An Interview with BLOWBACK Author Paul Brennan
BLOWBACK is the new book from the National Board written by the organization’s Public Affairs Director Paul Brennan. In this issue the BULLETIN interviews Mr. Brennan about how the collection came together its unusual approach to communicating the message of pressure equipment safety.
Here is an excerpt from the interview:
Mr. Brennan: Simply stated: in the civilized world, pressure equipment touches the lives of everyone, every day. That’s why it is important to understand the potential seriousness of what pressure-retaining items can do. BLOWBACK recounts a number of sobering examples to underscore that message.
Mr. Brennan: Actually, there were two basic objectives. To command the attention of those who would never even consider the dangers of pressure equipment, and to effectively communicate those dangers to the reader. When the National Board launched its effort to pass a South Carolina boiler law in 2003, we discovered there were no materials or tools to communicate boiler safety with the general citizenry or legislature. Absolutely nothing! So we created a special issue of the BULLETIN and launched a website with the purpose of getting facts out to everyone who might benefit from a new state law. Simply writing letters and calling state legislators are pretty limited in terms of effectively communicating messages of safety, particularly when there is no public clamor for legislative action. An organization cannot communicate unless it has the attention of the intended audience. Once accomplished, the message has to be such that it engages that audience. We think BLOWBACK will do just that.
The summer BULLETIN will arrive in mid-June. To learn more about BLOWBACK and to order a copy, click here. To start receiving a free subscription to the BULLETIN, click here.