obtained in the supply main feeding the boiler.

I. The relieving capacity of the safety valves on any boiler shall be checked by one

of the three following methods and, if found to be insufficient, additional valves

shall be provided:

1. by making an accumulation test, which consists of shutting off all other

steam discharge outlets from the boiler and forcing the fires to the

maximum. The safety valve capacity shall be sufficient to prevent a rise of

pressure in excess of six percent (6%) of the maximum allowable working

pressure. This method should not be used on a boiler with a super-heater

or re-heater;

2. by measuring the maximum amount of fuel that can be burned and

computing the corresponding evaporative capacity (steam generating

capacity) upon the basis of the heating value of this fuel. These

computations shall be made as outlined in the Appendix of the 2017

ASME Code, Section I;

3. by measuring the maximum amount of feed-water that can be evaporated;

J. When either of the methods outlined in § 2.6.6(I)(2) and (3) of this Part is

employed, the sum of the safety valve capacities shall be equal to or greater than

the maximum evaporative capacity (maximum steam generating capacity) of the


2.6.7 EBO-7 Boiler Feeding

A. Each boiler shall have a feed supply which will permit it to be fed at any time

while under pressure.

B. A boiler having more than 500 sq. ft. of water heating surface shall have at least

two suitable means of feeding, at least one of which shall be a feed pump. A

source of feed at a pressure 6 percent greater than the set pressure of the safety

valve with the highest setting may be considered one of the means. Boilers fired

by gaseous, liquid, or solid fuel in suspension may be equipped with a single

means of feeding water provided means are furnished for the shutoff of heat

input prior to the water level reaching the lowest safe level.

C. The feed-water shall be introduced into a boiler in such a manner that the water

will not be discharged directly against surfaces exposed to gases of high

temperature or to direct radiation from the fire. For pressures of 400 psi or over,

the feed-water inlet through the drum shall be fitted with shields, sleeves, or other

suitable means to reduce the effects of temperature differentials in the shell or


D. The feed piping to the boiler shall be provided with a check valve near the boiler

and a valve or cock between the check valve and the boiler. When two or more

boilers are fed from a common source, there shall also be a valve on the branch

to each boiler between the check valve and the source of supply. Whenever a

globe valve is used on feed piping, the inlet shall be under the disc of the valve.

E. In all cases where returns are fed back to the boiler by gravity, there shall be a

check valve and stop valve in each return line, the stop valve to be placed

between the boiler and the check valve, and both shall be located as close to the

boiler as is practicable. It is recommended that no stop valves be placed in the

supply and return pipe connections of a single boiler installation.

F. Where de-aerating heaters are not employed, it is recommended that the

temperature of the feed-water be not less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid

the possibility of setting up localized stress. Where de-aerating heaters are

employed, it is recommended that the minimum feed-water temperature be not

less than 215 degrees Fahrenheit so that dissolved gases may be thoroughly


2.6.8 EBO-8 Water Level Indicators

A. Each boiler, except forced-flow steam generators with no fixed steam and

waterline, and high-temperature water boilers of the forced circulation type that

have no steam and water-line, shall have at least one water gage glass. Boilers

operated at pressures over 400 psi shall be provided with two water gage

glasses which may be connected to a single water column or connected directly

to the drum.

B. Two independent remote level indicators may be provided instead of one of the

two required gage glasses for boiler drum water level indication in the case of

power boilers with all drum safety valves set at or above 900 psi. When both

remote level indicators are in reliable operation, the remaining gage glass may

be shut off, but shall be maintained in serviceable condition.

C. When the direct reading of gage glass water level is not readily visible to the

operator in his working area, two dependable indirect indications shall be

provided, either by transmission of the gage glass image or by remote indicators.

D. The lowest visible part of the water gage glass shall be at least 2 in. above the

lowest permissible water level, at which level there will be no danger of

overheating any part of the boiler when in operation at that level. When remote

level indication is provided for the operator in lieu of the gage glass, the same

minimum level reference shall be clearly marked.

E. Connections from the boiler to the remote level indicator shall be at least 3/4-inch

pipe size to and including the isolation valve and from there to the remote level

indicator at least 1/2 in. O.D. tubing. These connections shall be completely

independent of other connections for any function other than water level

indication. For pressures of 400 psi or over, lower connections to drums shall be

provided with shields, sleeves, or other suitable means to reduce temperature

differentials in the shells or heads.

F. Boilers of the horizontal fire-tube type shall be so set that when the water is at

the lowest reading in the water gage glass there shall be at least 3 in. of water

over the highest point of the tubes, flues, or crown sheets.

G. Boilers of locomotives type shall have at least one water glass provided with top

and bottom shutoff cocks and lamp, and two gage cocks for boilers 36 in. in

diameter and under, and three gage cocks for boilers over 36 in. in diameter.

H. The lowest gage cock and the lowest reading of water glass shall not be less

than 2 in. above the highest point of crown sheet on boilers 36 in. in diameter

and under, nor less than 3 in. for boilers over 36 in. in diameter. These are

minimum dimensions, and on larger locomotives and those operating on steep

grades, the height should be increased, if necessary, to compensate for change

of water level on descending grades.

I. The bottom mounting for water glass and for water column if used must extend

not less than 1-1/2 in. inside the boiler and beyond any obstacle immediately

above it, and the passage therein must be straight and horizontal.

J. Tubular water glasses must be equipped with a protecting shield.

K. All connections on the gage glass shall be not less than 1/2 in. pipe size. Each

water-gage glass shall be fitted with a drain cock or valve having an unrestricted

drain opening of not less than 1/4 in. diameter to facilitate cleaning. When the

boiler operating pressure exceeds 100 psi the glass shall be furnished with a

connection to install a valved drain to the ash pit or other safe discharge point.

L. Each water gage glass shall be equipped with a top and a bottom shutoff valve of

such through-flow construction as to prevent stoppage by deposits of sediments.

If the lowest valve is more than 7 ft. above the floor or platform from which it is

operated, the operating mechanism shall indicate by its position whether the

valve is open or closed. The pressure-temperature rating shall be at least equal

to that of the lowest set pressure of any safety valve on the boiler drum and the

corresponding saturated-steam temperature.

M. Straight-run globe valves, shall not be used on such connection.

N. Automatic shutoff valves, if permitted to be used, shall conform to the

requirements of Section I of the 2017 ASME Code.

2.6.9 EBO-9 Water Columns

A. The water column shall be so mounted that it will maintain its correct position

relative to the normal waterline under operating conditions.

B. The minimum size of pipes connecting the water column to a boiler shall be 1 in.

For pressures of 400 psi or over, lower water column connections to drums shall

be provided with shields, sleeves, or other suitable means to reduce the effect of

temperature differentials in the shells or heads. Water glass fittings or gage

cocks may be connected directly to the boiler.

C. The steam and water connections to a water column or a water gage glass shall

be such that they are readily accessible for internal inspection and cleaning.

Some acceptable methods of meeting this requirement are by providing a cross

or fitting with a back outlet at each right-angle turn to permit inspection and

cleaning in both directions, or by using pipe bends or fittings of a type which does

not leave an internal shoulder or pocket in the pipe connection and with a radius

of curvature which will permit the passage of a rotary cleaner.

D. Screwed plug closures using threaded connections as allowed by Section I of the

2017 ASME Code are acceptable means of access for this inspection and

cleaning. For boilers with all drum safety valves set at or above 400 psi, socketwelded

plugs may be used for this purpose in lieu of screwed plugs. The water

column shall be fitted with a connection for a drain cock or drain valve to install a

pipe of at least 3/4 in. pipe size to the ash pit or other safe point of discharge. If

the water connection to the water column has a rising bend or pocket which

cannot be drained by means of the water-column drain, an additional drain shall

be placed on this connection in order that it may be blown off to clear any

sediment from the pipe.

E. The design and material of a water column shall comply with the requirements of

Section I of the 2017 ASME Code. Water column made of cast iron in

accordance with SA-278 may be used for maximum boiler pressures not

exceeding 250 psi. Water columns made of ductile iron in accordance with SA-

395 may be used for maximum boiler pressure not exceeding 350 psi. For higher

pressures, steel construction shall be used.

F. Shutoff valves shall not be used in the pipe connections between a boiler and a

water column or between a boiler and the shutoff valves required for the gage

glass, unless they are either outside-screw-and-yoke or lever-lifting type gate

valves or stopcocks with lever permanently fastened thereto and marked in line

with their passage, or of such other through-flow construction as to prevent

stoppage by deposits of sediment, and to indicate by the position of the operating

mechanism whether they are in open or closed position; and such valves or

cocks shall be locked or sealed open. Where stop cocks are used, they shall be

of a type with the plug held in place by a guard or gland.

G. No outlet connections, except for control devices (such as damper regulators and

feed-water regulators), drains, steam gages, or apparatus of such form as does

not permit the escape of an appreciable amount of steam or water therefrom

shall be placed on the pipes connecting a water column or gage glass to a boiler.

2.6.10 EBO-10 Gage Glass Connections

A. Gage glasses and gage cocks that are not connected directly to a shell or drum

of the boiler shall be connected by one of the following methods:

1. The water gage glass or glasses and gage cocks shall be connected to an

intervening water column.

2. When only water gage glasses are used, they may be mounted away from

the shell or drum and the water column omitted, provided the following

requirements are met:

3. The top and bottom gage glass fittings are aligned, supported, and

secured so as to maintain the alignment of the gage glass; and

4. The steam and water connections are not less than 1 in. pipe size and

each water glass is provided with a valved drain; and

5. The steam and water connections comply with the requirements of the


B. The lower edge of the steam connection to a water column or gage glass in the

boiler shall not be below the highest visible water level in the water gage glass.

There shall be no sag or offset in the piping which will permit the accumulation of

water; and

C. The upper edge of the water connection to a water column or gage glass and the

boiler shall not be above the lowest visible water level in the gage glass. No part

of this pipe connection shall be above the point of connection at the water


D. Each boiler (except those not requiring water level indicators) shall have three or

more gage cocks located within the visible length of the water glass, except when

the boiler has two water glasses located on the same horizontal lines.

E. Boilers not over 36 in. in diameter in which the heating surface does not exceed

100 sq. ft. need have but two gage cocks.

F. The gage cock connections shall be not less than 1/2 in. pipe size.

2.6.11 EBO-11 Pressure Gages

A. Each boiler shall have a pressure gage so located that it is easily readable. The

pressure gage shall be installed so that it shall at all times indicate the pressure

in the boiler. Each steam boiler shall have the pressure gage connected to the

steam space or to the water column or its steam connection. A valve or cock

shall be placed in the gage connection adjacent to the gage. An additional valve

or cock may be located near the boiler providing it is locked or sealed in the open

position. No other shutoff valves shall be located between the gage and the

boiler. The pipe connection shall be of ample size and arranged so that it may be

cleared by blowing out. For a steam boiler the gage or connection shall contain a

siphon or equivalent device which will develop and maintain a water seal that will

prevent steam from entering the gage tube. Pressure gage connections shall be

suitable for the maximum allowable working pressure and temperature, but if the

temperature exceeds 406 degrees Fahrenheit, brass or copper pipe or tubing

shall not be used. The connections to the boiler, except the siphon, if used, shall

not be less than 1/4 in. inside diameter standard pipe size but where steel or

wrought-iron pipe or tubing is used they shall not be less than 1/2 in. The

minimum size of a siphon, if used, shall be 1/4 in. inside diameter. The dial of the

pressure gage shall be graduated to approximately double the pressure at which

the safety valve is set, but in no case to less than 1-1/2 times this pressure.

B. Each forced-flow steam generator with no fixed steam and water line shall be

equipped with pressure gages or other pressure measuring devices located as


1. At the boiler or super-heater outlet (following the last section which

involves absorption of heat), and

2. At the boiler or economizer inlet (preceding any section which involves

absorption of heat), and

3. Upstream of any shutoff valve which may be used between any two

sections of the heat absorbing surface.

C. Each high-temperature water boiler shall have a temperature gage so located

and connected that it shall be easily readable. The temperature gage shall be

installed so that it at all times indicates the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit of

the water in the boiler, at or near the outlet connection.

2.6.12 EBO-12 Stop Valves

A. Each steam outlet from a boiler (except safety valve and water column

connections) shall be fitted with a stop valve located as close as practicable to

the boiler.

B. When a stop valve is so located that water can accumulate, ample drains shall

be provided. The drainage shall be piped to a safe location and shall not be

discharged on the top of the boiler or its setting.

C. When boilers provided with manholes are connected to a common steam main,

the steam connected from each boiler shall be fitted with two stop valves having

an ample free blow drain between them. The discharge of the drain shall be

visible to the operator while manipulating the valves and shall be piped clear of

the boiler setting. The stop valves shall consist preferably of one automatic nonreturn

valve (set next to the boiler) and a second valve of the outside-screw-andyoke


2.6.13 EBO-13 Blow-off Piping

A. A blow-off as required herein is defined as a pipe connection provided with

valves located in the external piping through which the water in the boiler may be

blown out under pressure, excepting drains such as are used on water columns,

gage glasses, or piping to feed-water regulators, etc., used for the purpose of

determining the operating condition of such equipment. Piping connections used

primarily for continuous operation, such as de-concentrators on continuous blowdown

systems, are not classed as blow-off’s but the pipe connections and all

fittings up to and including the first shutoff valve shall be equal at least to the

pressure requirements for the lowest set pressure of any safety valve on the

boiler drum and with the corresponding saturated-steam temperature.

B. A surface blow-off shall not exceed 2-1/2 in. pipe size, and the internal pipe and

the terminal connection for the external pipe, when used, shall form a continuous

passage, but with clearance between their ends and arranged so that the

removal of either will not disturb the other. A properly designed steel bushing,

similar to or the equivalent of those shown in Fig. PG-59.1 of Section I of the

2017 ASME Code or a flanged connection shall be used.

C. Each boiler except forced-flow steam generators with no fixed steam and

waterline and high-temperature water boilers shall have a bottom blow-off outlet

in direct connection with the lowest water space practicable for external piping

conforming to PG-58.3.6 of Section I of the 2017 ASME Code.

D. All water walls and water screens which do not drain back into the boiler, and all

integral economizers, shall be equipped with outlet connections for a blow-off or

drain line and conform to the requirements of PG-58.3.7 of the 2017 ASME


E. Except as permitted for miniature boilers, the minimum size of pipe and fittings

shall be 1 in., and the maximum size shall be 2-1/2 in., except that for boilers with

100 sq. ft. of heating surface or less, the minimum size of pipe and fittings may

be 3/4 in.

F. Condensate return connections of the same size or larger than the size herein

specified may be used, and the blow-off may be connected to them. In such case

the blow-off shall be so located that the connection may be completely drained.

G. A bottom blow-off pipe when exposed to direct furnace heat shall be protected by

firebrick or other heat resisting material which is so arranged that the pipe may

be inspected.

H. An opening in the boiler setting for a blow-off pipe shall be arranged to provide

free expansion and contraction.

2.6.14 EBO-14 Repairs and Renewals of Boiler Fittings and Appliances

Whenever repairs are made to fittings or appliances or it becomes necessary to

replace them, the work shall comply with the requirements for new installations.

2.6.15 EBO-15 Conditions Not Covered by These Requirements

All cases not specifically covered by these requirements shall be treated as new

installations or may be referred to the Chief Inspector for instructions concerning

the requirements.


2.7.1 EHB-1 Standard Boilers

The maximum allowable working pressure of standard boilers shall in no case

exceed the pressure indicated by the manufacturer's identification stamped or

cast on the boiler or on a plate secured to it.

2.7.2 EHB-2 Nonstandard Riveted Boilers

The maximum allowable working pressure on the shell of a nonstandard riveted

heating boiler shall be determined in accordance with § 2.6.3 of this Part. Power

Boilers, except that in no case shall the maximum allowable working pressure of

a steam heating boiler exceed 15 psi, or a hot water boiler exceed 160 psi or 250

degrees Fahrenheit temperature.

2.7.3 EHB-3 Nonstandard Welded Boilers

The maximum allowable working pressure of a nonstandard steel or wrought iron

heating boiler of welded construction shall not exceed 15 psi for steam. For other

than steam service, the maximum allowable working pressure shall be calculated

in accordance with Section IV of the 2017 ASME Code, but in no case shall it

exceed 30 psi.

2.7.4 EHB-4 Nonstandard Cast Iron Boilers

A. The maximum allowable working pressure of a nonstandard boiler composed

principally of cast iron shall not exceed 15 psi for steam service or 30 psi for hot

water service.

B. The maximum allowable working pressure of a nonstandard boiler having cast

iron shell or heads and steel or wrought iron tubes shall not exceed 15 psi for

steam service or 30 psi for hot water service.

2.7.5 EHB-5 Potable Water Heaters

A potable water heater shall not be installed or used as a heating boiler.

2.7.6 EHB-6 Safety Valves

A. Each steam boiler shall have one or more ASME/National Board certified and

stamped safety valves of the spring pop-type adjusted and sealed to discharge at

a pressure not to exceed 15 psi. Seals shall be attached in a manner to prevent

the valve from being taken apart without breaking the seal. The safety valves

shall be arranged so that they cannot be reset to relieve at a higher pressure

than the maximum allowable working pressure on the boiler. A body drain

connection below seat level shall be provided by the manufacturer and this drain

shall not be plugged during or after field inspection. For valves exceeding 2 in.

pipe size, the drain hole or holes shall be tapped not less than 3/8 in. pipe size.

For valves less than 2 in., the drain hole shall not be less than 1/4 in. in diameter.

B. No safety valve for a steam boiler shall be smaller than 1/2 in. No safety valve

shall be larger than 4-1/2 in. The inlet opening shall have an inside diameter

equal to, or greater than, the seat diameter.

C. The minimum relieving capacity of the valve or valves shall be governed by the

capacity marking on the boiler.

D. The minimum valve capacity in pounds per hour shall be the greater of that

determined by dividing the maximum BTU output at the boiler nozzle obtained by

the firing of any fuel for which the unit is installed by 1000, or shall be determined

on the basis of the pounds of steam generated per hour per square foot of boiler

heating surface as given in § 2.7.6(D)(1) of this Part in text. In many cases a

greater relieving capacity of valves than the minimum specified by these rules will

have to be provided. In every case, the requirements shall be met.

