National Board Expands Equipment Search
The National Board is seeking companies interested in donating equipment for educational use in the Inspection Training Center (ITC). This equipment is used to enhance the training experience of pressure equipment professionals from around the world who attend National Board training courses and seminars.
Among the items being sought:
1) ASME Section IV coil-type hot water boiler
2) ASME Section IV cast aluminum monoblock boiler
3) ASME Section IV copper fin watertube boiler
4) ASME Section I electrode-type electric boiler
5) ASME Section I immersion resistance element electric boiler
6) Vertical firetube boiler
7) Bladder-type expansion tank
8) Pressure vessel with non-circular cross section
9) Shell and tube heat exchanger with removable tube bundle
10) Autoclave with a wedge/ring door closure
While the not-for-profit National Board does not purchase used equipment for training, it does make all necessary financial arrangements to transport the items to the Inspection Training Center. Donated items are affixed with a plate acknowledging the donor.
Contributions or gifts to the National Board are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.