National Board and PVMA Announce Election Results
National Board Election Results
National Board members cast their votes at the 82nd General Meeting in Miami, Florida, on Tuesday, May 14, and re-elected two members to the Board of Trustees.
Terms were up for Minnesota member Joel Amato, first vice chairman, and Maine member John Burpee, member at large.
Both members were re-elected and will serve another three-year term on the Board of Trustees.
PVMA Election Results
The Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Association (PVMA) re-elected Michael Pischke (director of quality and process improvement, Alstom Power Inc.) as president; Rick Fryda (president/CEO, Compco Industries) as vice president; and Bill Kahl (general manager, Steel Fab) as secretary-treasurer.
In addition, Greg McRae (director, Trinity Containers, LLC.) and David Ryshavy (engineering manager, Penway, Inc.) were re-elected to PVMA’s Board of Directors
PVMA’s Fall Business Meeting is slated for September 9th and 10th at the campus of The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors in Columbus, Ohio.
PVMA is a voluntary, non-profit organization of North American companies representing manufacturers of pressure vessels made in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 and Division 2, and suppliers of materials and services to the pressure vessel fabricating industry. Visit www.pvma.org for more information.