1. Table



Firetube Boilers Watertube Boilers

Boiler Heating Surface:

Hand Fired 5 6

Stoker fired 7 8

Oil, gas, or pulverized fuel fired

Waterwall Heating Surface:

Hand fired 8 8

Stoker fired 10 12

Oil, gas, or pulverized fuel 14 16

2. When a boiler is fired only by a gas giving a heat value not in excess of

200 BTU per cu. ft., the minimum safety valve or safety relief valve

relieving capacity may be based on the value given for hand-fired boilers


3. The minimum safety valve or safety relief valve relieving capacity for

electric boilers shall be 3-1/2 pounds per hour per kilowatt input.

4. For heating surface determination see 2017 ASME Code Section IV.

paragraph HG-403.

E. The safety valve capacity for each steam boiler shall be such that with the fuel

burning equipment installed, and operating at maximum capacity, the pressure

cannot rise more than 5 psi above the maximum allowable working pressure.

F. When operating conditions are changed, or additional boiler heating surface is

installed, the valve capacity shall be increased, if necessary, to meet the new

conditions and be in accordance with § 2.7.6 of this Part) in text. When additional

valves are required, they may be installed on the outlet piping provided there is

no intervening valve.

G. If there is any doubt as to the capacity of the safety valve, an accumulation test

shall be run. (See 2017 ASME Code, Section VI, Recommended Rules for Care

and Operation of Heating Boilers.)

H. No valve of any description shall be placed between the safety valve and the

boiler, nor on the discharge pipe between the safety valve and the atmosphere.

The discharge pipe shall be at least full size and be fitted with an open drain to

prevent water lodging in the upper part of the safety valve or in the discharge

pipe. When an elbow is placed on the safety valve discharge pipe, it shall be

located close to the safety valve outlet or the discharge pipe shall be securely

anchored and supported. All safety valve discharges shall be so located or piped

as not to endanger persons working in the area.

2.7.7 EHB-7 Safety Relief Valve Requirements for Hot Water Heating and Hot

Water Supply Boilers

A. Each hot water heating and hot water supply boiler shall have at least one

ASME/National Board stamped and certified safety relief valve set to relieve at or

below the maximum allowable working pressure of the boiler. Each hot water

supply boiler shall have at least one ASME/National Board stamped and certified

safety relief valve of the automatic reseating type set to relieve at or below

maximum allowable working pressure of the boiler. Safety relief valves

ASME/National Board stamped and certified as to capacity shall have pop action

when tested by steam. When more than one safety relief valve is used on either

hot water heating or hot water supply boiler, the additional valve or valves shall

be ASME rated and may be set within a range not to exceed 6 psi above the

maximum allowable working pressure of the boiler up to and including 60 psi and

5 percent for those having a maximum allowable working pressure exceeding 60

psi. Safety relief valves shall be spring loaded. Safety relief valves shall be so

arranged that they cannot be reset at a higher pressure than the maximum

permitted by this paragraph.

B. No materials liable to fail due to deterioration or vulcanization when subject to

saturated steam temperature corresponding to capacity test pressure shall be

used for any part.

C. No safety relief valve shall be smaller than 3/4 in. nor larger than 4-1/2 in.

standard pipe size, except that boilers having a heat input not greater than

15,000 BTU per hour may be equipped with a safety relief valve of 1/2 in.

standard pipe size. The inlet opening shall have an inside diameter

approximately equal to, or greater than, the seat diameter. In no case shall the

minimum opening through any part of the valve be less than 1/4 in. in diameter or

its equivalent area.

D. The required steam relieving capacity, in pounds per hour, of the pressure

relieving device or devices on a boiler shall be the greater of that determined by

dividing the maximum output in BTU at the boiler nozzle obtained by the firing of

any fuel for which the unit is installed by 1,000 or shall be determined on the

basis of pounds of steam generated per hour per square foot of boiler heating

surface as given in § 2.7.6(D)(1) of this Part. In many cases a greater relieving

capacity of valves will have to be provided than the minimum specified by these

rules. In every case, the requirements of § 2.7.7(F) of this Part shall be met.

E. When operating conditions are changed, or additional boiler heating surface is

installed, the valve capacity shall be increased, if necessary, to meet the new

conditions and shall be in accordance with § 2.7.7(F) of this Part. The additional

valves required, on account of changed conditions, may be installed on the outlet

piping provided there is no intervening valve.

F. Safety relief valve capacity for each boiler shall be such that, with the fuel

burning equipment installed and operated at maximum capacity, the pressure

cannot rise more than 10 percent above the maximum allowable working

pressure for pressure. When more than one safety relief valve is used, the over

pressure shall be limited to 10 percent above the set pressure of the highest set

valve allowed by § 2.7.6(A) of this Part in text.

G. If there is any doubt as to the capacity of the safety relief valve, an accumulation

test shall be run. (See 2017 ASME Code, Section VI, Recommended Rules for

Care and Operation of Heating Boilers.)

H. No valve of any description shall be placed between the safety relief valve and

the boiler, nor on the discharge pipe between the safety relief valve and the

atmosphere. The discharge pipe shall be not less than the diameter of the safety

relief valve and fitted with an open drain to prevent water lodging in the upper

part of the safety relief valve or in the discharge pipe. When an elbow is placed

on the safety relief valve discharge pipe, it shall be located close to the safety

relief valve outlet or the discharge pipe shall be securely anchored and

supported. All safety relief valve discharges shall be so located or piped as not to

endanger persons working in the area.

2.7.8 EHB-8 Steam Gages

A. Each steam boiler shall have a steam gage or a compound steam gage

connected to its steam space or to its water column or to its steam connection.

The gage or connection shall contain a siphon or equivalent device which will

develop and maintain a water seal that will prevent steam from entering the gage

tube. The connection shall be so arranged that the gage cannot be shut off from

the boiler except by a cock placed in the pipe at the gage and provided with a tee

or lever handle arranged to be parallel to the pipe in which it is located when the

cock is open. The connections to the boiler shall be not less than 1/4 in. standard

pipe size, but where steel or wrought iron pipe or tubing is used, they shall be not

less than 1/2 in. standard pipe size. The minimum size of a siphon, if used, shall

be 1/4 in. in inside diameter. Ferrous and nonferrous tubing having inside

diameters at least equal to that of standard pipe sizes listed above may be

substituted for pipe.

B. The scale on the dial of a steam boiler gage shall be graduated to not less than

30 psi nor more than 60 psi. The travel of the pointer from 0 to 30 psi pressure

shall be at least 3 in.

2.7.9 EHB-9 Pressure or Altitude Gages and Thermometers

A. Each hot water boiler shall have a pressure or altitude gage connected to it or to

its flow connection in such a manner that it cannot be shut off from the boiler

except by a cock with tee or lever handle, placed on the pipe near the gage. The

handle of the cock shall be parallel to the pipe in which it is located when the

cock is open.

B. The scale on the dial of the pressure or altitude gage shall be graduated

approximately to not less than 1-1/2 nor more than three times the pressure at

which the safety relief valve is set.

C. Piping or tubing for pressure-or altitude-gage connections shall be of nonferrous

metal when smaller than 1 in. pipe size.

D. Each hot water boiler shall have a thermometer so located and connected that it

shall be easily readable when observing the water pressure or altitude. The

thermometer shall be so located that it shall at all times indicate the temperature

in degrees Fahrenheit of the water in the boiler at or near the outlet.

2.7.10 EHB-10 Water Gage Glasses

A. Each steam boiler shall have one or more water gage glasses attached to the

water column or boiler by means of valved fittings not less than 1/2 in. pipe size,

with the lower fitting provided with a drain valve of a type having an unrestricted

drain opening not less than 1/4 in. in diameter to facilitate cleaning. Gage glass

replacement shall be possible under pressure. Water glass fittings may be

attached directly to a boiler.

B. Boilers having an internal vertical height of less than 10 in. may be equipped with

a water level indicator of the Glass Bull's-Eye type provided the indicator is of

sufficient size to show the water at both normal operating and low water cutoff


C. The lowest visible part of the water gage glass shall be at least 1 in. above the

lowest permissible water level recommended by the boiler manufacturer. With

the boiler operating at this lowest permissible water level, there shall be no

danger of overheating any part of the boiler.

D. Each boiler shall be provided at the time of the manufacture with a permanent

marker indicating the lowest permissible water level. The marker shall be

stamped, etched, or cast in metal; or it shall be a metallic plate attached by

rivets, screws, or welding; or it shall consist of material with documented tests

showing its suitability as a permanent marking for the application. This marker

shall be visible at all times. Where the boiler is shipped with a jacket, this marker

may be located on the jacket.

E. In electric boilers of the submerged electrode type, the water gage shall be so

located to indicate the water levels both at startup and under maximum steal load

conditions as established by the manufacturer.

F. In electric boilers of the resistance heating element type the lowest visible part of

the water gage glass shall not be below the top of the electric resistance heating

element. Each boiler of this type shall also be equipped with an automatic lowwater

electrical power cutoff so located as to automatically cut off the power

supply before the surface of the water falls below the top of the electrical

resistance heating elements.

G. Tubular water glasses on electric boilers having a normal water content not

exceeding 100 gal. shall be equipped with a protective shield.

2.7.11 EHB-11 Stop Valves

A. When a stop valve is used in the supply pipe connection of a single steam boiler,

there shall be one used in the return pipe connection.

B. Stop valves in single hot water heating boilers shall be located at an accessible

point in the supply and return pipe connections as near the boiler nozzle as is

convenient and practicable, of a single hot water heating boiler installation to

permit draining the boiler without emptying the system.

C. When the boiler is located above the system and can be drained without draining

the system, stop valves may be eliminated. A stop valve shall be used in each

supply and return pipe connection of two or more boilers connected to a common


D. All valves or cocks shall conform with the applicable portions of HF-203 of

Section IV of the 2017 ASME Code and may be ferrous or nonferrous.

E. The minimum pressure rating of all valves or cocks shall be at least equal to the

pressure stamped upon the boiler, and the temperature rating of such valves or

cocks, including all internal components shall be not less than 250 degrees


F. Valves or cocks shall be flanged, threaded or have ends suitable for welding or


G. All valves or cocks with stems or spindles shall have adjustable pressure type

packing glands and, in addition, all plug type cocks shall be equipped with a

guard or gland. The plug or other operating mechanism shall be distinctly marked

in line with the passage to indicate whether it is opened or closed.

H. All valves or cocks shall have tight closure when under boiler hydrostatic test


I. When stop valves are used, they shall be properly designated substantially by

tags of metal or other durable material fastened to them as follows:

1. Supply Valve - Number ( )

2. Do Not Close Without Also Closing Return Valve - Number ( )

3. Return Valve - Number ( )

4. Do Not Close Without Also Closing Supply Valve - Number ( )

2.7.12 EHB-12 Feed-Water Connections

A. Feed-water, makeup water, or water treatment shall be introduced into a boiler

through the return piping system. Alternatively, makeup water or water treatment

may be introduced through an independent connection. The water flow from the

independent connection shall not discharge directly against parts of the boiler

exposed to direct radiant heat from the fire. Makeup water or water treatment

shall not be introduced through openings or connections provided for inspection

or cleaning, safety valve, safety relief valve, blow-off, water column, water gage

glass, pressure gage, or temperature gage.

B. The makeup water pipe shall be provided with a check valve near the boiler and

a stop valve or cock between the check valve and the boiler or between the

check valve and the return pipe system.

2.7.13 EHB-13 Water Column and Water Level Control Pipes

A. The minimum size of ferrous or nonferrous pipes connecting a water column to a

steam boiler shall be 1 in. No outlet connections, except for damper regulator,

feed-water regulator, steam gages, or apparatus which does not permit the

escape of any steam or water except for manually operated blow-downs, shall be

attached to a water column or the piping connecting a water column to a boiler

(see HG-705 of Section IV of the 2017 ASME Code for introduction of feed-water

into a boiler).If the water column, gage glass, low-water fuel cutoff, or other water

level control device is connected to the boiler by pipe and fittings, no shutoff

valves of any type shall be placed in such pipe, and a cross or equivalent fitting

to which a drain valve and piping may be attached shall be placed in the water

piping connection at every right angle turn to facilitate cleaning. The water

column drain pipe and valve shall be not less than 3/4 in. pipe size.

B. The steam connections to the water column of a horizontal Fire-tube wrought

boiler shall be taken from the top of the shell or the upper part of the head, and

the water connection shall be taken from a point not above the center line of the

shell. For a cast iron boiler, the steam connection to the water column shall be

taken from the top of an end section or the top of the steam header, and the

water connection shall be made on an end section not less than 6 in. below the

bottom connection to the water gage glass.

2.7.14 EHB-14 Return Pump

Each boiler equipped with a condensate return pump shall be provided with a

water level control arranged to automatically maintain the water level in the boiler

within the range of the gage glass.

2.7.15 EHB-15 Repairs and Renewals of Fittings and Appliances

Whenever repairs are made to fittings or appliances, or it becomes necessary to

replace them, the repairs must comply with Section IV of the 2017 ASME Code

for new construction.


2.8.1 EPV-1 Maximum Allowable Working Pressure for Standard Pressure


The maximum allowable working pressure for standard pressure vessels shall be

determined in accordance with the applicable provisions of the edition of the

ASME Code or the API-ASME Code under which they were constructed and


2.8.2 EPV-2 Maximum Allowable Working Pressure for Nonstandard Pressure

Vessels, Except as Provided in § 2.8.3 of this Part.

A. The maximum allowable working pressure of a nonstandard pressure vessel

shall be determined by the strength of the weakest course computed from the

thickness of the plate, the tensile strength of the plate, the efficiency of the

longitudinal joint, the inside diameter of the course and the factor of safety set by

these rules.

1. TStE = maximum allowable working pressure, psi


3. RFS

4. where:

a. TS = specified minimum tensile strength of shell plate material, psi.

(When the tensile strength of carbon steel plate is not known, it

may be taken as 55,000 psi for temperatures not exceeding 650

degrees Fahrenheit. For other materials use the lowest stress

values for that material from Section VIII.)

b. t = minimum thickness of shell plate of weakest course, inches.

c. E = efficiency of longitudinal joint depending upon construction.

(1) for riveted joints - calculated riveted efficiency; for fusionwelded

and brazed joints - the following percentages apply:

(AA) Single lap weld 40%

(BB) Double lap weld 50%

(CC) Single butt weld 60%

(DD) Double butt weld 70%

(EE) Forge weld 70%

(FF) Brazed steel 80%

d. R = inside radius of weakest course of shell, (inches) provided the

thickness does not exceed 10 percent of the radius. If the thickness

is over 10 percent of the radius, the outer radius shall be used.

e. FS = factor of safety allowed by these rules.

B. The minimum factor of safety in no case be less than 5 for existing installations.

The working pressure shall be decreased when deemed necessary by the

inspector to insure the operation of the vessel within safe limits. The condition of

the vessel and the particular service to which it is subject will be the determining


C. The maximum allowable working pressure permitted for formed heads under

pressure shall be determined by using the appropriate formulas from 2017 ASME

Code Section VIII, Division 1, and the tensile strength and factors of safety given

in §§ 2.8.1 and 2.8.2 of this Part

D. The maximum allowable working pressure for nonstandard pressure vessels

subjected to external pressure shall be determined by the rules of Section VIII,

Division 1, of the 2017 ASME Code.

2.8.3 EPV-3 Nonstandard Pressure Vessels - Use of Other Formulas

Pressure vessels that were not ASME Code stamped but which were constructed

of known materials and were designed and constructed in accordance with

sound engineering standards, formulas, and practices that provide safety

equivalent to the intent of the Code shall be calculated on the same basis as

used in the original design.

2.8.4 EPV-4 Inspection of Inaccessible Parts

Where, in the opinion of the inspector, as the result of conditions disclosed at the

time of inspection, it may be necessary to remove interior or exterior lining,

covering or brickwork to expose certain parts of the vessel not normally visible,

the owner or user shall remove such material to permit proper inspection and to

determine remaining thickness.

2.8.5 EPV-5 Overpressure Protection

Each pressure vessel shall be provided with pressure relief devices indicating

and controlling devices as necessary to protect against overpressure. These

devices shall be so constructed, located and installed that they cannot readily be

rendered inoperative. The relieving capacity of such pressure relief device shall

be adequate to prevent a rise in pressure in the vessel of more than 10 percent

or 3 psi, whichever is greater, above the maximum allowable working pressure

except when multiple relieving devices are provided, they shall prevent the

pressure from rising more than 16 percent or 4 psi, whichever is greater above

the maximum allowable working pressure. When multiple pressure relieving

devices are provided, at least one device shall be set at or below the maximum

allowable working pressure and the additional devices shall be set no higher than

105% of the maximum allowable working pressure. Where an additional hazard

is involved due to fire or other unexpected sources of external heat, the pressure

relief devices shall meet the requirements of ASME Code Section VIII, Division,

paragraph UG-125 or Division 2, paragraph AR-130, whichever is applicable.

