New Training Course: Pressure Piping Design Introduction

New Training Course: Pressure Piping Design Introduction
Pressure Piping Design Introduction is the latest online course added to the list of continuing education options for the Authorized Inspector/Supervisor seeking credential renewal. This training is designed to provide an understanding of the relationship between ASME Section I (Power Boilers) and ASME B31.1 (Power Piping) as it relates to basic design and construction of power and process piping systems. It begins with a review of Code relationships, responsibilities, and details on Boiler External Piping (BEP). Additionally, it explains design elements affecting pressure piping systems such as pressure, temperature, dynamic and static loads and their effects, and the limits on calculated stresses.
To read more and to register, visit NBBI’s online training catalog. This course is located under the BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL tab and then BPV ASME CONSTRUCTION.