About the National Board’s Online
"Application for Authorization to Register” Form and EDT System
The National Board now offers an online “Application for Authorization to Register” form for manufacturers who hold a valid American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Certificate of Authorization and who want to register their items with the National Board. This online form is located at www.nationalboard.org under the “Data Report Registration” tab.
How to Apply
In order to access the online “Application for Authorization to Register” form, applicants must have a National Board website account.
If you do not have an existing account, you can create a new account by clicking “Create Account” in the top right corner of the website. (Please note that the National Board does not create accounts on behalf of companies or individuals.)
After you fill out the short form and click the “Create User” button, an account will automatically be generated for you, which you can use immediately. Please keep in mind that online training accounts are separate from these accounts and cannot be used to fill out the application.
Once you have a valid account, you can then fill out the application. Please make sure to fill out all the required fields on the form (marked with a red asterisk), or you will not be able to complete and send the application.
When you have completed the application, you will receive a confirmation message via email to signify you have successfully submitted your application.
About the Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) System
If you become authorized to register with the National Board, you can use the National Board’s Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) system to register your data reports online.
If you are interested in EDT, contact Donna Radcliff at 614.431.3219 or dradcliff@nationalboard.org to establish an EDT account. The EDT website and account are separate from the National Board website and its accounts. Applicants cannot create an EDT account through the National Board website.
For more information about EDT, go to www.nationalboard.org and click the “Data Report Registration” tab or click here.