2.8.6 EPV-6 Repairs and Renewals of Fittings and Appliances

Whenever repairs are made to fittings and appurtenances or it becomes

necessary to replace them, the work must comply with the requirements for new



2.9.1 GR-1 Inspection of Boilers and Pressure Vessels

A. All boilers and pressure vessels not exempted by the Act or by rules and

regulations promulgated under the Act and which are subject to regular

inspections, shall be prepared for such inspections as required in § 2.9.2 of this


B. Approved pressure vessels(hot water heaters listed by a nationally recognized

testing agency), with approved safety devices including pressure temperature

relief valve, with a nominal water containing capacity of one hundred twenty

(120) gallons or less having a heat input of less than two hundred thousand

(200,000) B.T.U. per hour, used solely for hot water supply at pressure of one

hundred sixty (160) pounds per square inch or less, and at temperatures of two

hundred ten degrees (210°) Fahrenheit or less, boilers having a heat input of

less than 200,000 B.T.U. per hour, steam boilers having a generating capacity of

less than 200 lbs. an hour provided; that such pressure vessels and boilers are

not installed in places of public assembly such as schools, child care centers,

public and private hospitals, nursing and boarding homes, churches, public

buildings, or any similar place of public assembly (boilers which are less than

200,000 B.T.U. per hour or steam boilers which generate less than 200 lbs. per

hour capacity and are included in these exemption categories will be considered

residential type boilers and not subject to ASME-CSD-1 rules; these units must

still conform to local code ordinance and manufacturer specifications for proper

installation and use.). For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall


1. “schools” and such other places of public assembly means every public,

private, parochial or charter school recognized by any Rhode Island city or

town school committee or by the Rhode Island Department of Education;

2. “child care centers” and such other places of public assembly means any

Family Child Care Home, Group Family Care Home, Child Day Care

Center and Child Day Care Center (School Age) as defined by the State of

Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families regulations for

licensure (214-RICR-40-00-1);

3. “public and private hospitals” and such other places of public assembly

means an Organized Ambulatory Care Facility-Freestanding, Ambulatory

Surgery Center, a Freestanding Ambulatory Surgical Center, Emergency

Care Facility, and a Hospital as defined by the State of Rhode Island

Department of Health regulations for licensure for healthcare providers

(see 216-RICR-40-10) and R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-17-1 et seq. and any

mental health, substance abuse and developmental disability residential

treatment facility licensed or certified by the Rhode Island Department of

Behavioral Health Care, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals and any

Adult Day Care Center licensed by the Rhode Island Division of Elderly


4. “nursing homes” and such other places of public assembly means Adult

Day Care centers, Assisted Living Residences, Hospice Inpatient

Facilities, Nursing Home Facilities and Rehabilitation Hospital Centers as

defined by the State of Rhode Island Department of Health regulations for

licensure (see 216-RICR-40-10) and R.I. Gen Laws § 23-17-1 et seq.;

5. “boarding homes” means a residential house in which one or more rooms

are rented to members of the general public by the week or month and

where lodgers receive laundry and cleaning services and at least one

meal per day;

6. “churches” means a place of worship or location where a group of people

or congregation comes to perform acts of religious study, honor or


7. “public buildings” means any building owned, leased or controlled in whole

or in part by the State of Rhode Island or any agency or political

subdivision thereof;

8. “similar place of public assembly” means those places specifically defined


2.9.2 GR-2 Preparation for Inspection

A. The owner or user shall prepare each boiler or pressure vessel for inspection,

and shall prepare for and apply a hydrostatic or pressure test, whenever

necessary, on the date arranged by the inspector which shall not be less than

seven (7) days after the date of notification.

1. Boilers - The owner or user shall prepare a boiler for internal inspection in

the following manner:

a. Water shall be drawn off and the boiler washed thoroughly;

b. Manhole and hand-hole plates, washout plugs and inspection plugs

in water column connections shall be removed as required by the

inspector. The furnace and combustion chambers shall be cooled

and thoroughly cleaned;

c. All grates of internally fired boilers shall be removed;

d. Insulation or brickwork shall be removed as required by the

inspector in order to determine the condition of the boiler, headers,

furnace, supports or other parts;

e. Prior to the inspection, the owner/user shall make any and all

preparations with regards to asbestos containing materials which

are necessary to provide proper access to equipment and to control

exposure to asbestos fibers during the inspection. The required

preparatory work shall be conducted in accordance with the

provisions of the Rhode Island Rules and Regulations for Asbestos

Control (216-RICR-50-15-1);

f. The pressure gage shall be removed for testing as required by the


g. Any leakage of steam or hot water into the boiler shall be prevented

by disconnecting the pipe or valve at the most convenient point or

any appropriate means approved by the inspector;

h. Before opening the manhole or hand-hole covers and entering any

parts of the steam generating unit connected to a common header

with other boilers, the non-return and steam stop valves must be

closed, tagged, and padlocked, and drain valves or cocks between

the two valves opened. The feed valves must be closed, tagged,

and padlocked, and drain valves or cocks located between the two

valves opened. After draining the boiler, the blow-off valves shall be

closed, tagged and padlocked. Blow-off lines, where practicable,

shall be disconnected between pressure parts and valves. All

drains and vent lines shall be opened.

2. Pressure Vessels - Pressure vessels shall be prepared for inspection to

the extent deemed necessary by the inspector and the applicable

procedures outlined in § 2.9.2(A)(1) of this Part

2.9.3 GR-3 Boilers and Pressure Vessels Improperly Prepared for Inspection

If a boiler or pressure vessel has not been properly prepared for an internal

inspection, or if the owner or user fails to comply with the requirements for a

pressure test as set forth in these rules, the inspector may decline to make the

inspection or test and the inspection certificate shall be withheld or right to

operate revoked, until the owner or user complies with the requirements.

2.9.4 GR-4 Removal of Covering to Permit Inspection

If the boiler or pressure vessel is jacketed so that the longitudinal seams of

shells, drums or domes cannot be seen, sufficient jacketing, setting wall, or other

form of casing or housing shall be removed to permit reasonable inspection of

the seams and other areas necessary to determine the condition and safety of

the boiler or pressure vessel, provided such information cannot be determined by

other means.

2.9.5 GR-5 Lap Seam Crack

The shell or drum of a boiler or pressure vessel, in which a lap seam crack is

discovered along a longitudinal riveted joint, shall be immediately discontinued

from use. Patching is prohibited. (By lap seam crack is meant a crack found in

lap seams, extending parallel to the longitudinal joint and located either between

or adjacent to rivet holes.)

2.9.6 GR-6 Pressure Test

A. A hydrostatic pressure test, when applied to boilers or pressure vessels, shall not

exceed 1-1/2 times the maximum allowable working pressure. The pressure shall

be under proper control so that in no case shall the required test pressure be

exceeded by more than 2 percent.

B. During a hydrostatic test the safety valve or valves shall be removed or each

valve disc shall be held to its seat by means of a testing clamp and not by

screwing down the compression screw upon the spring. A plug device designed

for this purpose may be used.

C. It is suggested that the minimum temperature of the water used to apply a

hydrostatic test shall be not less than 70 degrees Fahrenheit, but the maximum

temperature during inspection shall not exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

D. When a hydrostatic test is applied to determine tightness, the pressure shall be

equal to the normal operating pressure but need not exceed the release pressure

of the safety valve having the lowest release setting.

E. When the contents of the vessel prohibit contamination by any other medium or

when a hydrostatic test is not possible, other testing media may be used

providing the precautionary requirements of the applicable section of the ASME

Code are followed. In such cases, there shall be agreement between the owner

and the inspector.

2.9.7 GR-7 Automatic Low Water Fuel Cutoff and/or Water Feeding Device

A. Each automatically fired steam or vapor system boiler shall be equipped with an

automatic low water fuel cutoff so located as to automatically cut off the fuel

supply when the surface of the water falls to the lowest safe water line. If a water

feeding device is installed, it shall be so constructed that the water inlet valve

cannot feed water into the boiler through the float chamber and so located as to

supply requisite feed-water. The lowest safe water line should not be lower than

the lowest visible part of the water glass.

B. Such fuel or feed-water control device may be attached direct to a boiler or for

low pressure boilers to the tapped openings provided for attaching a water glass

direct to a boiler, provided that such connections from the boiler are nonferrous

tees or Y's not less than 1/2 in, pipe size between the boiler and the water glass,

so that the water glass is attached direct and as close as possible to the boiler;

the straightway tapping of the Y or tee to take the water glass fittings, the side

outlet of the Y or tee to take the fuel cutoff or water feeding device. The ends of

all nipples shall be reamed to full size diameter.

C. Designs embodying a float and float bowl shall have a vertical straight away

valve drain pipe at the lowest point in the water equalizing pipe connections by

which the bowl and the equalizing pipe can be flushed and the device tested.

2.9.8 GR-8 Pressure Reducing Valves

A. Where pressure reducing valves are used, one or more safety or safety relief

valves shall be provided on the low pressure side of the reducing valve when the

piping or equipment on the low pressure side does not meet the requirements for

the full initial pressure. The safety or safety relief valves shall be located

adjoining or as close as possible to the reducing valve. Proper protection shall be

provided to prevent injury or damage caused by the escaping fluid from the

discharge of safety or safety relief valves if vented to the atmosphere. The

combined discharge capacity of the safety or safety relief valves shall be such

that the pressure rating of the lower pressure piping or equipment shall not be

exceeded in case the reducing valve fails in the open position.

B. The use of hand controlled bypasses around reducing valves is permissible. If a

bypass is used around the reduction valve, the safety valve required on the low

pressure side shall be of sufficient capacity to relieve all the fluid that can pass

through the bypass without over-pressuring the low pressure side.

C. A pressure gage shall be installed on the low pressure side of a reducing valve.

2.9.9 GR-9 Boiler Blow-off Equipment

A. The blow-down from a boiler or boilers that enters a sanitary sewer system or

blow-down which is considered a hazard to life or property shall pass through

some form of blow-off equipment that will reduce pressure and temperature as

required hereinafter.

B. The temperature of the water leaving the blow-off equipment shall not exceed

150 degrees Fahrenheit.

C. The pressure of the blow-down leaving any type of blow-off equipment shall not

exceed 5 psi.

D. All blow-off equipment shall be fitted with openings to facilitate cleaning


E. Blow-off equipment shall conform to the provisions set forth in the recommended

rules for National Board Boiler Blow-off Equipment.

2.9.10 GR-10 Location of Discharge Piping Outlets

The discharge of safety valves, blow-off pipes and other outlets shall be located

and supported as to prevent injury to personnel.

2.9.11 GR-11 Supports

Each boiler and pressure vessel shall be supported by masonry or structural

supports of sufficient strength and rigidity to safely support the boiler or pressure

vessel and its contents. There shall be no excessive vibration in either the boiler,

pressure vessel or its connecting piping.

2.9.12 GR-12 Boiler Door Latches

A. A water-tube boiler shall have the firing doors of the inward opening type, unless

such doors are provided with substantial and effective latching or fastening

devices or otherwise so constructed as to prevent them, when closed, from being

blown open by pressure on the furnace side.

B. These latches or fastenings shall be of the positive self locking type. Friction

contacts, latches, or bolts actuated by springs shall not be used. The foregoing

requirements for latches or fastenings shall not apply to coal openings of

downdraft or similar furnaces.

C. All other doors, except explosion doors, not used in the firing of the boiler, may

be provided with bolts or fastenings in lieu of self locking latching devices.

D. Explosion doors, if used and if located in the setting walls within 7 ft. of the firing

floor or operating platform, shall be provided with substantial deflectors to divert

the blast.

2.9.13 GR-13 Clearance

When boilers are replaced or new boilers are installed in either existing or new

buildings, a minimum height of at least 3 ft. shall be provided between the top of

the boiler proper and the ceiling and at least 3 ft. between all sides of the boiler

and adjacent walls or other structures. Boilers and pressure vessels having

manholes shall have 5 ft. clearance from the manhole opening and any wall,

ceiling or piping that will prevent a person from entering the boiler or vessel. All

boilers and pressure vessels shall be so located that adequate space will be

provided for the proper operation of the boilers and pressure vessels and their

appurtenances, for the inspection of all surfaces, tubes, water-walls,

economizers, piping, valves and other equipment, and for their necessary

maintenance and repair and replacement of tubes.

2.9.14 GR-14 Ladders and Runways

When necessary for safety, there shall be a steel runway or platform of standard

construction installed across the tops of adjacent boilers or pressure vessels or

at some other convenient level for the purpose of affording safe access. All

walkways shall have at least two means of exit, each to be remotely located from

the other.

2.9.15 GR-15 Exit from Boiler Room

All boiler rooms exceeding 500 square feet floor area and containing one or more

boilers having a fuel burning capacity of 1,000,000 BTU, or equivalent electrical

heat input, shall have at least two means of exit. Each exit shall be remotely

located from the other. Each elevation in such boiler room shall have two means

of exit, each remotely located from the other.

2.9.16 GR-16 Suggestions for Operations

It is suggested that the Recommended Rules for Care of Power Boilers, Section

VII and the Recommended Rules for Care and Operation of Heating Boilers,

Section VI of the ASME Code, be used as a guide for proper and safe operating


2.9.17 GR-17 Air and Ventilation Requirements - Combustion Air Supply and

Ventilation of Boiler Room

A. A permanent source of outside air shall be provided for each boiler room to

permit satisfactory combustion of the fuel as well as proper ventilation of the

boiler room under normal operating conditions.

1. The total requirements of the burners for all fired pressure vessels in the

boiler room must be used to determine the louver sizes whether fired by

coal, oil or gas; however, the minimum net free louvered area must not be

less than one square foot. The following table or formula shall be used to

determine the net louvered area in square feet:




500,000 125 1.0

1,000,000 250 1.0

2,000,000 500 1.6

3,000,000 750 2.5

4,000,000 1,000 3.3

5,000,000 1,250 4.1

6,000,000 1,500 5.0

7,000,000 1,750 5.8

8,000,000 2,000 6.6

9,000,000 2,250 7.5

10,000,000 2,500 8.3

(BTU/10,000) X 2.5 = CFM 500CFM per sq. ft. of net req. area

2. When mechanical ventilation is used in lieu of § 2.9.17(A)(1) of this Part

the supply of combustion and ventilation air to the boiler room and the

firing device will not operate with the fan off. The velocity of the air through

the ventilating fan shall not exceed 500 feet per minute and the total air

delivered shall be equal to or greater than shown in § 2.9.17(A)(1) of this

Part above.

2.9.18 GR-18 Gas Burners

For installations which are gas fired, the burners used shall conform to the

applicable requirements of the American Gas Association or other nationally

recognized standards.

