The National Board Celebrates 100 years: 1919-2019

Congratulations on the centennial celebration promoting public safety through the many successful programs. With pressure equipment legislation since the late 1800s, we are proud to have been a member of the National Board and wish this distinguished organization continued success.

—  Mike Poehlmann, Member and Ken Lau, Immediate Past Member, ABSA and Province of Alberta

A centennial celebration to an organization that provides a bedrock foundation for the public's safety. Outstanding!

—  Thomas White, NRG Energy

CONGRATULATIONS for reaching the century mark of saving lives and may the organization have many more to come.

—  Cirilo Reyes, LADBS

Bravo, NB! Here's to another 100 years!

—  Daniel Opheim, d opheim org

I want to Thank and Congratulate the National Board for 100 years of great service. "Job Well Done"

—  Nathaniel Smith, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Congratulations to this wonderful organization and learning institution on the 100th anniversary. I am indeed honored to be a member of the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.

—  William B. Anderson, State of Mississippi

I was a student who took the AI and Commissioning course in 2007 and AIS in 2013, thanks for your support during that time and thanks for the education you give to people the whole world over and congratulations for the 100-year anniversary coming this year in 2019.

—  Pramote Peerapattana, ABSG Consulting Inc

In memory of my friend and past Assistant Executive Director-Technical, George Bynog “George established a standard of professionalism and resolve that will be his legacy for years to come. We not only miss his counsel, we miss his dry sense of humor and a grin as wide as Texas.”

—  Phil Martin, United Association

Happy 100 year Anniversary to the National Board and all team members.

—  Nidamarthi Saikiran, OneCIS Insurance Company

Congratulations to the National Board for 100 years of service promoting safety across the boiler and pressure vessel community.

—  Tom Vandini, Quality Steel Corporation

This was a hard way to establish safety in the early years. The task is now, to keep the system running for the future. There will be always people who say, "Your safety concerns are too expensive for me." Mostly, these people are those, who run at first when a balloon at a child's party bursts.

—  Steffen Feist, TÜV Nord Germany

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to the National Board on 100 years of being the leader in the Boiler and Pressure Vessel industry safety. Proud to have been the member representing Colorado from 2008 to 2018, after 29 years with HSB.

—  Steve Nelson - retired, HSB / State of Colorado

Kudos to the organization working towards public safety. Congratulations!! to The National Board for 100 years of service promoting safety across the boiler and pressure vessel industry.

—  Raju Cunkari, NiRaj Consulting Services Inc.

From Arizona, best wishes to the National Board in its centennial paramount achievement of promoting safety, uniformity, and adherence to rules and regulations governing boilers and pressure vessels.

—  Fahez Nadi, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspections - Arizona LLC

Congratulations to the National Board for its 100 years of commitment to safety.

—  Alejandro Dominguez, National Institute of Industrial Technology, Argentina

Congratulations on the important goal achieved. Surely, in the years to come, you will be valuable support for the fundamental training activity of all the inspectors and supervisors, as you have been in your first hundred years of activity. Many thanks!

—  Alfredo Silvestri, ICIM SPA

Congratulations to the National Board for 100 years of dedication! Best wishes for the future!

—  Jin Bo, China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute

Congratulations National Board for keeping the boilermakers safe and sharing the spirit around the world! Proud to serve in the NB Meetings.

—  Roberto B Garcia, RIMMSA Power Services

Congratulations to all, past and current staff, members and officers of a Great Organization. 100 years of putting SAFETY first. I am honored to be associated with such an organization. Here's to the next 100, may the National Board continue to flourish.

—  Rick Sturm, State of Utah/ Member

Congratulations to all the National Board members and staff past and present who have made and continue to make the National Board the outstanding orginization it is. Cheers to the next hundred years.

—  Charlie Perry, Dillon Boiler Services Co Inc

What a truly great accomplishment to have been serving and protecting humankind for 100 years! Congratulations to all who have helped make the National Board what it is. Here's wishing the best for the organization as it celebrates its first 100 years and as it prepares for the centuries to come.

—  Christopher Cantrell, State of Nebraska

Having worked with the National Board over the last 30 years, I would like to extend my congratulations to an organization deeply committed to ensuring safety through codes and training over the last 100 years. Keep up the good work and continue on for the next 100 years!

—  George W Galanes, DTS Inc.

Happy Birthday to the National Board on this momentous occasion! This is a truly remarkable achievement and it is an honor to be associated with such a group of dedicated professionals who have kept our industry and our citizens safe and productive for 100 years. Congratulations!

—  Dr. Kenneth A. Pisciotto , Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company

Congratulations on 100 years as the leading boiler and pressure vessel installation, inspection and repair/alteration authority. The commitment of all members, staff and affiliates, past and present, is evident in this milestone. I am proud to be a member. Thank you and Godspeed in the future.

—  David Sandfoss, State of Nevada

Thanks to the National Board for these 100 years doing an important job in the industrial development of our nations.

—  Luis Reina , Colombia

It is a great privilege to be associated with this honourable organization. Thank you and congratulations to all the dedicated National Board staff both past and present for their unwavering diligence and professionalism over the past 100 years.

—  Eben Creaser, Chief Boiler Inspector, Province of New Brunswick

For a century, NB has been the standard bearer in professional education for the ASME AI. I am honored to celebrate this remarkable anniversary, and I applaud the ways in which NB has been prepared and training to the AI. Congratulations on 100 years of history-making. Here’s to the next 100 and beyond.

—  Danfer De la Cruz, Lloyd's Register Verification Lmtd

I was fortunate to attend the 88th General Meeting of the National Board in Salt Lake City. It was a true celebration of what created this organization 100 years ago. The vision of our founder C.O. Myers will forever be memorialized in the C.O Myers Safety Medal. One Code, One Inspector, One Stamp!

—  Don Cook, State of California

Congratulations for this special Anniversary, 100 Years of hard work to keep safety of the public uncompromised, and many many 100`s of years of bright future to come.

—  Ahmad Alsawalha, ADNOC Gas Processing

Congratulations to the National Board. It's been an amazing story of one man's, C.O. Myers, determination, focus, and hard work that the National Board has evolved into a world leader in all facets of the boiler/pressure vessel safety.

—  Tony Oda, State of Washington

Thank you to the past and current National Board members and staff for creating a solid foundation for us to continue to build on for the next 100 years.

—  Joel Amato, State of Minnesota

As a former member of the National Board with two jurisdictions for more than fifteen years, I stand proud to support and uphold the traditions and commitment of the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors on this auspicious occasion.

—  Randall D. Austin, Los Alamos National Laboratory