‘Scary Photos’ Contest

Failed Heat Exchanger on a Package Boiler Deemed ‘Scariest’

In the fall 2023 edition of the BULLETIN, we introduced "Scary Photos," a new feature showcasing the hazards National Board Commissioned Inspectors encounter during routine inspections. These photos serve as a stark reminder of what to watch for in the field, highlighting the critical role of vigilant inspections in ensuring safety.

To wrap up our first year, we held a vote on the “scariest” photo submitted from the fall 2023, spring 2024, and summer 2024 editions. The inspector behind the winning submission received a $100 gift card. While the contributors remain anonymous to protect privacy, we’re excited to share the winning photo.

This was a package boiler at a paper mill that had a failed heat exchanger, allowing contaminated water to be introduced into the condensate return tank. Over a period of six-to-nine months, approximately a third of the tubes became clogged and had to be bored out and hydro-blasted. The boiler generated superheated steam. It was for process and turbines normally operated at 450 psi. A lack of corrective action led to this condition. After the cleaning process, some tubes blistered due to overheating. This is why internal inspections are so important!

Do you have a “Scary Photo” to share? Submit a high-resolution image (at least 300 dpi) and a brief description of the issue and the corrective actions taken. Please ensure submissions do not include identifiable details about specific people or locations.

Send your photo and description to Lee Cochran, senior editor, at

Our next vote will be following the fall 2025 edition.

Your contributions help shine a light on the challenges faced in the field and remind us all of the importance of safety and diligence.