Winter 2020 BULLETIN

In the Winter BULLETIN

New Executive Director Joel Amato on His Vision for 2020

The winter 2020 BULLETIN cover story features new National Board Executive Director Joel Amato and his vision for the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors in 2020 and beyond.

Amato was named the National Board’s eighth executive director in December. 

In his first message for the BULLETIN as executive director, Amato shares his journey and how he hopes to serve the National Board and its members.

Following is an excerpt:

“They say “hindsight is 20/20,” and I concur. Looking back on past experiences, successes, and trials provides present-day perspective and guidance for the future. The National Board has endured for 100 years and its history has been well documented. Think of all the changes it has successfully navigated over a century – changes in pressure technology, nuclear emergence, innovation in training, and the expansion of codes and standards, to name a few. Experience is our best teacher, and the wisdom we gain from hindsight will certainly inform our future.

But “20/20” vision also denotes having clarity of vision and foresight into the world of tomorrow. It means forward-thinking; preparing for what we want to happen and where we’d like to go. I am looking ahead, and let me say that I am very optimistic about the future of the organization.”

Other articles include Short Circuits and Shortcuts by columnist James. R. Chiles; Changes in Pressure Relief Valve Sealing Practices by Joseph Ball, director of the Pressure Relief Department; Re-Stamping and/or Nameplate Replacement by senior staff engineer Terrence Hellman; Inservice Inspection of Boiler Pressure Gages by senior staff engineer Timothy Gardner; information on the upcoming 89th General Meeting and more.

The winter issue is currently mailing out. Subscriptions to the BULLETIN are free. Click here for more information about the BULLETIN including how to subscribe and how to view the BULLETIN online.