July 2020 Meeting Updates
UPDATED 6/5/20 — Newest updates appear in red.
The National Board is moving forward with plans to host the July 13-16, 2020, NBIC meetings in Louisville, Kentucky. The NBBI is monitoring Kentucky’s reopening process and is communicating with the host hotel. Any changes to the meeting will be updated on the NBBI website and committee members will be notified via email.
Click here for meeting schedule, hotel reservations, and general information.
- According to the state of Kentucky, on May 22, restaurants opened at 33% capacity + outdoors seating, and the state’s travel ban was lifted.
- On June 29, groups of 50 people or fewer will be able to congregate, and bars will be open.
- All entities reopening must meet certain Minimum Requirements in addition to industry specific guidance. For more information on the state’s reopening, visit this link.
Special Limitations and Considerations
Due to social distancing protocols, only NBIC committee members and those who are assigned to Task Groups associated with a specific committee meeting will be permitted to physically attend the meetings in an effort to limit the number of people in a meeting room. Visitors will not be permitted to physically attend any NBIC meeting at The Brown Hotel. Visitors can still participate remotely through WebX conferencing. Click here for details.
The National Board will work with The Brown Hotel to ensure proper social distancing and sanitation is met within each meeting room. More information from The Brown Hotel is provided below. You can access the hotel’s statements on COVID-19 here and here.
Please be advised that room reservation cancellations will be accepted without penalty if notice is received at least 48 hours prior to arrival. If arriving to Louisville by flight, please check with your carrier regarding credits or refunds for canceled flights.
Final 2021 NBIC Cycle
Reminder: The July meeting is the final cycle for the 2021 NBIC. The National Board realizes that some committee members may still be under state or company-wide travel restrictions in July and may not be able to attend the meetings in person. To ensure committees have the required quorum to complete all business items for the 2021 cycle, committee members who cannot attend in person are asked to make arrangements to participate remotely through WebX conferencing. Click here for details.
Preventative Actions
The National Board asks that attendees of the July NBIC Committee Meetings adhere to the following guidelines:
- In compliance with National Board’s COVID-19 Mitigation Policy, NBIC meeting attendees will be expected to wear facemasks during meetings. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided to you by the National Board, as available.
- Attendees are asked to self-monitor their health before arriving to NBIC meeting rooms each day (e.g. temperature taking, etc.) and report any symptoms to an NBIC secretary or chairman.
- Avoid unnecessary contact with other attendees and their computers, phones, paperwork, or other equipment/supplies.
- Do not attend the NBIC meeting if you do not feel well or have been around someone who does not feel well.
- Attendees who would be considered at greater risk (older adults and persons with severe pre-existing health conditions) should not attend the meeting.
- Maintain the 6-foot social distancing protocol as much as is possible.
- Do not engage in handshaking, hugging, or “high-fiving.”
- Practice commonsense hygiene: frequently wash your hands; do not touch your face; cover your cough or sneeze; wear a face mask when appropriate; wipe down tables, etc.
The Brown Hotel COVID-19 Policies and Procedures
Please review the following information provided by The Brown Hotel to the National Board regarding its COVID-19 procedures for guests and staff (as of May 1, 2020).
Information regarding COVID-19 is constantly changing; as are local, state, and federal recommendations and mandates which affect travel, accommodations, restaurants, and other outlets NBIC meeting attendees rely upon.
Attendees are advised to monitor The Brown Hotel’s website; as well as local, state, and federal sources for new updates and announcements regarding COVID-19 policies and how those updates might impact meeting attendance.
Statement from The Brown Hotel: It is highly probable that the Governor of Kentucky will mandate that no guests can enter the hotel if they have a fever of 100.4° or above. Hotel staff will be taking each guest’s temperature prior to allowing them into the hotel.
Below are additional COVID-19 procedures:
- The Brown Hotel is in constant communication with its staff to reinforce sanitization safety procedures in both guest-facing and back-of-house areas. We are sanitizing high-traffic public areas at an increased frequency.
- In the guest rooms our hotel uses stringent cleaning and disinfecting protocols to clean rooms after guests depart and before the next guest arrives, with particular attention paid to high-touch items. We have extra disinfection for light switches, door handles, TV remotes, and thermostats.
- In our public spaces we have increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting, with a focus on the counter at the front desk, elevators (and elevator buttons), door handles, public bathrooms, our airport shuttle, and even room keys. We are cleaning elevators and buttons every 2 hours; and room keys after each guest use.
- In the back of house, all departments have implemented sanitizing procedures to take place every 2 hours during the employee's shift. In the areas where associates work behind the scenes, we have increased the frequency of cleaning and focusing on high-touch areas like our employee entrance, locker room, laundry rooms, and staff offices. Employees are thoroughly washing hands before and after eating and before returning to a work area.
- Our guests will see more hand sanitizers, more signs about social distancing, and a limit of 3 guests per elevator.
- All hotel employees are prohibited from reporting to work with a respiratory illness that can be transmitted to others.
- The hotel will be establishing new protocols based on local and state laws, such as requiring all staff to wear face coverings and temperature checking of staff upon arrival with no one allowed in with a temperature over 100.4° degrees. Arriving guests will be asked to use a hand sanitizer provided by the hotel. We will be adding partitions at the front desk and in food service areas.