Getting to Know New National Board Chairman Joel Amato
This year at the 86th General Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, National Board members unanimously elected Minnesota Chief Boiler Inspector Joel Amato as the organization’s 38th chairman of the board. In this interview, Mr. Amato shares his perspective on issues impacting the National Board and the pressure equipment industry. Here is one excerpt from the interview:
BULLETIN: Are there any changes you would like to see personally?
Mr. Amato: What has always concerned me over the years has been the level of support our members receive from their management. We have seen excellent cooperation in a number of jurisdictions, but remember: National Board success is predicated on all jurisdictions operating in harmony. Generally speaking, proactive involvement in committee work and National Board activities are pretty much limited to the same jurisdictions every year. And yet, we have a much wider group of knowledgeable and experienced members who cannot get their management’s permission to be more actively involved. That is something I hope we can change.
The full interview is featured in the fall issue, which is now mailing out. For a free subscription to the BULLETIN, click here.