2.9.19 GR-19 Conditions Not Covered by These Rules and Regulations

For any conditions not covered by these requirements, the applicable provisions

of the 2017 ASME Code or the 2017 NATIONAL BOARD INSPECTION CODE

shall apply.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Christopher S. Selinger, Chief Inspector
Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan
2202 2nd Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan S4R 1K3
Telephone — 306.798.7111 or 306.798.7112
Email —
Fax — 306.787.9273
Website - 
Provincial legislature empowered to make, alter, or amend rules and regulations.
Delegation of services and enforcement to Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan.
Boiler Board: Yes (Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Board).
Date of latest amendment to law: 2006.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 2007.
Date of latest rules and regulations: 2007.
Provincial statute: The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act, 1999.  An act Respecting the Design, Construction, Installation, Operation, Alteration, Repair, and Sale of Boilers, Pressure Vessels, Plants, and Pressure Piping Systems.
  1. CSA B51 Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping Code (2003 Edition), CSA B52 Mechanical Refrigeration Code (2005 Edition).
  2. ASME BPV Code (2004 Edition, Current Addendum), Sections I, II, IV, V, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, and 3), IX, X.
  3. Code cases and interpretations normally but not automatically accepted.
  4. ANSI B31.1 (2004 Edition), B31.3 (2004 Edition), K61.1 (1999 Edition).
  5. National Board Inspection Code (2017).
  6. Manufacturers must file copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report. Forms are supplied by the Authority upon request.
  7. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels brought in from outside Canada.
  8. Liquefied petroleum gas containers must conform to ASME, CAN/CSA-B 149.2-00, and NFPA Standard No. 58.
  9. Anhydrous ammonia storage tanks for use with NH3 (as a liquid fertilizer) shall be designed, constructed, and used in accordance with CSA B51 code and American National Standards Institute, Inc. standard ANSI K-61.1-1999/CGA G-2.1 Safety Requirements for the Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia.
  10. Manufacturers must pay the required fee and submit designs and specifications (in duplicate) to the Authority for approval and registration before commencing fabrication of any boiler or pressure vessel for installation in the province.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R (accepted).
  2. ASME Code: all.
Boilers and unfired pressure vessels built to CSA/ASME standards in Canada must be shop-inspected and stamped by an inspector (employed by the Authority of the province in which the vessel is built).
Boilers and pressure vessels built to CSA/ASME standards in the US must be shop-inspected by an inspector holding a National Board Commission and employed by an ASME Code state or a boiler insurance company.
Appropriate CRN stamps are required.
All boilers, pressure vessels, plants, pressure piping systems, and fittings except:
  1. Pressure piping systems that:
    1. contain hot water at a pressure of 1/103 kilopascals or less or at a temperature of 121°C or less; and
    2. form part of a low-pressure boiler plant.
  2. Pressure piping systems that are not connected to, or used in connection with, a boiler or pressure vessel;
  3. Medical gas piping systems;
  4. Air piping with a diameter of 25.4 millimetres or less;
  5. Any of the following types of pressure vessels that are used in connection with a pipeline as defined in The Pipelines Act, 1998:
    1. odourizer tanks;
    2. dust pots;
    3. gas drips;
    4. storage tanks for hydraulic valve operators;
    5. pig traps;
    6. indirect fired heater coils;
  6. Potable water heaters with an internal diameter greater than 610 millimetres that:
    1. operate at a pressure not exceeding 1/103 kilopascals;
    2. have a heat input not exceeding 58.67 kilowatts;
    3. produce a water temperature not exceeding 99°C; and
    4. have a water capacity not exceeding 454 litres;
  7. Pressure vessels used as the external enclosure of pressurized gas-filled electrical high voltage switch gear or control gear;
  8. Low pressure boilers installed in a private residence designed to accommodate not more than three families;
  9. A pressure vessel that is used for the transportation of dangerous goods as defined in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992 (Canada);
  10. A boiler or pressure vessel to which the Canada Shipping Act applies or that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Canadian Transportation Agency pursuant to the Canada Transportation Act;
  11. A pipeline as defined in The Pipelines Act, 1998;
  12. Gas equipment or a gas installation as defined in The Gas Licensing Act;
  13. A boiler that is used in connection with a hot liquid heating system that has no valves or other obstructions to free circulation between the boiler and an expansion tank that is fully vented to the atmosphere;
  14. A high pressure boiler that has a heating surface with an area of two square metres or less;
  15. A low pressure boiler that has a heating surface with an area of three square metres or less;
  16. A pressure vessel that has a volume of 0.0425 cubic metres or less;
  17. A pressure vessel that has an internal diameter of 152 millimetres or less;
  18. A pressure vessel that is used for the storage of hot water and has an internal diameter of 610 millimetres or less;
Same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING, except the following: heating boilers in private residences and hot-water tanks less than 24 inches in diameter in a private residence designed to accommodate not more than three families.
  1. High pressure boilers: at intervals not exceeding one year:
  2. Low pressure boilers: at intervals, as determined by the chief inspector, having regard to the service conditions and risk factors associated with the boiler, not exceeding two years. A low pressure hot water heating boiler of the coil or fin-tube type may be inspected at intervals not exceeding four years.
  3. Pressure vessels: at intervals, as determined by the chief inspector, having regard to the service conditions and risk factors associated with the pressure vessel, not exceeding 10 years;
  4. Refrigeration plants: at intervals, as determined by the chief inspector, having regard to the service conditions and risk factors associated with the refrigeration plant, not exceeding two years;
  5. Compressed gas plants: at intervals, as determined by the chief inspector, having regard to the service conditions and risk factors associated with the compressed gas plant, not exceeding 10 years;
  6. If the owner or insurer holds a valid certificate of authorization for a quality management system that applies to any of the above listed items, the inspection frequency would be that specified in the quality management system.
  7. Where construction and service conditions permit, a periodic inspection of a boiler, pressure vessel, refrigeration plant or compressed gas plant must be an internal inspection.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies are not accepted in lieu of inspections made by an Authority inspector.
  2. There is no requirement for insurance companies to inspect.
  3. Inspection within the province is performed by the jurisdictional authority.
  4. Notwithstanding bullet 1, an insurance company may apply for certification of a Quality Management System of Inspections to perform in-service inspections of equipment that they insure.
Certificate of Inspection, valid for one or two years for boilers and five years (one year if considered hazardous) for unfired pressure vessels, is issued by the Authority.  There is no fee for the inspection with licensing fees covering inspection costs.
Licence to Operate, valid for one year for boilers and pressure vessels, is issued by the Authority.  A Licence to Operate is only valid with a valid Certificate of Inspection.  Fee varies based upon capacity: boilers — $85.00 to $1,304.00 CAD, pressure vessels — $43.00 to $724.00 CAD.
All fees are payable at the time of application.
  1. Application for registration of the design of a pressure piping system - $319.00 CAD + $146.00/hr CAD over two hours
  2. Registration of a data report - $378.00 CAD
  3. Registration of a welding procedure - $146.00/hr CAD
  4. Registration of a quality control program - $876.00 CAD
  5. Application for a contractor’s licence - $541.00 CAD
  6. Pressure Welder’s licence - $163.00 CAD
  7. Guarded plant licence - $162.00 CAD
  8. Application for Quality Management System - $1,168.00 CAD
  9. Application for Pressure Equipment Inspector - $298.00 CAD
  10. Permit for NH3 storage plant - $82.00 CAD + $146.00/hr
  11. Application for review by the Chief Inspector - $189.00/hr CAD
  12. Fees covering normal inspections/miscellaneous services - $146.00/hr CAD + travel expenses
  13. Fees covering special inspections/special services - $219.00/hr CAD + travel expenses
  14. Design Registration fee for boiler - $319.00 CAD + $146.00/hr CAD over two hours
  15. Design registration fee for pressure vessel - $319.00 CAD + $146.00/hr over two hours
  16. Design registration fee for heat exchanger - $319.00 CAD + $146.00/hr over two hours
  17. Design registration fee for fitting - $319.00 CAD + $146.00/hr over two hours
  18. Periodic inspection or shop inspection of boiler - $146.00/hr CAD
  19. Periodic inspection or shop inspection of pressure vessel - $146.00/hr CAD
  20. Permit fee for installation, repair, or alteration of boiler - $82.00 + $146.00/hr CAD
  21. Permit fee for installation, repair, or alteration of pressure vessel - $82.00 + $146.00/hr CAD
  22. Permit fee for installation, repair, or alteration of refrigeration plant - $82.00 + $146.00/hr CAD
  23. Initial operating licence for all equipment - $108.00 CAD
  24. Operating licence for boiler - $85.00 - $1,304.00 CAD
  25. Operating licence for pressure vessel - $43.00 - $724.00 CAD
  26. Operating licence for refrigeration plant - $65.00 per vessel CAD
  27. Licence to operate as operator - $108.00 - $216.00 CAD
  28. Operator examination fee - $54.00 - $216.00 CAD
  29. NH3 storage and distribution plant licence - $292.00 - $1,168.00 CAD
  1. Pressure welders are subject to qualification tests.
  2. All low-pressure boilers of 500 kW or more and all high-pressure boilers of 150 kW or more shall be in the charge of a certified power engineer or fireman as required in the regulations.
  3. New installations require prior approval of chief inspector.
  4. Chief inspector must be immediately notified by telephone or any other direct means of any explosion, serious fire, rupture, serious overheating of a boiler, pressure vessel, plant or pressure piping system; or any accident that causes death or serious injury to a person and arises out of the operation of a boiler, pressure vessel, plant, or pressure piping system.
  5. All pressure piping designs over 0.5 cubic meters in internal volume must be stamped by a professional engineer.
  6. Additional construction regulations are in force and available, without charge, from the Authority.
  7. License is required to install or repair a boiler, pressure vessel, pressure piping system, or refrigeration plant.
  8. Operators of boilers and pressure vessels are required to be licensed. An operator must be in attendance during boiler operation.
  9. An annual license to operate is required for all boilers, pressure vessels, and refrigeration plants.
  10. Category A, B, C and G fittings, as set out in Table 1 of the CSA B51 code, are not required to be registered.
  11. All boilers and pressure vessels must be registered with a Saskatchewan CRN. Alternatively boilers and pressure vessels are not required to be registered with a Saskatchewan CRN if:
    1. the boiler or pressure vessel is:
      1. constructed in strict compliance with the administrative and technical rules of the appropriate section of the ASME code;
      2. stamped with the applicable code symbol stamp in accordance with the ASME code;
      3. registered with NBBI;
      4. the NBBI registration number is recorded on the data report and stamped on the name plate of the boiler or pressure vessel; and
      5. the owner has submitted the data report to the chief inspector for registration along with the appropriate registration fee.
    2. the boiler or pressure vessel is:
      1. constructed in a province or territory of Canada other than Saskatchewan in strict compliance with the administrative and technical rules of the appropriate section of the CSA B51 code;
      2. assigned a Canadian registration number by the boiler and pressure vessel authority of the province or territory in which it is constructed;
      3. inspected during construction by an inspector employed by the boiler and pressure vessel authority of the province or territory in which it is constructed;
      4. the registration number of the province or territory in which the boiler or pressure vessel is constructed is recorded on the data report required by the CSA B51 code and stamped on the name plate of the boiler or pressure vessel; and
      5. the owner has submitted the data report to the chief inspector for registration along with the appropriate registration fee.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Steven D. Frazier, Chief Boiler Inspector
Department of Construction & Inspections
700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000
Seattle, WA 98104
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 34019
Seattle, WA 98124-4019
Telephone — 206.684.8459
Email —
Fax — 206.386.4039
City council empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: November 15, 2024.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1920.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: November 15, 2024.
City ordinance: Seattle Municipal Code, Sections 6.420 and 22.450, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
  1. ASME Code, Sections I, III, IV, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), X, and code cases with National Board stamping.
  2. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically. IAW Date of Manufacture.
  3. ASME PVHO-1 (IAW Date of Manufacture).
  4. ASME B31.1 (IAW Date of Manufacture).
  5. Installers must file a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report with the department before an installation is approved.
  6. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition, Parts 1, 2, 3).
  7. National Board registration required.
  8. NFPA-85 when over 12,500,000 BTU/hr input.
  9. Special design or construction requires approval of director.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: all.
  2. ASME Code: all.
All boilers and unfired pressure vessels, except:
  1. Any boiler or pressure vessel subject to regular federal inspection or licensed by federal authorities.
  2. Potable water heaters (fired, electric, thermal, solar, and indirect) and pool heaters,  provided none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. Heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour; or
    2. Water temperature of 210°F; or
    3. Nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons; or
    4. Pressure of 160 psi.
  3. Portable unfired pressure vessels subject to regular inspection by State of Washington inspectors, and Interstate Commerce Commission/US Department of Transportation containers.
  4. Containers for liquefied petroleum gases regulated by Seattle Fire Code.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels in occupancy groups B, F, H, M, R, S, and U having a volume of 5 cubic feet or less operated at pressures not exceeding 250 psi.
  6. Unfired pressure vessels of any size (other than those containing steam) protected by approved pressure relief devices set to operate at a pressure not exceeding 15 psi.
  7. Electric boilers:
    1. Having a volume not exceeding 1-1/2 cubic feet;
    2. Having a maximum allowable working pressure of 100 psi;
    3. Constructed (after June 10, 1994) to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, or listed or otherwise certified by a nationally recognized testing agency or recognized foreign testing laboratory.
  8. Water storage tanks with no air cushion and no energy or heat source operated at ambient temperature.
Same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING, plus potable water heaters and pool heaters located in A, E, or I occupancies.
  1. All newly installed boilers, pressure vessels, and burners shall be inspected by a department inspector before being put into service.
  2. All boilers, except boilers and pressure vessels in residences and in apartments of fewer than six dwelling units, shall have an annual external inspection.
  3. All boilers requiring annual external inspection shall have an internal inspection where construction and operating conditions permit in accordance with the following schedule:
    1. Power Boilers - Annually
    2. Steam Heating Boilers - Bi-Annually
    3. Low Pressure Hot Water Boilers not using corrosion inhibitors - Quadrenially
    4. Low Pressure Hot Water Heating boilers using corrosion inhibitors - Inspector's Discretion
  4. Unfired pressure vessels shall have an inspection every two years (internal inspections are required at inspector’s discretion, where construction permits, or where specifically required by code). Ultrasonic thickness examination may substitute for internal inspection of unfired pressure vessels.
  5. Potable water heaters located in A, E, or I occupancies shall have a safety inspection every two years.
Installation permits are required.
Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and holding a National Board Commission can be accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  1. Reports of inspection must be filed within 30 days with the department on forms or in format approved by agency.
  2. The department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  3. The department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
  4. The department must be notified of repairs and/or alterations.
  5. The department must be notified of accidents.
Certificate of Inspection is issued by the department. For insured objects, the Certificate of Inspection fee shall be 50% of the city inspection fee (but in no case less than the minimum fee).
Reference for a complete list of certification and construction fees.
  1. Permit is required to install a boiler, pressure vessel, burner, or control update.
  2. Permit required for Repair or Alteration of a boiler or pressure vessel and appropriate "R" form must be submitted to the department.  Routine Repairs do not require permits (R-1 submission applies).
  3. Terms “Certified Automatic” and “Certified Monitored” are terms used for the purpose of describing inspected boilers and equipment added to facilitate licensed attendance requirements.
  4. Operators of certain boilers are required to be licensed. Operator is required to be in attendance during boiler operation. Exceptions:
    1. Any boiler subject to federal regulation;
    2. Any boiler owned and operated by the State of Washington
    3. Boilers not subject to reinspection;
    4. Heating boilers (steam and water) and hot-water supply boilers having input of less than 2,500,000 BTU per hour;
    5. Any boiler having an input of less than 100,000 BTU per hour and less than 100 psi;
  5. A copy of the laws, rules, and regulations may be obtained by contacting:

    City of Seattle
    Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspection
    700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000
    P.O. Box 34019
    Seattle, WA 98124-4019




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.



Roger Lowe, Administrator, Retired
Molly Price, Administrator
Ronald W. Spiker, Chief Boiler Inspector
S.C. Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation
Boiler Safety Program
300 Windsor Drive
Shelby, NC 28150-6057
Telephone —803.608.1630
Email —
Fax — 803.896.4814                      
Express mail only:
C/o Lee English or Molly Price
110 Centerview Drive
Columbia, SC 29210
Boiler Board: No but there is a CBO Board
Date rules implemented: May 2005; regulations implemented: January 2006
State Statute: South Carolina Code of Laws, Title 41. Labor and Employment, Chapter 14. Boiler Safety Act, Sections 41-14-10 through 41-14-150.
  1. ASME Code (Current Edition, Current Addendum), Sections I and IV.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2010 Edition).
  3. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition).
  4. National Board registration required for boilers.
  5. NFPA 85.
  6. Section IX, X, Section VIII  as appropriate
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R
  2. ASME Code: H, HLW, S, U (fired meet Sec VIII Div1 or Div 2)
All boilers except the following:
  1. Boilers under federal control or under regulations of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 192 and 193.
  2. Hot water supply boilers equipped with ASME/National Board-approved safety relief valves which are directly fired with oil, gas, or electricity when none of the following limitations are exceeded: heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour; water temperature of 210ºF; nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
  3. Boilers in the care, custody, and control of research facilities used solely for research purposes which require one or more details of non-code construction (or which involve destruction or reduced life expectancy of those vessels) - so long as a timely inspection report is filed.
  4. Boilers operated and maintained for the production and generation of electricity — so long as a timely inspection report is filed. (3 year internal certification cycle is available)
  5. Boilers operated and maintained as integral part of a manufacturing equipment for process — so long as a timely inspection report is filed.
  6. Boilers subject to OSHA standards of compliance - so long as a timely inspection report is filed.
  7. Boilers operated and maintained by a public utility or the Public Service Authority including, but not limited to, boilers operated and maintained for the production of electricity - so long as a timely inspection report is filed. 
  8. All pressure vessels except those which are fired.
All boilers are subject to inspection and reporting except the following:
  1. Boilers located on farms used solely for agricultural or horticultural purposes.
  2. Heating boilers located in private residences or in apartment houses of less than six family units.
  1. Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers: annually. Inspection must be internal; however, if internal inspection is not possible, the inspection must be as complete as possible. Boilers must be externally inspected while under pressure, if possible.  Internal inspection must be done within six months.
  2. Low-pressure steam or vapor heating boilers: biennially. An internal inspection must be conducted every four years where installation permits.
  3. Hot-water heating and hot-water supply boilers: biennially. An internal inspection must be conducted at the discretion of the inspector. 

New and Used Boiler installation

  1.  Used Boiler or Rental Boiler
    • Used Boilers and Rental Boilers require permission from the Chief to enter the state.  The Form is available by contacting Lee English ( or Ron Spiker (  You may also call Ron Spiker at 803-608-1630.
    • Used Boilers require some research so please fill out the form and send it to Ron Spiker to give time to check out the vessel and who will be installing the object.
    • Rental Boiler upon installation by the rental company must be inspected by the inspecting agency that normally does certificate inspections at that location and the inspector will tag the boiler and submit the appropriate boiler inspection report which will yield a Certificate for that boiler.
  2. New and Used Boilers to be installed must have an installer who has an appropriate License and a sub-classification of "BL" or "P1".  The contractor must pull a mechanical permit from the local permitting authority and provide a copy of the mechanical permit along with a completed I-1 form and manufacturers start-up sheet(s) with all final approvals to the owner for their file.  You may request an computerized listing of authorized permitting locations with contact info by contacting Ron Spiker.  The installer must fill out an I-1 NB form and leave a copy with the owner.  The owner needs to be able to show the inspector a copy of all forms mentioned here.





IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Aaron M. Lorimor, Chief Boiler Inspector
State Fire Marshal's Office
221 South Central Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Telephone — 605.773.3562
State senate and house of representatives empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: July 2003.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1973.
Date of latest rules and regulations: October 2003.
State statute: South Dakota Codified Laws, Title 34. Public Safety and Health, Chapter 29A. Boiler Safety, Sections 1 through 55.
  1. ASME Code (2001 Edition and addendum), Sections I, IV, V (2002 Edition), IX.
  2. National Board Inspection Code (2006 Edition, Parts 1, 3).
  3. National Board registration required for boilers.
New high- and low-pressure steel boilers shall be stamped with an ASME Code stamp and registered with the National Board.
All boilers, except the following:
  1. Boilers under federal jurisdiction.
  2. Boilers located on farms (if farm is not regularly open to general public and boiler is used solely for agricultural or horticultural purposes).
  3. Heating boilers located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six family units.
  4. Hot-water supply boilers (equipped with ASME-/National Board-approved safety relief valves) directly fired with combustible fuel, electricity or solar energy, when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. Heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. Water temperature of 210°F;
    3. Water capacity of 120 gallons.
  5. Boilers located in a refinery.
  6. Boilers used as part of an electricity generating plant.
  7. Historic power boilers (must comply with Chapter 34-29A of the state boiler safety code).
 Item Internal External
Power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers  1 Year  1 Year*
Low-pressure steam and vapor heating boilers  2 Years  2 Years
Hot-water heating and supply boilers  **  2 Years
Nuclear vessels: Designated by Department of Public Safety.
*Under pressure.
**At inspector’s discretion.
Chief inspector may, at his/her discretion, permit longer periods between certificate inspections.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Reports of internal inspections must be filed with the department within 30 days on National Board forms.
  3. Reports of external inspections are not required, except for certificate inspections or the existence of dangerous conditions.
  4. The department must be immediately notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions and discontinuance of insurance.
Certificate of Inspection is issued by the chief inspector or his/her duly authorized representative upon payment of $20.00 per boiler. Inspection certificate shall be valid for not more than 14 months for power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers, and 26 months for heating boilers.
  1. Certificate inspections for power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
    1. Boilers 50 square feet of heating surface or less - $30.00
    2. Boilers more than 50 square feet of heating surface, and less than 4,000 square feet of heating surface - $40.00
    3. Boilers 4,000 square feet of heating surface or more, and less than 10,000 square feet of heating surface - $50.00
    4. Boilers 10,000 square feet of heating surface or more - $60.00
  2. External inspections for power boilers and high-pressure, high-temperature water boilers:
    1. Boilers 50 square feet of heating surface or less - $15.00
    2. Boilers more than 50 square feet of heating surface - $25.00
  3. Certificate inspections for heating boilers:
    1. Heating boilers without manhole - $40.00
    2. Heating boilers with manhole - $40.00
    3. Hot-water supply boilers - $20.00
  4. Special inspections: all owners, users or insurers of qualified boilers shall pay a yearly operation certificate fee if boiler is inspected by a state or special inspector.
    1. Operation certificate - $20.00
  5. Historical boilers:
    1. Initial inspection, plus travel - $100.00
    2. Hydrostatic test, plus travel - $45.00
    3. Ultrasonic examination, plus travel - $75.00
    4. Visual internal and external inspections, plus travel - $45.00
  6. For commercial boilers: fee for other inspections is a minimum $90.00 for one half day (up to four hours) and $150.00 for one full day (up to eight hours) plus travel.
  1. Examinations for Certificates of Competency are held by the state fire marshal.
  2. Reciprocal Commission is issued, without charge, to insurance company inspectors holding an approved state or National Board Commission.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Ed Anderson, Chief Boiler Inspector
Development Services Center
808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard
Spokane, WA 99201
Telephone Office — 509.625.6313
Telephone Cell — 509.655.1667
Email —
City council empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes.
Date of latest amendment to law: July 2010.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1936.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: August 2010.
City ordinance: Charter of the City of Spokane, Title 17F. Construction Standards, Chapter 17F.030. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sections .010 through .210.
  1. ASME Code (Current Edition), Sections I, II (Parts A, B, C, D), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X, XII, and PVHO-1.
  2. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically.
  3. Part CF only (ASME CSD-1 [2002 Edition]).
  4. National Board Inspection Code (Current Adopted Edition).
  5. NFPA 85 Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazard Code (2004 Edition).
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, M, PP, S, U, U2, UV, V.
All boilers and unfired pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers and unfired pressure vessels under federal jurisdiction or operated by any railroad subject to provisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels meeting requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission for shipment of liquids or gases under pressure.
  3. Air tanks located on vehicles operating under rules of other state authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight.
  4. Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels when not located in a place of public assembly and having:
    1. A volume of 5 cubic feet or less;
    2. A design pressure not exceeding 15 psi (gage).
  6. Tanks used in connection with heating water for domestic or residential purposes.
  7. Tanks containing water with no air cushion and no direct source of energy operating at ambient temperature.
  8. Steam boilers used exclusively for heating purposes with a pressure of not more than 15 psi (gage) located in private residences or in apartment houses of six families or fewer.
  9. Hot-water heating boilers with a pressure of not more than 30 psi located in private residences or apartment houses of six families or fewer.
  10. Unfired pressure vessels containing liquefied petroleum gases.
  11. Unfired pressure vessels containing only water under pressure for domestic purposes (including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion for air lift pumping systems), when located in private residences or apartment houses of six families or fewer.
  12. Electric Boilers meeting the following:
    1. Tank volume of not more than 1-1/2 cubic feet;
    2. Maximum allowable working pressure of 80 psi or less and a pressure relief system preventing excess pressure;
    3. Constructed after June 10, 1994 to ASME Code, or approved or otherwise certified by a nationally recognized or foreign recognized testing laboratory or construction code.
  13. Espresso machines.
  14. Boiler or unfired pressure vessels located on farms or used solely for agricultural purposes.
  15. Hot water heaters listed by a nationally recognized testing agency having:
    1. Approved safety devices including a pressure/temperature relief valve;
    2. Water capacity of 120 gallons or less;
    3. Heat input of 200,000 BTUs per hour or less;
    4. Pressure of 160 psi or less and a temperature of 200°F or less when used for hot water supply
    5. Not installed in a school, childcare center, hospital, nursing or boarding home, church, public building owned or leased and maintained by the state or political subdivision thereof, or assembly hall.
  1. Power boilers:
    1. One annual internal inspection;
    2. One annual external inspection.
  2. Low-pressure heating boilers:
    1. One biennial internal inspection where construction permits;
    2. One biennial external inspection.
  3. Unfired pressure vessels:
    1. One biennial internal inspection where construction permits;
    2. One biennial external inspection while under pressure.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a jurisdiction department inspector. All initial installation inspections shall be made by a department inspector.
  2. Reports of inspection must be filed with department on National Board forms within 30 days.
  3. Department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions on National Board forms.
  4. Department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance on National Board forms.
Certificate of Inspection is issued by the department. Operating permits for boilers inspected by insurance company inspectors are one-half the city inspection fee. Operating permits for unfired pressure vessels are $20.00 biennially.
All fees are for biennial inspections:
  1. Permit fees for new installations are:
    1. Low pressure and hot water boiler:
      1. Under 500,000 BTU - $150.00
      2. From 500,000 to under 2,000,000 BTU - $250.00
      3. 2,000,000 BTU and above - $400.00
    2. Power boiler:
      1. Under 1,000,000 BTU - $400.00
      2. From 1,000,000 to under 5,000,000 BTU - $800.00
      3. 5,000,000 BTU and above - $850.00
        plus $20.00 per 1,000,000 BTU over 5,000,000, to a maximum fee of $1,500.00 each.
    3. Electric boiler under 250 kw - $200.00
    4. Unfired pressure vessel - $80.00
    5. When more than one pressure vessel Is to be installed at the same time: The full fee Is charged for the boiler with the highest fee and one-half the normal fee Is charged for each of the others.
  2. Inspection fees are:
    1. Low pressure steam and hot water boiler:
      1. Under 2,000,000 BTU - $80.00 biennially each
      2. 2,000,000 BTU or over - $100.00 biennially each
    2. Power boiler:
      1. Under 1,000,000 BTU - $80.00 annually each
      2. From 1,000,000 to under 5,000,000 BTU - $100.00 annually each
      3. 5,000,000 BTU and over - $120.00 annually each
    3. Electric boiler under 250 kw - $80.00 annually each
    4. Unfired pressure vessel - $40.00 biennially each
    5. Hydrostatic pressure test - $120.00 each
    6. Repair - $75.00 per hour or fraction of an hour
  3. The fee for an operating permit based on insurance company inspection Is one-half the inspection fee.
  4. Multiple Boilers:
    If more than one boiler or pressure vessel is inspected on the same site, at the same time, by the city inspector, full fee is charged for one, and one-half fee is charged for all others.
  5. In addition to the above fees, the processing fee for each permit is $25.00
  6. Reinspections:

    The fee for reinspections for work that was not ready, or corrections previously identified but remaining uncorrected, or site not accessible is $75.00 per incident.
  7. Inspections Outside Normal Inspector Working Hours:

    The fee for inspections outside normal inspector working hours is $75.00 per hour or fraction of an hour. A minimum of two hours is payable at the time the request is made and before an inspection can be scheduled.
  8. Work Done Without Permit/Investigation Fees:

    Where work has commenced without first obtaining the required permit(s), a work without permit fee equivalent to the greater of:
    1. Twice the inspection fee, or
    2. The permit fee plus $150.00
    must be paid prior to the issuance of the permit(s).
Date Passed: Monday, June 23, 2008
ORD C34250 Section 1
  1. Boiler operators are required to be licensed. An operator is required to be in attendance during boiler operation.
  2. A permit is required to install or repair boilers or pressure vessels.



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Department of Public Safety
Building Division, Mechanical Department
Room 425, City Hall
1200 Market Street
St. Louis, MO 63103
Telephone — 314.622.3313
Email —
Fax — 314.622.3698               
Board of Stationary Engineers empowered to formulate rules and regulations and license stationary engineers.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: September 2000.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1879.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: September 2000.
City ordinance: St. Louis Revised Code, Chapter 25.03. Mechanical Code.
  1. ASME Code (1998 Edition), Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X with National Board stamping.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R.
  2. ASME Code: H, S, U, U2.
All objects identified in the respective sections listed above, except those in or on properties owned and occupied by the US government or by the State of Missouri.
  1. An Installation Permit from the Mechanical Section, Department of Public Safety is required for all objects subject to Rules for Construction and Stamping, except Section IV boilers installed in R-3 (private residence) structures.
  2. Permitted installations subject to initial inspection by city inspectors.
  1. Objects installed under permit: inspected at the time of installation and annually thereafter by city inspectors.
  2. Insurance inspectors employed in field inspections must possess a National Board Commission.
  3. Shop inspectors must possess a National Board Commission and be duly employed by an authorized inspection agency.
  1. Welded repairs to the pressure parts of all objects subject to the RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING may be performed under permit from the Mechanical Section by a company possessing National Board “R” stamp or the appropriate ASME stamp.
  2. Hydrostatic tests required on all welded repairs.
  3. R-1 reports required.
  4. All Section I boilers must be attended by a stationary engineer, licensed by the Board of Stationary Engineers.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.



Deniece Thomas, Commissioner
Jimmy Watson, Assistant Chief Boiler Inspector
Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Boiler Inspection Unit
220 French Landing Drive, 2B
Nashville, TN 37243-1002
Telephone — 615.741.1900
Fax — 615.532.1469
Email —
Board of Boiler Rules empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: June 2000.
Date Boiler rules and regulations implemented: 1949.
Date Unfired Pressure Vessel rules and regulations implemented: 1955
Date of latest rules and regulations: June 2021.
State statute: Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 68. Health, Safety and Environmental Protection, Chapter 122. Boiler Inspection, Erection and Repair.
  1. ASME Code (Current Edition, Current Addendum), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X, XI, XII, code cases, and case interpretations.
  2. Addenda and case interpretations accepted automatically upon review.
  3. ASME CSD-1 (Current Edition).
  4. ASME B31.1 (Current Edition).
  5. Manufacturers must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the department on ASME forms before installation.
  6. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition, Current Addendum). Repairs of a routine nature are accepted and allowed as per National Board Inspection Code.
  7. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  8. NFPA 85.
  9. Electric boilers shall bear the Underwriters Laboratory label or any other label of a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) that has met the requirements for recognition by OSHA.
  10. Pressure vessels containing liquefied petroleum gases are under the jurisdiction of the state fire marshal (ASME construction and National Board stamping is required). Installation shall be in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards pertaining to liquefied petroleum gases.
  11. Persons or firms engaged in the work of repairing, altering, or erecting boilers or pressure vessels in the state must hold a National Board “R” certification and license issued by the division. A valid Certificate of Authorization, issued by The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, for use of the repair symbol stamp is required to qualify for a state Boiler and Pressure Vessel Repair License. To erect boilers or pressure vessels, the company must possess the appropriate ASME Certificate of Authorization.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: all.
All boilers and pressure vessels shall be tagged with a Tennessee registration number.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers under federal control.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels meeting requirements of the US Department of Transportation for shipment of liquids or gases under pressure.
  3. Air tanks located on vehicles operating under rules of other state authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight.
  4. Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels:
    1. Having a volume of 5 cubic feet or less;
    2. Designed for a working pressure of 15 psi or less.
  6. Unfired pressure vessels containing liquefied petroleum gases (under jurisdiction of the state fire marshal).
  7. Hot-water supply boilers (water heaters) with less than 200,000 BTU per hour heat input. However, such water heaters with a heat input of between 100,000 and 199,999 BTU per hour are subject to registration, inspection, and inspection certificate requirements of the Tennessee Boiler Rules and Regulations.
  1. Boilers located on farms used solely for agricultural purposes.
  2. Boilers and pressure vessels located in municipalities where boiler inspection ordinances are in force, in accordance with provisions of Section 68-122-105 of the Tennessee Code.
  3. Steam boilers used for heating purposes carrying a pressure of not more than 15 psi, located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six families.
  4. Hot-water heating boilers carrying a pressure of not more than 30 psi, located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six families.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels containing only water under pressure for domestic supply purposes and operated at a temperature not over 200°F, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion.
  6. Hot-water supply boilers (water heaters) with less than 100,000 BTU per hour heat input.
  7. Unfired pressure vessels contained within an autoclave used by an entity or individual that is licensed under TCA 68 or TCA 63.
  8. Miniature boilers that are integrated as components of medical devices used by an entity that is licensed under TCA 68 or TCA 63 and is regulated by the FDA.
Item Internal External
 Power boilers  1 Year  1 Year*
 Low-pressure boilers and hot-water supply boilers  2 Years  2 Years
 Unfired pressure vessels (subject to corrosion)  2 Years  2 Years
Other unfired pressure vessels:
The board sets the interval for external inspection of vessels not subject to internal corrosion.
Certificate inspection of such vessels shall be made every two years.
*While under pressure.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance and owner/user companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by department inspector.
  2. Initial inspections to new, reinstalled, and secondhand high-pressure and low-pressure boilers and lethal service pressure vessels must be performed by a department deputy inspector.
  3. Reports of internal inspections must be filed with the department on a board-approved form within 30 days.
  4. Reports of external inspections must be filed with the department on a board-approved form within 30 days.
  5. The department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  6. The department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance.
Certificate of Inspection is issued by the department upon payment of $60.00 for unfired and low-pressure boilers and $50.00 for high-pressure boilers. Certificate is valid for not more than 26 months for unfired and low-pressure boilers and 14 months for high-pressure boilers.
  1. Boilers – internal inspections:
    1. Boilers of 5 hp or less or 50 square feet or less heating surface - $60.00
    2. Boilers more than 5 hp or more than 50 square feet heating surface - $60.00
    3. Boilers – external inspections - $35.00
  2. Pressure vessels:
    1. Vessels having a cross-sectional area of 50 square feet or less - $30.00
    2. For each additional 100 square feet or fraction thereof - $8.00
A group of unfired pressure vessels such as paper machine rolls or dryers operating as a single machine or unit shall be considered as one pressure vessel.
The inspection of secondhand or used boilers shall be charged at a rate of not less than $350.00 for one half day of four hours (or less) and $700.00 for one full day of four to eight hours (plus all expenses, including travel and hotel). Special inspections, shop inspection and quality control system reviews, or nuclear surveys shall be charged at a rate of not less than $500.00 for one half day of four hours (or less) and $700.00 for four to eight hours (plus expenses for travel, hotel, and sustenance).
Any inspection upon installation by permit (i.e., new, reinstallation, secondhand boiler, lethal service pressure vessel, etc.) is subject to the fees in accordance with Rule 0800-3-3-09(10) of the Tennessee Rules and Regulations.
  1. Reciprocal Commission is issued to inspectors holding approved state or National Board Commission. Fee is $75.00.
  2. Commissions must be renewed annually. Renewal fee is $35.00.
  3. Before installation, secondhand unfired pressure vessels must be inspected by a state inspector and issued an installation permit. All inquiries should be directed to the chief inspector.
  4. The company or person responsible for the installation of a high- or low-pressure boiler or lethal service pressure vessel shall obtain an installation permit prior to any work being performed. The application and guidelines to submit may be found on the Web site or inquiry to the chief inspector.
  5. Erection, repairs, and alterations to boilers and pressure vessels shall be completed by persons or firms licensed as provided in the Boiler Erectors and Repairers Licensing Act. Repair and Alteration Report Form R-1 and Form R-2, signed by the authorizing inspector, shall be submitted to the boiler and pressure vessel division for each repair and alteration.
  6. Tennessee does allow repairs of a routine nature.
  7. A copy of Tennessee’s boiler and pressure vessel rules may be obtained by calling or writing to the Boiler and Elevator Inspection Division, by emailing the chief inspector, or by visiting the Web site. Cost: no charge.
  8. During scheduled quarterly meetings, the Board of Boiler Rules will review all submissions of technical inquiries for Rule Cases and Rule Interpretations. Guidelines for submission can be retrieved by visiting the Web site.
  9. Tennessee Boiler Attendant Variance and Boiler External Inspection Variance requests should be submitted to the Chief Boiler Inspector.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Mike Arismendez, Executive Director
Robby D. Troutt, Chief Boiler Inspector
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)
Compliance Division/Boiler Program
1106 Clayton Lane, Suite 325E
P.O. Box 12157
Austin, TX 78711
Telephone — 512.638.2727
Email —
Fax — 512.539.5687
Express mail only:
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Compliance Division / Boiler Program
920 Colorado Street
Austin, TX 78701
Board of Boiler Rules appointed to act in an advisory capacity to the Texas
Commission of Licensing and Regulation in formulating, altering, and amending rules.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: June 2015.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1938.
Date of latest rules and regulations: Feburary 2016.
State statute: Boiler Law, Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 755. Administrative Rules, 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 65.
  1. ASME Code (Current Edition), Sections I, III (Divisions 1, 2), IV, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), XI, XII, code cases, and case interpretations.
  2. Manufacturers shall file copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the chief inspector on ASME forms through the National Board.
  3. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition, Parts 3, 4).
  4. National Board registration required for all boilers, except cast iron and cast aluminum.
  5. Special design or construction requires approval of the Executive Director through the Chief Inspector.
  6. Containers used for storing or dispensing liquefied petroleum gas are covered under a separate law and must be constructed and installed in accordance with the rules of the:

    Railroad Commission
    Liquefied Petroleum Gas Division
    William B. Travis State Office Building
    1701 North Congress
    Austin, Texas 78701
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Certification Mark with designators are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: S, A, E, M, PP, V, H, HLW, HV, N, NA, NPT, NV, U, U2,U3, UD, UV.
All boilers, except the following:
  1. boilers owned or operated by the federal government;
  2. pressure vessels or process steam generators, other than steam collection or liberation drums of process steam generators;
  3. manually fired miniature boilers that:
    1. are constructed or maintained for locomotives, boats, tractors, or stationary engines only as a hobby for exhibition, recreation, education, or historical purposes and not for commercial use;

    2. have an inside diameter of 12 inches or less or a grate area of two square feet or less; and

    3. are equipped with a safety valve of adequate size, a water level indicator, and a pressure gauge;

