National Board Seeks Equipment for Inspection Training Center (ITC)
In an effort to continuously improve the training experience of pressure equipment professionals from around the world, the National Board is seeking companies interested in donating equipment for educational use in the organization’s Inspection Training Center (ITC).
“At present, our ITC inspection room contains equipment, both large and small, provided to us by a variety of companies across North America and we are very grateful for their contributions,” explains National Board Senior Staff Engineer John Hoh. “While this is a very comprehensive collection of equipment, we are still in need of items to provide the broadest range of hands-on experience to our students. In a perfect situation, we would like to have at least one example of everything related to the boiler and pressure vessel industry. However, reality and the physical space we have available dictate that we be selective when searching for training aids.”
Among the items presently being sought are a shell and tube heat exchanger with a removable tube bundle, and an autoclave with a wedge/ring door closure. The heat exchanger could be up to 36 inches in diameter and up to 8 feet in length, and the autoclave could be up to 48 inches in diameter and up to 8 feet in length.
While the not-for-profit National Board does not purchase used equipment for training, it does make all necessary financial arrangements to transport the items to the Inspection Training Center in Columbus, Ohio. Donated items are affixed with a plate acknowledging the donor.
Contributions or gifts to the National Board are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.