RCI-1, 2019 Edition

RCI-1, Rules for Commissioned Inspectors
New 2019 Edition Now Available


The 2019 edition of the National Board document NB-263, RCI-1, Rules for Commissioned Inspectors, is now available and can be accessed for free on the National Board website.

The effective date of the new rule changes is January 1, 2019. The new rule changes will become mandatory on July 1, 2019.

RCI-1 is the standard for National Board commissioned inspectors. The National Board offers two separate Inspector commissions: the National Board Inservice Commission (IS) and the National Board Authorized Inspector Commission (AI).

The National Board Inservice Commission is issued to individuals who have been qualified to perform inspections related to installation and inservice, that is, the jurisdictionally required periodic inspections of boilers and pressure vessels that are in operation. In this standard, the holder of a National Board Inservice Commission is referred to as an Inspector.

The National Board Authorized Inspector Commission is issued to individuals who have been qualified to perform inspections of boilers and pressure vessels as required by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME BPV Code). In this standard, the holder of a National Board Authorized Inspector Commission is referred to as an Authorized Inspector.

For more information on RCI-1, click here.