  4. boilers that are designed for operation only at atmospheric pressure and that are equipped with two independent means to prevent the buildup of pressure; or
  5. steam cookers.
  6. Heating boilers used to heat buildings that are exclusively for residential use and that have accommodations for not more than four families are exempt from Sections 755.025, 755.027, 755.029, and 755.030.
Heating boilers used to heat buildings exclusively for residential use and having accommodations for not more than four families are exempt from inspection, reporting, Certificates of Operation, and fees.
  1. Power boilers, unfired steam boilers, and steam collection or liberation drums of process steam generators must receive an annual certificate inspection and an annual external inspection.
  2. Steam-heating boilers and hot-water heating boilers must receive a certificate inspection biennially.
  3. Hot-water supply boilers and potable water heaters must receive a certificate inspection triennially.
  4. Portable power boilers:
    1. Annual internal inspection;
    2. External inspection each time it is moved to a new location.
  5. Nuclear boilers:
    1. Inspected and reported in such form and with such appropriate information as the executive director shall designate;
    2. Intervals of inspection shall be established between the executive director and the owner.
  6. Extensions: Upon approval of the executive director and the inspection agency having jurisdiction, the interval between internal inspections may be extended to a period not to exceed 60 months for power boilers and 84 months for unfired boilers. For steam collection or liberation drums of process steam generators, the inspection interval may be extended to the next scheduled downtime of the boiler, but not exceeding a total of 120 months. Extensions may be requested in 12-month intervals only. A one-time emergency extension may be granted for up to 120 days.
  1. Inspections of boilers made by authorized inspectors employed by accredited authorized inspection agencies and commissioned by the department are required in lieu of inspections made by a deputy boiler inspector.
  2. Reports of certificate inspection by authorized inspectors must be filed with the department manually or electronically, using the format provided by the department, within 30 days.
  3. All authorized inspection agencies shall promptly notify the chief inspector, electronically or manually, using the format provided by the department, of all boiler risks or inspection agreements rejected, canceled, not renewed, or suspended because of unsafe conditions. If an authorized inspector finds conditions such that insurance is refused or inspection agreement canceled, the agency shall promptly notify the chief inspector and submit a report of the defects.
Certificate of Operation, valid for a period not longer than the interval required for certificate inspection, is issued by the department upon payment of a fee not exceeding the sum of $70.00. Fee is added when boiler is inspected by deputy inspector of the jurisdiction.
  1. Certificate of Operation - $70.00
  2. Boilers Inspections conducted by Deputy Inspector of the Jurisdiction other than Heating - $70.00
  3. Heating boilers without inspection opening - $40.00
  4. Heating boilers with inspection opening - $70.00
  5. Late fee if inspection is conducted 1 to 90 days after expiration of the Certificate of Operation - $35.00
  6. Late fee if inspection is conducted greater than 90 days after expiration of the Certificate of Operation - $70.00
    1. In addition, The department may refer any boiler that is ninety days past its inspection due date to another Authorized Inspection Agency for completion of the past due inspection. Any boiler referred under this suction shall be assessed and inspection fee made payable to the Authorized Inspection Agency who is assigned to conduct the inspection - $260.00
  7. Special inspection: fee for a special inspection is $1,700.00. A prepayment of $1700.00 shall be received by the department before the department can initiate the requested special inspection.
  1. Repairs and alterations may be performed by the following, provided intended work is within the scope of issued Certificate of Authorization:
    1. Holders of a Certificate of Authorization from the National Board for use of “R” repair symbol stamp; or
    2. Owner/operators of boilers issued a Certificate of Authorization by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation:
      1. Issuance of Certificate of Authorization will be made upon submission of an application on forms provided by department;
      2. Review of applicant’s program and facilities initially and at subsequent three-year intervals will be done.
        1. Review will determine applicant has a documented program to control repairs and/or alterations conforming to minimum requirements established by the department;
        2. Review will require demonstration of applicant’s ability to perform repairs and/or alterations by implementing — on representative work — the requirements of the written program.
  2. All safety and safety relief valves for boilers must be repaired, tested, set, and sealed by one of the following, provided scope of issued Certificate of Authorization covers work to be performed:
    1. An organization holding a valid V, HV, or UV Certificate of Authorization, as appropriate, issued by ASME;
    2. An organization holding a valid VR Certificate of Authorization issued by the National Board;
    3. An organization holding a valid owner/user Certificate of Authorization issued by the department. Such authorization may be granted or withheld by the executive director.
  3. Once a Texas commission application is approved by TDLR examinations may be scheduled thru Psychological Services Inc. (PSI). Exams are offered at locations throughout Texas and the fee is $55.00. For more information go to
  4. Texas commissions may be issued on a reciprocal basis to authorized inspectors holding National Board Commissions and who perform ASME new construction inspections only. Application shall be made on forms furnished by the chief inspector and accompanied by a photostatic copy of the applicant’s National Board Commission, current renewal card, and the $50.00 fee.
  5. The Texas commission examination is mandatory for:
    1. New issuance: inspectors applying for initial issuance who are designated by the employing authorized inspection agency to perform inservice or a combination of inservice or ASME Code new construction inspections;
    2. Reinstatement: inspectors seeking reinstatement with time lapse of 12 months or more without any type of inspection activity and who are designated by the employing authorized inspection agency to perform inservice or a combination of inservice or ASME Code new construction inspections.
    For new issuances and reinstatements for inservice inspectors, inspector must attend a mandatory orientation training.
  6. Renewal of commissions is required annually during the month of December. Renewal fee is $50.00. Late renewal: 90 days or less, $75.00; more than 90 days, $100.00. A person paying a late renewal fee is not required to pay the normal required renewal fee.
  7. Variations may be requested from a rule or decision. The request for variation shall specify how equivalent safety is to be maintained.
  8. The Texas Boiler Law and Rules is available on the department Web site,, or may be obtained by contacting the department by phone, written request, or email.
  9. The city of Houston requires boiler operators to be licensed while operating certain sized boilers.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Rick K. Sturm,  Division Director
Utah Labor Commission
160 East 300 South, Third Floor
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Telephone — 801.326.7266
Email —
Fax — 801.530.6871
Labor commissioner empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: May 2006.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1967.
Date of latest rules and regulations: March 2023
State statute: Utah Condensed Constitution, Title 34A. Utah Labor Code, Chapter 7. Safety, Sections 101 through 104.
  1. ASME Code (2021 Edition), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2) IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IX, X, XI.
  2. ASME CSD-1 2015 except part CG-130 (c)
  3. ASME B-31.1 (2016 Edition).
  4. National Board Inspection Code (2021 Edition, Part 3).
  5. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  6. API-510 (Ninth Edition, June 2014, except Section 8 and Appendix A, 1998 and 2000 Addenda).
  7. NFPA-85 (2015 Edition)
  8. Special design or construction requires approval of the Division.
  9. State Special repairs require approval of the Division.
  10. Foreign codes: vessels must be registered with the National Board.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, N, NA, NPT, NV, PP, RP, S, U, U2, U3, UM, UV, V.
All boilers and pressure vessels shall be stamped with a Utah serial number.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Those boilers or pressure vessels under federal control.
  2. Pressure vessels used for the transportation of compressed gases (if constructed and operated in compliance with specifications and regulations of the US Department of Transportation).
  3. Pressure vessels containing air located on vehicles operating pursuant to regulations of other jurisdictional authorities.
  4. Pressure vessels that do not exceed:
    1. An operating pressure of 15 psig with no limit on size;
    2. An inside diameter of 6 inches with no limit on pressure.
  5. A vessel containing water under pressure, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion, when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A design pressure of 300 psi;
    2. A design temperature of 210°F.
  6. Pressure vessels containing water heated by steam or any other indirect means when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. A water temperature of 210°F;
    3. A water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
  7. Coil-type hot-water boilers without any steam space (where no steam is generated within the coil but where the water flashes into steam when released through a manually operated nozzle), when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. 1-inch nominal diameter tubing or pipe size with no drum or headers attached;
    2. 6 gallons nominal water-containing capacity;
    3. 350°F water temperature.
  8. Hot-water supply boilers directly fired with oil, gas, or electricity when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. A water temperature of 210°F;
    3. A water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
  9. Water heaters including lined potable water heaters when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. A water temperature of 210°F;
    3. A water-containing capacity of 120 gallons.
  10. Pressure vessels which may be classified as:
    1. Pressure containers which are integral parts of rotating or reciprocating mechanical devices (such as pumps, compressors, turbines, generators, engines, and hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders) where primary design considerations and/or stresses are derived from device’s functional requirements;
    2. Structures whose primary function is the transport of fluids from one location to another within a system of which it is an integral part (e.g., piping systems).
  11. Boilers and pressure vessels located in private residences or in apartment houses with fewer than five family units.
  1. Power boilers:
    1. Annual certificate inspection;
    2. Annual external inspection while under operating conditions.
  2. High-temperature, high-pressure boilers: annual inspection with an internal inspection.
  3. Heating boilers: biennial certificate inspection.
  4. Steel steam boilers:
    1. Annual internal certificate inspection;
    2. External inspection to be performed while the boiler is in service, within the previous 24-month period.
  5. Pressure vessels:
    1. High-pressure heat exchangers: biennial certificate inspection;
    2. All others: quadrennial certificate inspection.
Upon application from the owner/user (with a recommendation by the state boiler inspector or special inspector), the Labor Commission may authorize extension of the inspection period. Extension shall be granted in writing by the safety director with original and one copy going to the boiler operator and a second copy going to the authorized inspector. When the commission grants an extension, a new certificate (to be properly posted) will be issued to replace the original shorter-term certificate. The old certificate shall be destroyed. Owner/user pressure vessels shall be inspected in accordance with ANSI/API-510 when such owner/user organizations are approved by the commission.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies holding a Utah Certificate of Competency are accepted in lieu of inspections by division inspectors.
  2. Reports of certificate inspection must be filed with the division on approved forms within 30 days.
  3. The department must be notified immediately with a report of defects on boilers or pressure vessels that have been refused insurance on account of dangerous conditions.
  4. The department must be notified within 30 days of all boilers or pressure vessels on which insurance is written, canceled, not renewed, or rejected.
A Certificate of Inspection, valid for 12 months for power boilers, 24 months for low-pressure boilers, 24 months for high-pressure pressure vessels and 48 months for all other pressure vessels, is issued by the inspector. Certificate fees: see STATE FEES.
Inspection fees charged by the division for the inspection of a boiler or pressure vessel shall be set by the state legislature. For current schedule of boiler inspection fees, contact the division at 801.530.6874 or see the Web site.
  1. Examinations for the National Board exam may be held at the office of the Labor Commission on the first Wednesday in March, June, September, and December. An examination fee of $100.00 is required, upon director approval.
  2. A Reciprocal Commission (certificate of competency) and identification card will be issued to an inspector holding a National Board Commission or approved state owner/user commission, upon application to the Utah Labor Commission, a payment of $25.00, and a passing grade on an oral and written examination administered by the chief boiler and pressure vessel inspector. Annual identification card renewal $20.00 fee.
  3. Organizations performing repairs or adjustments on safety relief valves are required to have a valid “VR” authorization.
  4. Call the office of the Division at 801.530.6850 for a copy of the boiler and pressure vessel rules and regulations. Cost: First copy at no charge or available on the Web site




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Department of Public Safety
Division of Fire Safety
45 State Drive
Waterbury, VT 05671
Telephone — 802.479.7564
Email —
Administered and enforced by the Commissioner of Public Safety and staff members of the Division of Fire Safety that are hereby designated to enforce this Code and utilize discretionary authority regarding the details of the application of the Code. Hereafter the Commissioner, or designated representative, or in the case of a cooperative municipal inspection agreement, the approved inspector(s), are designated as the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: June 2011.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1951.
Date of latest rules and regulations: 2015.
State statute: Vermont Statutes Annotated, Title 20 VSA, Chapter 173, Subchapter 5, Vermont Fire & Building Safety Code - 2015.
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels must be manufactured, constructed, and assembled in accordance with the relevant standards published by ASME, Canadian Standards Association, or European Committee for Standardization - with limitations.
  2. National Board Inspection Code (2015 Edition, Part 1; Section 2.4.1, Part 2, Part 3).
  3. ASME Code (2015 Edition), Sections I, II (Part A, B & C), IV, V, VIII (Div 1 & 2), IX, X.
  4. ASME B31.1 Power Piping, ANSI (2012 Edition).
  5. ASME CSD-1 (2015 Edition).
  6. The owner or person installing a boiler or pressure vessel shall report to the AHJ the location, type, capacity, age and date of installation of any boiler or pressure vessel.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, HLW, HV, M, PP, S, U, U2, UM, UV, V.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers or pressure vessels located on common carriers subject to Surface Transportation Board, US Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, or Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
  2. Pressure containers that are integral parts or components of rotating or reciprocating mechanical devices (i.e., pumps, compressors, turbines, generators, engines, hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders, etc.) where the primary design consideration and/or stress is derived from the functional requirements of the device.
  3. Steam cleaners: Coil-type boilers without any steam space where water flashes into steam when manually released through a nozzle for cleaning machinery, equipment, etc., and not exceeding:
    1. Water capacity of 6 gallons;
    2. Water temperature of 350°F (where no steam is generated in the coil).
  4. Hot-water heaters and potable water storage tanks with:
    1. Heat input of less than 200,000 BTU per hour;
    2. Water temperature less than 210°F;
    3. Water-containing capacity less than 120 gallons.
  5. A system for heating a building or other processes using an open vessel (characterized by a continuously open vent or vents of adequate size designed so that the vessel will not operate above atmospheric pressure) are not regulated under the NBIC, but are subject to other requirements of this code and other rules and standards adopted by the Division, including obtaining all required permits and inspections.

Units exempted under this section shall be equipped with approved pressure/temperature safety relief devices in accordance with NBIC.

  1. High pressure power boilers (more than 15 psi) and high temperature water boilers:
    1. Annual internal and external inspection while not under pressure;
    2. External inspection, while in operation and under pressure, approximately six months from the internal inspection.
  2. Low-pressure hot water heating boilers (not exceeding 160 psi and/or temperatures not exceeding 250 degrees) and low-pressure steam boilers (not exceeding 15 psi):
    1. 2 year external inspection;
    2. 2 year internal inspection, where construction permits, for steam heating boiler (not exceeding 15 psi). An inspection shall not be required for boilers designed to heat individual dwelling units.
  3. Each pressure vessel greater than 5 cubic feet and operating with a relieving pressure greater than 125 psi:
    1. 3 year external inspection;
    2. 3 year internal inspection, where construction permits. An internal inspection is not required for a rubber lined pressure vessel.
  4. Cast iron boilers and steel boilers:
    1. 2 year external inspection;
    2. 3 year internal inspection for steam boilers, where construction permits;
    3. 5 year internal inspection for hot water boilers, where construction permits.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors with a National Board commission and commissioned by the department are required.
  2. Results of all inspections must be reported to the AHJ within 30 days of the inspection in a format approved by the AHJ.
  3. The AHJ must be notified within 30 days of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions, new business, and discontinuance of insurance.
  1. When the boiler or pressure vessel is found to be in compliance with this Code, the commissioned inspector shall attach an identification number, approved by the AHJ, and an initial inspection certificate in a format approved by the AHJ.
  2. The inspection certificate shall be posted at the site of operation.
  3. The identification number, initial inspection by a commissioned inspector and operating certificate shall not be required for boilers designed to heat individual dwelling units.
  4. Boiler(s) connected to a single system with a total aggregate heat output capacity of less than 199,000 BTU/hr serving apartments or residential condos are not required to have a commissioned inspection and operating certificate.
Certificate of Inspection or periodic inspection sticker - $30.00
Any accident, incident, or explosion of a boiler or pressure vessel involving personal injury must be immediately reported by the owner, user, or inspector to the AHJ at 1-800-347-0488.






IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Gary Pan, Commissioner
Kimberly Adkins, Chief Boiler Inspector
Department of Labor and Industry
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Division
6606 West Broad St., Suite 500
Richmond, VA 23230
Telephone — 804.786.3160
Email —
Fax — 804.371.2323
Safety and Health Codes Board empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations. Variances granted by the
commissioner, with appeal to the board.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: November 2018.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1974.
Date of latest rules and regulations: November 1, 2018.
State statutes: Code of Virginia, Title 40. Labor and Employment, Chapter 3.1. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act, Sections through and Virginia Administrative Code, Title 16. Labor and Employment, Agency 25. Safety and Health Codes Board, Chapter 40, Standards for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Certification, Sections 10 through 70 and Chapter 55, Financial Requirements for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Contract Fee Inspectors, Sections 10 through 20.
  1. ASME Code (2015 Edition), Sections I, II, III (Divisions 1, 2, 3), IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, XI, and code cases.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2012 Edition) general requirements, water-side controls and flame safeguards only.
  3. National Board Inspection Code (2015 Edition).
  4. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels.
  5. NFPA 85 (2015 edition).
  6. Special design or construction requires prior approval of the commissioner.
  7. Foreign codes: if registered with the National Board.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: Companies performing repairs and alterations must possess an “R” Stamp.
  2. ASME Code: all.
All boilers and pressure vessels shall be stamped or tagged with a commonwealth serial number as follows: “VA 000000.”
All boilers and pressure vessels, except the following:
  1. Boilers or unfired pressure vessels owned or operated by the federal government or any agency thereof;
  2. Boilers or fired or unfired pressure vessels used in or on the property of private residences or apartment houses of less than four apartments;
  3. Boilers of railroad companies maintained on railborne vehicles or those used to propel waterborne vessels;
  4. Hobby or model boilers as defined in § 40.1-51.19:1;
  5. Hot water supply boilers, water heaters, and unfired pressure vessels used as hot water supply storage tanks heated by steam or any other indirect means when the following limitations are not exceeded:
    1. A heat input of 200,000 British thermal units per hour;
    2. A water temperature of 210° Fahrenheit;
    3. A water-containing capacity of 120 gallons;
  6. Unfired pressure vessels containing air only which are located on vehicles or vessels designed and used primarily for transporting passengers or freight;
  7. Unfired pressure vessels containing air only, installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains;
  8. Unfired pressure vessels used for containing water under pressure when either of the following are not exceeded:
    1. A design pressure of 300 psi; or
    2. A design temperature of 210° Fahrenheit;
  9. Unfired pressure vessels containing water in combination with air pressure, the compression of which serves only as a cushion, that do not exceed:
    1. A design pressure of 300 psi;
    2. A design temperature of 210° Fahrenheit; or
    3. A water-containing capacity of 120 gallons;
  10. Unfired pressure vessels containing air only, providing the volume does not exceed eight cubic feet nor the operating pressure is not greater than 175 pounds;
  11. Unfired pressure vessels having an operating pressure not exceeding fifteen pounds with no limitation on size;
  12. Pressure vessels that do not exceed:
    1. Five cubic feet in volume and 250 pounds per square inch gauge pressure;
    2. One and one-half cubic feet in volume and 600 pounds per square inch gauge pressure; and
    3. An inside diameter of six inches with no limitations on gauge pressure;
  13. Pressure vessels used for transportation or storage of compressed gases when constructed in compliance with the specifications of the United States Department of Transportation and when charged with gas marked, maintained, and periodically requalified for use, as required by appropriate regulations of the United States Department of Transportation;
  14. Stationary American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) LP-Gas containers used exclusively in propane service with a capacity that does not exceed 2,000 gallons if the owner of the container or the owner's servicing agent:
    1. Conducts an inspection of the container not less frequently than every five years, in which all visible parts of the container, including insulation or coating, structural attachments, and vessel connections, are inspected for corrosion, distortion, cracking, evidence of leakage, fire damage, or other condition indicating impairment;
    2. Maintains a record of the most recent inspection of the container conducted in accordance with subdivision a; and
    3. Makes the records required to be maintained in accordance with subdivision b available for inspection by the Commissioner;
  15. Unfired pressure vessels used in and as a part of electric substations owned or operated by an electric utility, provided such electric substation is enclosed, locked, and inaccessible to the public; or
  16. Coil type hot water boilers without any steam space where water flashes into steam when released through a manually operated nozzle, unless steam is generated within the coil or unless one of the following limitations is exceeded:
    1. Three-fourths inch diameter tubing or pipe size with no drums or headers attached;
    2. Nominal water containing capacity not exceeding six gallons; and
    3. Water temperature not exceeding 350° Fahrenheit.


