Remote Delivery of Training and Exams
For students who attended an endorsement training course during the last year, on-demand delivery of examinations is now available. The National Board has partnered with Prometric to administer endorsement exams, which are now available globally. Four endorsement exams are currently available via Prometric: Authorized Inspector Supervisor (B) exam, Authorized Nuclear Inspector (N) exam, Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor (NS) exam, and Repair Inspector (R) exam.
Examinations for the C, I, and O endorsements, along with the Authorized Inspector (AI) and Inservice Inspector (IS) commission exams, will be available via Prometric in early 2022.
NOTE: to register to take an exam at Prometric, students must complete the Exam Registration Form located under the Business Center’s Education Center.
Students needing to sit for the AI or IS commission exams may still do so through PSI/AMP.
Although training classes have returned to in-person delivery, remote delivery options will be available for a few courses. The 2022 training calendar will be released next month.
For questions regarding training exams, contact the Training Department at 614.888.8320 ext. 320 or training@NBBI.org.