New! Nuclear N/NS Continuing Education Online Courses Now Available
Two new online continuing education courses have been added to the National Board training program. Fracture Toughness Requirements for Material and Quality Assurance Records Monitoring and Auditing Activities meet the continuing education requirements defined in NB-263, Rules for Commissioned Inspectors. Both classes must be completed to satisfy nuclear N, NS continuing education qualifications.
Fracture Toughness Requirements for Materials provides knowledge to the authorized nuclear inspector in the area of fracture toughness testing requirements of ASME Section III, Div. 1, Subsection NB.
Quality Assurance Records Monitoring and Auditing Activities provides knowledge to the authorized nuclear inspector (ANI) and supervisor (ANIS) in the area of quality assurance records. Included are real-world examples which may be used by the ANI or ANIS when performing monitoring or auditing duties as they relate to the certificate holder's QA records section of their QA program.
For more information about the nuclear N, NS continuing education courses and other online training offerings, click here.