National Board Taking Pre-Orders
The National Board is currently taking pre-orders via telephone for the new 2011 Edition of the National Board Inspection Code (NBIC), which will be available next month. To pre-order, call the National Board Order Department at 614.888.2463.
The 2011 Edition consists of three parts: Part One, Installation; Part Two, Inspection; and Part Three, Repairs and Alterations. Pricing for the 2011 Edition is as follows:
$265 for the hardcopy edition (includes the entire 3-book set)
$265 for the single-user flash drive module (includes the entire 3-book set)
$95 for Part 1, Installation (hardcopy only)
$120 each for Part 2, Inspection; and Part 3, Repairs and Alterations (hardcopies only)
(Note: the CD-ROM version is no longer available.)
Postage and handling are additional. VISA, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted. A discount is available on quantity orders. Email the National Board at orders@nationalboard.org for more information.
The NBIC is an American National Standard (ANSI) and provides rules and guidelines for the installation, inspection, repair, and alteration of boilers, pressure vessels, and pressure relief devices. It is required in most US jurisdictions, and all National Board stamp holders are required to maintain a complete set.
Click here to read an interview with NBIC Committee Chairman Terry Parks as featured in the new summer 2011 BULLETIN.