  1. Power boilers and high-temperature water boilers:
    1. Certificate inspection annually;
    2. External inspection annually while under operating conditions, if possible.
  2. Heating boilers: Certificate inspection biennially:
    1. Steam boilers: An internal inspection where construction permits;
    2. Water boilers: An external inspection with internal inspection at discretion of the inspector, where construction permits.
  3. Pressure vessels subject to internal corrosion: certificate inspection biennially with internal inspection at discretion of inspector, where construction permits.
  4. Pressure vessels not subject to corrosion: certificate inspection biennially (external) with internal inspection at discretion of the inspector, where construction permits.
  5. Pressure vessels under the supervision of an owner/user: User inspection agency shall inspect at such intervals as agreed upon with the board. Where the board has not approved owner/user frequency, above frequency shall be maintained.
  6. Nuclear vessels: Boiler and pressure vessel components shall be inspected in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Reactors and generators are considered boilers.
  7. State inspector may perform a certificate inspection on any object in which the certificate has been expired more than 90 days. A fee will be charged to the owner.
A grace period of two months is allowed beyond the periods listed above.
  1. Special inspectors are commissioned by the commissioner.
  2. Reports of inspection made by authorized insurance company inspectors or contract-fee inspectors shall be filed with the chief inspector on National Board forms within 30 days. Such inspections are acceptable in lieu of state inspections.
  3. Hazardous conditions found at time of inspection must be reported immediately to the chief inspector on National Board forms.
  4. Insurance companies shall notify the chief inspector within 30 days of all boilers or pressure vessels on which insurance is written, canceled, or not renewed. Notification is also required when coverage is suspended because of unsafe conditions.
  5. Any person, firm, partnership, or corporation operating pressure vessels in the commonwealth may seek approval and registration as an owner/user inspection agency through the chief inspector. Qualifying agencies shall maintain a penal bond in the amount of $5,000.00 and be subject to the same reporting requirements as listed above.
  1. Certificate of Inspection, valid for not more than 14 months for power boilers and for not more than 26 months for low-pressure boilers and pressure vessels, is issued by the commissioner upon the payment of a $20.00 fee to the commissioner.
  2. No Certificate of Inspection issued for an insured boiler or pressure vessel shall be valid after the boiler or pressure vessel ceases to be insured by a duly authorized insurance company.
  3. Inspection certificates are not required for pressure vessels inspected by an authorized owner/user inspection agency.
  4. Annual reporting of inspections is required.
  1. High-pressure boilers - $135.00
  2. Low-pressure boilers - $70.00
  3. Pressure vessels - $50.00
“Special” inspection fees are determined by the inspector or inspection agency.
  1. Examinations for Certificates of Competency are held at the office of the commissioner on the first Wednesday in March, June, September, and December. Examination fee is $50.00.
  2. Certificate of Competency and identification card are issued to inspectors who have passed the examination referred to previously and have paid the examination fee. Certificate and card may also be issued to a holder of a valid commission or Certificate of Competency from a state that has a standard of examination substantially equal to that of Virginia, and a valid commission and identification card issued by the National Board. Application shall be made on forms provided by the chief inspector at a fee of $20.00. The application shall be accompanied by a photostatic copy of the applicant’s commission, Certificate of Competency, and identification card.
  3. An endorsement is required for any inspection of repairs and/or alterations. Inspectors with “A” or “B” endorsements need only apply for the “R” endorsement to the Certificate of Competency at a fee of $20.00. Other inspectors must take an examination as described in Paragraph 1 at a fee of $20.00.
  4. The inspector’s identification card must be renewed biennially, not later than June 30 of the year in which renewal is required, at a fee of $20.00.
  5. All secondhand boilers or pressure vessels must be inspected by a National Board or other state inspector before being shipped into Virginia for installation.
  6. Applications for owner/user organizations should be sent to the chief inspector with proof of a bond of $5,000.00 which shall continue in effect during the period of approval.
  7. A copy of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules and Regulations may be obtained from the jurisdiction website.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Michael Carlson, Chief Boiler/Pressure Vessel Inspector
Department of Labor and Industries
Field Services & Public Safety Division (FS & PS)
Boiler Program
PO Box 44410
Olympia, WA 98504-4410
Telephone — 360.902.5270
Email —
Fax — 360.902.5292
Express mail only:
7273 Linderson Way, S.W.
Tumwater, WA 98501
Board of Boiler Rules empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes. (Contact above official for more information.)
Date of latest amendment to law: May 2018.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1951.
Date of latest rules and regulations: January 2018.
Rules, regulations and statutes: Chapter 296-104 WAC and Chapter 70.79 RCW.
  1. ASME Code (Current). (Sections I, III, IV, VIII, Div. 1,2,3, X, XII).
  2. ASME CSD-1, Part CF (Current) and other jurisdictional accepted national and and international standards.
  3. Code case interpretations when accepted by the chief inspector.
  4. Standards of construction approved by the chief inspector and meeting the National Board criteria for registration of boilers, pressure vessels and other pressure-retaining items.
  5. ASME PVHO-1 (Current).
  6. Manufacturer’s Data Reports for new standard boilers and unfired pressure vessels shall be registered with the National Board.


  1. National Board Inspection Code (Current), Part 2, Inservice and Part 3, Repairs and Alterations.  Note* - NBIC,  Parts 1 & 4 will be adopted in 2019.
  2. The standard for inspection of nuclear items is ASME Section XI, current edition.
  3. National Board Certified Owner/User Organizations may choose to use API-510, current edition.
  4. Pulp and Paper manufacturers may use TAPPI TIP 0402-16, 2011 edition, when requested and approved by the chief inspector.

The following rule changes become effective in Washington State April 2020.

  1. WAC 296-104-700 - Adopt 5.08% increase in inspection and examination fees.
  2. WAC 296-104-301 - Installation-Consolidate limit and control device requirements for power boilers into the WAC.
  3. WAC 296-104-302 - Installation- Consolidate limit and control device requirements for low pressure boilers into this WAC.
  4. WAC 296-104-303 - Installation- Relocate requirements for fuel controls after June 1998.
  5. WAC 296-104-503 - require entities repairing or altering boilers or pressure vessels to send a controlled copy of a their quality control manual prior to starting work, and send checklist and R forms to department within 45 days of completed work.

National Board registration is required for boilers and pressure vessels. Standards of construction meeting the criteria for registration of boilers, pressure vessels, and pressure retaining items (NB-264, Revision 14), provided boilers and unfired pressure vessels are registered with the National Board.

  1. API-510 (Current Edition).
  2. Special design or construction requires approval of the Board of Boiler Rules.
  3. Only organizations with an appropriate National Board “R” Certificate of Authorization can perform repairs or alterations.
  4. All repairs and/or alterations to pressure boundary must be documented on appropriate “R” forms.
  5. Boilers constructed to foreign codes must meet requirements as State Specials and be approved by the Board of Boiler Rules.
  6. TAPPI TIP 0402-16 (2011 Edition) for pulp and paper machine dryers.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NB, NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: all.
Total Exemptions from Chapter RCW 70.79.080:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels under federal regulation or operated by any railroad subject to provisions of the Interstate Commerce Act.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels meeting requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission for shipment of liquids or gases under pressure.
  3. Air tanks located on vehicles operating under the rules of other state authorities and used for carrying passengers or freight.
  4. Air tanks installed on right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels having a volume of 5 cubic feet or less when not located in places of public assembly.
  6. Unfired pressure vessels designed for a pressure not exceeding 15 pounds psi.
  7. Tanks used in connection with heating water for domestic and/or residential purposes.
  8. Boilers and pressure vessels in cities having ordinances which are enforced and which have requirements equal to or higher than those provided for under this chapter (covering the installation, operation, maintenance, and inspection of boilers and unfired pressure vessels).
  9. Tanks containing water with no air cushion and no direct source of energy that operate at ambient temperature.
  10. Electric boilers:
    1. Having a tank volume of not more than 1-1/2 cubic feet;
    2. Having a maximum allowable working pressure of 100 psi or less, with a pressure relief system to prevent excess pressure;
    3. If constructed after June 10, 1994, constructed to ASME Code, or approved or otherwise certified by a nationally recognized or recognized foreign testing laboratory or construction code, including but not limited to Underwriters Laboratories, Edison Testing Laboratory, or Instituto Superiore Per La Prevenzione E La Sicurezza Del Lavoro.
  11. Electric switchgear and control apparatus having no external source of energy to maintain pressure, located in restricted access areas under the control of an electric utility.
  12. Regardless of location, unfired pressure vessels less than one and one-half cubic feet (11.25 gallons) in volume or less than six inches in diameter with no limitation on the length of the vessel or pressure;
  13. Domestic hot water heaters less than one and one-half cubic feet (11.25 gallons) in volume with a safety valve setting of one hundred fifty pounds per square inch gage or less.
Exemptions from certain provisions (Inspection and fees) of RCW 70.79.090:
  1. Boilers and pressure vessels located on farms and used solely for agricultural purposes.
  2. Unfired pressure vessels that are part of fertilizer applicator rigs designed and used exclusively for fertilization in the conduct of agricultural operations.
  3. Steam boilers used exclusively for heating purposes carrying a pressure of not more than 15 psig and which are located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six families.
  4. Hot-water heating boilers with a pressure of not more than 30 psi located in private residences or apartment houses of fewer than six families.
  5. Approved pressure vessels (hot-water heaters, hot-water storage tanks, hot-water supply boilers, and hot-water heating boilers), with approved safety devices including pressure relief valve, with nominal water-containing capacity of 120 gallons or less having a heat input of 200,000 BTU per hour or less, used for hot-water supply at a pressure of 160 psi or less, and at temperatures of 210°F or less provided, however, that such pressure vessels are not installed in schools, childcare centers, public and private hospitals, nursing and boarding homes, churches, public buildings owned or leased and maintained by the state or any political subdivision thereof, and assembly halls.
  6. Unfired pressure vessels containing only water under pressure for domestic supply purposes (including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion or airlift pumping system), when located in private residences or in apartment houses of fewer than six families, or in public water systems as defined in RCW 70.119.020.
  7. Unfired pressure vessels containing liquefied petroleum gases.
Item Internal External
 Power boilers  1 Year 1 Year*
 Organic vapor boilers  2 Years  1 Year*
 Low-pressure heating boilers  2 Years  2 Years**
 One biennial internal inspection of low-water fuel cutoff. 
 Hot-water heaters  —  2 Years
 Unfired pressure vessels  2 Years***  2 Years
*One inspection while under pressure and one not under pressure.
**Under pressure.
***When subject to corrosion.
  1. All insurance companies shall notify the chief inspector within 30 days of all boiler and/or unfired pressure vessel risks written, canceled, not renewed, or suspended because of unsafe conditions. Special inspectors shall perform all inservice inspections of boilers and unfired pressure vessels insured by their employer. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections by a department inspector.
  2. Reports of internal and external inspections must be filed with the department on approved forms within 30 days after inspection.
  1. Certificate of Inspection, valid for not more than 14 months for power boilers and for not more than 26 months for low-pressure boilers and pressure vessels, will be issued by the department upon payment of a fee to the department.
  2. No Certificate of Inspection issued for an insured boiler or pressure vessel shall be valid after the boiler or pressure vessel ceases to be insured by a duly authorized insurance company.
  1. Heating boilers (internal inspection):
    1. Cast iron, all sizes - $42.90
    2. All other boilers less than 500 square feet - $42.90
    3. 500 square feet to 2,500 square feet - $85.80
    4. Each additional 2,500 square feet of total heating surface, or any portion thereof - $34.30
  2. Heating boilers (external inspection):
    1. Cast iron, all sizes - $34.30
    2. All other boilers less than 500 square feet - $34.30
    3. 500 square feet to 2,500 square feet - $42.90
    4. Each additional 2,500 square feet of total heating surface, or any portion thereof - $16.80
  3. Power boilers (internal inspection):
    1. Less than 100 square feet - $42.90
    2. 100 square feet to less than 500 square feet - $52.00
    3. 500 square feet to 2,500 square feet - $85.80
    4. Each additional 2,500 square feet of total heating surface, or any portion thereof - $34.30
  4. Power boilers (external inspection):
    1. Less than 100 square feet - $34.30
    2. 100 square feet to less than 500 square feet - $34.30
    3. 500 square feet to 2,500 square feet - $42.90
    4. Each additional 2,500 square feet of total heating surface, or any portion thereof - $16.80
  5. Pressure vessels: automatic utility hot-water supply heaters per RCW 70.79.090 - $7.70
  6. All other pressure vessels – internal inspection (Square feet shall be determined by multiplying the length of the shell by its diameter.):
    1. Less than 15 square feet - $34.30
    2. 15 square feet to less than 50 square feet - $50.90
    3. 50 square feet to 100 square feet - $59.40
    4. For each additional 100 square feet or any portion thereof - $59.30
  7. All other pressure vessels – external inspection (Square feet shall be determined by multiplying the length of the shell by its diameter.):
    1. Less than 15 square feet - $25.40
    2. 15 square feet to less than 50 square feet - $25.40
    3. 50 square feet to 100 square feet - $34.30
    4. For each additional 100 square feet or any portion thereof - $16.80
  8. Certificate of Inspection fee for each object inspected - $25.40
  9. Boiler and pressure vessel installation/reinstallation permit (excludes inspection) - $59.00
  10. Non-nuclear shop inspections, field construction inspections, and special inspection services:
    1. For each hour or part of an hour up to eight hours - $52.00
    2. For each hour or part of an hour in excess of eight hours - $77.60
  11. Nuclear shop inspections, nuclear field construction inspections, and triennial nuclear shop survey and audit:
    1. For each hour or part of an hour up to eight hours - $77.60
    2. For each hour or part of an hour in excess of eight hours - $121.50
  12. Triennial non-nuclear shop survey and audit:
    1. When state is authorized inspection agency:
      For each hour or part of an hour up to eight hours - $52.00
    2. When state is authorized inspection agency:
      For each hour or part of an hour in excess of eight hours - $77.60
    3. When insurance company is authorized inspection agency:
      For each hour or part of an hour up to eight hours - $77.60
    4. When insurance company is authorized inspection agency:
      For each hour or part of an hour in excess of eight hours - $121.50
  13. Examination fee (charged for each applicant sitting for an inspection examination) - $96.10
  14. Special inspection commission:
    1. Initial fee - $51.90
    2. Annual renewal (includes work card charge) - $32.20
Expenses shall include travel time and mileage. Department will charge for inspector’s travel time from office to inspection site and return. Travel time will be charged at the same rate as that for the inspection, audit, or survey. Mileage, or actual cost of purchased transportation, will be charged at the office of financial management-approved rate. Hotel and meals: Actual cost not to exceed the office of financial management-approved rate.
For vessels to be considered by the board for a state special certificate, a fee of $407.40 must be paid to the department before the board meets. The board may, at its discretion, prorate the fee when a number of vessels which are essentially the same are to be considered.
  1. The National Board Rules for Repairs and Alterations to Boilers and Pressure Vessels is acceptable to the department.
  2. The National Board “R” form and completed traveler are required for all repairs and alterations. Repair organizations shall hold a National Board “R” Certificate of Authorization.
  3. The appropriate National Board Certificate of Authorization is required to repair and restamp safety devices.
  4. National Board rules for riveted repairs are acceptable to the department with concurrence of the chief inspector.
  5. Examinations for Certificate of Competency may be held at the office of the chief inspector by appointment. Examination fee is required.
  6. Depending on boiler controls, an operator may be required to be in attendance during boiler operation.
  7. A copy of the boiler and pressure vessel rules and regulations may be obtained on the Internet at
  8. Civil penalties are as described in Washington Administrative Code 296-104-701 for operating without a valid certificate or installation permit, or operating (under pressure) a boiler and/or pressure vessel which the department has condemned, issued a red tag for, or has suspended the inspection certificate.
  9. For mandatory installation requirements of new or replaced boilers and pressure vessels, see Washington Administrative Code 296-104-020 and 296-104-200.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Brian J. Hanlon, Acting Director
Department of Buildings
1100 4th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20024
Telephone — 202.442.9557
Email —
City council empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes.
Date of latest amendment to law: March 2014.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1936.
Date of latest amendment to rules and regulations: March 2014.
City ordinance: District of Columbia Code, Division 1. Government of District, Title 2. Government Administration, Chapter 1. Inspections – Boilers. DCMR Title 17 Chapter 4 (Steam Engineers). DCMR Title 12 Chapter 10E (Boilers, Water Heaters and Pressure Vessels).
  1. ASME Code (2007 Edition), Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, XI, and code cases with National Board stamping.
  2. ASME CSD-1 (2011 Edition)
  3. National Board Inspection Code (2011 Edition)
  4. Manufacturers must file copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the department on ASME forms before installation. All boilers and pressure vessels must be shop-inspected and stamped ASME (except low-pressure heating boilers) and National Board by an inspector holding a National Board Commission.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, H, PP, U.
All boilers and unfired pressure vessels installed in the District of Columbia are assigned indentification numbers.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except:
  1. Those under federal government jurisdiction.
  2. Those on boats or floating equipment.
  3. Those on railway locomotives.
  4. Those under the Public Utilities Commission jurisdiction.
  5. Unfired pressure vessels with a capacity of 15 gallons or less, and those constructed for a pressure of 60 psi or less.
Same as OBJECTS SUBJECT TO RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAMPING, except boilers constructed for a pressure of 15 psi or less having unassisted gravity return, and hot-water heating boilers not subject to annual inspection.
  1. Steel boilers: an annual internal inspection.
  2. Cast-iron boilers and unfired pressure vessels: an annual external inspection.
  3. Portable and other unfired pressure vessels: an annual external inspection.
  4. Permits required for the installation of all boilers and unfired pressure vessels. First inspection is made by a department inspector regardless of whether the object is insured.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Reports of inspection must be filed with the department on National Board forms within 30 days.
  3. A data report based on an internal inspection shall be submitted by an insurance company when it makes its first inspection of any boiler or unfired pressure vessel.
  4. An internal inspection is not required immediately when insurance coverage changes from one insurance company to another – if a report is submitted by the new carrier on the National Board External Inspection Report form within 15 days from the date of taking coverage.
  5. The department must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions on National Board forms.
  6. The department must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance on National Board forms.
  1. After the annual inspection report has been approved, an annual Certificate of Inspection is issued to the owner for posting.
  2. All new or used boilers and unfired pressure vessels installed, erected, re-erected, or reinstalled in the District of Columbia will not be approved until the proper permits and inspections have been obtained and approved.
  1. Annual Certificate of Inspection fee (per boiler and air compressor): $50.00
  2. Welder License Fee for test and renewal: $100.00
  3. New and renewal Insurance Inspection Card fee: $200.00
  1. Certificate of Competency will be granted without examination to an inspector holding a National Board Commission upon application to the department, together with a photostatic copy of applicant’s National Board Commission.
  2. Permits are required to install boilers and pressure vessels.
  3. Operators of boilers and pressure vessels are required to be licensed.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Mitch E. Woodrum, Commissioner
Carla Campbell, Safety Section Director
Division of Labor, Safety Section
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
State Capitol Complex - Building 3 Room 200
Charleston, WV 25305
Telephone — 304.558.7890
Email —
Commissioner of labor empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: No.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1937.
Date of latest rules and regulations: July 2008.
State statute: West Virginia Code, Chapter 21. Labor, Article 3. Safety and Welfare of Employees, Section 7. Regulation of Operation of Steam Boilers.
  1. ASME Code (2007 Edition), Sections I, II, V, and IX.
  2. Code addenda and case interpretations accepted.
  3. Owners must file a copy of Manufacturer’s Data Report with the division on ASME forms before installation.
  4. National Board Inspection Code (2004 Edition, 2006 Addendum).
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NB, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: A, E, M, PP, S, V.
Boilers must be stamped with state serial number at the time of first inspection. The stamping is “W…..W”.
All steam boilers, except the following:
  1. Boilers under the jurisdiction of the federal government.
  2. Boilers carrying not more than 15 psi.
  3. Railroad locomotive boilers subject to inspection under federal laws.
  4. Portable boilers used for agricultural purposes.
  5. Boilers on automobiles.
  6. Boilers of steam fire engines brought into the state for temporary use in cases of emergency.
  7. Boilers in private residences used solely for residential purposes.
  8. Sectional boilers.
  9. Small portable boilers used in the oil and gas industry (around wells and tool houses).
The term “small portable boiler” is interpreted by the division as one capable of being easily carried, weighing less than 200 pounds.
  1. Installation.
  2. Annual internal and external.
  3. Rental boilers coming into the state for temporary use.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and commissioned by the division are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a division inspector.
  2. Reports of inspections must be filed with the division on National Board (or similar) forms within 10 days.
  3. External inspection reports involving code violations or dangerous conditions are required. Via report form and phone contact for dangerous conditions. 304-415-6835 Chief Boiler Inspector.
  4. The division must be notified of suspension of insurance on account of dangerous conditions on National Board (or similar) forms.
  5. The division must be notified of new business and discontinuance of insurance on National Board (or similar) forms.
A Permit to Operate, valid for 12 months, is issued by the division for an annual fee of $50.00.
  1. Boiler inspection:
    1. 1 to 100 square feet - $150.00
    2. 101 to 500 square feet - $200.00
    3. More than 500 square feet - $250.00
  2. For the processing of inspection reports - $50.00
  3. For commissioning insurance company boiler inspectors - $50.00
  4. For permit to operate boiler - $50.00
  5. Emergency extension of operating permit - $100.00
Hobby boilers are inspected free of charge; however, a $25.00 fee is charged for a permit to operate.
  1. Insurance inspectors must hold a West Virginia Certificate of Competency.
  2. The National Board Inspection Code has been adopted as the standard for installations, inspections, repairs, and alterations.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.

