Didn’t Receive the Latest Issue of the BULLETIN?
It’s Time to Renew Your Subscription
The BULLETIN mailing list is being updated this year and readers are asked to renew their subscriptions in order to remain on the mailing list. Providing up-to-the-moment information keeps the distribution list current and ensures subscribers will continue receiving the BULLETIN free and without interruption. Those who do not renew subscription will be removed from the mailing list.
Renewing online is fast and easy:
2. Check “Renewal”
3. Complete the online form
4. Click “Send” to finish the transaction
Subscribers only need to renew once. Those who have already sent in the renewal form inserted in the winter 2012 or current summer 2012 issue, or who have already renewed online, DO NOT need to renew again.
The BULLETIN is the technical journal of The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. It is published triannually and covers issues related to the pressure equipment industry. Articles are written by National Board staff and guest columnists. Topics include: case histories; inspection, repair, and alteration; jurisdiction laws and regulation amendments; violation tracking data; training updates; pressure relief reports; NBIC and ASME code-related issues; annual General Meeting information; and the latest membership news. Subscription is free. For more information, click here.