NBIC July 2011 Meeting Summary
The National Board Inspection Code (NBIC) committees met July 18-21 in Columbus, Ohio, at the National Board Training and Conference Center. Subgroups and subcommittees met Monday through Wednesday. The NBIC Executive Committee met on Monday, and the Main Committee met on Thursday.
A summary of the significant activities, by committee, is listed below:
NBIC Executive Committee reports administrative accreditation requirements will be removed from NBIC, Part 3, and placed in a separate National Board procedure. Additionally, the Executive Committee continues to consider developing an international version of NBIC, Part 3, to be used globally.
Subcommittee on Installation is reviewing an additional supplement addressing installation of high-pressure composite pressure vessels. This would become Part 1, Supplement 3, Installation.
The Subcommittee on Inspection is working on adding new reference codes and standards to the current list in Part 2, Inspection. They are also developing a checklist for inspection requirements for pressure vessels for human occupancy.
Subcommittee on Repairs and Alterations approved several interpretation requests including: weld buildup on wasted areas being regarded as a routine repair, and the necessity of a Certificate of Compliance from the fabricator for welding of replacement parts to an existing pressure relief device by someone other than the installer. All of the approved interpretations will be posted to the National Board Web site.
Subcommittee on Pressure Relief Devices is developing Part 4 of the NBIC to address pressure relief device issues including repair, testing, and inspection of these devices. The Subcommittee presented a draft for information purposes and hopes to have this new Part ready for inclusion in the 2013 Edition of the NBIC.
The next meeting will be held January 16-19, 2012, in San Diego, California.
Complete information from the July meetings is available here.