Coming in the Fall BULLETIN
The fall 2021 BULLETIN cover story explores a new mobile application for inspectors.
Following is an excerpt:
The National Board has launched the JRS Remaining Life Calculator mobile application to assist inspectors working in the field to calculate a vessel’s remaining life, pressure allowed, and minimum thickness.
Developed in conjunction with The Ohio State University Capstone Team, the app is a free resource that works with iPhones, Androids, and tablet mobile devices. The app is designed to assist in making code calculations according to the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1. The calculations used in the app are based on those found in code Part UG-32 and may not apply to all vessels, including irregular vessels and those that could exceed the parameters allowed by the code for the use of the standard formulas.
Other articles in this issue include: “How to Comply With ASME Section I Visual Exam Requirements During Fabrication,” by Manager of Technical Services, Luis Ponce; “Just Letting Us Know – Pressure Relief Devices That Communicate,” by Pressure Relief Department Director Joseph Ball; “Weld Buildups and Additive Manufacturing,” by National Board Advisory Committee member Teresa Melfi; a Q&A with Walt Sperko, of Sperko Engineering; the fiscal year 2021 Registration Report, and more.
The fall issue is coming to your mailbox soon. Subscriptions to the BULLETIN are free. Click HERE for more information about the BULLETIN, including how to subscribe and read it online.