Department of Safety & Professional Services
Division of Industry Services
4822 Madison Yards Way
Madison, WI 53705
Telephone — 608.575.0583
Email —
Department of Safety & Professional Services empowered to make, alter, and amend rules and regulations.
Boiler Board: Yes.
Date of latest amendment to law: Effective June 1, 2012.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1914.
Date of latest rules and regulations: Effective June 1, 2012.
State statute: Pursuant to S.101.17m the Department of Safety & Professional Services, Division of Industry Services, enforces Wisconsin Administrative Code, SPS Chapter 341, Boilers and Pressure Vessels.
  1. ASME Code (2010 Edition), Sections I, II, IV, V, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X, and code cases.
  2. Code addenda and case interpretations may be accepted.
  3. ASME B31.1 (2010 Edition) and B31.5 (2006 Edition).
  4. ASME PVHO-1 (2007 Edition), PVHO-2 (2003 Edition).
  5. National Board registration required for boilers and pressure vessels except CI “H” boilers and ”UM” vessels.
  6. National Board Inspection Code (2011 Edition). Parts 1, 2 and 3.
  7. API 510 (9TH Edition, June 2006).
  8. ASME CSD-1 (2009 Edition).
  9. Special design or construction requires approval by the division.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: NR, R, VR.
  2. ASME Code: all.
Boilers and pressure vessels stamped Wisconsin Special must be inspected and stamped by an inspector holding a Wisconsin commission. Boilers and pressure vessels shall be assigned a registration number which shall be affixed to the object by a certified inspector.
All boilers and pressure vessels, except:
  1. Water heaters and hot-water storage tanks, provided water temperatures do not exceed 210°F.
  2. Vessels for containing water under pressure for domestic supply, including those having an air space for expansion.
  3. Pressure vessels used for the processing or storage of water at water temperatures not exceeding 210°F. (These vessels may contain a steam or hot-water coil or heat exchanger, provided the steam is at or below a pressure of 15 psig and the hot water is at or below a pressure of 160 psig and a temperature of 250°F.)
  4. Pressure vessels used for water conditioning and filtration.
  5. Pressure vessels used in processing and storing fermented beverages at temperatures not exceeding 140°F.
Items 1 through 5 are required to meet the pressure-relief device requirements of the ASME Code listed or the applicable Wisconsin Administrative Code.
  1. Boilers or pressure vessels regularly inspected by US government inspectors.
  2. Heating boilers located in private residences or in apartment buildings having fewer than three family units.
  3. Expansion tanks for hot-water heating boilers.
  4. Boilers used exclusively for agricultural purposes.
  5. Hot-water supply boilers, water heaters, and hot-water storage tanks in which the temperature does not exceed 210°F.
  6. Pressure vessels having:
    1. An inside diameter not exceeding 6 inches, with no limit on pressure;
    2. A volume less than 5 cubic feet and an operating pressure less than 250 psig;
    3. A volume less than 1-1/2 cubic feet, with no limit on pressure;
    4. An internal or external operating pressure of not more than 15 psig, with no limitation on size.
  7. Pressure vessels which are used in accordance with the regulations of the US Department of Transportation.
  8. Vessels used for storage or processing of cold water, including those with air cushions.
  9. Air receivers having a volume less than 90 gallons (~12.033 cu ft) and a working pressure less than 200 psig as stamped on the manufacturer’s nameplate.
  10. Vessels used in processing and storing of fermented beverages at temperatures not exceding 140o F.   
  11. Any pressure vessel used as an integral part of an electrical circuit breaker.
  12. Installations at one or two family dwellings.
  1. Power boilers: One annual internal inspection. Where an internal inspection is not possible because of construction, an external inspection will be accepted. Should operating conditions require longer periods between inspections, an extension of time may be granted upon written application to the department and written concurrence of inspection agency.
  2. Low-pressure steam and hot-water boilers: one external or internal inspection every 36 months.
  3. Pressure vessels: one external or internal inspection every 36 months.
  4. Anhydrous ammonia storage and nurse tanks: one inspection every 36 months.
  5. Power piping and welded refrigeration piping: welder documentation and material inspection prior to start of fabrication.
  1. Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies and holding Certificates of Competency issued by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  2. Inspections made by inspectors employed by owners/users and holding Certificates of Competency issued by the department are accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
  3. Reports of inspection must be filed with the department within 30 days after inspection on department forms (SBD-10663).
  4. External inspections shall be reported only when:
    1. An internal inspection is not possible because of construction (in which case report shall be marked “External” and the reason for making an external inspection shall be given);
    2. Code violations or unsafe conditions are found.
  5. The department must be notified within 30 days of new business and discontinuance of insurance on forms acceptable to the department.
  6. Reporting of periodic inspections shall be sent to the department in accordance with the department’s EDI—Electronic Data Interface Transfer Guidelines.
A Permit to Operate is issued by the department for boilers and pressure vessels upon payment of a $50.00 fee. Refrigeration systems also require payment of a $50.00 fee.
  1. Boilers – internal inspection:
    1. Miniature – 0 to 20 square feet - $35.00
    2. Power boilers – 21 to 250 square feet - $80.00
    3. Power boilers – 251 to 1,000 square feet - $180.00
    4. Power boilers – 1,001 to 10,000 square feet - $240.00
    5. Power boilers – more than 10,000 square feet - $630.00
    6. Heating with manhole - $140.00
    7. Heating without manhole - $130.00
    8. Heating – multiple boilers in one building - $60.00/boiler or $320.00/four-hour period, whichever is less
  2. Boilers – external inspection:
    1. Miniature – 0 to 20 square feet - $35.00
    2. Power boilers – 21 to 250 square feet - $80.00
    3. Power boilers – 251 to 1,000 square feet - $120.00
    4. Power boilers – 1,001 to 10,000 square feet - $170.00
    5. Power boilers – more than 10,000 square feet - $290.00
    6. Heating with manhole - $60.00
    7. Heating without manhole - $60.00
    8. Heating – multiple boilers in one building - $60.00/boiler or $320.00/four-hour period, whichever is less
  3. Pressure vessels:
    1. Less than 12 cubic feet - No Fee
    2. 12 through 200 cubic feet - $50.00
    3. 201 through 500 cubic feet - $120.00
    4. More than 500 cubic feet - $140.00
    5. Multiple pressure vessels in one building - $50.00/vessel or $320.00/four-hour period, whichever is less
  4. Mechanical refrigeration systems:
    1. Less than 3 tons - No Fee
    2. 3 through 25 tons - $60.00
    3. 26 through 100 tons - $100.00
    4. 101 through 250 tons - $130.00
    5. 251 through 500 tons - $210.00
    6. 501 through 750 tons - $290.00
    7. 751 through 1,000 tons - $350.00
    8. More than 1,000 tons - $400.00
  5. Special and shop inspections (per hour):
    1. Weekdays, plus expenses - $80.00
    2. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, plus expenses - $120.00
    3. ASME review and audit - $120.00
  6. Anhydrous ammonia storage plan review and external inspection - $700.00
  7. Anhydrous Ammonia Periodic Inspections Per Facility - $150.00
  8. Nurse tank NH3 inspection:
    1. 10 or fewer - $80.00
    2. 11 to 30 - $120.00
    3. 31 to 50 - $200.00
    4. More than 50 - $250.00
  9. Registration:
    1. The installing contractor of a new or secondhand boiler, pressure vessel, or mechanical refrigeration system shall register the installation with the department before the installation is placed into operation.
    2. Power piping: registration for any system exceeding 50 feet and over 2 inches NP size.
  1. Examinations for Certificate of Competency are held by the department on the first Wednesday in March, June, September, and December. An examination fee of $250.00 is required. Applications must be received 20 days prior to examination date.
  2. Certificates of Competency are renewed every four years for a fee of $120.00.
  3. Reciprocal Certificates of Competency are issued by the department for a fee of $120.00 for inspectors holding National Board Commissions. Examinations for Reciprocal Certificates of Competency are held the second Tuesday of each month.
  4. Welded repairs or alterations to boilers or pressure vessels shall be made in accordance with the National Board Inspection Code by a valid National Board “R” Stamp holder. All repairs and alterations including “routine repairs” shall be registered on the appropriate form with the National Board per SPS 341.62.
  5. An operator’s license is not required to operate a boiler or pressure vessel, except in some municipalities where licensing is mandated by local ordinance.
  6. Wisconsin Administrative Codes and specific chapter SPS 341 Boiler and pressure vessel laws are available at:
  7. Historical boiler requirements are provided in SPS-341, Subchapter IX.



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.


Department of Workforce Services
Workers’ Safety–OSHA
5221 Yellowstone Road
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Telephone — 307.777.7786
Fax — 307.777.3646                                      
Boiler Board: No.
  1. ASME Code (1971 Edition), Section VIII (Divisions 1, 2, 3) required for pressure vessels.
  2. Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements from the Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR 1910 (1910.106) and (1910.169).
  3. API-510 (1966 Edition).
  4. All air receivers shall be constructed in accordance with the 1971 edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
Where appropriate, the following ASME Code symbol stamps are required: U, U2, U3, UV.
Wyoming state government does not employ boiler or pressure vessel inspectors nor does it have general boiler or pressure vessel rules.




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every effort has been made to make this synopsis as accurate and complete as possible. However, jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules are subject to change without notice. As a result, the information contained herein is neither guaranteed nor warranted. User is advised to consult the jurisdiction’s chief inspector before reaching any decision that may have critical impact or significant financial consequences.



Government of Yukon
Building Safety and Standards (C-8)    
Box 2703                  
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Telephone — 867.667.5741                  
Email —
Fax — 867.393.6249
In person:
2251 B 2nd Avenue
Whitehorse, Yukon
The commissioner empowered to make regulations and prescribe forms under the ordinance.
Boiler Board: No.
Date of latest amendment to law: 2010.
Date rules and regulations implemented: 1949.
Date of latest rules and regulations: 2010.
Territory statute: Revised Statutes of Yukon 2002, Chapter 16, Boilers and Pressure Vessels Act; Statues of Yukon, Chapter 4.
  1. CSA: B51 (2003 Edition), B52 (2005 Edition), Z184 (1973 Edition), B139 (1976 Edition), B149 (1976 Edition).
  2. ASME Code (2004 Edition), Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (Divisions 1, 2), IX, X.
  3. ANSI/ASME B31.1 (2004 Edition), B31.3 (2004 Edition), B31.4 (1974 Edition), B31.5 (1974 Edition), B16.5 (1968 Edition), K61.1, Z106.1 (1974 Edition).
  4. Manufacturers must register with the department and submit designs and specifications for approval before installation.
  5. Special design or construction requires approval of the chief boiler inspector.
  6. Secondhand boilers or pressure vessels shall not be sold, exchanged or otherwise disposed of, except to manufacturers or dealers, until owner has received permission from the chief boiler inspector.
  7. Boilers or pressure vessels imported into the territory, previously used outside the territory, shall not be installed until approved by the chief boiler inspector.
  8. Foreign codes: any design which has not been approved and registered must be submitted to the chief inspector for approval and registration of the design.
  9. National Board Inspection Code (Current Edition, Current Addendum).
Before issuing a certificate of registration with respect to any boiler or pressure vessel, an inspector shall, unless the boiler or pressure vessel is to be used or operated outside the Yukon, ensure that the boiler or pressure vessel is stamped with a number to be known as the Yukon identification number.
Where appropriate, the following National Board stamps or ASME Code symbol stamps are required:
  1. National Board: R (accepted).
  2. ASME Code: all.
All boilers, pressure vessels, power plants, heating plants and pressure plants, except the following:
  1. A boiler having a boiler rating of 10 kilowatts or less in capacity which forms all or part of a power plant;
  2. A boiler having a boiler rating of 20 kilowatts or less in capacity, installed in a heating plant; 
  3. A boiler that is intended to be used in connection with a hot water heating system and that has no valves or other obstructions to prevent circulation between the boiler and an expansion tank which is fully vented to the atmosphere; 
  4. A pressure vessel of 152 millimetres or less in internal diameter; 
  5. A pressure vessel which is used for the storage of hot water and has an internal diameter of 610 millimetres or less; 
  6. A pressure vessel or pressure piping system operating at and with relief valves set at 103 kilopascals or less;
  7. A pressure vessel intended to be installed in a closed hot water heating system having a working pressure of 207 kilopascals or less and having an internal diameter of 610 millimetres or less; 
  8. Any pressure piping system and machinery and equipment ancillary thereto by which refrigerants are vapourized, compressed and liquified in the refrigerating cycle and that has a capacity of 10.5 kilowatts or less; or 
  9. The inspection and registration of an air receiver, air/oil receiver, cushion tank, hydropneumatic tank, hydropneumatic or pneumatic valve operating cylinder, and its pressure piping system, not exceeding 0.15 cubic metres in capacity and 1725 kilopascals design pressure. 
  1. High-pressure boilers: one annual internal and external inspection.
  2. Low-pressure boilers: one biennial internal inspection.
Inspections made by inspectors employed by insurance companies are not accepted in lieu of inspections made by a department inspector.
Certificate of Inspection is issued by the inspector.
Territorial inspection fees vary according to boiler horsepower and cubic volume of pressure vessels.
Operators of boilers and pressure vessels are required to be licensed.